




INFLUENZA= Coronavirus, Flu, Pneumonia, Swine Flu, Covid 19, SARS, Omicron, Delta Variant, Spanish Flu, H1N1.

99% of voting citizens and 75% of any hospital medical staff member in America don't know what the coronavirus vaccine is composed of. Neither do they have enough common sense to know that any vaccine to fight influenza [coronavirus] is made from the actual virus [coronavirus] strain itself. In other words, people are being injected with the virus in the name of "protecting them from the virus."

CORONAVIRUS is not a doomsday virus as proclaimed daily by liberal media networks. 

Yes, COVID-19 is a real virus, but it's was used as a 2020 political ploy. Coronavirus has been around for thousands of years and it is inevitable that deaths must occur. Each coronavirus create extensions of its virus capabilities just as any virus, and must cycle the globe. 99% of the American voting population can not comprehend a virus "R0" rating; therefore they easily fall prey to "political fear tactics" from liberal media's promotion of coronavirus hysteria. PLEASE READ CDC reference to "R0" below:

Comprehending "R0" severity; the main objective is to understand what is an "R0" ASSESSMENT of a virus.

The "R0" directly reflects how far a virus can spread between humans. 

The "R0" is identified and known as the reproduction number of a virus. 

The "R0" relates to how many other people the virus carrier [person] can actually infect. 


1918 SPANISH FLU coronavirus pandemic; had a critical case-fatality ratio of 5% 

2003 SARS coronavirus; origin China had a devastating population case-fatality ratio of 10% 

2009 H1N1 coronavirus pandemic SWINE FLU; destructive "R0" was 1.2 to 1.6 

2020 COVID19 coronavirus 12month cycle estimate; "R0" of 1.4 to 2.5 

Comparing severity of COVID-19 to MEASLES:

MEASLES have the monstrous ability to exterminate a population with an "R0" of 12 to 18

Public malignancy to study historical pattern of coronavirus allows liberal media to sway public into "doomsday." 

Coronavirus extensions must cycle through the global as all coronaviruses have in the past five thousand years; deaths are inevitable.


Research and Compare COVID-19 "R0" severity with MEASLES "R0"


Something is wrong; the COVID-19 numbers rapidly
 escalating without a pattern. What are the itemized 
details of each patient's pre-medical condition? 

COVID-19 is just an extension of influenza; therefore these numbers should be contrasted to annual pneumonia/influenza death rates or pneumonia illnesses causing deaths.

NOTE: In the 2019 flu season over 34,000 Americans died from H1N1; but these figures doesn't include the estimates from AH3N2

or Influenza B viruses=  BYamagata and BVictoriahe.  The total of all clades will easily access the actual deaths beyond 34,000 to over 55,000 deaths in America for the 2019 flu season....

Session a. Over Sensationalized Numbers.

The Lancet Medical Journal warns any estimates should be “treated with great caution because not all patients have concluded their illness (ie, recovered or died) and the true number of infections and full disease spectrum are unknown”. 

It adds: “Importantly, in emerging viral infection outbreaks the case-fatality ratio is often overestimated in the early stages because case detection is highly biased towards the more severe cases.” 
Verified by Dr BearClayborn Political Psychiatrist   

Session c.  Other far more deadly extensions:
COVID-19 is an extension of influenza with an R0 at 1.4 and 2.5. 

1918  SPANISH FLU Influenza pandemic case-fatality ratio of 5%, according to The Lancet, which notes: “It had an enormous impact due to widespread transmission.

2003  SARS -Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome;  first identified in China, also caused by a coronavirus – had a case-fatality ratio of 10%

2009  H1N1 
influenza virus; known as SWINE FLU, had an R0 between 1.2 to 1.6, according to the WHO [world health organization], which made controlling its spread easier than viruses with higher transmissibility.  

The Measles has a much higher R0 at 12 to 18 people, which enters into catastrophic proportions of guaranteed populous loss with malignant irremediable recovery. 

FYI:  R0 relates how many people each infected person will pass the illness on to. 

Session b.  Coronavirus; cause & effect: notes from CDC & Medical Journal.

If COVID-19 were to become literally airborne then note this:. Effective ventilation will help keep bacteria, viruses and other pollutants out of the indoor air. Research shows that air flow and ventilation can affect how diseases spread indoors. The more stagnant the air is, the more likely diseases are to spread.. Ventilation limits moisture [bacteria/virus] to spread rapidly.