There are enough muslims in all major U.S. cities to promote, agitate and
create deliberate civil disobedience to force a serious confrontation with real
Americans. The extension of muslim assembly derived from electing
barrack obama as muslim president. Such
elected muslim opened the official flood gate for muslim politicians and their muslim
terrorist comrades.

Essentially all muslims are terrorist by "on-demand"
of the Quran to kill all infidels who do not submit to the Koran. Now that muslim terrorists have totally infiltrated the U.S. Congress and 2008-2020 oval/white house, there is no
stopping these semi dormabarbaric drones to initiate a "full crash course" of
total destruction to every muslim occupied city or town in America.
Deception is the rule of thumb for muslims to claim they represent peace in this world. Deception is the rule of thumb for those who support muslims freedom to kill all infidels. In the United States of America the muslim community [total unity] without shame while enacting a bold face lie in public [muslim politicians are best at this act] making statements of appeasement that the Quran does not promote or announce death to non-muslims. Well, such public subterfuge is simply untrue.
If it were possible to pause any comment being made by a muslim or muslim supporter declaring the Quran faith is of peace and love, inject this truth about what the Quran literally, actually and officially states:
[[[ "When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them" (Sura 9:5).
[[[ "When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield, strike off their heads" (Sura 47:4).
[[[ "Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate" (Sura 9:73).
[[[ "The true believers fight for the cause of God, but the infidels fight for the devil. Fight then against the friends of Satan" (Sura 4:76).
[[[ Who are these idolaters and unbelievers and infidels? Those who are not strict Muslims. "Muhammad is God's Apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" (Sura 48:29).
Celebrity Supporters of muslim terrorist in America"
and all other muslim countries are now positioned to use a nuclear bomb or
major detonation of total destruction if any harm comes to any muslim terrorist marching today in city streets; regardless if the muslim terrorist supporters are openly in defiance to
American civil law.

There is an assured alert to muslims in America setting off bombs in any U.S.
city or small town. Notice of their planned activity will be when you "notice" muslims slowly disappear from daily
protest activity. Even more telling is when muslims quietly flee their place of residence and place of
employment. Such will be the
"tell-tell-sign" that planned implementation of muslim destruction is imminent; within weeks or days. It's going to
happen whether you believe it or not.
The "set up" is complete for this to come about.
Think about it; within any past decade in United States history have there ever been a large accumulation, or rather, an over abundance of tens of thousands of muslims protestors marching in major U.S. cities and towns, with no provocation to justify their muslim barbaric behavior? Also think about this, there are caucasian liberals and blm idiots [democrat party] who've pledged to protect muslims and terrorist muslims from any scrutiny. As such, this should not take much argument based on the plain facts that caucasian-liberal prejudice of protecting muslims/muslim terrorist have been firmly established within all social levels. The muslim protection umbrella was openly announced and established for implementation by the 2008 oval office muslim, by whom also established and solidified the ongoing deep state management system [2008-2020].
FRIENDLY REMINDER: 2008 was the watermark for guaranteed protection of all muslims facets [religion/culture/sharia law] in America. The 2008 watermark embedded a muslim manchurian candidate whose mission was to continue implementing an agenda to socially collapse [promote race division and class warfare] and dismantle the United States bodily and constitutionally.
The overall and primary installation agenda of 2008 oval office muslim have accomplish exactly what the power starving democrat party's "dream of a lifetime" have always been. The democrat party's unmitigated political course of action to use "dumb plantation thinking crayon box colored-blacks," as a voting block to divide the country, simply by way of ongoing enforcement of subliminal conscious messaging that America is a racist country.
In addition 2008 oval office muslim corralled illegal alien/international vagabond peasants into becoming automatic democrat party voters; siding with the democrat party plantation "crayon box colored voters [blacks]." All of these embedded watermarks of social destruction have been used masterfully by muslim terrorist planners who conditioned the "very weak minded" caucasian-liberal and crayon box colored blacks to accept the 2008 oval office muslim as their leader. Thereby the crafted muslim contingency of placing a muslim leader in the oval office solidified the objective of the muslim culture/religion to overthrow the American culture and capitalistic designed society with contrary governance of social imperialism and muslim law installation.
The 2008 oval office muslim and the democrat party established deep state management system is not concerned with reacting to or protecting any Taxpaying American Citizen from harm or danger from muslim politicians and their cohorts; muslim terrorists. Given the true light of the
existing blueprint of staging a societal crash and foreign takeover of America [initiated
2008 oval office muslim], Taxpaying American Citizens don't have a government loyal
to its citizens or the U.S. Constitution.
Taxpaying American Citizens are currently ruled by TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION on all fronts of governance [city, county, state, federal]. Proof of such has been uncloaked and revealed by any or all U.S. congressional members [democrat or republican]; they are only loyal to proxy warmongering. Proxy warmongering delivers congressional members loads of money laundering into their international warmongering bank accounts.
The persisting question now hangs above the real Taxpaying American Citizen; "how long must we endure this travesty of a depleted Republic?" Therefore the matter of salvaging the remains of the U.S. Constitution and protecting Taxpaying American Citizens from
"muslim destruction" is not a conundrum, but a call to action. Inadequate government representation will only force Conservative/Christian
Taxpaying American Citizens to enact their second amendment right to survive. Conservative/Christian Taxpaying American
Citizens are now forced to rise and separate from the foregoing demise of
disloyal congress members and their foul liberal global and domestic constituents.

Through past decades, U.S. congressional members have disclosed their perfidious
relationship with the U.S. Constitution, and in turn have given a fusillade of
support to muslims while all out promoting the onslaught illegal aliens/international vagabonds invasion at America's southern border. The proof of this is in your face everyday. Keep in mind the D.C. Uni-Party
[democrat party/republican party] have already received their "international
bank account payment" dragooning them to be silent and dormant during the collapse of the United States of America...
Now, lets watch how this scenario of destroying America plays
out since President Trump is now in charge of driving America in the right direction.