
SHAME ON THE NAVY [New Political Correct Navy]

Image result for Bill Cosby picturesSHAME ON THE NAVY
The U.S. Navy has announced revoking an honorary title given to Bill Cosby “CHIEF PETTY OFFICER” due to sexual abuse allegations by low moral women of the entertainment society.

Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Adm. Jonathan Greenert conducts a press conference in which he explained parts of the Navy's new sexual assault policies on July 19, 2013. US Navy Photo                                   
DOUBLE SHAME ON THE NAVY for being co-conspirators against Bill Cosby.   America has lost all respect for itself and without doubt holds disrespect for its pioneers of the past including the founding fathers and mothers of this nation. What this liberal anti-Christ society fails to comprehend is no one is perfect, not even them.  Also it’s a guarantee that every mean spirited liberal who points a finger of judgment at others who share not their partisan political theory and lifestyle dare to create an open witch hunt on those who don’t believe what they believe.  These political correct domesticated anthropological regressed egotistical liberal species flaunt their super infatuated inflated flawed psychological premises upon individuals, companies, groups and various entities at will to capitalize on fame and riches.  In ancient times this type of social partisanship is called witch hunting.  Of course these modern day witch hunters [anthropological regressed egotistical liberal species] are the culprits of evil in this country.

This brings us to the formation of today which involves U.S. Navy, AirForce and Army becoming culprits and adjoining menaces supporting the new morality of America today.  The military of America has succumbed and proven to be subjected to the will of lower values sponsored by debased moral individuals ruling this nation.  The concluding evidence is clearly depicted by America’s current leaders which constitutes sissies, punks and lesbians which run this country.  By default today America’s military must conform to the transition forwarded by current White House liberal leadership. The transition derives from lower moral standards and double value standards.   

Forgiving the trespasses of another upon you are no longer an acceptable social value in America.  There use to be a code of honor of forgiveness towards our fellow Americans, but that has been erased and replaced with vengeful hearts and minds.  Now cowardly witch hunters seek to destroy those who don't fit the liberal utopian ideology. Everyone is subject to being guilty before being innocent in today's American sissy run socialist society. 

Bill Cosby is a current target of the expedient political correctness court, but this is not the first time the political correctness court has tried to destroy good Americans.  As scripture places value on liberal values “he who is without sin cast the first stone!”  But scripture does not apply to this modern anti-Christ American society, because liberals and homosexuals can throw boulders and bricks at anyone they don’t like and get away with it.  Today Bill Cosby is getting slammed with asteroids in his face along with a guilty verdict before any legal court trial is initiated.  All of this is sponsored by the political correct domesticated anthropological regressed egotistical liberal species and the U.S. Navy.  

Oh how quickly liberal America forgets their sins. 
Remember the The Duke Lacrosse Scandal?Image result for duke lacrosse scandal pictures

In one of the most famous rape cases to ever make national headlines, Crystal Magnum, an African-American exotic dancer, accused Reade Seligmann, Collin Finnerty, and David Evans of gang-raping and beating her during a party. The entire country was quickly convinced of their guilt through liberal witch hunters.  But the witch hunters after the Duke Lacrosse young men ended up with dung in their face.  

It was 13 months after the incident happen all charges were dropped. No DNA material matched any of the three men were found on Magnum’s clothes or her body.  The three men have since settled with Duke for what is rumored to be $20 million each, and Vanity Fair estimates that the entire case, including the legal fees, settlements for the falsely accused players, and other public-relations related issues, cost the university $100 million.  

Fast Forward to Today

So, twenty or thirty years later women come forward with allegations that Bill Cosby raped them.  I would like to see the DNA results for this case, which is nothing but black mail and extortion.  And so was the Duke Lacrosse Rape Scandal.  Shame on the Navy for being co-conspirators against Bill Cosby.  Let the court of law be the judge of Bill Cosby and not the U.S. Navy and liberal witch hunters.   Although the statue of limitation should have run its course after 7-10 years for this Cosby issue to be solved, but not in the land of liberal utopia America.   Therefore let this be fair warning for those who’ve done wrong in this country [illegal mexicans are excluded]; there is no longer a statue of limitation according to liberal laws and policies.

To refresh everyone's memory of how the media castrates individuals who don't fit their profile of being submissive to them, please try to read the 04/26/06 USA article "A Perfect Storm" reporting of the Duke Lacrosse Rape Scandal  http://usat.ly/1CbWsQm

It will be hard for most civilized Americans who believe in "innocent until proven guilty" to read all of the article.   But if you make it through the reading you'll realize how liberal media propaganda filters speculation into unproven liberal-truth for its docile followers and Al Sharpton groupies..  .

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