
I Love America; but does America Love Me?

This is a revised edition of the original 11/19/2010 publishing.  The message remains pure without change, but since 11/19/2010 America has changed.  Today America is an official socialist country.  BUT, America can become the Constitutional America again, with the correct leadership.....

I would be less than honest if I didn’t tell you the truth, but being honest is not honorable anymore in America. Regardless of your instant characterization of my presentation I must be honest with you about your leadership in this country. Please don’t get into a tizzy and presume I’m talking about your dementia President Biden [possible conjecture], he is the least of our problems for now. The real problem is the elected incumbents who have been in office for years if not centuries. We’re talking about Republicans and Democrats alike who have been robbing America of her democracy over the last sixty years.

There was a time when America was a loving society of concerned people that were not easily fooled by the worthless dynamic political rhetoric. “American love” has been replaced by “partisan politics,” unsurprising the culprits of this diabolical social change are the elected incumbents. Most of the populous in America today are not aware of the love America once had in its possession among its citizens. Even during the turbulent times of segregation in this nation people still honored the human element of life [having respect for others regardless of differences]. In these modern times of integration or multiculturalism in America it is evident that all hell has broken lose in this society with sub cultures [homosexuals, illegal aliens, so-called blacks and all others] venting their superiority.

Yes it’s true; Americans were once a real loving people [at least the majority was] who disregarded political association as a determining factor in socialization. I dare you to find any inflectional terms of social standards today among the citizenship. Quite the contrary you will continue to uncover a paralytic and dysfunctional citizenship in America. It’s rare and virtually impossible to locate a continuum of citizens or individuals on the job who have different political philosophies joined together at lunch time each day. From such a daily lunch time observation you can see “American love” has been replaced with political partisanship; the barrier has become unbreakable.

This is the condition political incumbents have dealt the American citizenship to live by; constant bickering, arguing and attacking each other. “I Love America," but how can America love me when she is constantly arguing and attacking me; has that become the new “American love,” has that become the new standard of love in America? While the incumbents in power continue to flaunt their appalling insubordination to the public trust they deliberately and carelessly ignore their inevitable inept paralyzing effect on this country.

The political incumbents of both parties [Republicans and especially Democrats] hold to a permanent deep dark psychological need within their heart to console an abstract concept of supreme governorship and power over American citizens. Thereby we have allowed these nomadic politicians to escalate and manifest within our governing administration. The end result is the ludicrous price we’re paying [a runaway fiscal government] to support these life time government sponges.  

Do you remember the 2008 Muslim presidential candidate [once again conjecture] used his famous adverb “CHANGE America” to a point of total abuse.  Now when anyone uses the word “change” it has no meaning or should we say relative little significance, because of one anti-american's abusive usage of it. But hold on America, we can make a real change of our representation in Washington D.C. regardless of the tired adverb usage and the pious platitudes your 2020 dementia president [conjecture] plastered all over the main stream media. The 2016 elections were a great start in changing our representation in government and we should continue with the same fervent effort to correct this runaway government.

America has been stripped of its love by believing the constant lies of change for the better by today's democrat socialist party heads currently in charge of the oval office.  

Benjamin Disraeli [1808-1881] put it best when he said; “There are three kinds of lies; 
1-lies, 2-damned lies and 3-statistics.” America has fallen prey to all three standards of lies and has gone beyond an urgent need for government correction and government representation. The 2016 elections were a wake up call for all remaining incumbents to take heed to actress Jean Hallow’s famous question; “Would you be shocked if I changed into something more comfortable?” America voters are not comfortable with the routine gambit of politics produced by the Democrats and Republicans. The voters have analyzed with precision the return on investment with the current political structure.  

Americans [Conservatives and Independents] have determined America has not profited from the long run of incumbent policy and law making; instead America has only incurred  long term debt.  Republicans and Democrats shouldn’t have been shocked when the 2016 election result reveal an American [President Donald Trump] that was not a political incumbent.  The untouchable long term incumbents realized they were in jeopardy of being ousted by the voters. That’s when real Americans realized it's actually possible for Americans to once again disclose a unity that was lost.   

Today after the 2020 fraudulent election we can only stand firm and realize it's not the end of the world, but in all likelihood the end of America; unless someone [President Trump?] can come forward again with great determination and say 
“I Love America, 
and America Loves Me!”


AMERICAN PROSPERITY without Nonsensical Liberals; YES!

without  Nonsensical Liberals; YES!

America is prosperous under President Trump but yet fallacious in its social philosophy of unity.  Here's the problem, in America today there are growing pains streaming from two different life philosophies delivering superficial courtesies and subterfuge to parallel in unison the ability to govern America's capitalistic society.  At issue is the dominance of liberal religion aka "political correctness" [2008-2016] and the resurgence of conservatism [2017].  The premise of such unity is drawn from an inaccurate assumption that if everyone can be prosperous with a job making a minimum of one hundred thousand dollars such will satisfy society in general.  Unfortunately the paramount issue is not being prosperous making a minimum of $100k although that would be nice, but the real issue is having to live around someone every morning, noon and night who does not share your morals and values.  Offsetting social/economic standards will completely traumatize your prosperity creating a delusive fallacy of living in a society of unity.  Reason being is because having abundant prosperity can only buy you limited peace and serenity but eventually you'll have to come face to face with those who despise you and your life philosophy.   THAT'S WHEN MORALS AND VALUSE CLASH at a restaurant similar to the incident of White House Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.   When properly evaluated the final assessment of the future for the United States of America reveals America will no longer be a united nation. It is unfortunate that this young country has reached its full potential of holding together the perfectly designed capitalistic system under a republic. 

As stated in prior commentary “Segregation Is Not A Bad Word”  http://bit.ly/1KwBJf5 supports all leading indicators the United States of America will be reorganized one way or another. " Liberal religion" of political correctness has taken full effect upon the once "Judeo-Christian" society of America. Liberalism has scorned capitalism and created a social dynamics that has villainized the U.S. Constitution. What makes the social level of America so volatile is the unparalleled virulence of liberals, which is rapidly growing everyday aka millennials.  If you can understand the law of thermal dynamics it’s possible to comprehend why there will be a secession of states in America. The only question that really remains is whether the division of states will be uncontested or will there be a second civil war?

When looking at how liberalism has thwarted conservatism and Christianity in America there must be an assessment taken to gauge how to unravel the populous which has become hostile to itself. This can be easily understood when examining the law of thermal dynamics. [Thermal Dynamics]; While looking at an outdoor fire you’ll notice how sparks fly upward, they fly upward according to an inviolable law of nature. This is the result of the inflexible scientific law of thermal dynamics that when a fire is built it creates heat which produces hot air that rises upward and pulls the light weight sparks up with it while separating from each other. The same dynamics apply to liberalism and conservatism.

In America the two life philosophies of liberalism and conservatism have produced a violent degree of social dynamics and social hostility between the two. There has to be a separation of liberalism and conservatism just as the law of thermal dynamics demands sparks be separated from heat. A simpler way of stating how segregation of liberalisms and conservatism will be accomplished is depicted in two fluids, oil and water. Oil and water will not mix no matter how you force or merge the two together. It’s a law of physics, oil can not assimilate with water, and neither can liberalism assimilate with conservatism. There are varying degrees of forcing oil and water to mimic assimilation but the guaranteed result will be separation. The mimicking time of unity between liberals and conservatives has reached its apex. Sparks and heat must be separated, oil and water must be separated, and without a doubt liberals and conservatives must be separated.

Only abusive politicians would want to lie and mentor the populous to believe that liberals and conservatives can live together in an American society. Such a lie has been broken up into many lies over the past five decades. The point of diminishing returns is on stage everyday in America proving that liberalism has destroyed the foundation of America’s Judeo-Christian faith. Remember, only politicians are the ones to reap the benefit of a mocked society of unity which continues to function on a false narrative best relayed by Rodney King stating “Can We All Just Get Alone?” The answer is an impregnable NO!   When the founding fathers developed the American Republic the design did not include garnering fragments of liberalism. Christianity was the base foundation to guide America in law and order coupled with capitalism and freedom.
Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist- http://bit.ly/2KmP4bN

ACB Newspaper International Editor in Chief 



During these tyrannical COVID19 times in America where governors, county officials, mayors and city council members have blatantly manipulated and abused their power over American Citizens fits the gloves of socialism.  The lockdown orders by state and city officials are serious implementations of force driven by centralized power.  Such exhibition of power discloses and illustrates the key feature of what socialism is all about, political obedience. 

The presidential election warrants attention, but the immediate and central issue at stake in America today is socialism.  Socialism and communism have frequently emerged over decades in America as generations of adolescent adults lose the ability to comprehend the prosperity of this nation and their receptacles of knowledge fails to grasp how their freedom came into existence.  COVID19 has opened another door for socialism.

You would think the most important question American taxpayers are asking is, “when will the covid19 lockdowns be removed?”  American moms are asking “when will their children be able to go to school again?”  The young married working couple is asking “when will we be able to return to work?”  There’s one question every American taxpayer should be asking, “WHERE IS THE ACLU?”  

It is more than obvious that the ACLU has disappeared from public view.  Daily advertisements and promotions of the ACLU touting themselves as America’s premier defender of American Citizens rights enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.  Now more than ever the American taxpayer need the ACLU to stand up for them and protect them from newly organized tyrannical governors, state county officials, mayors and dictatorial city council members using the COVID19 presence to thwart individual personal rights, freedom and liberties. 

The ACLU could be making millions, if not billions of dollars representing citizens of the
United States of America from the onslaught of illegal banning of American citizens from moving physically free in public society.   The ACLU should be fighting against federal, state and city ordinances requiring citizens to be stripped of their individual freedom to dress according to their personal desire without a mask over their face.   

The ACLU should be assisting all citizens to file legal lawsuits against each and every governor and city mayor issuing mandates for citizens not to be able to assemble in restaurants, sporting events or Church assembly.  Even now state governors, mayors and city council members are enforcing and restricting “citizen rights” to assemble within their own private homes.  These are simple issues of personal freedoms under the Constitution of the United States that the ACLU claims to vigorously defend for all American Citizens.   As of now there’s not one civil or legal lawsuit against any governor, county official or mayor on behalf of ACLU representing a client charging the government of denuding their personal rights and freedom under the U.S. Constitution. 

The precedent and foundation has already been set with historical facts of previous coronavirus extensions encroaching within the U.S. population.  As listed, no previous administrations required adherence to mandated unconstitutional laws voiding American citizens’ rights and restricting public socialization:

*1918 SPANISH FLU coronavirus; enormous impact case-fatality ratio was 5% / no mask-social distancing

*2003 SARS coronavirus identified in China; crushing case-fatality ratio of 10%/ no mask-social distancing

*2009 H1N1 coronavirus SWINE FLU pandemic; devastating R0 was 1.2 to 1.6 / no mask-social distancing

*2020 COVID-19 preliminary estimate 12mo cycle: R0 between 1.4 to 2.5          unconstitutional masking

***MEASLES R0 is 12 to 18******************************************no mask-social distancing

The ACLU claims in its charter that “Americans have come to count on the ACLU for its unyielding dedication to principle.”  Well, its been a year and the ACLU has yet to be counted for any American Citizen being deprived of their constitutional rights during this latest edition of coronavirus extension.  The time has come for another legal entity to stand up for Americans during this time, surely not any congress person or house of representative.  It’s time to call on the infamous “Personal Injury Lawyers.” 

Americans have been deliberately and personally injured by governors, state officials, mayors and city council members across the country.  These governing officials have caused unemployment, law abiding citizens jailed, psychological/psychiatric increase and denied socialization with family members and friends.  There’s millions if not billions of dollars that Personal Injury Lawyers can reap just by applying the constitution according to its clearly outlined reference to the rights and freedom of an American Citizen.   Wake up, WAKE UP, Personal Injury Lawyers and help save the rights, freedom and liberties afforded them by the United States Constitution.  You don’t have to chase ambulances as some say, just open your office doors to a fusillade of American Citizens that need your help to regain their Constitutional Rights.   




Can we build 

This sounds very good to me; as a matter of fact this sounds great to the majority of Americans, especially those in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California.  But don’t expect more than a hand full of Republicans and "zero" Democrats/Liberals to understand the logic and rationale for the need of the "GREAT WALL OF AMERICA."

What is the logic or reason for the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA?  It has been reported that the FBI was investigating a fatal shooting on the U.S. southern border. While there they were confronted by mexican soldiers with rifles loaded and aimed at the FBI investigators. Not only were the mexican soldiers aiming their loaded weapons at FBI agents but chased the FBI agents from the investigation site. Is there a more humiliating example of a wimpy national security policy that could have ever been conjured up; our law enforcement running from the enemy? Please read the incident report

As a seasoned military veteran myself, it is of pertinent action to return fire upon your enemy when fired upon. Although there were no guns fired by the mexican soldiers is a mute point because they drew their weapons and deliberately use them as a point of threat. At this point of weapon confrontation the FBI agents should have drawn weapons on the mexicans and fired at any unannounced flinch or movement by the mexicans. Forget about being political correct, this is about survival first, and safety second.

How did our law enforcement become so weak, wimpy?  The Mexican soldiers made the FBI back down and back off from their position. This within itself shows how cowardly our law enforcement has become when a third rate mexican police force tells a superior and lethal law enforcement agency [FBI] to go home. Of course the FBI was only acting in fear and frailty of the “mexican” soldiers, why?  Reason is because today's modern FBI has been trained to act as cowards in order to appease the enemy and not have a confrontation. Receiving orders from FBI superiors who receive their orders from the amateur president of the United States say a lot about America’s leadership and how dependable our national security is.

How can Americans avoid border confrontations with Mexico?  
In order to avoid any type of future confrontation with illegal mexicans who cross the border we must enact major implementations:
1. Place a full division of military personnel on the mexican border
2. Create a DMZ. Anyone found crossing in the DMZ area will be subjected to being shot and killed or captured; regardless if an American or mexican.
3. Stop wasting tax payers’ money on border fences.
4. Build a GREAT WALL OF AMERICA like China.
5. Time and realtionships with other countries have changed;America must take off its "kiddie gloves" and respond with authority.

Who will benefit from the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA?  
Once the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA is built, all Americans will benefit from it. What’s more intriguing is that American unemployed skilled workers would become employed, as well as other American labor workers becoming employed. Anyone working on the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA will be thoroughly screened for citizenship. This will be the opportunity to show the ignorant politicians who claim that Americans will not work hard laboring jobs is a factual lie enfolded a hundred times over.

Shoud we be concerned about our realationship with Mexico?  Building the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA will not deteriorate the U.S. relationship with mexico.  Mexico has let it be known that they could care less about America when their soldiers aimed their loaded weapons directly at our FBI agents who were investigating a fatal shooting on the border. Building the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA will not offend mexico because the mexican people have a furious hate towards Americans in general because of the recent killings of mexicans on the border. Although the mexican peasants want revenge for their illegal mexican relatives death they completely forget that their illegal mexican brothers and cousins have killed innocent Americans in American border cities and all across America. So the answer to end all this momentum of confrontation and hate by the mexican peasants and mexican soldiers and mexican president, we must build the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA Now!

Will politicians support the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA?  It has been of great support that Governor Jan Brewer of Arizona has implemented illegal alien law SB1070 to curtail illegal mexicans coming into her state. It would be great if other political leaders would duplicate supporting the federal law of the land as Gov Brewer. If the governors of Texas and New Mexico would implement enforcing the illegal alien laws of the land there could be a change in the landscape of America. There would be more jobs for Americans and more security for the nation as well. What would be the best and most wonderful response to securing the United States southern border would be the building of the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA.

What leader will sacrifice their political career to sponsor the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA?  
The governors of Arizona, New Mexico, California and Texas should become strong advocates for the building of the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA because of the immediate trade offs that are offered to benefit their states:

1.immediate economic uplifting with real job creation [not temporary census jobs].
2.curtail border confrontation with illegal mexicans and international terrorist.
3.send a message to mexico that they need us more than we need them.

Have real Americans become passive and political correct?  The American Tax Payer should be screaming for the immediate building of the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA. Unemployed skilled Americans and American engineers can put their knowledge and skill together to build a bigger and better wall than China’s. America could build a real wall that the world has never envisioned, and it will be built by Americans and not mexicans. It is time for the political correctness of offending others in the world to come to an end, and America must begin to suffice for herself and end the sandbagging of other nations like mexico receiving benefits from America and pointing their weapons on our law enforcement agents.

Every American must support the “Great Wall of America!” If you don’t support the building of the GREAT WALL OF AMERICA then you should consider moving to the other side of the wall.

Thank you America for your support!
Dr BearClayborn
America's Political Psychiatrist