
300 YEAR Life Span for AMERICA is Very Doubtful

300 Year Life Span
The evidence is quite clear on how the United States of America will dissipate into an oblivious notion of history.  The average life span of a “prosperous nation” is between 220 years and 245 years; rarely 300 years.  Three hundred years of pure prosperity is very rare and very seldom achieved.  History has proven this fact time and time again, but for some reason nations of great prosperity and natural resources critically fail to comprehend and study the process of empire prosperity deterioration.  There are numerous official notes available on past societies for you to reconcile the historical factor of a 300 Year Life Span for a prosperous nation.  Please note that a prosperous nation can retain its shambled populous after being stripped of its prosperity.   Three results are extracted from a failing prosperous nation:  1. Prosperous nation becomes a second or third class society,  2. Foreign powers take over,  3. Secession occurs creating new independent satellites.  

This brings us to the current world empire or world leader of prosperity, the United States of AmericaAmerica has reached its 247th birthday, but not without confusion and doubt of its continuing existence as intended by its founding fathers and mothers.   History repeats itself upon America today as prosperity has developed into pure greed with freedom and liberty construed as political partisan power.   The Constitution of the United States of America was not designed for political musical chairs of power, but was designed for the people to be served by the elected officials [voters representative].  Today the original constitutional concept has been erased along with the founding fathers and mothers original interpretation of democracy under the structure of a Republic.   Please read THE DIFFERENCE between a REPUBLIC and a DEMOCRACY http://bit.ly/1p2H4xF   

Descending America via Descending Americans
There is overwhelming evidence of America crossing over its apex and plunging into an abyss of corrupt prosperity.   As you know or should know, corrupt prosperity will ultimately cancel out the greatness of a prosperous nation.  This applies to America’s rakishness causing it to stray from the miracle conception of the American Republic structured under capitalism and freedom. 

Now fast forward to today’s damaged political process in America and you’ll see how history stands firm on limiting every nation on earth to a maximum prosperity life span of 300 years.   Don’t forget, America is without a doubt one of the most prosperous nations in current world history.   Now take a look at the GOP [Grand Old Punk Establishment] Republicans emulating the democrat party by chasing after illegal aliens for votes.  You would think they would be chasing after American Voters.  But there is a method to the RNC & DNC madness, which is based on changing the demographics of America, to retain government stronghold over its populous.   It’s a foolish and irresponsible tactic to phase out the original American populous and fully incorporate the illegal alien community which has been given the green light to invade the southern border of the Continental United States of America.  

You must understand, republican politicians and their treasonous counterpart democrat politicians could care less about salvaging one of the most prosperous nations in current world history; but such are the traits of a thoroughly corrupt society.   Current American politicians are only concerned with garnering more power and money before they die; they literally say to Americans, "to hell with loyalty to America."  

RINO'S, liberals, democrats and the homosexual community will sell their soul and their mother to obtain and keep power over the masses within their grasp. This is a hard truth for real Americans to intake, but it's a truth that has been proven over and over again during each American election.  The overall majority of Americans "CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH" of America's diminishing from its greatness and its abundance of prosperity and plethora of natural resources.   But on the other hand illegal aliens [all foreign nationals entering illegally] can see the hand writing on the wall for America.  These illegal aliens crossing the southern border have a superior perspective of America's economy dissolving and crashing.  They are trying to get into America to collect on the free cash and entitlements offered to them to vote.  These illegal nationals know America's economy is crashing, and that's why they’re cashing in on America before they return to their homeland rich in proportion to their native homeland economic scale.    

Disqualified from 300 Year Prosperity
The 2008, 2012 and 2020 socialist obama/biden leadership has accelerated the deterioration of the modern world’s most prosperous nation.  Maybe if American voters had elected a different president for 2008, 2012  and 2020 American history books would have a chance of recording the ultimate mark of 300 years of prosperity.  Unfortunately as we all know the 2008, 2012 and 2020 administrations have damaged  America to an irreversible function of government.  Such damaged government disqualifies the United States of America from reaching the great mark in world history to become one of the few nations with the longest duration of prosperity [300 years];  BUT!!! History stoutly says not so!   

Dr BearClayborn - Political Psychiatrist  ACB Newspaper International

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