
SEGREGATION is not a bad word!

For example: recently a grandfather walked his grandson to school one morning.  The grandfather became perplexed when he saw approaching a parent walking with a young student.  The grandfather was perplexed because he couldn't determine if the student was a boy or girl by way of physical display and clothing attire.  The grandfather said to the approaching parent, "it was hard for me to determine if your kid was a boy or girl."  The approaching parent said to the grandfather, "this is my son."  The grandfather replied, "I'm sure you being his father would know he's your son."  The approaching parent answered back to the grandfather, "I'm not his father I'm his mother!" 

The word "estrange" would be the best definition of America today.  The  millennial generation living in America are totally estrange from the American Industrial Revolution that produced prosperity and luxury living to set up today's populous with amenities of communication technology usage.    

The tireless work of Eli Whitney, George Washington Carver, Alexander Graham Bell, Francis C. Lowell, Benjamin Franklin, Elias Howe, Thomas Edison, and hundreds of other superior geniuses created the possibility for America to develop an economic engine that is unparalleled by any civilized society in industrial world history.  But all that hard work and ingenuity has been erased by a spoiled  procacious and insolent generation of blind descendants.  This new social revolution prompted by insolent ingrates, would rather crawl under a rock with socialism and communism than honor the founding fathers and mothers whose blood built the foundation and future for Americans to stand on.   
The word "spoiled" is not a word to be taken lightly today in describing the citizenry of the United States of America.  Spoilage has set into the American society and it's not pretty to see or smell.  Far too many people or groups of people who descend directly from Americans that originated the American Industrial Revolution have become simply retarded to the effort it took to build America.  Today's young population have no need to fight any real war [World War 1, World War 2, Korean War, Vietnam War] to sustain their American freedom and democracy.  In return today's young spoiled adolescent adults are so ungrateful with having the ability to live in the United States of America.  

The great prosperity of America unfortunately has created half of the American populous to dishonor the original concept and intent of the U.S. Constitution.  Liberals of city, county, state and federal authority have blatantly denounced holding to the commandments of GOD [Christianity] in which our constitutional foundation was framed around.  The common denominator of America's society today is the inception of "brutally burnt liberalism" feeding off the prosperity created by thinkers and great minds that held their core values and morals derived from GOD [Christianity].  

The word "segregation" can easily be used to describe the intent of today's democrat party.  Within the head and body of the democrat party in America are leaders who are full fledged liberals bent on dividing the American populous.  As they create their partitioning of the U.S. population they gain total legislative control to redesign the U.S. Constitution and fashion it with their ability to maintain "Lordship" rule over its gullible citizenry [democrat voters]. 

Regardless who wins any presidential election in the future, the question is do you want to save a Constitutional America or gamble on a socialist/communist transformed America?  Well, sooner or later you’ll have to make a final decision about the America you want to live in.   America has far too many self inflicted domestic injuries in need of resolving.   America's self inflicted social and political open infected sores will never be resolved by a divided populous.  America will always be overshadowed by its 2008-2012-2020 ignorant choice of liberal rule and liberal social retardation.   

The word "secession" is a taboo word that draws scorn from republicans and mockery from democrats.  But critics of the "secession" must come to a reality that secession is the only answer to America's problem.   Oh, you don’t think so?   Well consider this; if oil and water can naturally sustain in solidity [not separate] or if you can bring the North Pole and South Pole side by side [no water mass between] then your premise could possibly allow liberals, homosexuals, pedophiles with the capability of living in unity with Conservatives and Christians in unity  [lol].  

The State of Kentucky Christian Clerk who was jailed for not issuing marriage licenses to homosexuals is all the proof Christians and Conservatives need in order to split from frantic and lunatic liberals ruling the U.S. Government.  The factual evidence to support an intelligent secession by Conservatives/Christians is very clear to act upon.   America has gone off the cliff in all phases of sovereign order [law, morals, common sense].   Unfortunately America can't be pulled back upon the cliff because liberals and homosexuals are holding the country down, as they have been for the last sixty years. 

Within the past sixty years liberals and homosexual have redesigned education on all levels, influenced all judicial levels, mandated all social levels with their religion of "political correctness."   Thereby transforming the historical American Republic into a fragmented quasi socialist/communist government.   America can't be pulled back from crashing smack in the middle of a concrete wall, because liberals and the democrat party are the driving engine of the country.  The only viable response for Conservatives and Christians is to salvage some part of the Republic before the crash into the wall.   Thereby only Conservatives/Christians and a few independents who continue to hold to common sense and refuse to honor the liberal fast track of 2008-2012-2020 into the RELIGION of "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" aka socialism/communism, will have a feasible opportunity to save a remnant of Constitutional America.
History tells the Truth 
History has provided a plethora of examples toward nations dividing for the betterment of social justice for its populous.   The United States of America must conform to the reality of intelligently separating its stained culture division of life philosophies [liberalism vs Christianity].  The Soviet Union had to go through segregating its satellites and now America must implement a properly designed segregation of independent satellites.   All this may sound crazy right now but be assured the United States of America can only remain an entity of the original Constitution by actions of the Conservative and Christian populous with help from independent conscious Americans.   Independents, Conservatives and Christians must segregate into states and counties with jurisdictions of their own sovereignty.   The second part of an orderly secession is allowing liberals, atheist, socialist, communist and  homosexual factions band together and do whatever they want to do.  In all likelihood they will join alliance with socialist or communist nations or setup a proven flawed utopian government based on their "Political Correct Religion."    
Segregation is not a bad word.  Segregation is the tool used to separate those who DON’T believe in the original intent of the Constitution and God, while segregating from those who DO BELIEVE in the original Constitution and God.  Basic common sense gives illustrations that you can't force liberals/homosexuals into unity with Conservatives, Independents and Christians.   Most importantly is the fact that no "lying politician" can ever design a political philosophy to simultaneously uphold a dual life philosophy incorporating a "homosexual lifestyle philosophy" and "Christian life philosophy" in unity.   Only by unity of "one philosophy of life" can the United States of America be responsible in upholding its Constitutional sovereignty in accordance with original interpretation of the founding fathers and mothers. Other than that, secession and segregation is the final answer.   

All future elections are not going to revived any future unity of liberalism and conservatism in America.   It’s only going to get worse unless there’s an act of God that forces the inhabitants on the soil of the Continental United States to rethink what unity and sovereignty really means.    The original United States of America or remnant there of, will only be able to survive through the onslaught of liberal anthropological regression by purging to an original life philosophy according to the original interpretation of the Constitution.

Therefore the question is, will the United States of America actually have another chance to retain its original unit of states [50] and diminish its warring factions of life philosophies [homosexuals vs Christians].   To be honest, you and I know America won't have a "ice cube chance in Hell" to continue as a Republic unless Conservatives, Independents and Christians halt playing conciliating superficial courtesies with psychotic liberals and their adulterated homosexual community.  

Dr BearClayborn – Political Psychiatrist – ACB Newspaper International

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