It’s time for America to get very serious about its political process, so let’s discuss this problem child [Politics] before it gets too ugly to handle. The time has come for a real political third party to come forward. Enough of the psyched out belief that a third party system will only split our political system into fragments, although that may be true to a point, but only a brief truth until the third party solidifies itself. There has to be a washout of the current political system in America correlating with the reconstruction of what the real American people want to have as a system of representation.
There has to be a cancellation of “Rogue & Thug Politics” in America! No more access given to non-citizens, illegal aliens and third world dictators to dictate the laws and policies of this land. No more foreign dignitaries being allowed access to our government branches to discuss American citizen’s voting choice on law and policies. No more politicians urinating on the average real American to quench our thirst for responsible and accountable government. No more infinite partisan contentment of holding power. No more political free rides to satisfy the addiction of political prosperity and greed. It all must come to an end ASAP [as soon as possible].
What has allowed this dismal collection of government leaders to arise in prominence and power over the people of the United States of America? The answer is self revealing when America looks in the mirror. We have the dumbest generation of citizenship that has ever existed in America right now. Social engineering has developed a mind set that forces the belief that everyone MUST have a college degree to ADVANCE in this society. Has anyone ever thought of the Americans of the past who created and made this country into a great nation did not have a college degree. One may argue that times have changed and the world is more advanced than in the times of the formation of this country and a college education is needed. This could serve as a patrician point to promote if everyone were just another socially engineered clone, but we haven’t reached that final point of social design.
This country was not built upon “smart ass” academic elites; neither can it be sustained by the same. Holding a college degree did not build this nation and holding a college degree will not maintain the foundation of this nation, only real Americans can do this. Did Harriet Tubman have a degree? No! But yet after emancipation Tubman served in the Union army as a spy, a scout, and a nurse. She was the only woman in American military history to plan and execute an armed expedition against enemy forces. Did Benjamin Franklin have a college degree? No! But he was a printer and publisher, author, scientist and inventor, diplomat and signer of the Declaration of Independence. Don’t get me wrong, having a college degree can be beneficial to a certain degree. Did George Washington Carver have a college degree? Yes, Bachelors and Masters from Iowa State University! Carver was a celebrated brilliant botanist and inventor. During World War II Carver devised 500 dyes to replace those no longer available from Europe. So you see it take all types of brilliant minds to create a strong and productive society, whether college educated or not.
Unfortunately there seem to be a disclaimer set in the American psyche which produces a frown on someone who does not hold a college degree. Forwarded has been the notion that you can’t be successful in this society unless you have a degree. Well today you will find a plethora of degreed individuals who are as ignorant as can be along with being unproductive and self centered. They have no common sense, wisdom or true knowledge of life. Unfortunately these college bread individuals are governing and ruling America today. There has to be a change on all levels of function in this country in order to stem the tide of retarded political correctness brought forth by the academic elite in this country. Individuals can excel in this country if given the chance to exhibit their skills and ability. Today it is not possible for this to occur because of the limitation placed on employment hiring in this nation. We’re literally shooting ourselves in the foot by not using the vast amount of American craftsmanship and technical skills available. Regardless of how much of a genus you may be at over performing the skill sets on a job you must have a college degree to be acknowledged. This will be America’s demise in the future having wasted talent, skills and heart desire to perform at the highest level possible.
It’s almost a no win situation for America, due all in part by America shooting herself in the foot by denying her very own to participate in building and sustaining America. This is becoming all too familiar in realizing that America is breaking down on her ability to resolve her basic issues. This is all due in full part of the current administration in power. You have an administration that is completely screwed up in every possible way. You have the major media networks working in a retarded partisan collaboration with the administration. But most importantly you have an ignorant base on white liberals and synthetic black civil rights groups that follow direct orders from their masters without thinking or considering searching out the truth of any matter.
There are entirely too many traumatizing episodes of partisan politics that unfold at a blink of an eye which destroys any initiative of truth to be told in complete context. Although I’m a real American who believes in freedom and rights for those who cherish the privilege and honor to uphold the same, I find no contentment in America’s government and the depraved socialization of its people due to partisan politics. There is entirely too much venomous hate in American politics being spewed out and forwarded from liberal ignorance that is embedded and based in the Democratic Party. But not far behind is the stupidity of the Republican Party who is just beyond any intelligence of properly surveying the will of the people.
Since the Democrat Party has failed miserably in leading this nation, it was the hope of real Americans for the Republican Party to hear the calling of the people. The people are calling for some leaders to take a firm stand on the principles and moral values which have held this country together. The people are calling for some leaders to not abandon or compromise the same. The leadership dilemma that persists for America has left a void in public trust of government. Therefore what has formed in America is a conservative group of people who consist of conservative democrats, conservative republicans, conservative independents and conservative libertarians. This special populous is what’s holding this country together, because if not, surely the vengeful and treacherous partisan politics would have completely dismantled America by now.
We are on the verge of dismantling right now, but by the grace of God it has not completely transpired. So, with all that said I admonish you to give very close attention to the venomous verbiage that continue to spew out of the partisan sects of the main stream media, the goofy administration and the ignorant political parties to see if there is any type of unity available between them. NO! is the answer, and “NO” will always be the answer for unity in the future between the two historical political parties of America. This is the main reason for a third party to formulate as soon as possible before this nation destroys itself. If this nation can flip from a capitalistic society over night to a socialistic society, surely a “Conservative Party” can be inducted into the American landscape of governing this country; not govern the people. The people should be governing themselves and not the government governing the people, and that’s why we’re in this demise of a retarded operating society today. The government is governing the people instead of the government.
The best way to strip and destroy any nation of its power and wealth is by implementing guidelines and policies that weaken its populous. A guaranteed way of doing that is by instituting political correctness into a nation's academics, government, science and media. Guaranteed results will be a weak, vulnerable and defenseless country. Political Correctness has destroyed nations in the past and it is destroying America today. We can correct this dilemma if we regroup as one people again. Remember, united we stand and divided we fall. So, do you think we are divided today?