


Crypto currency/Bitcoin [fools gold]

To the employee who was working at McDonald’s to garner votes:

Dear Mr. Trump;

We didn't vote you into office to change America’s monetary system by christening a charade of buying and selling bitcoin currency.   https://acbnewspaper.blogspot.com/2022/01/young-fools-gold.html   

We didn’t vote you into office to help bolster up your filthy rich constituents and investment buddies. Remember when you were working at McDonalds, did you tell your customers they need to use crypto/bitcoin to make purchases. The fact is most of those customers barely had enough money to buy gas for their vehicle to drive to McDonalds.  


Average hard working Taxpaying American Citizens dare not cipher why you would say protect “bitcoin,” because it’s irrelevant to them. Taxpaying American Citizens do want to know how you can protect their investments in gold, precious metals, land/real estate from falling into foreign investor’s hands [the wrong hands]."  

Changing or altering America’s monetary value system with crypto currency/bitcoin is surely not what the average hard working Taxpaying American Citizen voted for you to do.  Taxpaying American Citizens want U.S. currency to be reestablished under the gold standard, and absolved from a 24 hour FedEx store government approved copy machine.  

 Just think if bitcoin was utilized to manage our monetary flow instead of paper currency backed by gold reserves; surely this thought has crossed Mr. Trump’s mind for examination and assessment.  The common sense analysis is crypto currency/bitcoin is irrelevant to 95% of Taxpaying American Citizens; it is not a priority for monetary implementation.  Mr. Trump must remember, the same Taxpaying American Citizen who voted you into office on good faith will not tolerate you devaluing their dollar that is currently only worth 65cents.  Do the right thing for Taxpaying American Citizens and uplift the U.S. dollar by utilizing the gold standard.


Lesson to Learn from Ukraine:

Sanctions against Russia have failed. There are more than 16,000 sanctions imposed against Russia.  Believe it or not the Russian economy and war machine grew by 3.6 per cent in 2023 and grew another 3.0 per cent in 2024.  How was this possible? 

Well, in early 2022, Russia pegged its currency, the ruble, to gold, and 5,000 rubles will now buy an ounce of pure gold. The plan was to shift the currency away from a pegged value and into the gold standard itself so the ruble would become a credible gold substitute at a fixed rate. Russia is now the second largest producer of gold at 324.7 tonnes in 2023, behind China at 374 million tonnes. Russia is expected to increase production of gold by four per cent a year until 2026. 



Could Russia have accomplished its success by fooling around with crypto/bitcoin monetary values?  Of course not, and that’s why it is pertinent that President Trump must rewind and review his monetary thinking into placing the United States of America back onto the gold standard reserve.  The rationale for holding to gold reserves is to use them to settle foreign transactions at home and abroad. Gold holders can trade it on one of several bullion exchanges; it can be swapped for currencies to settle transactions and then swapped back into bullion.

The first year of 2025 Trump Administration can easily lay down the foundation for renewed prosperity and make American great again; simply by placing the United States of America back on the gold standard reserve.  Also in the first year of Mr. Trump’s 2025 Administration, it would be of enormous value to Taxpaying American Citizens if he  simply apply rational logic in his decision making.  Overall, just by keeping focus on building back American jobs would proliferate the U.S. free market and accelerate enterprise competition.   

Placing monetary and economic tangibles [gold reserve] back into America’s money flow guarantees producing jobs and prosperity for Taxpaying American Citizens; Russia has proven that over the past two years.  Implanting proven monetary values back into society becomes easy as the gold standard takes place.  The value of teaching a young worker to earn as much income as they can and learn how to save for a rainy day is a priceless financial prescription for managing money.  Young Taxpaying American Citizens can’t “save for a rainy day” by aligning with an anomaly of crypto currency/bitcoin buying and selling.


The “2025 Trump” must command his common sense to remember that we live in a capitalistic society where Taxpaying American Citizens have their choice of utilizing their own method of money exchange for buying and selling in America’s consumer finance universe.  But to induct a valueless intangible computer generated accounting pyramid system into America’s foundation of wealth is madness.  Taxpaying American Citizens have a unique manner and approach to funding their investments [gold, real estate, precious metals, etc...].  

If Mr. Trump attempts to alter the basic foundation of America’s money exchange he’ll have to pay a hefty price trying to correct his economic mismanagement. It is none of President Trump’s authority to redesign America’s foundational currency flow exchange that has been setup to manage our capitalistic society.  Trying to crossbreed America’s tangible currency [based on gold standard] with an intangible computerized pyramid crypto currency/bitcoin, is equivalent to having Taxpaying American Citizens use a UPS store government approved copy machine to print their money.   Yeah, think about that reality… 


President Trump is a billionaire/trillionaire who can offer free investment counseling and tips in stock trading and gold purchase, but he should not try to force feed the issue of bitcoin economics for taxpayers to adhere to.  In doing so President Trump is only mimicking biden’s "force feed" of save the planet/buy electric cars promotion .  President Trump would be starting out on the wrong foot with his “bitcoin-priority” while failing to keep in step with the average Taxpaying American Citizen who barely has a job.

There are literally thousands of priorities that should be focused for managing right now, and crypto/bitcoin speculative futures are not in the equation of Taxpaying American Citizens’ thinking.  Protecting the crypto currency/bitcoin monetary management system, which is literally designed for filthy rich billionaires and trillionaires is out of this world.  Ensuring home owners remain capable of keeping their homes is what’s happening in America world today. 

Crypto currency/bitcoin focus by Mr. Trump is running totally contrary to the campaign issues and promises President Trump made on his campaign trail.  Crypto currency/bitcoin does not represent the hats, caps, tee shirts and poster signs broadcasting “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.” 

Young adolescent voting adults who are fresh out of high school are in need of a job.  These young adult voters also need to learn fundamental basics of economics and consumer finance.  With President Trump telegraphing crypto currency/bitcoin to society will only lure young Americans to imitate and play with high flying filthy rich billionaires and trillionaires.   That’s a terrible example to set for teaching first time employed young adults to play the crypto currency/bitcoin pyramid game.   


Yes, reestablishing and maintaining a stable U.S. economy has to be a super priority. Now, coupled that with bringing back offshore jobs and starting up America’s dormant industrial climate can only be a win-win for Taxpaying American Citizens.   Today Taxpaying American Citizens are asking “WTF” [what toilet foam] is Mr. Trump  drinking now.  

For President Trump to start out 2025 with tampering with America’s monetary currency base system by promoting or injecting a treacherous intangible financial pyramid scheme dependent on electronic wizardry is entirely foolish.   Making crypto currency/bitcoin-great for America is not a form of;


Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-WORLD NEWS CROSSROADS-ACB Newspaper International  https://acbnewspaper.blogspot.com/2014/08/world-news-crosroads.html

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