During these tyrannical COVID19 times in
presidential election warrants attention, but the immediate and central issue
at stake in
is more than obvious that the ACLU has disappeared from public view. Daily advertisements and promotions of the
ACLU touting themselves as
The ACLU could be making millions, if not billions of dollars representing citizens of the
The ACLU should be
assisting all citizens to file legal lawsuits against each and every governor
and city mayor issuing mandates for citizens not to be able to assemble in
restaurants, sporting events or Church assembly. Even now state governors, mayors and city
council members are enforcing and restricting “citizen rights” to assemble
within their own private homes. These
are simple issues of personal freedoms under the Constitution of the
precedent and foundation has already been set with historical facts of previous
coronavirus extensions encroaching within the
*1918 SPANISH FLU coronavirus; enormous impact case-fatality ratio was 5% / no mask-social distancing
*2003 SARS
coronavirus identified in
*2009 H1N1
coronavirus SWINE FLU pandemic; devastating R0 was 1.2 to 1.6 / no mask-social
*2020 COVID-19
preliminary estimate 12mo cycle: R0 between 1.4 to 2.5 unconstitutional masking
is 12 to 18******************************************no mask-social distancing
The ACLU claims in its charter that “Americans have come to count on the ACLU for its unyielding dedication to principle.” Well, its been a year and the ACLU has yet to be counted for any American Citizen being deprived of their constitutional rights during this latest edition of coronavirus extension. The time has come for another legal entity to stand up for Americans during this time, surely not any congress person or house of representative. It’s time to call on the infamous “Personal Injury Lawyers.”
Americans have been deliberately and personally injured by governors, state officials, mayors and city council members across the country. These governing officials have caused unemployment, law abiding citizens jailed, psychological/psychiatric increase and denied socialization with family members and friends. There’s millions if not billions of dollars that Personal Injury Lawyers can reap just by applying the constitution according to its clearly outlined reference to the rights and freedom of an American Citizen. Wake up, WAKE UP, Personal Injury Lawyers and help save the rights, freedom and liberties afforded them by the United States Constitution. You don’t have to chase ambulances as some say, just open your office doors to a fusillade of American Citizens that need your help to regain their Constitutional Rights.
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