Separation of States is not a theoretical or conjectural concept, but a reality that world history has monitored for thousands of civilizations. Today the reality of "Separation of States" has annex the United States of America. Keep in mind recent world history disclosing "Separation of States" in that of the U.S.S.R..
These annotated notes for American history are not intended to antagonize loyal U.S. Constitutional patriotic citizens, and yet these notes are only to alert them of the inevitable on the horizon of U.S. History. The ascension protocol demands a new 1776 U.S. Constitutional Republic must rise up.
Separation of States for a new 1776 U.S. Constitutional Republic is not a clever or ingenious manner of thought, but it is an imperative assessment of how to salvage the 1776 U.S. Constitution without carrying over fragments of the DC Uni-Party [democrats/republicans]. Of course as always there are naysayers who are currently benefiting great financial wealth within the current deep state corrupt government ready to cast their unwarranted useless input of doubt on the matter of Separation of States; as such is to be expected. Yet handling the fidelity of creating new stabilized satellites/states will be a tall order to fill, but it must be accomplished whether you like it or not. America today has far too many self inflicted problems caused by an unhinged corrupt and compromised government, infested with political parasites [congressional members] bent on unlimited power who garner saturated wealth [IRS] as they leech on Taxpaying American Citizens' earnings.
For every problem on this earth there exists and have always
been a solution, if the solution is seriously sought after.... We live in the
With that
said, we do not live in an unarmed Chinese society; nor are we a "copy
cat Russian Revolution society" crawling upon the horizon. Taxpaying American Citizens of the
Two resolutions will come about to create a new chapter in American History, or start the first chapter in the new 1776 Constitutional Union of States. There must be an orderly civilized "SEPARATION OF STATES," or the 2nd Amendment will be fully enforced by 1776 U.S. Constitutional Descendants to defend against any government intrusion [encroachment] "Sturmabteilung (SA)" [assault division/paramilitary units].
Consider this truth; one of the main reasons foreign enemies of the
The "LAW" of compound probability is naturally enforced by the "LAW" of diminishing return. Existing today the "laws of compound probability and laws of diminishing return" is on full display by inexplicable abstract principles of U.S. congressional members managing TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS' money. U.S. Congressional members are fully effectuating "TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION" by incontestable power gained through “no-term-limit” governance; as such demands upon them "REPRESENTATIVE PURGE."
No discussion is needed to implement "REPRESENTATIVE PURGE" upon politicians that defy the U.S. Constitution. No discussion is needed to implement REPRESENTATIVE PURGE upon unaccountable politicians yielding an inexhaustible supply of raw tyrannical/dictatorial political power. The current generation of young adolescent voting adults don't have the slightest intelligence to comprehend what political dragooning imply to their daily life. Over and beyond half of U.S. inhabitants cannot interpret or decipher what “TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION” is. Collectively the overall populous in America do not grasp how "TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION" is perfidiously placed upon them ….
If America has the slightest possibility of salvaging its "current" government management [executive branch, legislative branch, judicial branch] the motion of "REPRESENTATIVE PURGE" must be forwarded. The D.C. "Uni-Party" [democrats/republicans] which rules and manages America's total operation are subjected to "filthy rich global elites" commands of political directives. The 2024 election will not be the determining factor for salvaging the U.S. Constitution; only REPRESENTATIVE PURGE…..
There are no further steps to save "current"
Any possible salvage of the U.S. Constitution must be implemented
through "SEPARATION OF STATES." Yes, it would be nice if President Trump
could become
The demonic tyrannical democrat party has mastered the ability [through big tech] to undermine current and future generations of young adolescent voting adults. This has been possible through liberal network and social media-training. Such training prepares the young adolescent voting adult's credulous cerebral fixation upon a national social construct of living in a mirage to enhance their material psychology.
Concurrently in correlation with liberal network media training young adolescent voting adults are not capable of grasping or appreciating America's historical morals and values [Christian foundation]. Sadly young adolescent adults in America can't apprehend the immediate context of Capitalism nor the larger context of Capitalism. The masterplan of the democrat party has been to offer America's young adolescent voting adults "full liberty in any fashion of lifestyle" they desire.
With legislation crafted by politicians to normalize demonic and wicked behavior of young adolescent voting adults simply correlates the intent of politicians themselves, to use their own wicked liberty as a "cloak of maliciousness. In essence democrat party politicians have developed the perfect deception to garner young adolescent voting adults into voting for them. The overall problem of garnering and capturing gullible young adolescent voting adults can't be corrected, it's a permanent factor. The social construct damage of future voters of America have been crafted and completed. Young adolescent voting adults are now groomed, enticed and lured into the free-for-all liberty entitlements, purposely crafted by the democrat party to control their mind, lifestyle and money.
Unless there's SEPARATION OF STATES [rebirthed states/new satellites] the cycle of inexhaustible malignant corruption in government and society will continue in the 2008-2032 deep state
The same formula to establish the original 1776 government will be needed to develop a new U.S. Constitutional Republic. The new formation of independent satellites is the only way for the U.S. Constitution to be salvaged from the current iron fist of TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION crafted, developed and implemented by the Uni-Party [democrat/republican], liberalism and anti-Christian detractors.
Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-ACB Newspaper Intl