Anthropological Regressed Egotist, explained
nation that was so abundantly blessed with natural resources and
human talent running rampant with geniuses during the late 1800’s
and early 1900’s suddenly nose dive into an abyss of progressive
misdirection is astounding. Yet you must understand that there is a
cause and effect for the prevailing social results of America today.
There is one group that is responsible for America’s current moral
decline and confusion of comprehending the natural laws of human
physics and the natural laws of human survival; that group is
“Domesticated Anthropological Regressed Egotists.” The common
identification of Domesticated Anthropological Regressed Egotists are
better known as lesbians, homosexuals, transsexuals and liberals.
Let’s dive quickly into the depths of what is indecorously fixated
into the American psychological pattern of progressive thought
translation via Domesticated Anthropological Regressed Egotists
a caucasian
lesbian or caucasian
black] gay
male demean anything [person
or place]
it's fair
game, it’s permissible, it’s okay.
When a caucasian
late night show comedian
demean any person,
place or thing
it's funny and
hilariously humorous according to the current media culture. What
you see unfolding is a fraction of the national culture [DARE]
redesigning how Americans had better submit to liberal ideology.
be told America has fallen prey
to the
foundation of what is right and acceptable in the mental linguistic
context of the liberal psyche.
now you say, what’s the point of reference for these cross
examining notes and what are they establishing? As stated earlier we
are determining the underlining prognosis of how America has become a
literal cesspool of immoral values and unnatural governing dimensions
which now have
been exposed as liberal racism.
put, humor
has to be approved by liberal’s standard of humor. Open public
slander by any liberal towards any Christian, Conservative,
Republican or heterosexual is joyously applauded. On the contrary
if any liberal [celebrity, entertainer, athlete, school teacher,
etc…] is accused of any wrong doing or misbehavior it is taboo to
bring any charge against them, which
now is governed by liberal
rule of society. If you’ll notice the parallel standard of rule
set by caucasian liberals [majority democrat voters] typify the same
structure of segregated societal
by their democrat ancestors who forbid DOA’s
africa] or colored people to
have equal privilege to speak openly on issues or judgment. The
picture of liberal racism should start forming
its presence before your intellect
Liberal Hypocrisy
over the last 30 years the tables of social behavior have been turned
in favor of liberalism and the
of political
correctness shadowed
by muslim fear.
Such has given way to any liberal person to demean or debase anyone
who isn't part of the liberal mandated society by
which we
currently live under now. It’s pre-approved for any liberal,
lesbian or gay male to exercise their so called new found civil
rights and guaranteed free speech upon
So now let us examine the contrary social elements that ruffles the
feathers of liberal ideology.
example of contrary liberal social elements would be when someone
outside of the central liberal social network makes a joke about a
lesbian or homosexual; such is now legally deemed homophobia. But
that’s just the beginning of vivid liberal hypocrisy or
basically liberal racism
established and mandated for all society to adhere to. Liberals,
gays, lesbians can speak ill of others who don’t represent the
liberal psyche. But
on the other hand someone who isn’t liberal, gay, lesbian can’t
do so in return towards them. It’s as though we’re back in the
1950’s when a DOA
of Africa] or
colored person would dare
think about making a general joke or exclamatory suggestion towards a
Therefore today it’s the same damning social venue for any
Christian, heterosexual or
to make any type of comment towards a lesbian, gay or liberal. These
new liberal social standards are now etched into federal, state and
municipal laws in order to protect any homosexual, liberal or lesbian
from any scrutiny or correction on any level of free speech or
immoral act.
As you can see homosexuals, liberals and lesbians now hold the key
to open their prejudice and racist mentality at will without
consequences, just like their white forefathers of the Democrat Party
were empowered back during slavery time.
Degeneres Opens
Closet of Homosexual Racism
recently noted, Ellen Degeneres [popular lesbian in liberal society]
thought transfer of racist annotation toward a dark skinned Jamaican
olympic gold medalist. All types of red flags designed to warn and
indicate an encroachment into the realm of prejudice or racist
inclination were thrown at ellen degeneres for her self made humor of
degrading a dark skinned Jamaican olympic gold medalist. But the
liberal news networks and liberal social media families
quickly extinguished any flames of prejudice and racism that could
have burnt ellen degeneres super lesbian
Although ellen clearly depicted herself as a slave driver on the
back of the Jamaican olympic gold medalist in her “posted caption
of humor” we should thank her. We should be pleased that ellen
degeneres used a picture to depict her true internal psychological
foundation of human relationship to illustrate her hidden racist
particulars. Now it’s out of the closet about homosexuals,
liberals and lesbians being just as prejudice and racist as their
Democrat Party forefathers were during the slavery years of American
Homosexuals Earn Title of being most “Racist Group in
everyone in America 50
years and younger think lesbians and gay male counter subjects don’t
have in their heart to mentally
forward a racist demeanor or mean spirit towards individuals of
Christians faith
or heterosexuals lifestyle.
Unfortunately America’s
populous generation of inexperienced individuals who
lack wisdom dare run
contrary to the liberal utopian concept and belief. The life
philosophy of modern liberal youth and young adults consist of the
most flaccid and weak concept of real life. Such is
noted due to their indoctrinated status
birth through public school. America’s
current young adult generation have aligned with the
liberal philosophy of living without accountability or
responsibility. Therefore as young
adults are converted into liberalism
groomed into the mental concept of having no accountability or
responsibility. They
use their card of unlimited freedom and liberty to do whatever they
want. The crushing underlining of their life philosophy is they
mandate all other people who don't believe in their life philosophy
to be punished legally. Liberals, homosexauls and
truly believe they’re not prejudice or racist in any form or
manner. But such is the most hidden lie of the century. Liberal
media networks will do their best to hide the true fact that
homosexuals, transsexuals, lesbians and liberals at heart are the
most racist, prejudice and anti-Christian individuals in the
there are two sides of the fence; homosexuals say Christians are
homophobic and wont' hire a lesbian or gay male. But again, no one
has examined the issue of homosexual business owners deliberately not
hiring a professed Christian to their management staff or labor cast.
That’s why we want to thank ellen degeneres for opening a door of
discussion that has been sealed shut deliberately by America’s
liberal society. Lesbians and homosexuals are prejudice and racist
too, they are not exempt from the psychological transition of human
relationship. Young liberal adults of today can’t conceive this
reality because they have been literally brainwashed to believe
liberals and homosexuals are pure in thought. It
has taken years of indoctrination through public high schools and
public universities along with funding by billionaire George Soros to
condition such a mass populous to discharge the American foundation
of Christian values.
Power Play in governing America
remember that those who are in power make the laws and rule the land.
Today homosexuals, lesbians, transsexuals and pedophile government
officials currently rule, makes laws, policies and set mandatory
social relationships for America to abide by. If a heterosexual or
Christian does not submit to liberal policies they will face dire
legal ramifications from the liberal homosexual government ruling
America today. That’s why a Christian comedian or heterosexual
can’t make jokes about lesbians or gay boys/males, because it’s
against the law of the land today. Freedom of speech is only for
liberals in America, and that’s a social fact. Say something bad
about a homosexual and watch the firestorm burn you up. Ellen
Degeneres can be as racist and mean spirited towards whoever she
wants to be and liberal networks and the celebrity entertainment
society will giggle and applaud her.
BearClayborn – Political Psychiatrist ACB Newspaper