


Any prosperous nation of past history, present history or future history regularizing with social imperialism automatically destroys itself.  No further assessment is needed for clarification in this matter.  Only the basic fundamentals of history can attest how a nation is birthed and how a nation is aborted [irrelevant].

Simple comprehension of biography clarifies how nations breathe and live.  Biography is the history of an individual, yet history is the biography of a nation; in that it magnifies, intensifies and multiplies itself on the historical screen of the past.  With all that said we come to the United States of America and disclose how its society has fallen prey to an impregnable force of delusional citizens.  But, more importantly having delusional young adolescent voters with only an intent to reason subject matter by abstract than research historical facts of truth [history does not lie].    

The United States of America was once the most prosperous nation on earth....

Unfortunately it has taken less than three generations [60yrs] for America's adolescent adults [age 18-48] to deplete its prosperity. How could this have occurred? It occurred by the birthing of the most spoiled, lazy, unproductive, incompetent and unworthy populous who’ve flatulently taken for granted prosperity handed to them on a golden platter.

Their insolent and perfidious utopian transitional ideology [political correct religion] solidifies upon horrible lies vying against our American culture and history. To wit, adolescent adults [1980-2024AD] in America have become bewitched [electronic media technology slaves] as they strive to advocate statements of abstract principles of pride, which totally contradicts concrete historical facts of the development of our American society. 

Forthwith, young adolescent adults over the past three generations in America have totally failed the call of honoring the U.S. Constitution, U.S. Military and GOD!

Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-ACB Newspaper Intl http://acbnewspaper.blogspot.com/2023/12/muslim-cont