

republished from 2020

“Protect Yourself, Your Family and Your Property.

 To summarize this complete article: GET A GUN! 

The democrat party of the United States of America has combined political power with godless liberal bank rollers of socialism and communism.  This emulation of emphatic or aggressive political power is currently imposing an extreme dedication to altering the U.S. judicial system and the U.S. Constitution.  Such is not a joke or mocking, but an actuality occurring under the justice umbrella and legislative laws in America.  The democrat party and its liberal wing of legislation on all levels of government [city, county, state, federal] have now openly converted our justice system into an injustice system and re-written the U.S. Constitution according to their political utopian ideology. 

 “Justice is [was] Blind” according to our past laws of innocent until proven guilty, or at least based on the Constitutional Laws of the land.  Sadly the balances of justice have been thrown out the window and justice is now according to judicial activist that rule the justice system.   These judicial activist judges blatantly declare their decision making is the final authority law; finalizing justice is according to their political ideology.  Such is prevalent in daily court decisions today which are now set upon the platform of premeditated court decisions.  Judicial activist judges around the nation are converting criminals in any court case as the hero, and law-abiding citizens as the villain, who by the way is only protecting their personage and property.  You would conclude that the law-abiding citizen doesn’t have a “snow-ball chance in hell” to remedy this inverse ratio of modern American justice.  But hold on before you make the incorrect conclusion.  To wit now we must apply the Second Amendment to finalize this morbid nonsense running rampant in America [the criminal is the hero, the law-abiding citizen is the villain]. 

Believe it or not, there are countless examples in the Bible that exhibit people protecting themselves against wicked and evil people, particularly against those who [criminals, thugs, politicians] would do you physical harm. 

Interestingly there are two Commandments that would benefit “would be” wicked and evil people, if they only heeded these commandments:

Exodus ch20 vs  15 --- Thou shall not steal 

Exodus ch20 vs 13 --- Thou shall not kill

If criminals and thugs living in America today should take to heart that their sinful actions will undoubtedly and eventually cost them their life, maybe it would be possible for America to have less criminal activity in neighborhoods abroad.

Unfortunately criminals and thugs, whether they’re enacting their demands in neighborhoods, communities or the congressional legislation in Washington D.C. have shown no respect for the law-abiding hard working Taxpaying American Citizen.  The only venue a law-abiding taxpayer can implement to protect themselves from activity performed by dedicated predatory evil and wicked criminals is to literally use protection of a personal force of deterrence.  Shamefully the democrat party and its liberal alliance place emphases on local law enforcement protection to all at any time of the day or night.  Of course anyone with half the sense of a jackass knows that criminals know this can’t be accomplished by law enforcement.  Therefore, the only guaranteed action of protection for law-abiding hard working Taxpaying American Citizens is to consult the original text of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution:

SECOND AMENDMENT:  “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” 

The U.S. Constitution is based on simple common sense to direct its citizenry into an orderly lawful society.  Thereby it is simple common sense for any law-abiding citizen to arm themselves with protection against evil and wicked inhabitants who deliberately premeditate inflicting dire harm to innocent citizens.  Therefore common sense is to be literally applied in the form of a law-abiding citizen owning a weapon of force and determent which according to the U.S. Constitution-Second Amendment prescribes owning a gun or rifle or canon for personal protection if need be.  No U.S. government agency or NATO group or World order alliance or president of the United States of America can deny any law-abiding taxpaying American citizen the right to bear arms to protect their personage and property. 

There are many fools of liberal consent and socialist and communist ideology that defy the notion of a law-abiding hard working taxpaying American citizen owning a gun in any capacity.  Yet these same liberal fools lack refulgence to oppose criminals and thugs that are rampant in urban communities shooting and killing innocent citizens.  The liberal, normally a democrat party voter, have implemented shamelessly meaningless solutions to combat wicked and evil criminal atrocities.  Their liberal solution is to lessen criminal incarceration as a primary form of punishment and rehabilitation for the commission of felony [murder, killing] and other offenses.  In liberal society philosophy [utopian ideology]  there should be no restrictions that make it difficult for a thug or criminal to reintegrate back into society.  In so these liberals of congressional authority deem it correct to allow a murderer, killer, rapist, child pedophiler and thieves back into the populous to recommit the same atrocities of crime and lawlessness against a civil society.

The Second Amendment provides the solution to combat liberal legislation that promotes perpetual criminal activity in society.  The solution is the right for law-abiding citizens to bear arms against such vile, wicked and evil persons and entities.  Gun ownership is a constitutional right for every law-abiding taxpaying American citizen.  There has been an escalating effort by today’s democrat party and its liberal world-order financial supporters to defy the Second Amendment and reinterpret it different than the original founding fathers base laid instructions for a law-abiding citizen to arm and protect themselves and their possessions. 

The Second Amendment surrounds its prominence of interpretation from the Holy Bible and not from suffocating asinine pious liberal nonsense.   It is a certainty that all who oppose Christianity would also oppose any influence or commandments of the Holy Bible.  The United States of America was founded on Christianity and the U.S. Constitution was thoroughly prejudiced to the simple commandments of GOD. 

GOD’s Commandments gives obvious instructions to humans to live in harmony through care, respect and love for each other.  But, GOD’s WORD [Holy Bible] also provides direct and non-compromising warnings to persons to also beware of those who obstruct living in harmony, and violently trespass physically and mentally villainous upon the innocent.  GOD’s WORD [Holy Bible] clearly gives instructions to protect [bear arms] against an intruder and to bare arms upon those who malignantly harm others.  Bear arms against anyone who forcefully demand to take your possessions against your will. 

Knowing that you are a law-abiding Taxpaying American Citizen should give you comfort and peace knowing the U.S. Constitution-Second Amendment supports you to protect yourself against evil beings.  More importantly as a law-abiding Taxpaying American Citizen you have GOD’s WORD [Holy Bible] that supports you to protect yourself against evil, vile, wicked trespassers upon your personage and property.   Read the following below very carefully to comprehend abating any  brazen insolent liberal/democrat party gun control assessment; and make no arrangement for their grotesque liberal prognosticating of gun violence as null and void.

*Luke ch11 vs21 “When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace” kjv

*Nehemiah ch4 vs15 and vs17 “Everyone with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon [spears, shields, bows]. kjv

PLEASE READ the entire 4th chapter of Nehemiah in order to comprehend the complete content and context of the scripture.

 Also reference the measures needed for an individual to arm and protect: 

Mark ch3 vs27 -  Matthew ch12 vs29

The Second Amendment likewise was designed to give a law-abiding citizen the ability to arm and protect their being [physical body] and property [possessions].

Surely there are those who are not Christians and do not believe in GOD’s WORD, but be assured there are warnings that have been given in the secular, pagan and heathen society  for a person to protect themselves against their enemies.  The Romans used to say: "If you want peace, prepare for war" (si vis pacem para bellum). The modern and personal version is: "If you want peace, get a piece," GET A GUN!


SHOW ME THE MONEY -Millionaire U.S. Congress Members



In the year of Our Lord  July 30, 2024AD, the United States’ national debt surpassed $35 trillion bucks for the first time in its history, according to data released by the Treasury Department. This milestone marks a significant increase from $28.5 trillion recorded in July 2020 and $5.5 trillion in July 2000.  Only $5.5trillion bucks in debt year 2000, and today its $35trillion bucks debt in 2024.  This ballooning U.S. debt is solely the responsibility of every U.S. congressional member who held office within the years of 2000AD and 2024AD.   

In honor of the U.S. $35trillion national debt pasted onto every Taxpaying American Citizen through congressional members inept ability to manage Taxpaying American Citizen’s money collected by the IRS, we [ACB NEWSPAPER INTERNATIONAL] present to you the “SHOW ME THE MONEY” SHOW.  

Each week a congressional member will be spotlighted for their contribution of being a no-term-limit politician worth millions of dollars.  Specific spotlights will illuminate upon those who haven’t worked in the private sector or have a meaningless amount of years employed outside of public office.  All congressional members who were lawyers prior to employment of congress will be highly noted as well.  Congressional members of the 110th Congress through the 118th Congress who are millionaires are special candidates for the "SHOW ME THE MONEY" SHOW....   

If you have any congressional member in your state that’s “worth millions” [past or present congressional employment] and haven’t worked in the private sector for any reasonable length of time or were an attorney, please contribute this information to ACB NEWSPAPER INTERNATIONAL [@bearclayborn].  The United States Congress has a total of 535 voting members and it would be great if you could assist us in identifying these leeches of Taxpaying American Citizen’s money so that we can disclose to the Taxpaying American Citizen why the U.S. is worth $35trillion bucks in unpaid debt…

Thank You for supporting TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS...



11/05/2024  update: Christmas comes early for the United States of America; PRESIDENT TRUMP WINS 2024 ELECTION

09/15/2024  update:  Second Attempt: ANOTHER ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT ON PRESIDENT TRUMP this day of SEPTEMBER 9TH 2024.... 

07/13/2024 First Attempt: THE ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT TRUMP!Chuck Schumer the democrat party leader almost had his wish and dream come true!  

07/09/2024 Prediction by CHUCK SCHUMER: “Donald Trump CAN NOT and MUST NOT  be allowed within TEN MILES of the OVAL OFFICE EVER AGAIN! reject MAGA, reject Trump. 07/09/2024

Since 2016 and today, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi have constantly called for President Trump to be removed from office [2016] by any means possible [assassination] during his first term.  Now that President Trump is on the verge of becoming president again [2024 candidate] the stakes are now much more higher to void President Trump out-of-office.  The democrat party has reached its final act; “Assassination of Trump”.  

08/23/2024  Enter Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Democrat Presidential Candidate RFK Jr. endorsed Trump Friday 08/23/2024.  Mr. Kennedy said that the Democratic National Committee "waged continued legal war" on both Trump and himself.  Mr. Kennedy also directly accused the DNC of running an actual "sham primary" which defiantly prevented any serious primary challenge to Biden and now Harris. 

The reason Mr. Kennedy said he was dropping from being a democrat were because the democrat party lost its values it once held to.  Mr. Kennedy boldly spoke in his endorsement for President Trump that the democrat party does not honor free speech except for its own partisans.  

Mr. Kennedy spoke of the "past historical values" of the democrat party's vows to not engage America in wars around the world.  Yet, today they blatantly without shame simply disregard any attempt to avoid soliciting proxy wars; as they're doing today in Ukraine.  Mr. Kennedy profoundly declared that America's children should be priority-first.  Placing American children first, instead of using funds to care for "international vagabonds/illegal aliens;" all the while throwing away taxpaying citizens' money all around the world for warmongering purposes. 


REITERATED EMULATION [assassinate President Trump]


If the democrat party will assassinate their own [President John F. Kennedy and U.S. Attorney General/Democrat Presidential Nominee-Robert F. Kennedy]; what makes you think they won’t assassinate yours [President Abraham Lincoln, U.S. Civil Rights Leader Dr Martin Luther. King Jr, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and President Donald Trump]. Special Note: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Republican.

As compelling puissant advocates for the death of President Donald Trump, the democrat party will do anything within sight to have President Trump assassinated.  Hereto official democrat party congressional legislation proves this to be actual truth;

[H.R.8081 - Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable Former Protectees Act –April 2024].  Combine these pious virulent democrat congressional members with their open call to inflict physical and financial harm to President Trump, only verifies their demonic ill will of assassinating President Trump.


The “triple tag-team” of congressional democrats, hollywood celebrities and the entire national liberal network media were of great joy to hear of the assassination attempt on President Trump.  But after verification of President Trump’s survival from the gun-fire, the “triple tag-team” immediately resumed their brazen attitude of hate towards President Trump.  The dismay of the entire liberal elite political arena was morbidly on display during news updates as they wanted and waited to hear the death of President Trump. 

There was no shame of the national liberal network news to broadcast President Trump “was direct blame” for causing the assassination attempt on his life.  Yet, daily since he started his 2024 presidency campaign the entire democrat party, hollywood celebrities and the entire liberal national news networks have aggrandized President Trump as a “threat to their democracy.”  Sadly all together their comprehension fails in knowing and understanding that the United States of America is a Republic, and not a democracy.


Each and every democrat party elite and liberal elite across the nation provide daily echo talking points and subterfuge; such as, “President Trump is promising and encouraging a bloodbath if he is not elected.”  Well, the irony is, democrat party leaders are the direct proponents of forwarding bloodbath, hate, physical violence and constant political "revenge" wars.  Most notably, but beyond Maxine Waters open cursing out President Trump during her countless spontaneous street protests, the entire democrat party resides identical to her mental deficiency.  For instance, in unison Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Barbara Lee, Kamala Harris, barrack obama, hillary Clinton "describes" President Trump as the “TOP THREAT TO U.S. NATIONAL SECURITY.”


Believe it or Not, the self appointed pious national liberal news networks CNN CBS ABC NBC MSNBC PBS NPR, etc... have literally proclaimed President Trump as the culprit of his own assassination attempt.  Take for instance, liberal network media CNN “special correspondent” Jamie Gangel and CBS “anchor” Margaret Brennan let their despising attitude and hate for President Trump become disclosed while monitoring the assassination attempt upon President Trump.  While addressing the nation, each of these liberal network flunkies let it become known they were not satisfied with the results of the assassination attempt upon President Trump. 

The real-time on air coverage clearly disclosed an ostentatious and malignant cerebral ebullition of biased partisan alignment network reporting.  This is serious and beyond sad to have virtually “liberal wicked” retarded news representatives acting as authoritative spokespeople yet yielding cheap vulgarities towards President Trump’s near death assassination.  While reporting they set up their talking points with the premise of President Trump “calling out attacks to kill democrat leaders.”  Well, as stated earlier in these notes, the democrat party has always been responsible for civil war and presidential assassinations. President Trump has never started a civil war, nor inclined to assassinate any U.S. President: unlike what the democrat Party has done, and will do.  

Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-WORLD NEWS CROSSROADS-             ACB Newspaper International 2024






THE QUESTION:  Can the United States of America become a "REPUBLIC" again??? 

Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev 

speaks about America's current leadership:

"Joe Biden is a strange grandfather with dementia”

The former Russian President Medvedev believes that several states in the 
United States could potentially secede in the near future. 
He made these remarks before participants at the Znanie (Knowledge) 
educational marathon on April 25, 2023 adding that he would “be rooting 
for [the state of] Texas” should it try to secede. 

“A battle of annihilation on the part of political elites and economic clans 
could result in certain states splitting off, a scenario which is a distinct 
possibility,” Medvedev stated. “These states already brag about their 
independence as regards highly sensitive issues, such as the right to 
institute the death penalty for criminals and various economic issues.”

“California and the ‘Lone Star State,’ Texas, are already asking to go 
their own way, and it seems that, just recently, such a scenario would 
have been viewed as absurd or, at least, very strange,” he added.  
“However, Texas has already laid the groundwork for holding a 
referendum, as the [Texas state] Republicans drafted a bill on the 
independence of Texas, as well as a Texas [state] bill on organizing the 
referendum itself. They have even come up with a legal rationale based 
on the alleged violation of Article 1 of the Texas Constitution,” 
Medvedev pointed out. 

“New bills have emerged this year, and so the most interesting things there 
[in the United States] are just beginning. I don’t know how you all feel, 
but personally I would be rooting for Texas, and we would see what 
interesting solutions they might come up with,” Medvedev noted.

The Russian Security Council deputy chief also noted that the world is 
currently witnessing how depraved the current US ruling class is, 
“when the real power in this country ends up in the hands of the 
so-called ‘deep state,’ with the country [ostensibly] being run either 
by charismatic but totally useless amateurs, or feeble old men.” 

According to Medvedev, the Russian government doesn’t really care 
about who occupies the Oval Office.   “But, a protracted agony for 
the US political classes may serve as a trigger for the destruction 
of human civilization’s further development and this fact must 
not be underestimated,” Medvedev concluded.

Texas seceding is an interesting thought experiment. While it may 
seem like a ridiculous idea at this juncture, there could be a distinct 
possibility if the US faces a debilitating fiscal crisis or goes through 
a profound socio-economic collapse.  In these volatile times of multipolarity, 
anything is possible.

What Country Threatens The U.S. Western Border?

Russia is not the paramount threat to the United States of America.  Iran is not the utmost threat to the United States of America.  North Korea is not the crowning threat to the United States of America and neither is China the uttermost threat to the United States of America.  The country that poses the ultimate threat to the United States of America is the country of California.  

Amazingly and alerting the richest business man in the world [Elon Musk] has revealed why international vagabonds and illegal aliens have manifested within the country of California and the United States of America.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx3ixwA2UVY    The country of California is the most dangerous mass of populous bordering the United States of America.  Why? 

Believe it or not, the country of California was one of the major "wonders" of the world in foretime.  Unfortunately it has converted into the land of the arrogantly filthy rich and famous filthy rich celebrities; also included in its populous are millions of international vagabonds [illegal aliens/aka felony law breaking peasants].  Such is an interesting life scenario of the two polarities, "rich and poor" cohabitating, or rather, joint habitants.  Of course there was once a middle class populous many years ago, but they were starved off and died off from a diseased ridden corrupt government ruled by the democrat party elite politicians [nancy pelosi, jerry brown family, dianne feinstein].   

Let's get straight to the point, the country of California has devolved to the level of complete socialist governance.  It is virtually a "single political party" government of dysfunctional management and fundamentally cerebral dysfunctional liberal leaders.  There was a time long ago when the country of California was noted as the "ninth" largest economy in the world.  Having the ability to maintain such economic stamina required a capitalistic manifestation of a free market system remaining in place. Today the country of California remains in a mind set fixation bearing moronic skits of utopian fallacies voiding out free market commercial industries while promoting and enhancing incontestable government power to rule over all segments of its economy. 

The country of California is falling away to a destined economic collapse based surely on forcing out private businesses that offer employment.  The country of California tries to cloak its exorbitant costs to own a home by promoting its liberal philosophy of government.  The country of California lives in a fake reality of believing it has enough taxpaying citizens to purposely inflict specially designed high taxes to cover welfare benefits and entitlements for its massive accumulation of poor/peasant illegal citizens.   

Corporations along with  midsize businesses and small businesses have been scheduling and leaving the country of California because of the country's willful and deliberate dragooning.  The country of California has established unconscionable housing costs, plethoric corporate high taxes, and repressive strict regulations which suffocate  the ability of any corporation or small company to earn a profit.  Exorbitant housing costs, high taxes, and strict regulations have made it a challenging place to live, work, and do business in the country of California. Corporations and businesses are fleeing high taxes, expensive housing, and governmental regulations.  

Now included in the exodus decision making for middle class taxpaying workers is the onslaught of international vagabonds; sucking the wages from what few working class jobs that citizens were once capable of retrieving a job.  Oh yes, and of course the dumbest idea ever thought of, a so-called "bullet train to no-where," designed to siphon tax paying citizens' money into political leaders bank accounts. 

The exodus of Businesses in the country of California are leaving the country in droves. Between 2009 [after obama 2008] and 2016 a realistic close estimate of 13,000 business walked away from the country of California.  To add gas onto the fire [not their forest fires] in just one year between 2018 and 2019 there was a minimum of 765 commercial facilities that quickly closed their doors and burnt rubber doing "wheelies" on I40 to leave the country of California via Arizona.  In the north US Hwy50  is another major exodus route heavily used for large tractor trailer movers hauling businesses as fast as they can out of the country of California into Nevada and eastward.   Beyond the 765 commercial facilities that hightailed from the country of California there have been an addition of of over 400 company headquarters who've burnt rubber on I40 and US Hwy50 getting the hell out of the country of California between 2020 and 2024 [June].  

UPDATE: After 145 years of being based in California, Chevron Corporation has announced its decision to relocate its headquarters to Houston, Texas 08/02/2024

Charles Schwab, a financial services firm, has relocated its headquarters from San Francisco, California to Texas. The company announced a $26 billion merger with TD Ameritrade and decided to move its corporate headquarters to Westlake, a suburb of Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas. Westlake Texas named the most affluent community in the country by Forbes magazine in 2011,  

Occidental relocated its global headquarters to Texas...  

Occidental Petroleum 2024 Financial Summary; Revenue $27.4 billion / Assets $73.3 billion / Profits $4.3 billion.  Occidental Petroleum (NYSE: OXY);  Occidental’s road to Texas dates back nearly 60 years. Founded in California in 1920.

Tesla Headquarters - Gigafactory Texas  1 Tesla Road  Austin, TX 78725...  

Tesla is valued at $500 billion . 

Hilton San Francisco Union Square /$1.56 billion; is San Francisco's largest hotel, occupying an entire city block, and one of the country's largest hotels outside of Las Vegas.  Hilton San Francisco Union Square and Parc 55 hotels are walking away from its debts and giving up hope on a return of SF's convention market.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise; new headquarters  Spring, Texas, just outside Houston... Revenue: $29.1 billion  [2023] /Cash flow  operations: $4.4 billion.  

ORACLE CORP; AUSTIN Texas... Revenue $53.0 billion 2024 (NYSE: ORCL) /  Operating income $6.7 billion.

INSURANCE COMPANIES ... Two insurance industry giants have pulled back from the country of California; State Farm and Allstate.  

[As these industry giants have departed the country of California, the results of their departure have forced millions of homeowners into the California FAIR Plan [government issued insurance] 

Tokio Marine America Insurance Co. and Trans Pacific Insurance Co. ... Both owned by Japanese firm Tokio Marine Holdings Inc., filed notices to California's Department of Insurance, giving an official statement that its companies would cease offering homeowners insurance and umbrella policies in the country of California. 

Common Sense Reason for Corporations to exodus [get the hell out]  the country of California:

  • Homelessness and Crime: The rise of homelessness and crime in California has made it an unappealing place for companies to operate.
  • Remote Work: The shift to remote work has made it easier for companies to operate from other locations in the United States of America;  reducing the need for a physical presence in the country of California.  

Here is a list of companies that have recently removed themselves from the country of California:

  • Blaze Pizza (moving to Georgia)
  • Neutrogena (moving to New Jersey)
  • FreshRealm (moving to Texas)
  • Hodge (moving to Iowa)Recent Companies Leaving California:
  • Noble33 (moving to Florida)
  • QuickFee (moving to Texas)
  • Advantage Solutions (moving to Missouri)
  • Oak View Group (moving to Colorado)
  • Anaplan (moving to Florida)
  • Thermomix (moving to Texas)
  • Hero Digital (moving to Illinois)
  • Fireside (moving to Florida)
  • Unical Aviation (moving to Arizona)
  • Skillz (moving to Nevada)
  • Ruiz Foods (moving to Texas)
  • Cacique Foods (moving to Texas)
  • Kelly-Moore Paints (moving to Texas)
  • Redaptive (moving to Colorado)
  • Inbenta (moving to Texas)
  • Landsea Homes (moving to Texas)
  • McAfee (moving to Texas)
  • Bluevine (moving to New Jersey)
  • Boingo Wireless (moving to Texas)
  • Lucas Oil Products (moving to Indiana)
  • Home Franchise Concepts (moving to Texas)
  • Allspring Global Investments (moving to North Carolina)
  • Trimble (moving to Colorado)
  • Virta Health Corp (moving to Colorado)
  • Obagi Cosmeceuticals (moving to Texas)  

The country of California has basically become irrelevant as being beneficial to any nation on this earth, except for third world countries and enemies of the U.S.; all are using the country of California as a spring board to invade the United States of America.  Every third world country on planet earth uses the country of California as a trash dumpster for its criminals, thugs, hoodlums and low class peasants.   

Statistically there is a virtual status of 40 million inhabitants camped on the soil of the country of California; in which 60% of the inhabitants are descendants of illegal aliens or international vagabonds.  The remaining 40% of the country of California is a mix of legal foreign nationals and former U.S. descendant citizens who's family settled in the country of California after World War II.  

The country of California is ripe for any filthy rich dictator or tyrant to rule, because the populous is clearly the most docile, gullible, credulous arrangement of simpletons to rule over.  

Voters in the country of California are self delusional, self centered and alienated from common sense. They are easy to control without any effort of leading them via subterfuge or suffocating propaganda.  Just throw a few entitlement crumbs out to them every election cycle and they'll respond like pigeons walking around in their underwear.  




TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS must realize how the 110th through 118th congress members have been deliberately deceptive to the citizenry.  With the continuous Ukraine warmongering upheld as priority over Taxpaying American Citizens homeless from hurricanes, there should be a total recall of congress members.  With millions of international vagabonds/illegal aliens invading and exposing Taxpaying American Citizens to deadly diseases, the 118th congress has neglected protecting Americans from a foreign invasion at the southern border.  In the mean time, the only beneficiaries of U.S. funding the Ukraine war are every 118th congressional member who voted for funding Ukraine. Each warmongering congress member voting for Ukraine funding are set up with a personal international money laundering uni-party bank account .  


As of [2024]  The United States has allocated $113.4 billion in emergency funding to support Ukraine https://usafacts.org/articles/how-much-money-has-the-us-given-ukraine-since-russias-invasion/ 

Yet, the United States Congress [democrats/republicans] can not account for these funds in an itemized statement of disclosure for TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS to review and reconcile. 


As of [2024]  UKRAINE IS OFFICIALLY BANKRUPT 08/14/2024.  https://english.pravda.ru/world/160366-fitch-ukraine-bankrupt/   Fitch Ratings [Fitch Ratings Inc. is an American credit rating agency] following S&P, declared Ukraine bankrupt. Now Kyiv will only be given loans for the war. Private investors have lost their money and will not take any more risks.


“High Deficits, Rising Debt” https://www.fitchratings.com/research/sovereigns/fitch-downgrades-ukraine-to-c-24-07-2024

Maintaining IMF and official creditor support is critical to meet high financing requirements derived from the war. In our June review, we forecast that the general government deficit will remain high at 17.1% of GDP in 2024, and considered that significant fiscal consolidation will be constrained by the continuation of the war (defense spending was 31.3% of GDP in 2023), maintaining elevated reliance on foreign financing. We also projected then that debt will increase to 92.5% of GDP in 2024, well above the projected 70.3% median for 'B'/'C'/'D' rated sovereigns, without including the impact of external commercial debt restructuring.


As of [2024]  RUSSIA has achieved unimaginable economic growth in addition to surviving sanctions from the United States of America and  Western nations since the war commenced.  This doesn’t make sense, but it’s true. https://english.pravda.ru/russia/159201-russia_gold_sanctions/ 

The Russian economy has disclosed unprecedented growth of 3.6 percent in 2023 against the backdrop of more than 16,000 sanctions, as well as huge expenses for carrying out the special military operation in Ukraine. Russia's GDP is to grow by another 2.6 percent in 2024.  At the beginning of 2022, Russia made a smart move and pegged the ruble to gold in gas trading. Russia also liberalised trade in gold, so now any Russian national can buy a gram of gold for 5,200 rubles and then sell it on the open market. 

As of [2024]  TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS have not benefited from the United States Congress throwing away IRS payments from TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS at a warmongering proxy war.  It’s truly amazing that over $113billion bucks of TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS money have been unnecessarily gifted, wasted and thrown to the warmongering dogs of a constant proxy war. 

More specifically IRS payments made by TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS have created a double payroll system for every U.S. congress person who voted funding the U.S. Ukraine proxy war against Russia.   The double payroll system for U.S. congress members consist of siphoning off TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN’S money to the IRS via decoyed money laundering of U.S. Ukraine aid money into international bank accounts setup for warmongering U.S. congressional members who voted for giving away TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN’S money to Ukraine.     

As of [2024]  TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS have not grasped the low learning curve of basic economics for a sovereign nation.  The Untied States of America wasn’t designed to support countries and nations around the world.  As a matter of fact has anyone checked to see if all the countries of WWII have paid back the U.S...?  


The United States of America was not formed and founded to use TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS' prosperity for:

 1.  Allowing U.S. congressional members to designate endless warmongering proxy war money to allies or enemies.

2.  Allowing U.S. congressional members to disavow the United States Constitution and violate federal laws that prohibit International Global Vagabonds [illegal aliens/invasion] to manifest upon U.S. soil; and pay federal law breakers to stay in the United States of America.

3.  Allowing U.S. congressional members to mandate [legislate] upholding the liberal religion of “Climate Change Control” through TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN’S money; designated to fund pork-legislation subsidizing states, counties, cities, municipalities, corporations, businesses, global entities, political groups and individuals.   

4.  Allowing U.S. congressional members to create legislation that impedes upon the United States of America CAPITALISTIC FREE MARKET SYSTEM.  There is to be “zero” interference by U.S. government to inject into or obstruct the competitive free market system designed for the Unites States of America’s capitalistic competitive free market system.


All of the above information is to be used by TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS as a learning curve to rate or justify how the U. S. congress is virtually throwing your TAXPAYING AMERICN CITIZEN’S MONEY away...