
Difference between Political Correctness? Common Sense?

Questions from America:
Would someone please provide a definition or explanation of what “Common Sense” is?
Would someone please provide a definition or explanation of what “Political Correct” is?

Scholar definition of Common Sense:
Sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts;
Sound judgment not based on specialized knowledge; native good judgment.

Common daily application of common sense in our lives:
Picture a major four way signal intersection with traffic cameras on all four signal light poles for violators. It is the afternoon rush hour time of the day; 5:10 pm. Now introduce an ambulance screaming towards the intersection from the west into the five lane east bound avenue lanes. Fortunately the east bound lanes have a green light yielding to its traffic during the ambulance approach. All five lanes in each direction are at least fifteen vehicles deep. What would be the common sense approach for the north bound lanes, south bound lanes, west bound lanes and east bound lanes reaction to the ambulance?

Answer: The green light which yielded to the direction flow of the ambulance basically allows an easy decision for the vehicles in the lane of the approaching ambulance to move forwarded. As the line flows forward with a mutual agreement by all the vehicles in the intersection the ambulance expedites through the traffic from the rear of the lane. The end result is the lane dispersing for the ambulance to approach and cross through the intersection onward to its emergency call.

Definition extracted: Common Sense is yielding to the right of way in decision making.

Scholar definition of Political Correctness:
Political Correctness is considered a variety of random ideas and causes with no particular unifying features other than the fact that they are “liberal” and “new.” Political correctness is a pejorative term used to describe ideas, words, policies and behavior that are considered offensive and inappropriate by the liberal cultural ethics who dominate the education institutions, the media establishments, entertainment and pop culture groups.

Common daily application of political correctness in our lives:
Picture a major four way signal intersection with traffic cameras on all four signal light poles for violators. It is the morning rush hour time of the day; 8:30 am. Now introduce a fire truck roaring towards the intersection from the south into the five lane north bound avenue lanes. Unfortunately there is a red light halting the north bound lane in which the fire engine is in. All five lanes in each direction of the intersection are at least fifteen vehicles deep. What would be the common sense approach for the west bound lanes, east bound lanes, south bound lanes and north bound lanes reaction to the fire truck?

Answer: The red light halting the north directional flow of traffic should not hinder the vehicles from moving forward for the fire truck. Obviously the vehicles should react with caution and expeditiously clear the way for the fire truck. But according to political correctness the vehicles persist in maintaining a motionless position. The fire truck is approaching with sirens blasting louder and louder but has no affect on the traffic. Another addition to the political correctness of the intersection is three bicyclist demanding their freedom and right to have the ability to maneuver through the intersection. By the bicyclist crossing in front of the lane that the fire truck is forwarding in causes vehicles to yield to them instead of the fire truck. The result of the dynamic political correct situation is that a family’s house is burning down with family members in it; all due to the confusion of political correctness increasing lost time for the fire truck. The vehicles that did not respond and react properly to the fire truck undoubtedly are holding to their own political correct stand point of not moving in order to not cause an accident. Political correctness at its best.

The Real Answer: The drivers of the vehicles should have run over the three bicyclists and allowed the fire truck to expedite to the fire location. It may seem cruel to consider running over the bicyclist but greater priority is at issue here. The fire truck can return to the intersection and pick up the three bicyclists who were run over and drop them off at the hospital while in route back to the fire station. Of course this type of action would be considered politically INcorrect.

Definition extracted: Political Correctness is voiding the right of way to yield basic comprehension.

Lesson to be learned

The difference between “common sense” and political correctness?

Common Sense is derived from prioritized foundational morals, values and truth.

Political Correctness is derived from political posturing that has no foundation of morals, values or truth.

The true difference between “Common Sense” and political correctness is that one has morals, values and truth guiding it; the other is based on utilizing liberty and rights to demand an outcome.

The result of a society choosing political correctness over “common sense” virtually allows the destruction of any reasonable approach to set up core values for a nation. In return the nation is governed by oscillating political beliefs.

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