

09/15/2024  update:  Second Attempt: ANOTHER ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON PRESIDENT TRUMP this day of SEPTEMBER 9TH 2024.... 

07/13/2024 First Attempt: THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT TRUMP!Chuck Schumer the democrat party leader almost had his wish and dream come true!  

07/09/2024 Prediction by CHUCK SCHUMER: “Donald Trump CAN NOT and MUST NOT  be allowed within TEN MILES of the OVAL OFFICE EVER AGAIN! reject MAGA, reject Trump. 07/09/2024

Since 2016 and today, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have constantly called for President Trump to be removed from office [2016] by any means possible [assassination] during his first term.  Now that President Trump is on the verge of becoming president again [2024 candidate] the stakes are now much more higher to void President Trump out-of-office.  The democrat party has reached its final act; “Assassination of Trump”.  

08/23/2024  Enter Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Democrat Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. endorsed Trump Friday 08/23/2024.  Mr. Kennedy said that the Democratic National Committee "waged continued legal war" on both Trump and himself.  Mr. Kennedy also directly accused the DNC of running an actual "sham primary" which defiantly prevented any serious primary challenge to Biden and now Harris. 

The reason Mr. Kennedy said he was dropping from being a democrat were because the democrat party lost its values it once held to.  Mr. Kennedy boldly spoke in his endorsement for President Trump that the democrat party does not honor free speech except for its own partisans.  

Mr. Kennedy spoke of the "past historical values" of the democrat party's vows to not engage America in wars around the world.  Yet, today they blatantly without shame simply disregard any attempt to avoid soliciting proxy wars; as they're doing today in Ukraine.  Mr. Kennedy profoundly declared that America's children should be priority-first.  Placing American children first, instead of using funds to care for "international vagabonds/illegal aliens;" all the while throwing away taxpaying citizens' money all around the world for warmongering purposes. 


REITERATED EMULATION [assassinate President Trump]


If the democrat party will assassinate their own [President John F. Kennedy and U.S. Attorney General/Democrat Presidential Nominee-Robert F. Kennedy]; what makes you think they won’t assassinate yours [President Abraham Lincoln, U.S. Civil Rights Leader Dr Martin Luther. King Jr, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and President Donald Trump]. Special Note: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican.

As compelling puissant advocates for the death of President Donald Trump, the democrat party will do anything within sight to have President Trump assassinated.  Hereto official democrat party congressional legislation proves this to be actual truth;

[H.R.8081 - Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act –April 2024].  Combine these pious virulent democrat congressional members with their open call to inflict physical and financial harm to President Trump, only verifies their demonic ill will of assassinating President Trump.


The “triple tag-team” of congressional democrats, hollywood celebrities and the entire national liberal network media were of great joy to hear of the assassination attempt on President Trump.  But after verification of President Trump’s survival from the gun-fire, the “triple tag-team” immediately resumed their brazen attitude of hate towards President Trump.  The dismay of the entire liberal elite political arena was morbidly on display during news updates as they wanted and waited to hear the death of President Trump. 

There was no shame of the national liberal network news to broadcast President Trump “was direct blame” for causing the assassination attempt on his life.  Yet, daily since he started his 2024 presidency campaign the entire democrat party, hollywood celebrities and the entire liberal national news networks have aggrandized President Trump as a “threat to their democracy.”  Sadly all together their comprehension fails in knowing and understanding that the United States of America is a Republic, and not a democracy.


Each and every democrat party elite and liberal elite across the nation provide daily echo talking points and subterfuge; such as, “President Trump is promising and encouraging a bloodbath if he is not elected.”  Well, the irony is, democrat party leaders are the direct proponents of forwarding bloodbath, hate, physical violence and constant political "revenge" wars.  Most notably, but beyond Maxine Waters open cursing out President Trump during her countless spontaneous street protests, the entire democrat party resides identical to her mental deficiency.  For instance, in unison Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Barbara Lee, Kamala Harris, barrack obama, hillary Clinton "describes" President Trump as the “TOP THREAT TO U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY.”


Believe it or Not, the self appointed pious national liberal news networks CNN CBS ABC NBC MSNBC PBS NPR, etc... have literally proclaimed President Trump as the culprit of his own assassination attempt.  Take for instance, liberal network media CNN “special correspondent” Jamie Gangel and CBS “anchor” Margaret Brennan let their despising attitude and hate for President Trump become disclosed while monitoring the assassination attempt upon President Trump.  While addressing the nation, each of these liberal network flunkies let it become known they were not satisfied with the results of the assassination attempt upon President Trump. 

The real-time on air coverage clearly disclosed an ostentatious and malignant cerebral ebullition of biased partisan alignment network reporting.  This is serious and beyond sad to have virtually “liberal wicked” retarded news representatives acting as authoritative spokespeople yet yielding cheap vulgarities towards President Trump’s near death assassination.  While reporting they set up their talking points with the premise of President Trump “calling out attacks to kill democrat leaders.”  Well, as stated earlier in these notes, the democrat party has always been responsible for civil war and presidential assassinations. President Trump has never started a civil war, nor inclined to assassinate any U.S. President: unlike what the democrat Party has done, and will do.  

Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-WORLD NEWS CROSSROADS-             ACB Newspaper International 2024





YEP!  It is so sad that young adolescent adults in the United States of America won't get a chance to experience what real love is and what real life is meant to be.  This is all because they have been totally distracted by material gains and by self delusions fortified by a society controlled by ungodly politicians and demonic hollywood celebrities and wicked entertainers. 

Young adolescent adults in America have been grasping after everything hollywood has thrown in their face, which turns out to be fake love, false living, temporary fame and fortune; all while never having the ability to reap true eternal love and joy.  Young adolescent adults in America have become inconsolable because the hand of wicked liberalism has completely fooled them as they delay to recognize truth as it unfolds in their adolescent life. 

But the question remains, will young adolescent adults in America turn their back on liberalism and seek out and reach out for "real love" to guide them through the turbulent ungodly American society ruled by “liberal religion?”   Will young adolescent adults in America secure the promise of love that produces decades of unquenchable human love destined for a real man [husband] and real woman [wife] of symmetry and harmony? 

Will young adolescent adults in America ever have the chance to experience and celebrate 50, 60, 70 years of unity as a husband [real man] and wife [real woman] as their ending years of existence together as GOD designed them to experience; as "two becoming one."   

I truly hope that young adolescent adults in America will have the opportunity to experience life of growing old together in "real love" as husband [real man] and wife [real woman] as has been granted by the TRUE AND LIVING GOD.....

Genesis ch2 / vs24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."  kjv

Dr BearClayborn  

-Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-WORLD NEW CROSSROADS- ACB Newspaper International
