
Removing Ethnic Coloring

 It is extremely pathetic that the biden administration has conformed to "identity politics" and indoctrinated it into the great society or once use to be great society America.  The take over of  the United States of America by the democrat party and its heavily liberal sponsored socialist/communist financiers have brought America to its knees by mandating submission to a POLITICAL MONOCULTURE SOCIETY. 

The task of the democrat party to subvert the American society was easy but time consuming, yet easy enough for a child to adhere to.  The first level task to subvert America was to garner the support of its peasants or lower class populous [these are strong words, but truth].  The major objective for the democrat party was focusing on appeasing the four hundred year old crybabies of "colored or negro or black descent;" notice, not Africans from Africa.    The relevant reason to appease these four hundred year old crybabies is because they depend on government welfare and a myriad of free entitlements.  In layman's term the democrat party of Nancy Pelosi and President Lyndon Baines Johnson were to use their political power to gain infinite political power through a docile voting block of generational welfare populous [blacks, illegal aliens].  

The democrat party has superbly corralled with their deceitful political fist the uneducated populous.  They have manipulated a greater portion of America's adolescent voting population to trust democrat politicians blindly without thinking or evaluating.  The democrat party has complete control of over half the American voting population with power to mandate individuals to submit and obey democrat party unconstitutional abuse of power to create laws and policies [2020 lockdowns].   The democrat party in conjunction with mainstream media have destroyed the ability of democrat voters to practice free thought, instead force them to retrieve their information and decision making from democrat politicians hosted daily on major liberal news networks. 

The basic fundamental approach to controlling America's society is to exchange its free market capitalism for a socialist governed population [class warfare].  A second adjoining approach to controlling America's populous is to keep the skin color of a person as a prominent fixture and focus of the mind while in physical presence.  Africans in America will always be judged as a color, black, first and foremost in public or in an individual's mind.   Placing race as the primary and normal way of identifying a person is the best way to control America's society.  The democrat party and liberal elites in the political arena are the masters of creating and continuing ethnic color coding of Americans.  Ethnic color coding is the main foundation of controlling the thinking of Americans.  Without ethnic color coding in America the democrat party would not be able to control the uneducated populous or the lower economic class in America.  Thereby controlling how people see each other as a color gives the democrat party and liberal political elites incontestable power over the lives of Americans. 

Remove Ethnicity Color Coding [black]

It’s time for America to grow up and deal with people as people and not people as a color. How can this be done?  It can be done by abiding by what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. established for America.   Of course today Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. teaching to “judge a person by character and not by skin color” has been lost and replaced by “BLM” and their outmoded grandparents “NAACP.”  


But, the next generation of AGOA’s [American Genetics of Africa] may have an opportunity to graduate from being a “color” and become human beings.  It’s imperative we reintroduce Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. plan for a colorless society.  Unfortunately it may seem improvable with the democrat party sponsoring today’s social dismay, but it’s not impossible to accomplish.

Please read   http://bit.ly/2HLJakC


Here’s an example of evaluating ethnicity 

My father’s ancestry:

My grandmother [my father’s mom] born 1908 was West Indian.

My grandfather [my father’s dad] born 1902 was Irish and Chippewa Indian.

My mother’s ancestry:

My grandmother [my mother’s mom] born 1892 was Chickasaw Indian.

My grandfather [my mother’s dad] born in 1878 was West Indian.    


Neither of my “grand-family” identifies nor conforms to stereotype identity [white, yellow, brown or black].  It is appalling to me and my family to be considered a “colored human” selected from a box of crayon colors.   My family pigmentation varies from Caucasian to American Indian to Caribbean and East Indian. 


On the other hand, it is pitiful and pathetic to witness the prejudice of “blacks” in America.  They mandate and declare any dark skin person as “black.”  It’s simply asinine how “blacks” and liberals in America can only see skin coloration.  They automatically assign members of your family, my family and other American families into a color caste.   


6.  Remove Liberal Color Caste

Introduce Prime Meridian Identification:

It is highly commendable that you as President of the United States of America finally put a halt to “critical race theory training” in federal agencies.  Without question it is pure “anti-American propaganda" that you have eliminated.   As President of the United States of America you have the ability to illuminate before America a new epoch of ethnicity perception.  You have the ability to create a new avenue in American history that denounces liberalism’s color caste of “black” to identify humans in America.  The continuing liberal psychology of forcing color identification upon people is demeaning and inhumane, even if the person has been brainwashed to accept the color role. 


Liberals in the U.S. have mastered the social agenda of manipulating citizens into thinking in terms of color segregation association.  As liberals continue to incubate colorization of our society they malignantly with full intent push American citizens into a color caste system: [white for caucasian, black for african, brown for mexican, yellow for asian, etc…].


As President of the United States of America you have the ability to eliminate the old Democrat Party color caste system.  Present to America an official statement denouncing “color coding.”  Introduce proper legislation or an executive order changing how ethnicity is acknowledged in America.  This can be done by simply using the historical global term of geographic identification; “Prime Meridian.”


Remove the color caste [blacks] promoted by liberals to identify so called African Americans and provide a proper identification such as; “Prime Meridian East Descendants” or “Prime Meridian West Descendants.”  When introducing the “Prime Meridian” terminology platform you completely dissolve color coding any race in America.  In doing so we redevelop our society into respecting each other’s journey to America, and each other’s journey to achieve the American Dream of freedom and prosperity.



example:  Ethnicity identity of a “Chinese American”


[PME-CHN]   Prime Meridian East-CHN                                                     China             

or [PMED-CHN]                    Prime Meridian East Descendant-CHN         China

or [PMEG-CHN]                    Prime Meridian East Genetic-CHN              China


continued examples:

[PME-AUS]    Prime Meridian East-AUS                                                     Austria

or [PMED-AUS]                     Prime Meridian East Descendant-AUS         Austria

or [PMEG-AUS]                     Prime Meridian East Genetic-AUS                Austria


[PME-GER]    Prime Meridian East-GER                                                     Germany

or [PMED-GER]                     Prime Meridian East Descendant-GER         Germany

or [PMEG-GER]                     Prime Meridian East Genetic-GER                Germany



[PMW-USI]    Prime Meridian West-USI                                                     U.S. Indian

or [PMWD-USI]                     Prime Meridian West Descendant-USI          U.S. Indian

or [PMWG-USI]                     Prime Meridian West Genetic-USI                U.S. Indian


[PME-JOR]     Prime Meridian East-JOR                                                      Jordan

or [PMED-JOR]                     Prime Meridian East Descendant-JOR          Jordan

or [PMEG-JOR]                     Prime Meridian East Genetic-JOR                Jordan


[PMW-ELS]   Prime Meridian West-ELS                                                     El Salvador

or [PMWD-ELS]                    Prime Meridian West Descendant-ELS         El Salvador

or [PMWG-ELS]                    Prime Meridian West Genetic-ELS               El Salvador


[PMW-CAN]  Prime Meridian West-CAN                                                   Canada

or [PMWD-CAN]       Prime Meridian West Descendant-CAN                    Canada

or [PMWG-CAN]       Prime Meridian West Genetic-CAN                          Canada


[PMW-URU]  Prime Meridian West-URU                                                   Uruguay

or [PMWD-URU]       Prime Meridian West Descendant-URU                    Uruguay

or [PMWG-URU]       Prime Meridian West Genetic-URU                          Uruguay


It is imperative all three branches of our government initiate removal of identifying liberal color caste ethnicity in official documentation or oral review.   American descendants or genetics of Africa who currently identify themselves as “blacks” should be discontinued as ethnic recognition.  To wit, now become a “Prime Meridian.” 


[PME-AFR]    Prime Meridian East-AFR                                                     Africa

or [PMED-AFR]                     Prime Meridian East Descendant-AFR          Africa

or [PMEG-AFR]                     Prime Meridian East Genetic-AFR                Africa


It is imperative for America to go forward with the prescription Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. administered to eliminate the present day “liberal color caste.”  The ascension protocol of today is to help America’s young generation move past color identification.  The primary ascension protocol is to develop a society that judges each person by their character and not by their skin color.  This can be done by destroying the degenerate stronghold of liberals’ color caste of American citizens. 


There are no “black” people in America and there are no “white people in America; there are only Americans in America.  Please read   http://bit.ly/1p2H4xF