
Official U.S. Socialist Government In Progress

Let’s keep reality in focus for today and the future of America.  Real Christians and Conservatives have no future in the “democrat socialist party" of America.”  The democrat party along with their liberal affiliates and super socialist sponsors admit daily through liberal media networks their pure vile hate and discourteous disposition towards Conservatives and Republicans.  
Conservative and Christian children don’t have a chance in “hell” [under joe biden presidency] to live their "God Given Life" in love and peace.  Conservative and Christian voters who don't vote the democrat part line will suffer tremendously great under the Joe Biden-socialist democrat party society rule.


Here's a thought that you and everyone should have in your forward cerebral cortex; stop playing hide and seek with the future of this country.  It’s time for real Americans to give Joe Biden and his socialist/communist conglomerate of financers, hollywood celebrities, Antifa, BLM, millionaire black athletes, democrat black plantation voters and George Soros a country to call their own.  

Yes, liberals can and should be allowed to live a wonderful future without Christians or Conservatives in their mist.  It only takes a simple agreement to set up foundation principals to accept and implement an orderly plan of separation of states.  There's no further need for liberal anarchist to riot in the streets or democrat politicians and liberal network anchors to spit out cheap vulgarities against Christians, Conservatives and Republicans.

An orderly secession plan will allow the original Constitution of the United States to be properly protected while being assigned to states honoring Conservatives, Christians and Conservative Independents.  An orderly secession plan will allow the democrat party to create a new constitution of their own to favor their anti-God, liberal lifestyles and liberal mental philosophy [political correct religion.  It would be simply wonderful for liberals to have their own country to rule void of Christians and Conservatives.  Think about it, a fresh new “liberal country” of socialist satellites and socialist states composed of only democrat governors, democrat city mayors, Antifa, BLM, rich homosexuals, rich hollywood celebrities, rich anarchist-athlete-type-lebron-millionaires and billionaire foreign communist/socialist financers.   Elite liberals and democrat voters need only to support the orderly gathering of new "liberal union of states."  This separation plan is not far fetched, which means having Conservatives, Christians, Independents and Conservative Republicans [without RHINOS] keeping the foundation of our forefathers "Constitution" intact and upheld.   


The planning of separation of states should have initiated during the 2008-2016 years.  Never the less, President Trump did great during his time in service for real American working people and trying to glue the nation back together.   But, as usual and unfortunate half of America forfeited its liberty, freedom and constitutional rights to worthless 47 year politician named Biden.  It's vividly clear that the old politician Biden is an instrument of wicked and dark powers [democrat party], prowling with conspicuous filth and issuing out regurgitated lies.  Biden's media support  [CNN MSNBC CBS ABC PBS NPR NYT NBC YAHOO MSN TWITTER FACEBOOK] provides daily propaganda mingled with hypocrisy to frighten and abuse gullible adolescent adults voters.


The reality of today is Joe Biden and the democrat party would have literally blown up the country  rather than to concede President Trump for another four years.  You may think an ultimate philosophy of destroying America is ludicrous but not according to liberal philosophy.  The democrat party and its elite liberal financiers have evolved into an attitude of “All or Nothing.”  Joe Biden, George Soros, homosexuals, hollywood elites and anarchy entities that are  strategically embedded in America have promised to themselves the ability to “Rule or Ruin.”  If the democrat party can’t rule America they will ruin it.  This has been so vividly elaborated with the 2020 riots prior to November 3rd.  All the riots, along with tactical mail-in-ballot voting schemes clearly illustrates the democrat party has absolutely no integrity or desire for fairness in politics, and for sure in governing the country.   

Here’s the problem in America and here's the solution for America; it’s called separate and reinstate!  A shockingly growing problem for the democrat party in America is more minorities of the working class who are democrat voters voted for President Trump.  Another shocking problem for the democrat party in America is more Christians, Latinos and Jewish families voted for President Trump.  However due to the democrat party early-ballot-scheme the actual vote tally for the 2020 election was completely skewed with designed corruptness and paid off voter registration officials.

This brings us to the point of orderly separation of states, and reinstatement or reassignment of states into their selected group of management style of government.  The obvious grouping of state are corralled into liberal state of unions or conservative state of unions.  It's a no fault arrangement because no one with an ounce of common sense want to kill children and babies via real civil war.  To save the country as the founding fathers’ designed it, Conservatives and Christians must defy being forced to convert to immoral liberal lifestyles and standards.   

 “Here We Go Again and Again”

Electing Biden for president brings forth a foul regurgitation of 2008-2016.  On display in America is a  “force of hand” by supporters of liberalism and socialism casting tyrannical rule upon all Americans.  Defiant Conservatives during the 2008-2016  "socialist government test run" refused to support immoral liberal values of homosexuality and abortion.  Such defiance has been thwarted today and will not be allowed to manifest again under the immoral driven Biden presidency.   It has taken Biden forty seven years of sucking the life out of American taxpayers to become a millionaire and chief occupant in the oval office.   

There is one justification of Biden and the democrat party stealing the 2020 election.  The grounds of justification simply cleared the path for elite communist/socialists democrat party members, liberal anarchy entities and democrat plantation voters to take control of  this country or have their own separate country.  Today Conservatives, Christians and Conservative Republicans must announce a serious plan to contrast the democrat tyranny and immoral liberal philosophy standards.  

You can't fool "mother nature," in that oil and water don't mix.  The same application goes for homosexuals and Conservatives, they won't mix.  Therefore, regardless who wins the 2024 2028 2032 2034 presidency, a humongous inexhaustible supply of anti-American groups have voided any possible of fair elections. There are far too many domestic democrat party terrorist sponsored by millionaire hollywood celebrities, millionaire anarchist lebron-pro-athlete-bands and democrat party anarchist drones that will not allow freedom and liberty for all to exist on American soil.  

America has reached its point of diminishing returns.  It's like trying to make oil and water mix together.  America has reached its point of diminishing returns for trying to make liberals and conservatives mix together.  Unfortunately if you carefully examine the political foundation of politics today, democrat politicians and republican politicians could care less about the welfare of  the "United States of America."  They prove this with their constant authorization to increase the national debt.  The only thing democrat politicians and republican politicians care about is their ability to never reach a point of diminishing returns to suck every dime of  taxpayers money into their personal offshore bank accounts.  

Remember and never forget; President Donald Trump made his fortunes as a business man before becoming president; only career politicians become millionaires without working.

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