Antiochus Epiphanes, Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar, Hitler
of Germany, George III of England, Otho
of Bavaria, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Henry VI of England,
The Zhengde Emperor of China, Ferdinand I of Austria, King Charles VI of France,
Emperor Caligula, Carlos II of Spain, Ivan IV of Russia, etc…
So you see it is of a truth that a nation can be ruled by an
insane ruler, and America does not escape this reality. This leads us to confirm the mental status of
U.S. president Hussein Obama. There is
no logic, reason or common sense value for a leader to deliberately infect his
own nation with an incurable disease [Ebola].
There are only 2 maddening insights available for why Hussein Obama
allows Ebola into America:
a) GREED: Hussein Obama knowing there is under the table
money for him from the travel industry; and under the table money from medical
research conglomerates for him. These are the only plausible concepts for his Ebola
approval in America.
b) INSANITY: There was no screening of Hussein Obama for
mental instability, or screening of his biological parent’s blood line for
mental instability. But regardless, Hussein Obama allowing Ebola to be incubated
in America is clearly an act of insanity or insane greed. The only other plausible concept would be to
consider Hussein Obama as an enemy operative.
But elite liberals and government news networks NBC CNN PBS MSNBC CBS
ABC NPR would immediately squash that possible truth from reaching liberal drones
that may be contemplating questioning government decision making [Ebola].
"Saddam Hussein’s America Today”
As the final
episode of America unveils, who would have thought that during the years 2008-2016
the United States of America was to be ruled by an insane Muslim dictator. Consider for a moment the people of Iraq as the
most naïve or docile humans on earth as they allowed Saddam Hussein to rule
over them. While the majority of Iraq’s populous
lived in poverty and impoverish conditions Saddam Hussein preached class
warfare and death to western capitalism while he himself was living in luxury palaces
and amassing piles of wealth and money.
Now turn the page in the script for the final episode of “Saddam
Hussein’s America Today” and you’ll find an identical abnormality of extreme psychoneurosis
in Hussein Obama. Hussein Obama is
preaching class warfare and death to prosperous businesses, companies and
corporation for their success in capitalism.
On the other hand Hussein Obama is pulling in huge nets of under the
table money and top of the table money into his offshore bank account from Wall
Street, GE, Solar Industry, Al Gore Industry, Medical Industry, Travel Industry
and now the Ebola Industry. Hussein
Obama’s constant lying to the naïve and docile American public seems to be a
never ending story that they can never get enough of. Like his Muslim predecessor Saddam Hussein
who had the capability to cast a spell on his people, so has Hussein Obama done
the same to ignorant Americans and the American media.
What happens when you combine a
Muslim President, Illegal Mexicans and Ebola?
Having a
Muslim president for America is the worst thing to ever happen to the United
States of America. Hussein Obama has
proven that he will hold to his belief of communism, socialism and Muslim
faith. As a Muslim he will do anything
to collapse America’s capitalistic society and Christian foundation. His mission to destroy America has been aided
by ludicrous black voters and ignorant liberal white voters. Muslim nations are very aware and grateful of
what their brother Hussein Obama has done for them. Hussein Obama is deliberately dismantling the
U.S. Constitution and initiating tyranny for an eventual Muslim or China take
over. Regardless if you believe this
truth or not, there are other factors that you can’t deny, or rather, you can’t
erase from current public journals. As
Christians and Conservatives are placed on the “Do Not Respect List” of vile
and mean spirited liberals, a replacement for their presence has begun.
The perpetual lie that liberal media continue to echo is
that eleven million illegal immigrants [11,000,000] are in the United States of
America. Such
a bold face lie! There are at minimum thirty three million
illegal Mexicans [33,000,000] plus at least eleven million illegal foreign
nationals in this country today! The
official count of illegal Mexicans in 1986 when Ronald Regan signed the 1986 Immigration
Reform Act was 5 million [5,000,000]. So
how in 28 years the amount of illegal Mexicans and illegal foreign nationals
have only increased 5 million? There
were five hundred thousand illegal aliens [500,000] caught at the border in
2013. There were 1,643,679 million
illegal aliens caught at the border in the year 2000. Therefore you can correctly round off at
minimum two million illegal aliens have entered the United States of America
each year since 1986.
So let's perform a simple calculation; 2 million x 28 years
= 56,000,000 million.
The reason you see so many illegal Mexicans in your city is
because they have reached the proportion of 1/6 of the American population
[318,000,000 - 56,000,000= 262,000,000 million legal Americans in U.S.]. If you count the JACKPOT BABIES that have
been born in America since 1986 the astronomical amount of actual illegal Mexicans
and illegal foreign nationals would scare you into truly understanding that
your country will be officially taken over in a matter of few years [less than 15
years]. This is imminent, especially
with Hussein Obama erasing the southern border. Read JACKPOT BABIES http://bit.ly/1odNhU2
This is not America’s society anymore
[conservative-constitution people]. Not only has the demographics of the nation changed
forever [pro non American populous], but the Democrat party voter has become
like a dog in its estrous cycle, accepting anything that will satisfy their
feelings and emotions. Hussein Obama
came along in 2008 when Democrat voters were at the highest point of their
estrous cycle. It is impossible to break
the union of Democrat voters and Hussein Obama, unless Democrats start on their
period. But even while on their period
Democrat voters of liberal whites, liberal uncle tom blacks [Jessie Jackson, Al
Sharpton, NAACP, Maxine Waters, Elijah Cummings, etc...] and leeching illegal Mexicans
will still love Hussein Obama's used condom and dirty underwear. You can also add the “so-called Democrat Christians” to that group
as well. So you see- that's how low the
American society has dropped. I wish I
were wrong, but I'm not!
Last Chance to Dance with the
Right Partner
Conservatives and
Christians in America had better take heed to the final episode in “Saddam
Hussein’s America Today” and secede from such an extreme abnormality of
functional form of insane government. Any
king or president that intentionally invites an invasion of illegal aliens and
deadly incurable foreign Ebola disease into its country should be denounced. But
more importantly Conservatives and Christians should be asking a very
important question to the current government of fu&%ed up Democrats/Liberals
and screwed up Republicans.
Why should we Conservatives and Christians give a damn about
your domesticated anthropological regressed egotistic cephalic disordered
society? We can build a better society
without your gangs of mentally unstable idiots. Regardless
of the 2014 or 2016 results, secession is imminent if Conservatives and
Christians have any common sense to survive.