If over half the American citizenry is stupid enough to vote
into leadership the most lawless immoral liberals ever to stain American soil,
then the world should know that
is dumb enough to be taken over by another world power in the very near future.
ALL FOR NOTHINGAfter all the trials and tribulations American founders
fought and won to gain independence and establish a free republic, it was all
for nothing. The founders of America
meticulously framed the republic to integrate a capitalistic free market society,
but it was all for nothing.
The foundation of America was established in 1620AD
by the Pilgrims who were followed by the Puritans in 1630AD. Both groups rising above unbearable hardships
made their journey to the New World in search of a new home, new freedoms and
the ability to worship [Jesus Christ] the True and Living God; but it was all for nothing.
The establishment of the United States of America became
official in 1776, and was herald around the world as a magnificent episode in
world government affairs during that time.
Sorrowfully today the once “wonderful and magnificent republic” has been
tarnished and stained beyond recognition by liberal-socialist leaders ruling the
White House. All the hard work, sweat,
tears, blood and death of the founders of America is now considered worthless
and all for nothing.

All of the above epochs in American History have now become
erasable events in accordance to the “liberal democrat party” now ruling America today. The world can no longer identify America as a leader of democracy; the world now
knows that democracy no longer exist in America for all Americans. Leading societies of democracy around the
globe are now rethinking how to properly cast the American society. Since America is no longer a republic of
people, then it must be cast as a socialist or communist government ruling people. It is no longer a people
governing as a republic as its founders established.
The World Can See!
Nations of the world were eye witnesses to the mayhem
and out of control riots streaming throughout the year 2020 in America. Nations of the world have been eye
witnesses to democrat party leaders and their liberal "Big Tech" corporations
negate the rights and freedoms of Conservatives and Christians.
The global community now has first hand knowledge of the
agenda being set by the socialist democrat party and its liberal leaders. The whole world can see the socialist
democrat party government of America
controlling and ruling with an "iron fist" over the head of American citizens. The world no longer see the United States of America
as a nation of unity or a nation driven by a capitalistic free market society
thriving in prosperity [ask Canada Prime Minister Trudeau].
Metered Prosperity
It’s crystal clear the global community is watching America. They are watching the
unveiling of the new liberal socialist democrat party rule. America was once a nation of
prosperity for all who invested into its capitalistic free market system. Today prosperity is only metered out to the
wealthiest liberals while taxing the middle class to death, and guaranteeing hand
outs to welfare recipients who vote democrat only.
The democrat party "liberal iron fist rule” induce fear and pain
to anyone not submitting to their liberal religion of political correctness. Their liberal religion of political
correctness is composed of anti-Conservative, anti-Christian and anti-God
leaders in all levels of government. All
around the world democracies are monitoring daily the devaluation of democracy
in America. Without shame the democrat party’s media
networks broadcast inexhaustible liberal propaganda.
All around the globe nations observe first hand how liberal
networks CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR, Yahoo News, FOX, Google News, TWITTER,
Times, MSN and others provide a constant barrage against American citizens
[Conservatives, Christians]. Democracy
has declined in American to the point that corporate liberal elites sponsoring
democrat party politicians can now initiate black-balling [prevent certain
people] American citizens from becoming employable U.S. citizens because of their political
and religious beliefs [Conservative, Christian, 2nd Amendment].
The World is Watching Liberal Raw Sewage!
Nations around the world are now witnesses to the emerging
tyrannical and totalitarian liberal government of the United States of America,
under the control of the democrat party.
Poland, France and Mexico
are just the first to acknowledge that America is no longer the leader of
democracy in the world. The decline of
democracy in the United
States of America is clearly evident to
other nations, especially those countries that have established their
government upon democracy. The democrat
party being led by liberal leaders that have no shame or self control for power
and money disclose openly their raw sewage politics against any political
opposition. This has been well noted as
the democrat party and their “Big Tech Super Powers” stripped the American President
Trump of his basic American freedom of free speech. The world is watching!
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