


The U.S. Constitution must be forefront and center on any judicial activity. There must be lower courts or lower level judges echoing the U.S. Constitution as the final say in reference to their decision making about illegal aliens' presence in the United States of America.  The primary basic rights of voting is restricted to Taxpaying American Citizens, period.  Illegal aliens have no rights under the United States Constitution; they are simply federal law breakers; they should not be on the soil of the United States of America.  As of now, voting restriction in the United States of America constitutes voiding out any attempt of foreign nationals or non-U.S. citizens from attempting to annex into participation of any sort in governing the United States of America, or having any type of privilege, that of a Taxpaying American Citizen.   

Therefore, let it be noted that any attempt of any branch [Executive, Legislative, Judicial] of the United States of America or any State to discard the United States Constitution in favor of illegal individuals, foreign nationals or illegal aliens having the full rights or any rights of a United States Taxpaying American Citizen, is an official open declaration for SEPARATION OF STATES. 

Taxpaying American Citizens are a conglomerate of the Unites States Constitution, and hereto must remain a coherent whole of the United States of America.  If any city, county, state or federal agency reframes from adhering to the United States Constitution as the founding fathers original intent has always been for over 246 years, then so are pure grounds of SEPARATION OF STATES.  
SEPARATION OF STATES is warranted based on said states, counties and cities that nullify the original United States Constitution that has governed the nation from its birth.

Simply put, if any illegal alien can vote in the U.S., then President Putin would also have a right to vote in elections as well.  This is solely based on U.S. governing states factoring in the approach of allowing voting participation of illegal aliens to determine how the United States must be governed and managed.  

To clarify how the present executive branch, legislative branch and judicial branch have allowed the U.S. Constitution to become so construed  is purified in the concept of allowing foreign nationals and illegal aliens to enter through the U.S. Southern Border with open permission and assistance.  Thereby if President Putin were to come through the southern border in the same manner as millions of uncontested [medical screened/verified/confirmed] illegal aliens and foreign nationals have done so, he would be justified and authorized to do so by the current none-abiding-U.S. Constitution ruling democrat party administration. 

In keeping lock step with new federal standards set by the current obama/biden administration and the 110th congress through the 118th congress, President Putin should not be treated any different than ongoing illegal alien federal lawbreakers, such as; Islamic terrorists, Nicaraguan prisoners, Venezuelan prisoners, Mexican prisoners, El Salvadorian prisoners and a plethora of foreign national murderers, foreign national drug gang members and foreign national criminal gangs/thugs coming through the southern border.  

In addition, President Putin has just as much rights and privileges as any foreign national female or illegal alien female who deliberately premeditate on illegally crossing the U.S. border to ensure having her baby on U.S. soil, in order for her baby to born an "automatic citizen" on U.S. soil...


Therefore the contending factor of illegal aliens voting or gaining access to the sole rights of Taxpaying American Citizens is to be considered a vile naked approach to governing; as such promptly voids the United States Constitution. 

Permitting or delegating Taxpaying American Citizens' voting rights or any Taxpaying American Citizens' privileged rights to any illegal alien or foreign national, regardless of their habitation, infers and extrapolates upon a cannibalized-U.S. Constitution of laws. 

Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-ACB Newspaper Intl


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