

Who Is More Important to Obama; Jay-Z, Beyonce or Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu? It is only fair to ask this question based on recent critical international disaster at the U.S. Embassy-Benghazi Libya; and Prime Minister Netanyahu trying to schedule a meeting with Barack Hussein Obama. The answer to the question is “Jay-Z and Beyonce;” hosting a forty thousand dollar dinner for Barack. What did you expect from a celebrity president who campaigns with neglect to daily security briefings on Iran building a nuclear bomb and Muslim/Islamic Terrorist instigating daily eruptions of deadly violence?

Obama and Hillary’s Tolerance to Muslims killing Christians!

PRIOR TO SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 five churches in Mombasa, Kenya, were attacked and torched as Muslims rioted and killed Christians. Did Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama [president] denounce or show concern over such deadly violence? Should the recent free speech internet video of “religious study on Mohammed” be blamed for agitating Muslim/Islamic terrorist to torch the five churches in Mombasa, Kenya?

WHEN WAS the last time Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama [president] made an official public statement rejecting “Anti-Christian Threats from Muslims?” The answer is; “NEVER!” When was the last time Hillary or Barack gave an official apology to the Christian World for the “Muslim/Islamic killings of Christians” performed on a daily bases? The answer is; “NEVER!” When was the last time Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama [president] made an official apology to the Worldwide Muslim-Brotherhood and Muslim/Islamic Terrorist-Mob groups? The answer is; “Everyday!”

WHEN WAS the last time the federal government issued an arrest warrant for the killers of two U.S. Troops murdered by devout Muslim Afghans? Or when was the last time the federal government issued an arrest warrant for the killers of three U.S. Soldiers murdered during the Ramadan meal which occurred within days of the two U.S. Troops murdered by Muslim Afghans? WHEN WAS the last time the U.S. Federal Government issued a search for an individual who made a free speech internet video discussing the Muslim prophet Mohammed? The answer is; Yesterday!
OBAMA BLAMES VIDEO for slain U.S. Ambassador Stevens!

The security breach of American property [U.S. Embassy Benghazi Libya] in which U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and his peers were slain was not the result of a recent internet video of “religious study on Mohammed” placed on YOUTube. If that’s the case, then what other free speech videos on YOUTube, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, PBS, MSNBC, Yahoo News, Google News, or Fox News have prompted killings of Christians and Americans prior to the U.S. Embassy Benghazi Libya breach on September 11, 2012? For the current administration to officially announce that the recent over-taking of U.S. Embassy Benghazi Libya is due to an internet video of “religious study of Mohammed” implies that Americans are foolishly enough to believe anything Obama says.

Christians and Jews are being killed daily by Muslim groups all over the world everyday and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama [president] have displayed a nonchalant attitude about it. The prejudice and distaste that Hillary and Barack hold for Israel and Christians can’t be hidden from public eye. Although both claim to be Christians, that has to be a bold face lie within itself when they see their Christian Brothers and Sisters being killed by Muslims and Islamic Terrorist around the world and they do nothing about it. Hillary and Barack currently have the power to stop the Muslim/Islamic violence against Christians around the world if they choose to do so, but they choose not to; Why?

Instead Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama [president] focusing on hunting down Muslim/Islamic killers of U.S. Ambassador Stevens, Jews and Christians, they choose to hunt down the creator of a recent internet video of “religious study on Mohammed.” Even if Hillary and Barack were justified in searching for a particular producer of a recent internet video of “religious study on Mohammed,” there are thousands of recent internet videos of religious study on Mohammed placed on YOUTUBE that have priority over the latest video of fame. Such a witch hunt for a recent internet video producer of “religious study on Mohammed” prompted by Hillary and Barack’s alphabet media network hound dogs represents a pathetic effort to the world that America is serious about Muslim/Islamic Terrorist violence.


Did you know that Egyptian Muslims are getting paid to kill Christians? If you don’t believe it, perform your own simple investigation of these known events. On the contrary Hillary and Barack have shown no interest in the reality of Muslims getting paid to kill Christians. You can correlate the paid killings of Christians with actual facts of flyers that are routinely issued which contain the names and contact points for Muslims who wish to collect their rewards for killing Christians. But Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama [president] have no concern or announcement denouncing the pure hatred of Christians and Jews by Muslim/Islamic Mobs.

Barack and Hillary are pathetic international representatives of American values, especially Christian values of life. Therefore don’t be shocked if White House Press Secretary Carney announces today that the recent internet video of “religious study on Mohammed” is the reason for Christian Children being persecuted around the world by Muslim/Islamic Terrorist:

Lahore (Agenzia Fides) - a few days ago in Islamabad: the 14-year-old Christian Waiz Masih was killed by young Muslims, after a "discussion on religion."

Sunil Yaqoob Masih, a 14-year-old Catholic orphan from Faisalabad, whose body was found mutilated and without any internal organs

Amaria Masih, an l8-year-old Catholic, raped and murdered on November 27, 2011 in the village of Samundari (Punjab) by Muslim Arif Gujjar, who wanted to marry and convert her.

Sabir Bashir, a Christian teenager, tortured and killed in October 2011 in the territory of the district of Khanewal District (Punjab), by Muslims

Anna, a 12-year-old Christian girl, Arif Masih’s daughter, scavenger in Shahdra, a small town near Lahore (Punjab): kidnapped and raped repeatedly for eight months by a gang of Islamic militants.

Four Christian children killed in 2011 with their mother near Jehlum (Punjab) because they refused to leave a village which was predominantly Muslim.

Shazia Bashir, a 12-year-old Christian girl, who was raped and murdered in January 2010 (Fides 08/02/2010). Chaudhry Naeem, the rich Muslim lawyer, responsible for the crime, was acquitted.

Lubna Masih, 12 years old, raped and murdered by a group of Muslims in Rawalpindi (Fides 13/10/2010).

Kiran George, a girl from Sheikhupura (Lahore) who died on March 10, 2010 from burns all over her body, after Muslim Ahmad Raza, a police officer, poured gasoline on her and lit her on fire.

Question; WHEN WAS the last time Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton or Barack Hussein Obama [president] made an official public statement denouncing and rejecting “Anti-Christian Threats and Violence from Muslims?” The answer is; “NEVER!"