
United States Postal Service -DOUBLE RAPE


Taxpaying American Citizens must ready themselves for being "double rape" by U.S.P.S..  Yes, the reality of GUARANTEED scheduled  Postage Stamp PRICE INCREASE FOR THE FUTURE, and scheduled GUARANTEED GOVERNMENT BUDGET INCREASE for U.S.P.S. operation and management; DOUBLE RAPE $$...  How do they get away with such incalculable measures of bankrolling? 

One of the most easiest ways President Trump can set the precedence to cancel government waste and spending would be to reestablish the United States Postal Service.  Annually the U.S.P.S. proves to be a top tier government agency or so-called "private government agency" that blows away Taxpaying American Citizens' money with no respect to the taxpayer.  Without question everyone uses U.S.P.S. at some time in point in their communication, as such the U.S.P.S. is a guaranteed gold mine operation of the federal government.  Unfortunately that premise can not be further from the truth, although it should be truthful, but virtually impossible to be, due to contumacious postal management set on increased "paychecks" instead of lowering cost of postal products for Taxpaying American Citizens who are paying their salary. [amazing]  

Today's United States government can no longer hand out welfare checks to U.S.P.S. top management employees who are thoroughly abusing and wasting taxpayers money, while not bringing in a return of profit or lower cost of U.S.P.S. operations.  Since the 1980's 1990's and post 2000AD the U.S.P.S. have received the latest or newest plant operational machinery, facility equipment, transportation trucks and computerized automated 
Mail-Sorting Machines.   These added  annual invaluable integrates of the U.S.P.S. should easily be a part of making the U.S.P.S. a profit generating operation that could very well be contributing to a less costly postal stamp.  Sadly instead, today a first class stamp has a very near forecast of excelling beyond $1.00 [currently 73 cents/december 2024].  Think about it, a stamp, or rather a piece of paper that is less than an inch in diameter costing $1.00 buck or more before the year 2025 concludes.  

A simple question has been asked about the subvention of U.S.P.S. funding usage, whether such has been appropriately or inappropriately utilized?  How is it possible the price of a simple postage stamp cost $1.00/buck, while Taxpaying American Citizens pays billions to U.S.P.S. only to be charged daily an additional $1.00 or more for postal products?  Well, there are so many avenues to take that will lead you to an eye opening view of serious government waste of taxpayer money by U.S.P.S..  Unfortunately we don't have enough paper to write down all of the alignments of U.S.P.S. operational costs or sourced out contractual services cloaked in disguise for improved for U.S.P.S. operations. 

Here's a quick sample note: 

Lockheed Martin Wins $2.8 Million Contract from U.S. Postal Service to Build 20 Automatic Mail Tray Lidding Systems 

U.S. Postal Service awards $300M Automated Package Processing System to Lockheed Martin as a prime contractor. 

On Sept. 29, 1991, the United States Postal Service issued a $1.00 Olympics stamp (Scott 2539). to promote its sponsorship of the Winter and Summer Olympic Games.  Basically advertising for the Postal Service support of the Olympics. [total cost to Taxpaying American Citizens is unknown] 

September 14, 2020.... perfect example of how U.S.P.S. plays partisan politics by blaming President Trump for their lack of efficiency which causes more wasted taxpayer moneyNOTE: American Postal Workers Union filed a grievance against U.S.P.S. which coincided with new USPS cost-cutting measures—instituted by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, whom President Donald Trump appointed postmaster general.  The American Postal Workers Union blame mail backlogs and delayed deliveries on President Trump's appointed Postmaster General Louis Dejoy.   The American Postal Workers Union grievance is coming just ahead of the 2020 general election in which the American Postal Workers Union blame the cost-cutting measures by Postmaster General Louis Dejoy will lead many Americans to vote by mail and could potentially affect the outcome of the election.... 

As such, the above example is about the most clear picture of taxpayer money being wasted because of lazy greedy unionized postal workers...

AND  NOW: Excerpt from ACB Newspaper International Editorial. 

Uncloaking the blatant and perfidious management of U.S.P.S. and how they have become an inefficient operation receiving inexhaustible amounts of Taxpaying American Citizens' money while with rape they make taxpayers pay for U.S.P.S. products that taxpayers have already paid for [U.S.P.S. total operational cost]. 


Considering the absorption value of a USPS "forever stamp" on the first day of sales, the "first" Forever Stamp went on sale in April 2007.  Every Taxpaying American Citizen should have been given an option to directly invest in it [forever stamp] as a shareholder, but such was not to be authorized by the USPS.  The intent of the "forever stamp" was to "fair out" the rising cost of first class stamps.  Yet today, after uncloaking the overall agenda of the USPS, they managed to cover up [cloak] destined “future shock" of scheduled price increase for first class mail.  


The underlining for USPS to increase postal costs on a first class mail stamp was also an extended act to increase price on other postal items, such as a post card, at will.  The simple creation of a "hoaxed fix cost" first class stamp [forever stamp] automatically allowed increase postal costs to shift to all postal products and formats; such as:

Military & Diplomatic Mail

First-Class Mail Flats (Large Envelopes)

First-Class Mail Letters


Prepaid Forever Priority Mail Flat Rate

Priority Mail Express

Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Envelope

USPS Ground Advantage

USPS Marketing Mail

In review, for the USPS to conjure up the "forever stamp" was an ingenious idea. 

As such an idea was to virtually create a "USPS GOLD MINT" without any competition to legally challenge their monopolization of selling to the public. 

Of course the internet's ability to offset the old "snail mail" communication format was considered as an effective way of voiding out costly USPS first class mail.  Unfortunately creators of internet media/communication services did not factor-in or equate the profitability performance of the "forever stamp."  Every internet media/communication service [email/website/text, etc…] can't increase the price of its communication service “at-will” like the USPS can.  It would be impossible for internet communication services to compete profitably with the forever stamp; all because the “forever stamp” can literally increase it product price without shame or concern of decline in customer sales. 

It's amazing that a product [forever stamp] can guarantee an increase in its price at any moment and remain highly sought after by the consumers.  Current USPS agenda is to automatically schedule a price increase for the “forever stamp,” with a scheduling of $1.00 [0.73cents/december 2025.  Look at the millions if not billions of "one dollar-forever stamps” passing through the USPS system on just one day.  Just think about it, the USPS is selling their very own "gold stamp" [forever stamp] in an equivalency of gold bars, gold coins and gold ingots, in the form of a gold stamp [forever stamp], but Taxpaying American Citizen can not be shareholders of this precious commodity.  Taxpaying American Citizens can only be assured of a "double rape," having to pay all of U.S.P.S. management and operational costs to produce the "gold stamp" and pay for the retail price of the "gold stamp. 


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