



YEP!  It is so sad that young adolescent adults in the United States of America won't get a chance to experience what real love is and what real life is meant to be.  This is all because they have been totally distracted by material gains and by self delusions fortified by a society controlled by ungodly politicians and demonic hollywood celebrities and wicked entertainers. 

Young adolescent adults in America have been grasping after everything hollywood has thrown in their face, which turns out to be fake love, false living, temporary fame and fortune; all while never having the ability to reap true eternal love and joy.  Young adolescent adults in America have become inconsolable because the hand of wicked liberalism has completely fooled them as they delay to recognize truth as it unfolds in their adolescent life. 

But the question remains, will young adolescent adults in America turn their back on liberalism and seek out and reach out for "real love" to guide them through the turbulent ungodly American society ruled by “liberal religion?”   Will young adolescent adults in America secure the promise of love that produces decades of unquenchable human love destined for a real man [husband] and real woman [wife] of symmetry and harmony? 

Will young adolescent adults in America ever have the chance to experience and celebrate 50, 60, 70 years of unity as a husband [real man] and wife [real woman] as their ending years of existence together as GOD designed them to experience; as "two becoming one."   

I truly hope that young adolescent adults in America will have the opportunity to experience life of growing old together in "real love" as husband [real man] and wife [real woman] as has been granted by the TRUE AND LIVING GOD.....

Genesis ch2 / vs24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."  kjv

Dr BearClayborn  

-Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-WORLD NEW CROSSROADS- ACB Newspaper International








The unfolding of Two Thousand Years have passed and the “WORDS of JESUS CHRIST” in the Holy Bible [authorized KJV] Matthew chapter 24 verse 6, are no longer cloaked, but now LOUD AND CLEAR to comprehend:

“And ye shall hear of Wars and rumors of Wars.”

 Well, the U.S. 110TH Congress through U.S. 118th Congress of today have assured the WORDS of JESUS CHRIST [Mat 24:6] remain fulfilled through unaccountable spending of TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS’ money to fund war after war, without an end.”

 You don’t have to be a Christian to see the spot light shinning on “war after war” solicited and supported by warmongering U.S. Congressional Members.  The perpetual use of designated TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS’ money to fight proxy wars clearly only benefit the U.S. Military Industrial Complex and warmongering U.S. Congressional Members.

As of today, there has been “zero” production in peace or stability on planet earth from warmongering U.S. congressional members wasting TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN’S  hard earned money….


Clear and vivid disclosure of U.S. congressional members’ approved spending and waste is on display for the most docile inhabitant on American soil. These congressional members gleefully throw away taxpayers money on “rumors of war after war,” and in addition they get paid to do it.  Daily unaccountable decision making surely secures these U.S. congressional members as the world’s most arrogant shameless millionaire warmongers of all time. 


How do U.S. congressional members become an overnight success millionaire? 

The answer is “percentage.”  Every U.S. congress member whether democrat or republican can instantly become a millionaire by virtually appeasing to senior members of the “warmongering caucus” by casting their vote in accordance.  When appeasing senior members push for a budget to fund “wars and rumors of wars,” every congress member who votes in alignment with the “warmongering legislation” will receive a certain percentage of the allocated funds announced. 

There are five hundred thirty five U.S. congress members [100 senators/435 house of representatives].  Now according to $funds$ of each “warmongering-legislation” passed and appropriated by any of the 535 congressional members [house/senate]; each can receive a set aside percentage of funds designated in the bill by the controlling senior house-member and the senior senate-member.  Therefore, judging by billions and trillions of “warmongering funds” that have been transacted and siphoned from the TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN; you can easily see how any U.S. politician can become an “instant” millionaire over night…..    


$2 billion in U.S. aid to people of Afghanistan; by which was totally pilfered by the Taliban.

 $8 billion in U.S. funding made available since the 2021 withdrawal; in which the funds were totally pilfered by the Taliban.

Since invading Afghanistan in 2001, the United States has spent $2.3 Trillion bucks on the war; with operations in both Afghanistan and Pakistan.

 $85 billion unaccountable “free donation” by “warmongering U.S. congressional members” to the Taliban Terrorist Army; via leaving military weapons, vehicles and aircrafts after withdrawal from Afghanistan.

 $113.4 Billion Bucks”  Since February 2022, the United States has allocated $113.4 billion in emergency funding to support the Ukraine proxy war; and much more to come.  

Yes, and now there's more warmongering profit to be made by U.S. Congressional Members of the 118th Congress; as they are scheduling “proxy warmongering money” to instigate more instability in the Middle East; via Iran, Israel and Taliban.

STAY TUNED….. “Wars and Rumors of Wars” continue….




According to CONGRESS.GOV there are 542 congress members.

275 Republicans

266 Democrats 

3 Independents

Without shame or remorse each democrat congress member [266] have religiously voted for climate change laws to be  implemented upon America’s capitalistic free market society.  Such foul congressional action is clearly TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION upon TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS.  

  Why do democrat congress members promote and approve something they do not conformed to or live by?   Regardless of the answer to that question, now more than ever, America must change how it is managed [legislation].  The best and only way to revise management of America is for Taxpaying American Citizens to set new standards for congressional members to live by, instead of congressional members setting life standards for Taxpaying American Citizens.  

Special emphases must be assigned to democrat congress members, thereby monitoring and detailing how they exist with living by their foolish legislation mandates.  The perfect example of setting new standards for congress members making legislation and forcing it upon society is to parallel their current lifestyle of honoring climate change laws in their daily living.  Are democrat congress members who have forced mandated-climate-change laws on TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS, buying and exclusively driving EV's everywhere they need to be transported?   

When reviewing the U.S. Constitution you'll find that "Climate Change laws" are virtually a violation of freedom and rights for Taxpaying American Citizens of a free market capitalistic society [AMERICA].  Climate change laws simply violate and deny Taxpaying American Citizens the ability to live out their Constitutional right in order to seek and live in prosperity. 


If you’re trying to demand or slightly trying to mandate TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS withdraw from our current civilized way of living [fossil fuel usage], please tell us if you’ve already proven it can be accomplished through your actual daily personal lifestyle.  Show Taxpaying American Citizens how you've actually conformed and transitioned to "climate change legislation standards."  

TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS demand answers from democrat congress members who dare to piously enforce climate change.  Simply answer the following questions, detailing your daily implementation of "climate change religion activity." 



question #1  Do you own and use your electric vehicle daily for travel?

question #2  Are demanding all government vehicles, including the "president limousine," become electric vehicles?

question #3  Have you advanced legislation for all government transport aircraft for politicians and government commercial vehicles become totally powered by electric?  

question #4  Do you plan to present a "complete and thorough outline of implementation" for the U.S. Military to convert all military vehicles [trucks, jeeps, hummers, cars, tanks, mobile rocket launchers, ACP troop carriers [[armored personnel carrier]] from diesel [fossil fuel] to totally electric power units?

question #5  Do you have all-electrical-appliances in your home?

question #6  Do you own and use all electrical equipment at your private residence [lawn mower, tractor, riding mower]? 

question #7  Have you required your local city council [where your residence presides] to mandate all residential homes in your community, along with commercial buildings, schools and hospitals become totally dependent on electric power and not use “backup gas generators?" 

question #8  Have you required your local city council [where your homestead is] mandate all official municipal vehicles be electric vehicles?

question #9  Have you required your local city council [where your homestead is] restrict and forbid all car dealerships selling gas powered vehicles from receiving city business licenses? 

question #10  Have you demanded every ambulance transport service to hospitals, senior rest homes, convalescent homes, car wrecks, train wrecks, building explosions and aircraft crashes be registered electric vehicles? 

  The above litmus test questions are mandated for answers by order of TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS.  Your answers are restricted to "Yes or No" answers without elaboration.  Such restricted answers are to evaluate your comprehension and logic to transform our current capitalistic society into your "utopia" driven climate change format.  What is your comprehensive root analysis to exchange our free market American society; which consist of Taxpaying American Citizens having the right to choose and buy consumer products and goods based on free market competition and not political/government intervening?

   Each question forwarded for answer deserves serious focus and honest reply.  Due to your brazen ability to create legislation, laws, policies, mandates and executive orders placed upon TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS now require new standards for you to abide by.   You were hired [voted] into office to serve the TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN via their constitutional sovereign authority.  Unfortunately the U.S. congress has taken it upon their so-called "ruling power" to legislate constitutionally against TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS; which is known as Taxation Without Representation. 

  The crux of the matter is congress members are now conducting themselves in a self appointed "privileged" political class; while living off TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS.  Therefore new standards and requirements for congressional members must show their voting constituents they are leaders and believe in leading by example.  Of course this means disclosing their person living lifestyle in order for congress people to show how personally they're living by their climate change policies they legislate.  Denoting voting constituents approval or disapproval is the game changer, as how congress [specifically democrat party congressional members] will be able to save the planet [global climate agenda] via TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS opening their wallet or keeping it closed.  

   Yes Yes Yes, the "personal lifestyle" of congressional members will be the gauge today, to determine if pork money on climate change [actually a hoax] is to be taken serious.  The question of whether congress members have already converted their lifestyle to totally disengage from using so-called planet killing fossil fuel is the main focus today.  When congressional members prove they can personally vacate from using fossil fuel elements of any kind and encourage their global elite buddies [Al Gore, Bill Gates, Jackass Obama, etc...] to do the same, then its possible that all democrat voters will do so as well.  

The new standard for U.S. congressional members is they must now be real leaders; live by example and not by bogus unproven climate legislation designed to strip TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS naked.  

Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-ACB Newspaper International