Yourself, Your Family and Your Property.
democrat party of the
Believe it or not, there are countless examples in the Bible that exhibit people protecting themselves against wicked and evil people, particularly against those who [criminals, thugs, politicians] would do you physical harm.
there are two Commandments that would benefit “would be” wicked
and evil people, if they only heeded these commandments:
ch20 vs 15 --- Thou shall not steal
ch20 vs 13 --- Thou shall not kill
criminals and thugs living in
AMENDMENT: “A well regulated Militia,
being necessary to the security of a
U.S. Constitution is based on simple common sense to direct its citizenry into
an orderly lawful society. Thereby it is
simple common sense for any law-abiding citizen to arm themselves with
protection against evil and wicked inhabitants who deliberately premeditate
inflicting dire harm to innocent citizens.
Therefore common sense is to be literally applied in the form of a law-abiding
citizen owning a weapon of force and determent which according to the U.S.
Constitution-Second Amendment prescribes owning a gun or rifle or canon for
personal protection if need be. No
There are many fools of liberal consent and socialist and communist ideology that defy the notion of a law-abiding hard working taxpaying American citizen owning a gun in any capacity. Yet these same liberal fools lack refulgence to oppose criminals and thugs that are rampant in urban communities shooting and killing innocent citizens. The liberal, normally a democrat party voter, have implemented shamelessly meaningless solutions to combat wicked and evil criminal atrocities. Their liberal solution is to lessen criminal incarceration as a primary form of punishment and rehabilitation for the commission of felony [murder, killing] and other offenses. In liberal society philosophy [utopian ideology] there should be no restrictions that make it difficult for a thug or criminal to reintegrate back into society. In so these liberals of congressional authority deem it correct to allow a murderer, killer, rapist, child pedophiler and thieves back into the populous to recommit the same atrocities of crime and lawlessness against a civil society.
The Second Amendment provides the solution to combat liberal legislation that promotes perpetual criminal activity in society. The solution is the right for law-abiding citizens to bear arms against such vile, wicked and evil persons and entities. Gun ownership is a constitutional right for every law-abiding taxpaying American citizen. There has been an escalating effort by today’s democrat party and its liberal world-order financial supporters to defy the Second Amendment and reinterpret it different than the original founding fathers base laid instructions for a law-abiding citizen to arm and protect themselves and their possessions.
Second Amendment surrounds its prominence of interpretation from the Holy Bible
and not from suffocating asinine pious liberal nonsense. It is a certainty that all who oppose
Christianity would also oppose any influence or commandments of the Holy
Bible. The
GOD’s Commandments gives obvious instructions to humans to live in harmony through care, respect and love for each other. But, GOD’s WORD [Holy Bible] also provides direct and non-compromising warnings to persons to also beware of those who obstruct living in harmony, and violently trespass physically and mentally villainous upon the innocent. GOD’s WORD [Holy Bible] clearly gives instructions to protect [bear arms] against an intruder and to bare arms upon those who malignantly harm others. Bear arms against anyone who forcefully demand to take your possessions against your will.
Knowing that you are a law-abiding Taxpaying American Citizen should give you comfort and peace knowing the U.S. Constitution-Second Amendment supports you to protect yourself against evil beings. More importantly as a law-abiding Taxpaying American Citizen you have GOD’s WORD [Holy Bible] that supports you to protect yourself against evil, vile, wicked trespassers upon your personage and property. Read the following below very carefully to comprehend abating any brazen insolent liberal/democrat party gun control assessment; and make no arrangement for their grotesque liberal prognosticating of gun violence as null and void.*Luke ch11 vs21 “When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace” kjv
*Nehemiah ch4 vs15 and vs17 “Everyone with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon [spears, shields, bows]. kjv
PLEASE READ the entire 4th chapter of Nehemiah in order to comprehend the complete content and context of the scripture.
ch3 vs27 - Matthew ch12 vs29
The Second Amendment likewise was designed to give a law-abiding citizen the ability to arm and protect their being [physical body] and property [possessions].
Surely there are those who are not Christians and do not believe in GOD’s WORD, but be assured there are warnings that have been given in the secular, pagan and heathen society for a person to protect themselves against their enemies. The Romans used to say: "If you want peace, prepare for war" (si vis pacem para bellum). The modern and personal version is: "If you want peace, get a piece," GET A GUN!