


UPDATE: 05/18/2023  Disney cancels its new DISNEY HAPPY GAY THEME PARKS   https://www.wvxu.org/news-from-npr/news-from-npr/2023-05-18/disney-cancels-plans-for-1-billion-florida-campus 

ORIGINAL POST 05/06/2023    YES! It is time for Disney to start paying its fair share of taxes, and no more special privileges in Florida.  BUT!!! there is a great positive outcome for Disney fighting against the State of Florida; Disney can now focus on their favorite loyal patrons; the "homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community." 

Disney can capitalize today by cutting their loses fighting the State of Florida and immediately rededicate their financial resources to doing a "make over" of its theme parks.  Disney now has the greatest opportunity in corporate American history to corner an early market designed for the homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community; “Disney Happy Gay Theme Parks,” replacing their old theme parks around the nation and the world.  

Disney has destroyed its image of being a “real” family oriented place for children to enjoy “magic and entertainment.”  Thereby it is a great time for Disney to cut their losses and cash in on starting a new legacy.  Disney can be the first national entertainment corporation dedicated absolutely for the homo-lesbian-transistor-community.  In doing so Disney can drop their annual “GAY PRIDE DAY” and now have “Pride Day 365” everyday in their new “Disney Happy Gay Theme Parks.”  These new Disney theme parks will feature multiple “Drag Queen Rides,” a plethora of “Drag Queen Shows,” and numerous theatrical plays of sexual acts performed on stages throughout the theme park.  Remember, “Gay Pride Day” is all about having sex without discretion, with whomever or whatever……   

I expect Disney Board of Directors to pay me for this spectacular idea to remake Disney Theme Parks to fit the desires of their favorite customers [homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community]; by implementing marketing and promotion to appeal to their [Disney] new found loyal customer base [homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community]. 

Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-ACB Newspaper International