

What we have in America today are a bunch of liberal political pawns/fools abusing the constitutional right to freedom of speech in order to riot and protest.

On the other hand in America today, we have real Americans who definitely have the right of "FREEDOM NOT TO HEAR" adolescent liberal adults screaming and shouting throughout the communities.  

These liberal adolescent anarchists shout their daily demands for our capitalistic republic of law and order be taken over by liberal tyrannical politicians of the democrat party.  They purposely neglect to consider the majority of Americans do not want to hear their foolish threats of changing our society and government over to communist/socialist rule.  Americans have their complete constitutional rights to enjoy their "FREEDOM NOT TO HEAR" liberal adolescent adults who have proven not to be productive citizens, but simply communist-marxist agitators.  There is a remedy, America has the authority to remove these liberal anti-American partisan parasites from public.

Do you have real freedom as a citizen of the United States of America?  Any liberal will confess t they have ultimate freedom to do anything they want to DO!  Most normal people will confess they have freedom to do what they want to do but there is a line drawn to not cross over with their personal freedom and encroach upon other citizen's freedom and rights.  

The typical liberal adolescent adult between the age of 21 and 45 years old are the residue of America's great prosperity.  Freedom and liberty obtained for America was paid for by Americans who fought in the American Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, Korean War and the Vietnam War.  Our American Civil War took the lives of over six hundred and fifty thousand soldiers [650,000].  More than one hundred thousand [117,000] American Soldiers died in WW1.  Well over four hundred thousand [417,000] American Soldiers died in WW2.  By keeping freedom alive in America more than fifty five thousand [55,000] American Soldiers died in the Korean War.  As Communism surged again well over fifty eight thousand [58,220] American Soldiers died in the Vietnam War.  

To tally up the sum price for freedom and liberty in the United States of America; we have over one-million two-hundred ninety seven thousand two-hundred twenty [1,297,220] Americans Soldiers who have paid in full the price for the United States of America to continue to exist as a free capitalistic republic.  Now, according to these actual historical payments for American freedom there has risen a rebuttal to it.  There are young credulous insolent adolescent liberal adults who dare to denounce America's history of developing into the most prosperous nation on earth.  There is not one liberal whose blood was poured into the battle soil of  America's Civil War, nor WW1 WW2 Korean War or the Vietnam War.  But yet the democrat party and its sponsored Marxist BLM/ANTIFA adolescent pawns demand more freedom and liberty to practice vile immoral lifestyles and psychotic comprehension of civil rights are clearly unworthy of another American Soldier to die for.    

Real Americans today must take on the responsibility to reject the democrat party sponsored mobs in the streets of America. Through fallacy comprehension of our American Constitution these democrat party liberal mobs believe their rights are being infringed upon and their liberties are being curtailed.  This is all due to them wanting to riot and destroy American cities for fun.  Citizens of the United States of America are currently experiencing an epidemic of virulent riot protests in selected democrat party governed cities.  The rising liberal mobs of BLM/ANTIFA want more liberty to fight against law enforcement and what they consider systemic racism embedded in America. 


What we have on hand are multiplied liberal ingrates who are simply fools benefiting and abusing the great prosperity and freedom in this country.  These liberal idiots have more freedom and liberty in this country than any other nation or "nations" in past time world history.  What these liberal democrat party supporters are doing is brandishing acts of societal destruction.  Such social destruction could never have  been accomplished in  past American history, or for that matter any other  country.  The level of such social destruction activity in America today would crumbled any nation of past history, and surely will destroy our country today if permitted to continue.  America is no different, America isn't capable of defending its social and political foundation from a continuous onslaught of ramped up daily destructive social behavior.  No economy in the world can withstand a society bent on social destruction and limited economic development.  America must remove the blatant anti-American propaganda being carried out by Marxist anarchists who receive their financial support from communist and socialist financing entities internally within the country and externally.  

Orchestrated anarchy in America is being carried out by approximately 1% of America's voting  adolescent adults.  These liberal adolescent adults are un-skeptical of the anal prodding by elite liberals.  Filthy rich liberal billionaire elites truly out-number Republican based billionaires hand down.   Elite liberals compose of well financed democrat party communist/socialist individuals.  Don't forget the elite liberal entities of national network news media [CNN MSNBC ABC PBS CBS NBC MSN NPR NYT YAHOO GOOGLE TWITTER] also control the overall majority of national and social communication in America.  

There is no country in world history that has withstood a plethora of internal social destruction along with literal physical destruction of domestic business property and survived.  If these conditions continue to exist or carry over another year America will have to submit to the communist take over which is being sponsored by the democrat party and their elite liberal billionaire base of communist/socialist sponsors [China, George Soros, and 94 liberal Billionaires on record supporting the democrat party]  by "Forbes" analysts.    


A New America without Peasants



The Democrat Party of America is now a “wrecked ship” [U.N.S. America] without power to guide itself to safety.  The United States of America itself was once a beautiful ship [country] with lovely people on board, but the Democrat Party of America staged its mutiny to control it.  Everyone making the maiden voyage enjoyed knowing they had joined together to encounter a fantastic voyage of peace and enlightenment.  Unfortunately the U.N.S. America [Democrat Party Ruled] began to make unscheduled island stops in which the original list of passengers were not aware of.  They were not aware the ship was taking on additional people.  Out of total greed for monetary gain the captain of the ship allowed groups of pious wealthy elite hitchhikers to gain access to boarding.  In addition it was unknown to everyone that vagabonds and unlawful peasants secretly made way on board without being noticed and without paying fare. 


As the U.N.S. America continued its voyage across the ocean many vagabonds and unlawful peasants became noticeable to the original list passengers.  Inquiries to the captain were made about the undocumented passengers but the captain didn’t considered the matter a priority since the ship was days from any land docking.  Without restraint vagabonds and unlawful peasants began breaking into rooms stealing valuables. 


The vagabonds and unlawful peasants become bolder with their presence as they ravaged the ship.  While the vagabonds and unlawful peasants obstructed more of the passage ways on the ship the pious elite hitchhikers kept the captain and officers of the ship distracted with ongoing grievances and accommodation demands for first class service.  It would be days before the U.N.S. America would reach any seaport or docking.  This was just enough time for the ship to become rag-tag inside and out from vagabonds and unlawful peasants abusing accommodations. 


The captain and officers had no control of the countless mobs of vagabonds and unlawful peasants who boarded the ship.  The mass mobs literally became destructive inhabitants on the ship.  Within a short time the pious elite hitchhikers took notice of the out of control mobs and demanded to take control of the ship.  The captain relinquished authority of the ship hoping the mobs would settle down and listen to the pious elite hitchhiker’s agenda.  The original list passengers didn’t make a confrontation about the matter because they were anticipating ship docking soon.


Under the pious elite hitchhikers control of the ship and their new directives to guide the ship off its original course the ship smashed into many rock mounds and crashed into sea walls navigating through shallow waters.  Food and supplies became rapidly depleted because the ship went days beyond its scheduled voyage time at sea.  In addition the vagabonds and unlawful peasants had been stealing food from the stock rooms causing rationing to be implemented.  Finally the original listed passengers decided to cast off the ship into the life boats leaving their wealthy possessions to the vagabonds and unlawful peasants.  There was no land foreseen within hundreds of sea miles and the pious elite hitchhikers, vagabonds, unlawful peasants and cowardly captain and officers didn’t confront the original list passengers’ departure.  All that remained on board the ship were the captain, officers and crew along with the controlling pious elite hitchhikers, vagabonds and unlawful peasants. 


The original list passengers were fortunate as the ocean current guided the life boats two days to an uninhabited island.  They were double fortunate because the island was in direct alignment of commercial and military shipping lanes.  After seven years of inhabiting the island the original list passengers of the U.N.S. America built and developed the island into a marvelous resort island.  The original list passengers worked together and accomplished their original intent of their maiden voyage, to find a place of peace and enlightenment. 


Every now and then the original list passengers who are now owners of the island would see in the distant sunset horizon the old rag-tag ship wreck called United Nation Ship America [U.N.S. America] drifting aimlessly out to sea.  The island owners would not allow the rag-tag ship with pious elite hitchhikers, vagabonds and unlawful peasants to come within one hundred fifty miles of their island.  This was assured by the island owners ability to procured a fleet of A-6 Intruders from military stockpile to help protect the island from straying pirate ships or unauthorized encroachment.. The original list passengers built huge docking piers for their own fleet of cruise ships.  The leading ship of the fleet was big, beautiful and mighty; they named it “The United States Spirit of 1776;” U.S.S 1776.    



Racism today has risen from within liberal west coast and liberal east coast states. Northern states have also contributed to the rise of new liberal racism as well.  Southern states have been at a status quo level of growing out of old racism and have not caught on to the new and dangerously cloaked liberal racism of today.  It is fair to say that new liberal racism in the west, east and north are replacing the once old racism of the south.  Liberals claim that "old south" racism is on the rise today, but that is actually a lie.  It is new liberal racism that is prevalent and evident today. 

New liberal racism has erupted by the accomplished teachings of liberal whites who have conducted cloaked racist/prejudice indoctrination into the public school system.

Keeping the masses in a color coded environment [you’re black, I’m white, he’s brown, etc…] allows liberals to control and program the thinking of their gullible patrons with mental colors. Just like their pro-slavery Democrat Party ancestors [civil war], liberals have socially programmed blacks and others to become dependent on their generosity [modern welfare] and ideology [equality for humans and animals].

Liberals have tactfully injected political emotions of “race hate, class warfare” along with intolerance to Christians into society. The irony is Christians have been trying to alert society to promote love and accept others based on the content of their character instead of the color of their skin. Content of character and love is the priority mission of descendants and teachers of the Love of Jesus Christ.  But liberals will have no part of Christianity supervising their morals of “race bait hating and class warfare.”

Liberal whites [as Chris Matthews would like to be called] have regained the venomous hate their pro-slavery Democrat fore-parents held during the pre and post civil war era.
While Martin Luther King Jr. was marching against judgment based on an individual's skin tone during the 1960's, white liberals seized the opportunity to cloak under the civil rights banner. Actually liberal whites became experts in their ability to embed and cloak their personal racism towards negroes and colored people during the 1960’s. 

Of course today you will see white liberals [celebrities, movie stars, entertainers] descendants of the civil war Democrat Party taking every photo opportunity today with a black activist, only to not invite them over for dinner [Guess Who's Not Coming To Dinner].  Neither will white liberal celebrities, movie stars or entertainers allow their children to attend public school with black children.  Liberal whites of today truly hold their fore-parent's Democrat Party civil war belief and they have blatantly shown it.  

It would be virtually impossible to see a white liberal celebrity taking a photo opportunity with a Conservative American African. In other words, a white liberal wouldn’t be seen dead with a “conservative negro.”  Have you ever noticed how racist-white liberals continue to use color code identification towards Africans only [they're black].

Why don’t MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NBC or PBS call Chinese “yellows,” or American Indians “reds,” or Greeks “olives,” or Mexicans “browns?” Instead liberals continue to color code African descendants as “blacks.” It is a truth, especially throughout the American African community how liberals defiantly continue to belittle and identify them as a colored group and not humans.

What is silly, arrogant, ignorant and extremely dangerous to humans in America?

a. Goofy Dog     b. Ludicrous Politician      c. Goofy Donkey      d. American Liberal

Once again, this is not a “Rocket Science Test” but a reality test of your values. Of course if you are a Democrat or supporter of the current liberal administration the multiple choice question will not be easy to cipher. In order to help those who find it difficult to answer the above question with the correct answer we can help you with the following information.

The question remains; “What is silly, arrogant, ignorant and extremely dangerous to humans in America? Here’s a hint; America was not built on liberalism!

Producer or Beneficiary?

There are telegraphing truths that can frighten a nation into believing a lie, especially if a nation no longer holds truth as a moral value anymore.  An example of a telegraphed truth would be; America is a free market culture that thrives on individual accomplishments within its capitalistic society. To some it is a frightening concept of having to be a producer in society instead of a sole beneficiary of society.

It has become frightening to many long time entitlement beneficiaries of our free market society to see so many new entitlement seekers added to the roll call.  Knowing that more "none-producers" may cause a reduction in beneficiary status [entitlements] current entitlement account holders have elected to fraternize with socialism. In our case study today, an "unproductive entitlement culture" has taken on fraternizing with socialism. Courtesy of liberalism they have built upon a social belief system that promotes socialism is good for a capitalistic country, but we all know that's a lie.

America’s entitlement culture has now become a replica of France and Greece's socialistic experiment. America’s young voting culture has ignorantly flirted and fallen in love with a one-man 2008 government leader whose abstract ideas run contrary to America’s foundational principles and beliefs. In 2008 America was lured into voting for a colored leader [race bait voting] instead of voting for a leader of principal [content of character]; and the same luring poison took effect in 2012 and 2020.

Instead of young educated voting adults [immature] properly screening the function of American government they have instead forfeited the trust of America’s forefathers for insincere political fancies of an aspiring celebrity dictator. The results of America’s young educated voter’s political decision [brain washed] has ushered America’s free market society into a free fall from greatness into depths of an unforeseen economic collapse and culture of ignorance.

So What’s The Answer To The Question?

The answer to the opening multiple choice questions is “d.”

America’s Democracy is not capable of sustaining the inevitable collision course of indoctrinated liberal-socialism with foundational conservative-capitalism. The 2020 election of liberalism has followed historical suit with the 2008 and 2012 election, which was based on ignorant race baiting voting. The three electoral events [2008, 2012,2020] have provided all the substance needed to setup a final civil collision in America’s society.

There will be a final collision between liberalism and conservatism in this American society. And though now it seems farfetched but there will remain a remnant of real Americans who must physically resettle somewhere within the continent of north America. There will still be a population of conservative inhabitants after the civil collision, but there will be a majority of liberal inhabitants that remain in power. The civil collision will only solidify the division and polarity of society into a permanent status.

So called "prominent conservative columnist" and "prominent conservative talk show host" continue to harp on conservatives [aka republicans] making a cyclical political comeback in 2022 and 2024, but that will be impossible. As discussed earlier, the demography of the nation has completely changed and the citizenry base has permanently been altered from its populous make up of the 1950’s.

This is not the same America of last century, nor is it the same people of the last century. Therefore future electoral votes will not be based on the premise of political preservation of the constitution. The reason is because the growing majority of citizens inhabiting America are not Americans and do not subscribe to the American Constitution. The political game and the people of the land have changed permanently.

What About The Future Of America?

There is a “future” for the remnant of true America [pre-2008 liberalism], but they must prepare for it. Today liberalism continues to mock, hate, despise, belittle and inject venomous deadly poison into society to kill the life style of conservative voters. The open liberal gates of tolerance for "non-liberals" now lead to an open "mine field" of venomous hate "land mines." The mine field has been specially designed for intolerance to Christians and conservatives. The mine field of intolerance by liberals has always been a projected plan of programming America into hating conservatives, years before 2008. The 2008, 2012 and 2020 results only made it an official policy to ensure a zero tolerance plan of coddling with conservatives.

Real Conservatives have long known that common sense dictates that liberalism and conservatism is not a rational or logical partnership. But the heart of conservatives has always wanted to promote some type of unity with liberals for the sake of the country. Such wishful thinking has only allowed liberals to stab conservatives in the back, face, head and heart.

What Is The Future Prognosis For America?

When the forces of liberalism [colored liberals; white, black, yellow, brown, etc…] combine with the forces of political racist movements [Congressional Black Caucus, NCLR-La Raza, NAACP, MSNBC, etc…] there are no bars to hold back civil unrest. Today America is controlled by the forces of liberalism and political racism. Actually this should be of no surprise to anyone who has been monitoring the civil progress in America since 1861. We now have the rise of racism again in America, but not by law abiding Conservative Caucasians, Conservative Africans, Conservative Germans, etc… but by liberals.

So remember whenever the question is asked; what is silly, arrogant, ignorant and extremely dangerous to humans in America? You can confidently profess liberalism.

And so it is, America will never discard racism as long as liberals are in control of society, because liberals believe in racism.  They will not relinquish the color code.

You’re Chinese, they’re Palestinians, he’s Indian, she’s Caucasian, he’s Mexican, but them over there, well, THEY'RE “black.” 

Such is a picture of your present and future liberal society, and it’s a very dangerous image.