UPDATE: 05/18/2023 Disney cancels its new DISNEY HAPPY GAY THEME PARKS https://www.wvxu.org/news-from-npr/news-from-npr/2023-05-18/disney-cancels-plans-for-1-billion-florida-campus
ORIGINAL POST 05/06/2023 YES! It is time for Disney to start paying its fair share of
taxes, and no more special privileges in Florida. BUT!!! there is a great positive outcome for Disney fighting against the State
Disney can capitalize today by cutting their loses fighting the State of Florida and immediately rededicate
their financial resources to doing a "make over" of its theme parks. Disney now
has the greatest opportunity in corporate American history to corner an early
market designed for the homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community; “
I expect Disney Board of Directors to pay me for this spectacular idea to remake Disney Theme Parks to fit the desires of their favorite customers [homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community]; by implementing marketing and promotion to appeal to their [Disney] new found loyal customer base [homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community].