What is the dumbest state in the world? For certainty it’s not DUBAI or United Emirates!
California tax payers have continuously beckoned its majority ruled Democrat legislation to curtail its spending on outdated and duplicated entitlement programs. But with a liberal socialist governor Jerry Brown leading an out of control one party state of Democrats it’s impossible to rescind the tax and spend actions of a state gone loony. A typical scenario to depict the condition of California is illustrated in the futuristic cartoon episodes of “The Jetsons.” In so California tax payers are represented by George Jetson and California Democrat legislators are represented by Jane Jetson- george’s wife:
California tax payers have continuously beckoned its majority ruled Democrat legislation to curtail its spending on outdated and duplicated entitlement programs. But with a liberal socialist governor Jerry Brown leading an out of control one party state of Democrats it’s impossible to rescind the tax and spend actions of a state gone loony. A typical scenario to depict the condition of California is illustrated in the futuristic cartoon episodes of “The Jetsons.” In so California tax payers are represented by George Jetson and California Democrat legislators are represented by Jane Jetson- george’s wife:
[George Jetson: “Everything, EVERYTHING you bought goes back
to the store”
Jane Jetson: “But George, you said our ship has come in”
George Jetson: “It sunk!”]
Tax Payer Money Misused, Abused and Stolen
When a nation is governed by leaders who are under certified
psychiatric care, or leaders who profess to be cocaine users, or proud sponsors
of marijuana usage and acclaimed alcoholics, that nation becomes defective in
moral values and laws. How can debased
morals, values and laws transform into tax payer money misused, abused and
stolen? Well, there is one household name in America that gives relevant comprehension
to tax payer money misused, abused and stolen; CALIFORNIA!
Examples and proof of California’s misuse of tax payer money
is circumvented daily throughout national headlines. Take for instance California’s $68 billion
dollar “George Jetson Bullet Train” to nowhere.
Tax payers of California have become livid over Gov Jerry Brown’s
forcing an unwarranted mocked version of Japan’s Speed Rail down their
throat. California tax payers don’t want
their money spent on an unnecessary rail system. But California politicians in power and under
psychiatric care [Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi, Jerry Brown, etc…] have decided
to overrule California tax payers and force their utopian socialist driven
ideology upon them. What we have in
clear view is California tax payers being pimped for the sake of satisfying
liberal fanatic fantasies [George Jetson Bullet Train].
Dumb and Thirsty California
California is prone to rain droughts that affect the
livelihood and commerce of the state, but survival of the people is not
important to California law makers. If
California law makers of the past 50 years had the best interest in the well
being of the populous they would have implemented the construction of multiple
desalination plants along the California coast line.
Other countries around the world are looking at California as
the dumbest state in America, and the dumbest state in the World. To continue to procrastinate and not plan,
create and produce an abundance of desalination plants along the California
coast line is ludicrous. No human on
this earth can survive without water, but California believes it is the
exception to human existence.
There are over 120 countries in the world that have
constructed and implemented operation of critical desalination plants: Israel,
Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Cyprus, Malta, Gibraltar, Cape
Verde, Portugal, Greece, Italy, India, China, Japan and Australia are just a
few of smart countries that place human life above environmental lunatics rebuttal
to building desalination plants. It's retarded about California’s mismanagement of resources to properly build
desalination plants beyond Sand City CA. Tampa Bay Florida operates its large
desalination plant to serve 2.5 million residents; Sand City CA desalination
plant only serves 334 people. Tampa Bay
is scheduling to build 70 desalination plants while California which is in far more
severe dire straits for water is only debating to build a miniscule amount of 17
desalination plants in the future, if environmentalist don’t object [they will].
You’ve got to hear the logic and
rationale response from liberals who rule California who defy building desalination
plants and saving humans from dying of thirst:
“There is the possibility that the pumps could suck in and
kill small marine organisms and fish such as the endangered delta smelt”
“The salinity level is expected to increase in coming
decades as sea levels rise; as the salinity goes up so does the cost of
screening the water. That cost would
probably be passed on to water customers”
“We actually support desalination when properly used, but
you should look at the other options first; Charlotte Allen/ co-chairwoman of
the Sierra Club Bay Chapter Water Committee”
Question: What other options could Sierra Club Bay Chapter
Water Committee co-chairwoman Charlotte Allen be referring to; having an “Indian
Rain Dance Day” to stop the California drought?
A State Failing the COMMON SENSE TEST

How Dumb is America?
There are fifty states in the United States of America
[better check with obama], but of those fifty states only one state in
particular [CALIFORNIA] sets the standard of living for the remaining forty
nine states. The national past time slogan
for America had been “As California goes, so goes America!” In other words, California in time past has
set the cutting edge standard of living, standard of morals, standard of family
values and standards for common sense. Thank goodness that slogan has started its diminishing
process in relevancy. Now a new slogan has
surfaced for America’s relationship with California; “If You Want to Go to
Hell, follow CALIFORNIA!” To that point
today California has become the most ignorant managed state in the union, producing
the most ludicrous legislation that kill jobs and take away personal freedom
and rights of legal tax payers. If you
were to review all of California’s legislative acts for the past ten years you
would swear that a psychiatric patient had gained control of making laws in
California. [CA SB1017/ Desalination
Plants/ George Jetson Bullet Train]
The public utility powers in California along with
California Air Resource Board, Environmental Protection Agency, Division of
Oil-Gas-Geothermal Resources, Regional Water Boards and Greenhouse Gas
Reduction Fund of California are all major direct beneficiaries of any new
taxes produced by California’s one party state Democrat rule. Today we’re
talking about the lunacy of California’s ability to manage its tax payer money
and the natural resources God has provided for that region of people.
We can assume with daily observance that a large portion of
California’s government officials at the municipal level, city level, county
level and state level of management are under psychiatric or psychological
care. Why else would California leaders
gasp at the thought of using utopian bullet train funds for critical
desalination plants that create water for its populous? Which do you think California residents would
rather have; plentiful water to drink or a bullet train that looks good on TV
for the world to see? And why would
California leaders want to restrict oil drilling which produces jobs and boost
the economy? At the same time California
politicians under psychiatric care continue to coordinate legislation to triple
tax oil corporations for just thinking about drilling in California.
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