TIME'S UP BABY! It will take a miracle to save America. That miracle could very possibly be President Donald J. Trump. Unfortunately the liberal-globalist-socialist controlled democrat party would have to be demolished. In addition Conservative America would have to get "real" and form a new "Union of Constitutional States" void of the "Uni-Party [democrat party/subordinate republican party.
It would take a real American leader to maintain the "unity of spirit" intended by the constitutional founders of the United States of America. Anyone with basic common sense [which is rare in America today] should realized that the "democrat party years" of 2008-2024 didn't reveal leadership needed to convey the constitutional diagram of an American Republic http://bit.ly/1p2H4xF . But, by the grace of GOD America might have be given another chance to launch out into the depth of freedom and capitalism, if they can paddle beyond 2024.
Simply consider America as a "ship of valuable cargo" [plentiful natural resources] that has been dry docked [2008-2024]. With all the natural resources at America's disposal yet its liberal controlled democrat party government [2008-2024] has stymied the nation's ability to become self sufficient in energy production. Of course the gimmicks played out by the EPA has taken toll on America's economy through liberal democrat party utopian [new world order] philosophy. All in all the end results have caused the "U.S.S. America" to become dry docked [basically zero national production]. Yes, we know that political parties, liberal democrat party and its subordinate republican party have caused the "U.S.S. America" to run into shallow waters, inflicting hull damage from the pounding against hammer head rock beds. Look at it this way; in essence America has two captains trying to steer the country [liberal globalist democrat party leaders and democrat party subordinate republican party [basically both are considered a "Uni-Party"]. Sadly time has run out for America to steer from crashing into the mighty bed rock of the "new world order" and sink.
Simply consider America as a "ship of valuable cargo" [plentiful natural resources] that has been dry docked [2008-2024]. With all the natural resources at America's disposal yet its liberal controlled democrat party government [2008-2024] has stymied the nation's ability to become self sufficient in energy production. Of course the gimmicks played out by the EPA has taken toll on America's economy through liberal democrat party utopian [new world order] philosophy. All in all the end results have caused the "U.S.S. America" to become dry docked [basically zero national production]. Yes, we know that political parties, liberal democrat party and its subordinate republican party have caused the "U.S.S. America" to run into shallow waters, inflicting hull damage from the pounding against hammer head rock beds. Look at it this way; in essence America has two captains trying to steer the country [liberal globalist democrat party leaders and democrat party subordinate republican party [basically both are considered a "Uni-Party"]. Sadly time has run out for America to steer from crashing into the mighty bed rock of the "new world order" and sink.
Tic to-Tic toc-Tic toc, America's clock has run out due to failed navigation of the Uni-Parties [democrat/republican] ruling the nation. Liberal populous continue to schedule daily defiance towards the original U.S. Constitution, as well as moral values and belief in GOD. In between the "Uni-Party democrats/republicans, you'll find Conservative patriots who try to defy liberal democrat party influence and puny republican party leadership [guided by their superiors [democrat party]. Common sense tells us that there has to be separation taking place eventually between the "Uni-Party [democrat party/republican party] and America's foundational base of Christians and Conservatives.
Rule of thumb; there are no exceptions to the "universal collision rule" that oil and water don't mix. hint... liberals and Christians don't mix.
Tic toc-Tic toc moment in America!
When a percentage of demographics for a nation quadruples in less than 10 years it's a sign that the nation has drastically changed for the worst.... Illegal mexicans were the start of dismantling America, but low and behold, illegal foreign nationals from all over the globe in greater masses than illegal Mexicans have massively assembled entry through America's southern border. The democrat party and its subordinate sissy republican party have allowed the laws of the U.S. federal immigrant to be denuded and discarded in favor of the new masses of demographic change; in the name of "voter registration." Strategically the new invasion of demographic change proves that America has been completely sold out to filthy, greedy, power hungry congressional and presidential politicians. All the while the U.S. economy has been deliberately sabotaged by forcing the TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN to pay for the invading illegal aliens total welfare, regardless if they're not a legal American citizen.
Illegal aliens have caused the "U.S.S.Ship of America" to crash into shallow rocky waters because real America has lost control of its culture, values, economy and government. It is totally perfidious of American politicians to adhere to the equation of spending more TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS' money while less revenue is coming into America's purse. America is spending more on illegal aliens and less on U.S. Veterans who've served this nation.
Putting the equation of social economics together; quadrupled illegal aliens [millions upon millions of global illegal alien peasants], treasury printing paper money and the service industry has replaced the industrial industry as the economic engine. The propagated results forced the "Ship of America" into dry dock. Sadly while America is dry docked new economies around the globe are sailing into the sunset of prosperity.
Tic toc-Tic toc; Times Up Baby!
Let's talk about the cause and effect of liberal influence in America. Consider this, liberals want to take away law abiding citizens’ constitutional right to bear arms. Liberals want to take away disproportional amount of taxes from the wealthy producers in America. Liberals want to grant unlimited entitlements to the unproductive populous. Liberals want to socially engineer teenage girls and young adult females to exterminate babies in their womb without thought or regard of killing an innocent child. Liberals want to place females on the front line of combat in war to be blown up and cut up and raped and disfigured in the name of equality. Liberals want to teach toddlers and preschool children that two males can replace a mother and father. Liberals want to teach toddlers and preschool children that two females can replace a father and mother. Liberals do not want a Christmas Tree or the name of JESUS CHRIST to be exhibited in public display. Now that we know what liberals want, what does the United States of America need?
All great empires must come to an end and America is one of those empires, yet there is still a chance to "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN." The United States of America” has a scheduled exit from being prominent in world history, and also from the world’s list of “Who’s-Who” in world power. It's up to real Americans to make a statement that they tried with all might to make America the America it was constitutionally designed to be. As stated previously, the demolition of the democrat party and its pet subordinate republican party must done in order to re-establish the original U.S. Constitution.
Tic toc-Tic toc RELECTION
The 2008 hysterical overture in America was basically a sign-off by the majority half of American citizens to accelerate the country into a new beginning [socialism/communism/new world order], which ultimately has an inevitable old-ending. The unveiling truth that has unfolded upon America is America didn't have to deplete its historical epochs. There have been a plethora of great nations that have fallen from greatness on this planet. America will be no exception to the “universal rule” of falling from dominate world power. Although liberals can’t fathom losing their precious "prevent-global-warming-society" and conservatives continue to be stupefied that they have lost their country to "invincible-super-human-liberal-nuts, the inevitable must occur. The ultimate outcome for both liberals and conservatives are the immediate dismantling and excavation of this society. Such excavation was implemented, accomplished and directed by a "socialist/communist liberal deep state" that promoted the full implementation of designating a 2008 manchurian candidate.
Rule of thumb; there are no exceptions to the "universal collision rule" that oil and water don't mix. hint... liberals and Christians don't mix.
Tic toc-Tic toc moment in America!
When a percentage of demographics for a nation quadruples in less than 10 years it's a sign that the nation has drastically changed for the worst.... Illegal mexicans were the start of dismantling America, but low and behold, illegal foreign nationals from all over the globe in greater masses than illegal Mexicans have massively assembled entry through America's southern border. The democrat party and its subordinate sissy republican party have allowed the laws of the U.S. federal immigrant to be denuded and discarded in favor of the new masses of demographic change; in the name of "voter registration." Strategically the new invasion of demographic change proves that America has been completely sold out to filthy, greedy, power hungry congressional and presidential politicians. All the while the U.S. economy has been deliberately sabotaged by forcing the TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN to pay for the invading illegal aliens total welfare, regardless if they're not a legal American citizen.
Illegal aliens have caused the "U.S.S.Ship of America" to crash into shallow rocky waters because real America has lost control of its culture, values, economy and government. It is totally perfidious of American politicians to adhere to the equation of spending more TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS' money while less revenue is coming into America's purse. America is spending more on illegal aliens and less on U.S. Veterans who've served this nation.
Putting the equation of social economics together; quadrupled illegal aliens [millions upon millions of global illegal alien peasants], treasury printing paper money and the service industry has replaced the industrial industry as the economic engine. The propagated results forced the "Ship of America" into dry dock. Sadly while America is dry docked new economies around the globe are sailing into the sunset of prosperity.
Tic toc-Tic toc; Times Up Baby!
Let's talk about the cause and effect of liberal influence in America. Consider this, liberals want to take away law abiding citizens’ constitutional right to bear arms. Liberals want to take away disproportional amount of taxes from the wealthy producers in America. Liberals want to grant unlimited entitlements to the unproductive populous. Liberals want to socially engineer teenage girls and young adult females to exterminate babies in their womb without thought or regard of killing an innocent child. Liberals want to place females on the front line of combat in war to be blown up and cut up and raped and disfigured in the name of equality. Liberals want to teach toddlers and preschool children that two males can replace a mother and father. Liberals want to teach toddlers and preschool children that two females can replace a father and mother. Liberals do not want a Christmas Tree or the name of JESUS CHRIST to be exhibited in public display. Now that we know what liberals want, what does the United States of America need?
Tic toc-Tic toc RELECTION
The 2008 hysterical overture in America was basically a sign-off by the majority half of American citizens to accelerate the country into a new beginning [socialism/communism/new world order], which ultimately has an inevitable old-ending. The unveiling truth that has unfolded upon America is America didn't have to deplete its historical epochs. There have been a plethora of great nations that have fallen from greatness on this planet. America will be no exception to the “universal rule” of falling from dominate world power. Although liberals can’t fathom losing their precious "prevent-global-warming-society" and conservatives continue to be stupefied that they have lost their country to "invincible-super-human-liberal-nuts, the inevitable must occur. The ultimate outcome for both liberals and conservatives are the immediate dismantling and excavation of this society. Such excavation was implemented, accomplished and directed by a "socialist/communist liberal deep state" that promoted the full implementation of designating a 2008 manchurian candidate.
The 2008 globalist manchurian candidate was given instructions to purposely dissolved any unity among the citizenry via outmoded racial indictments and ensure a continuation of distraction from the actual deep state's agenda of implementing a new world order for the globalist elites. Only an "ambitious-mean spirited-sissy-leader" [sponsored by wicked/demonic globalist] would deliberately cause confusion, disharmony and division within a nation to promote himself above the populous [history repeats itself-tyrannical-authoritarian-dictatorship].
TIC toc-TIC toc; Values and Results
The controlling values of America prior to 2008 were considered “oscillating politics” which randomly echoed liberalism and returned back to a conservative base, according to the political cycle. By maintaining a status quo of “political oscillation” America maintained a functional course of stability, wobbly at times, but remaining stable in civil discourse. The American [2008-2024] nation known by the world became completely unstable and toxic with retarded leadership evolving from a one-sided political theater, the political theater ruled by not just the democrat party, but the unified "D.C. Uni-Party." The facts are evident and known by all that the "Uni-Party" of democrats and subordinate republicans receives direct financial support from staunch hardcore liberals, socialists/communist entities, and of course the new world order financial wealth system. Such a monstrosity of a financial supporting cast easily created a shadow government in the United States of America. As you know by now the globalist financiers are determined with vengeance to ensure and direct the "Uni-Party" [democrat party/subordinate republican party] to redesign the U.S. into a socialist governed society.
Tic toc-Tic toc; Multiple Warning
The cause and effect of such political conditions cannot excuse America ignoring the pervading warning of judgment-day at hand [fiscal collapse, civil unrest, military erosion]. The political and social conditions are so severe with overwhelming warnings to the constitutional remnant of conservative citizens. Conservative states [and national conservatives] have all but forfeited their ability to help direct the course of this nation. Conservative leadership yielding a “timid-punkish” response to whimsical and deadly liberal social engineering experiments is a telling sign of weakness embedded in the conservative ranks. But there is a “remnant cast” of conservatives that stand loyal to the founding constitution, and these are the ones who have an immediate decision to make. Placed before them is the decision of whether they want their children and their children’s-children to be under the rule and governing of wicked/demonic homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community liberal idiots.
Are Conservatives willing to hand over the life of their children to America’s worst form of leadership in American history [Uni-Party democrat/republican]? Have Conservatives become acquiescent or rather subservient to the most illiterate fiscal mannered and immoral designed group of human species on this earth? Or, do Conservatives dare to separate from such [SEPARATION OF STATES]?
POWER POINT: Will Conservatives and Christians dare to say the blasphemous word “SEPARATION” in order to garner support to salvage some fraction of this nation’s short lived 247-maybe 248, 249 years?
TIC toc-TIC toc; Values and Results
The controlling values of America prior to 2008 were considered “oscillating politics” which randomly echoed liberalism and returned back to a conservative base, according to the political cycle. By maintaining a status quo of “political oscillation” America maintained a functional course of stability, wobbly at times, but remaining stable in civil discourse. The American [2008-2024] nation known by the world became completely unstable and toxic with retarded leadership evolving from a one-sided political theater, the political theater ruled by not just the democrat party, but the unified "D.C. Uni-Party." The facts are evident and known by all that the "Uni-Party" of democrats and subordinate republicans receives direct financial support from staunch hardcore liberals, socialists/communist entities, and of course the new world order financial wealth system. Such a monstrosity of a financial supporting cast easily created a shadow government in the United States of America. As you know by now the globalist financiers are determined with vengeance to ensure and direct the "Uni-Party" [democrat party/subordinate republican party] to redesign the U.S. into a socialist governed society.
Tic toc-Tic toc; Multiple Warning
The cause and effect of such political conditions cannot excuse America ignoring the pervading warning of judgment-day at hand [fiscal collapse, civil unrest, military erosion]. The political and social conditions are so severe with overwhelming warnings to the constitutional remnant of conservative citizens. Conservative states [and national conservatives] have all but forfeited their ability to help direct the course of this nation. Conservative leadership yielding a “timid-punkish” response to whimsical and deadly liberal social engineering experiments is a telling sign of weakness embedded in the conservative ranks. But there is a “remnant cast” of conservatives that stand loyal to the founding constitution, and these are the ones who have an immediate decision to make. Placed before them is the decision of whether they want their children and their children’s-children to be under the rule and governing of wicked/demonic homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community liberal idiots.
Are Conservatives willing to hand over the life of their children to America’s worst form of leadership in American history [Uni-Party democrat/republican]? Have Conservatives become acquiescent or rather subservient to the most illiterate fiscal mannered and immoral designed group of human species on this earth? Or, do Conservatives dare to separate from such [SEPARATION OF STATES]?
POWER POINT: Will Conservatives and Christians dare to say the blasphemous word “SEPARATION” in order to garner support to salvage some fraction of this nation’s short lived 247-maybe 248, 249 years?
Tic toc-Tic toc; America's Reduction
The topic today is all about the religion of liberalism, or more specifically the global elite's "pet activist" injection of the homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community to rule America and totally collapse conservatism and Christianity from any possibility of ruling or governing society. Remember this truth, only one complete composite form of government, morals and values can guide a nation. America has reached the exchange point of how its society will be governed today and into the future. 2008 provided the proof and direction of government rule sponsored by a docile majority of America's inhabitants. Unbelievably there may remain a half percentage of Americans hoping to have the opportunity eliminate or discard the current diseased 2008-2024 deep state administration of power, and possibly the demonic/wicked liberal national media.
Tic toc-Tic toc World Review of Reconstruction
American Conservatives have stated with passion they want to detach themselves into sovereign “independent states” or “new nations,” but yet they continue to procrastinate and lack expeditious initiative.
There are plenty examples of "nations dividing" in order to maintain a civil society, and such nations/empires have conducted protocols throughout history. Examine through history, particularly Egyptian history, pinpointing 2134BC when Egypt had to split into two smaller states (Memphis in the north and Thebes in the south). Snapshot 1069BC, Egypt split again into two; the north with capital in Tanis (on the Mediterranean Sea) ruled by the 21st dynasty and the south with capital in Thebes ruled by the priests of Amon.
Now take into consideration the American Conservative philosophy and its reservations about the United States of America maintaining united. Unadulterated common sense illuminates America becoming a divided nation; but here’s a hint; America is already divided [2008-2024]! The problem with conservatives today in America is they don’t know when to cut their losses and start over [this is a true fact]. History has documented many nations legitimately dividing its populous in order to salvage its existence. The United States of America has passed the point of reconciliation among its populous ruling class [republican elites, liberal elites, democrat elites, conservative elites and controlling liberal national media].
No one in their right mind can say there will be unity in the current United States of America again; why, because liberals won't let it happen, period. The dynamics and the demography of America have permanently changed, eliminating any cohesiveness or corrective course of action towards national unity. Enter President Donald Trump, which is a last reason of hope to salvage American prominence as it once was. Unfortunately the "Uni-Party" [democrat party/subordinate republican party and ruling liberal media] will have no part in such revitalization of economic and culture standards.
Procrastination by conservative leaders to plan and announce a legal separation of states as being independent sovereign entities is literally causing the U.S. Constitution to hemorrhage.
Law abiding conservatives are idle while allowing lawless liberal utopians to shred the constitution and urinate on it in public. One reason why prominent conservatives and elite republicans are not willing to force the issue of state secession is because of their own accumulated wealth and class status. There will be a time when those who claim to be conservative leaders will be forced to renounce their wealth and entitlements in order to separate themselves from liberal elite counterparts. But chances are that such needed conservative leadership will have no effect on an "already divided" 21st Century America.
Which without proper leadership of conservatives the nation will eventually fall short of "preventing" a final bloody 2nd civil war that's looming on the horizon for American history.
We all know that oil and water don’t mix; neither liberalism and conservatism. There are so many retarded liberals or a better description "psychotic liberals in power" forcing America to operate under blinding socialism and shrinking capitalism. This type of thinking is the primary reason America is falling/failing fast.
We all know that oil and water don’t mix; neither liberalism and conservatism. There are so many retarded liberals or a better description "psychotic liberals in power" forcing America to operate under blinding socialism and shrinking capitalism. This type of thinking is the primary reason America is falling/failing fast.
Only an ignorant utopian mind set would dare conjure up a fallacy notion of mixing economic socialism and monetary capitalism. Liberals are bent on America reverting to a mixture of socialism and capitalism. Their ignorance precedes comprehending socialism, deflecting actuality that the United States of America is built on capitalism and the free market and Christianity. Their ignorance precedes comprehending socialism will not sustain this nation. By virtue of simply examining the original content and context of the U.S. Constitution makes it "is impossible" for the homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community who now rule via the 2008-2024 deep state administration to accept and live by.
The reason is regurgitated over and over again; their psychotic liberal mindset is defaulted into a socialist/communist rule over the populous. Such cerebral fixation precede comprehending that socialism/communism is not designed for an American Republic that is designed and driven by capitalism.
Dr BearCayborn - Political Psychiatrist -
Dr BearCayborn - Political Psychiatrist -
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