
Democrat Party Declaration of Independence from U.S.A.

roclamation of 2020; Through default of real Americans, real Conservatives, 

real Christians  and inept Republicans the
Fourth of July as you once knew is ordered to celebrate the: 


Democrat Party Declaration of Independence from U.S.A.

By the all mighty powers invested in the Democratic National Committee ordained
by the Democrat Party Voters to establish principles of order structured under
the new Democrat Party Declaration of Independence
 to solidify from this day forward the
 Democrat Union of Democracy

To wit the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence forwards the pinnacle of life creating a dimension of life built on a mission of providing a fair and safe heaven for those who deem  themselves oppressed and persecuted by the current established United States of America are called unto the protection of the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence now governing the new "Democrat Union of Democracy;" secession from the U.S.A.

The Democrat Party Declaration of Independence stands for an order of people who believe in protecting the earth from humans that don't honor the principles of climate change [global warming].

The Democrat Party Declaration of Independence stands for open borders to immigrants, refugees and political asylum migrants who seek to build their life for future families wanting fair economic values.

The Democrat Party Declaration of Independence honors all peace loving individuals who condemn gun ownership.  Citizens will abide by laws of the Democrat Union of Democracy Constitution to forfeit ownership of any weapon that can harm other citizens.  No guns or similar small scale artillery are permitted for ownership by citizens or foreign diplomats or foreign visitors to the Democrat Union of Democracy.

The Democrat Party Declaration of Independence place into its center foundation the protection of all Gay, Homosexuals, Lesbians and Transsexuals against any entity or individual seeking to dishonor the lifestyle and production of Gay, homosexuals, Lesbians and Transsexuals loyalty to the Democrat Union of Democracy.

The Democrat Party Declaration of Independence firmly establishes abortion rights and women rights to choose how they carry out their life without being hindered by anyone contrary to their lifestyle.

The Democrat Party Declaration of Independence firmly establishes the right of individuals and families who have been nationally certified to obtain free full medical coverage and full education tuition for kindergarten to university/college degree programs.   Free health and education is provided through annual certification of head of household declaring number of family members.  New immigrants, asylum applicants, refugee applicants and felony convicts returning to society are automatically eligible for full medical health care and full education tuition without cost.

No longer will the Democratic Union of Democracy be subjected to the standards of Christianity, the Republican Party, the Independent Party, Conservative Groups or National Law Enforcement.  We the Democratic National Committee severe all official ties with said above entities and their affiliates.  The Democratic National Committee declares its independence from the old political establishment of the United States of America and hereby establishes independence as a separate country  "Democrat Union of Democracy,"  with its own laws of the land through decrees of philosophical lifestyles and our modern designed constitution to govern our new populous.  Our new constitution incubates zero tolerance of current police state philosophy of law enforcement.  Our new constitution   will create state members of community law to screen out individuals that forward hatred and opposition to any homosexual family groups, aka GLBT [gay lesbian bisexual transgender], LGBT [lesbian gay bisexual transgender] , CHE [campaign for homosexual equality], ANTIFA [anti-fascist political activist movement] or the BLM [black lives matter].

In order for the Democrat Union of Democracy to maintain a structured separation from all entities that do not desire to condone and honor our Democrat Party Declaration of Independence from the United States of America U.S.A. there will be a period of clarification implemented.  During the settlement period of clarification the initiation of implementing an orderly plan of separation or secession of populous into declared states or new satellite states of the Democrat Union of States will be acknowledged. The formation of new states or satellites will receive orders, directives and governing laws under the flag of the Democrat Union of Democracy.  All International associations
 aligning with the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence will be officially recognized through signed treaties of nations under the United Nation's platform. 

Current states in the United States of America [USA] ruled by Democrat governors will have first choice selection from exit plans noted as "DEXIT" [Democrat Union of Democracy-EXIT from rule of U.S.A.].  Exit Plans are available for Democrat governors to direct their populous in internal-transition into the Democrat Union of Democracy.  Greater emphases will be put on the populous in external-transition from “red states [states governed by majority republican administration].  

The financial burden of new Democrat Union of Democracy Citizens relocating and transitioning to their desired DEXIT designated state through the "DEXIT PLAN" will be covered by the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence Hollywood Trust Fund.  The Hollywood Trust Fund will encompass liberal donations from all Hollywood celebrities, Professional Football Players, Professional Basketball Players, Professional Baseball Players, Professional Hockey Players, Professional Tennis Players, Professional Soccer Players and all other wealthy millionaires/billionaires of the entertainment field along with elite status political figures [Barack & Michelle Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Michael Bloomberg, etc...] who are on record of actively voicing their support of denouncing or eliminating the presence of President Donald Trump.  

The purge of democrat and liberal citizens from groups, cities, counties and states held by republican control is totally voluntary.  Those who are not democrats or liberals that remain voluntarily under the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence will be appropriately segregated and classified as ineligible to vote in the Democrat Union of Democracy affairs.  Those who are classified as "non-adherence" to the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence will not retain their prior citizenship status of rights as under the old U.S.A. constitution.

All citizens joined to the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence must reside in the Democrat Union of Democracy under the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence.  Any individual that does not identify themselves as democrat citizens or liberal democrat citizens forfeit any rights and will be mandated to conform to the new constitution of the Democrat Union of Democracy brought fourth by the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence and subjected to legislation, policies, mandates, directives and orders of local and national officials approved by the Democrat Union of Democracy.

The Democrat Union of Democracy will not constitute implementation or carry over the old  U.S.A. standards of “free market system.”

The Democrat Union of Democracy will constitute under the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence “NEW FAIR MARKET SYSTEM” of economics.  

The Democrat Union of Democracy under the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence will be constructed and managed under national majority voting rule.  National majority voting rule consists of each state having the ability to input and assist with management each satellite-union settlement affairs.

A union-satellite having the ability to assist in managing another union-satellite's proposed change of union standard operation creates a universal order to maintain unification and conformity of national philosophy, national values, national moral standards and equality of national fiscal funding distribution.  The Democrat Party Declaration of Independence abolishes use of an “electoral college voting representation” [used by the U.S.A.] and establishes union-satellite representation by individual voting on national issues; thereby eliminating electoral college voter representation.

Under the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence only the "voting majority" populous will render approval on all legislation forwarded for national security issues, international trading, inner continent commerce with the United States, joining hold to European Union, joining as ally with United Nations and approving the Democrat Union of Democracy participation to assist the United Nation in times of war, but only as suppliers of materials and resources,  but not soldiers of war.  All national and international issues will be presented before the people of the Democrat Union of Democracy for approval of action or inaction through national voting certificates issued to citizens of age 16 years and above.

Supporting Entities Of The 
Democrat Party Declaration of Independence
The Convening Democrat Party Congressional Members of the 2019 U.S. Congress along with the New Democrat Coalition Caucus, Safe Climate Caucus, Voting Rights Caucus, Progressive Caucus, Pre-K Caucus, Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition Caucus, Congressional Media Diversity Congressional Brain Trust Caucus, LGBT Equality Caucus, Social Work Caucus, Cut Flowers Caucus, Rock Caucus, Black Caucus, Congressional Baseball Caucus, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Wine Caucus, Iran Human Rights and Democracy Caucus, Small Brewers Caucus, What Works Caucus, Zoo and Aquarium Caucus,  Asian Pacific American Caucus, Arts Caucus, Black Mental Health Caucus, Wildlife Refuge Caucus, American Sikh Caucus, Assyrian Caucus, California Public Higher Education Caucus, Cambodia Caucus, Rum Caucus, Solar Caucus, Cannabis Caucus, Bourbon Caucus, Central America Caucus, Commission on the Black men and Boys Caucus, U.S.-China Working Group Caucus,  Cranberry Caucus, Congressional Women-Peace and Security Caucus,  Congressional Coalition on Adoption Caucus, Creative Rights Caucus, Democrat Women Caucus, Ethiopian American Caucus, Friends of a Free Stable Democrat Syria Caucus, Future of Work Caucus, High Speed Rail Caucus, House Freedom of the Press Caucus. House Quiet Skies Caucus, Multicultural Media Caucus, Hollywood Members Against Trump Group  and thousands of other supporting groups that support the Democrat Party Declaration of Independence to establish the DEMOCRAT UNION OF DEMOCRACY CONSTITUTION.

This Democrat Party Declaration of Independence is a "FORWARD" to the preamble of the DEMOCRAT UNION OF DEMOCRACY CONSTITUTION.  

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