The social truth about white liberals is their ability to profligate a "make believe" society or world for others to believe in; courtesy of hollywood subterfuge. The psychoanalysis of white liberals is simply based on their pious premise that they are better humans than all others; such cerebral abrasion allows them to conjure up a "make believe" approach to reality. Disclosing the white liberal's “make believe” utopian goal is nothing new for America to assess. Over the past sixty years, America’s young generation
has been doped up [drugs/alcohol] to accept and assimilate into a mad psychotic forum compiled of older political white
liberals bent on fundamentally changing America's Christian foundation into their "Make Believe World" of a utopian society without law enforcement and free entitlements for everyone. Of course you would have to be on drugs to accept this incompetent reality.
As scripture states “there’s nothing new under the sun,” so it befalls America today. "America Today" will be recognized in American History books as the years that dope head leaders in the oval office, senate and house of representative transformed America into the world's most drug abuse nation on the planet.
No God in a "Make Believe World"
Psychotic White Liberal World
White liberals and all other liberals convey a nature of sensual psychosis. They can easily play character roles that would make you believe in their “Make Believe World,” aka Disneyland, climate change, cloning, eugenics, abortion and euthanasia to create utopia. American white liberals have become oblivious to the reality of human beings just being humans. They believe that humanism and evolution have pulled back the curtain for the world to see how they have evolved from a monkey to a human in their “Make Believe World.” From such they “make believe" their utopian fantasy and lift themselves up as superior intellects with the ability to save the world [global warming and bullet trains].
The simple fact American white liberals fail to understand is as humans we are a tripartite being composed of the collective assignment of the 15 chemical elements made up in the dirt we walk on. To such detailed degree white liberals fail to understand that within this human biochemical frame we’re all the same with the ability to accelerate our neurons and synapses to generate a lifestyle adjustment without totalitarianism or political correct religion dictating our freedom of being. Therefore it is wicked and satanic of any liberal to force their immoral lifestyle and “Make Believe World” upon the American citizenry.
Yesterday [few years ago] drugs were illegal but yet
plentiful; today drugs, marijuana and alcohol are plentiful and legal to enjoy. Why did muslim leader Hussein [2008-2016] allow law makers to promote and proliferation marijuana and other drugs as legal usage? Well the answer is simple, control the minds of stupid gullible college educated fools and you control the next generations to come. As you see the evidence in frontal view of society how the same participants of the old liberal drug culture of years past are
the ones in government power today ruling over you. And so the life cycle of brainwashing via drug control actually and really works. These old dope politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer, Jerry Brown and many more are direct link to the psychedelic drug culture of the 1960’s. Current liberal politicians in office today in local, state and federal government were lab rats themselves, used in incubation
laboratories [estate mansions] for designer dope development.
Although these old dope lab rats of yesterday despised attending Sunday
school for moral teaching, they’re now the religious rulers of America today. The religion to be clearly noted is the "Political
Correct Religion" which is mandated for all Americans today to abide by.
Dope Head Flower Child Affect!
Without anticipating the drug or dope effect on the minds of
America’s “flower child generation” of the 1960’s 1970’s it is without a doubt
that today’s political leaders are the remnant of the “flower child dope
generation.” Unfortunately they’re in
power and psychologically unfit to be leaders of this great nation, and that's why this nation is crumbling from within. But, as money would become the god of the American society, even a psychotic politician can buy their way into political
office [Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feintsein, Hillary Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Harry Reid, Jerry Brown, Joe Biden, hussein obama,]. Having such leaders managing America over the
last fifty years [same flower children of 1960’s and 1970’s] have created an
America incapable to advance from a seemingly crippled economic cataleptic
mental state. In other words liberal
fascism has raped democracy through its dope head leaders from the flower child
generation. As such, causing democracy to remain in a position of stagnation manifesting or
dabbling under totalitarianism.
Young adult voters of today in America have been completely
blindsided by the historical foolishness of "Make Believe” liberals who would dare to
withdraw America from capitalism to settle into socialism. Clearly this is a sure sign of a society
dismantling from its foundation of rationale, logic and common sense. To deliberately motion the world’s most
prosperous society of modern times from capitalism to socialism settles upon
three comprehensions; 1. a spoiled nation that has become docile and
ignorant 2. a nation of selfish greedy
power hungry dope head politicians 3. a
nation under rule of wicked and satanic government head control.
Forced Religion: Political Correct Religion
The United States of America has for the majority of the
last fifty years been coerced into accepting the psychological damaged mindset
of old dope head liberals as "modern thinking and believing." This has been accomplished by allowing
functional educated psychological depraved mind individuals to hide behind
their academic degrees and forward their new modern religion of “Political
Correctness” into a depraved public school system.. You have to understand where political
correctness developed from in order to assess the mental condition of America’s
modern society. But to understand the political correct religion you must comprehend the liberal individual’s psychedelic
concept and view of how life must be lived.
The fundamental psychiatric foundation of liberal leader's thinking basically
catapulted from temporary drug high inducement to form a psychological barrier of the liberal mind that encloses a mindset of “Make Believe,” discarding any chance of grasping the reality
of life.
American white liberals are the best liberal example for the
world to see and examine for cerebral discipline. As stated earlier American
white liberals live in the most prosperous nation on earth, but yet they constantly
complain about conditions. To a normal
individual such harping of complaints would only be of concern in a “Make
Believe World.” American white liberals
are always discontented and never satisfied; case in point would be the
homosexual community of America's liberal society.
Homosexuals in America have everything a poor third world peasant could
only dream of on a good night sleep, but yet homosexuals are discontent all the time and not happy.
American white liberals have no fashion for including GOD in
their “Make Believe World.” Therefore
their immoral living is to be recognized as normal for all citizens of the
country to worship and praise. American
white liberals depend on receiving praise and in return they speak great
swelling words of praise with no substance to those who praise them regardless
of the immoral acts involved. As
American white liberals control the government media, particularly American
government media YAHOO GOOGLE MSNBC CNN ABC PBS FOX NBC NPR CBS MSN to broadcast propaganda, they easily slur other lifestyle concepts in order to promote their liberal “Make Believe World.” You have undeniable proof of this with the gullible
mentality of the current young adult voters who only respond and act from directives of
liberal media. America’s young voting adults are without any plausible consideration or
objective inclination to examine an opposite perspective. It's just not possible for them to do so!
[repeated review for pertinent analysis]
Psychotic White Liberal World
American white liberals and all other liberals convey a
nature of sensual psychosis. They can
easily play character roles that would make you believe in their “Make Believe
World,” aka Disneyland, climate change, cloning, eugenics, abortion and
euthanasia to create utopia. American white liberals have become oblivious
to the reality of human beings just being humans.
They believe that humanism and evolution have pulled back the curtain for the world to see how they have evolved from a monkey to a human in their “Make
Believe World.” From such they “make
believe" their utopian fantasy and lift themselves up as superior intellects
with the ability to save the world [global warming and bullet trains].
The simple fact American white liberals fail to
understand is as humans we are a tripartite being composed of the collective
assignment of the 15 chemical elements made up in the dirt we walk on. To such detailed degree white liberals fail to understand that within this human biochemical frame we’re
all the same with the ability to accelerate our neurons and synapses to generate
a lifestyle adjustment without totalitarianism or political correct religion
dictating our freedom of being.
Therefore it is wicked and satanic of any liberal to force their immoral
lifestyle and “Make Believe World” upon the American citizenry.
Dr BearClayborn – Political Psychiatrist http://amzn.to/XPxIKv ACB Newspaper