



YEP!  It is so sad that young adolescent adults in the United States of America won't get a chance to experience what real love is and what real life is meant to be.  This is all because they have been totally distracted by material gains and by self delusions fortified by a society controlled by ungodly politicians and demonic hollywood celebrities and wicked entertainers. 

Young adolescent adults in America have been grasping after everything hollywood has thrown in their face, which turns out to be fake love, false living, temporary fame and fortune; all while never having the ability to reap true eternal love and joy.  Young adolescent adults in America have become inconsolable because the hand of wicked liberalism has completely fooled them as they delay to recognize truth as it unfolds in their adolescent life. 

But the question remains, will young adolescent adults in America turn their back on liberalism and seek out and reach out for "real love" to guide them through the turbulent ungodly American society ruled by “liberal religion?”   Will young adolescent adults in America secure the promise of love that produces decades of unquenchable human love destined for a real man [husband] and real woman [wife] of symmetry and harmony? 

Will young adolescent adults in America ever have the chance to experience and celebrate 50, 60, 70 years of unity as a husband [real man] and wife [real woman] as their ending years of existence together as GOD designed them to experience; as "two becoming one."   

I truly hope that young adolescent adults in America will have the opportunity to experience life of growing old together in "real love" as husband [real man] and wife [real woman] as has been granted by the TRUE AND LIVING GOD.....

Genesis ch2 / vs24 "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh."  kjv

Dr BearClayborn  

-Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-WORLD NEW CROSSROADS- ACB Newspaper International



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