

HAPPY EASTER FOR SATAN and rich American Pastors.  Who else could be celebrating regardless of any reoccurring influenza virus closing church doors all across America.

THIS IS NOT A SERMON, but it wouldn't hurt for pastors in America to adhere to.  Also these notes are not for liberals or non-Christians because it would be unfair and impossible for them to interpret the foundation these notes were built [1st Corinthians ch2 vs14-16].

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! 
The 2020 EASTER MESSAGE that no American pastor could preach or to adhere to: HEBREWS chapter 10 verse 25....

No one could have ever fathomed all Christian Churches being ordered to keep their doors closed.  Not even an atheist who want Christian Churches to be closed could not have imagined their dream come true of all Churches in America being shut down and locked up.  What historically happened on April 12th 2020 will also occur on December 25th 2020.  The reason for such a duplicated climax in American Church History and American History will be because Christians or "suppose to be Christians" are in total fear of "Secular Law" [government] ruling and operating every Church in America.  Let's be fair and start from scratch about how this illusion became reality in the United States of America.  COVID-19, or coronavirus is the culprit who called out every wimpy pastor on Easter Sunday 2020.  The very big "big shot preachers" who are always on television had their pants pulled down on them and the women preachers had their dress pulled up for the whole world to see.

America’s leading cowards of the 2020 coronavirus event interestingly could be the “suppose-to-be leading” God fearing preachers and pastors in America. 

Here's a sample listing of big name pastors closing their building monstrosities on EASTER 2020:

Rick Warren – Saddleback Church

Joel Osteen – Lakewood Church

Robert Jeffres – 1st Baptist Church Dallas

These pastors [and thousand more] should be brining to the attention of America that GOD IS REAL, well especially if you check their bank accounts.  Unfortunately GOD is not real enough for these leading “church” pastors to open up the doors of the Church for EASTER 2020.  We know for a fact that these leading pastors are constantly on television and the internet and have become very prosperous and lack no provisions of material things, and be for sure it is not wrong for them to be prosperous.   But this may be the X-Factor in the reason of their cowering to secular martial law to close church doors.  Such is a major, major, major problem for Christianity as cowering church leaders become more prevalent in direlect of Christian duties in the future of America.  

One good reason for church leaders acting cowardly is largely due to the foundation of America being cracked open for atheists and liberals rulers to gain elite government powers of authority.  Now these atheirsts and liberals have become solidified in concrete authority having legal powers to override and govern the Church affairs; aka, closing church doors.  It’s amazing, or better yet it’s fascinating how these modern American pastors have become cheap adversaries for Satan.  They have forgotten how the Roman Empire took control of the Church [Catholic Church] centuries ago with government influence lasting even today.  

What’s more asinine of American Christian pastors in this time of America’s revision of the influenza virus threat is their mental abrasion.  These pastors have forfeited their remembrance of overcoming historical medical dangers of the past; leprosy, measles, polio, bubonic plague, chickenpox, Spanish flu, Swine flu and SARS.  All of these viruses were at a magnitude far deadlier than this political hoax COVID-19, to wit these past viruses were easily capable of destroying any major or minor portion of the American population promptly and expediently.  But during those times of medical learning moments America didn't panic as to the thought of “world ending virus,” neither did America go into hysteria-convulsions as we see today; and the Church didn't allow panic to close its doors.  


 “No Easter Service or Church assembly of any type until further noted” is the sign posted on every Church in America.  How could this come about in America you may ask?  Well, because the leaders of America’s "suppose-to-be Christian Churches" have cowered to secular law [fear of coronavirus quasi martial law] instead of GOD’S LAW [Hebrews ch10 vs25]. 

There are all types of issues that affect the Church in America.  One issue is what do Christians do to honor Christians who’ve died and require proper funeral protocol assembly of family and friends?  What then, do family and friends dress up in funeral apparel and sit in their individual home not knowing who is attending the fake funeral because of social distancing.  Many would probably be stuck in their apartment or authorized government quarantined bedrooms trying to access the internet to find which channel their “virtual reality funeral”will be showing.

 Do your research on coronavirus through official historical CDC documented analogs of data covering influenza extension [coronavirus].  You must educate yourself and your family before MSNBC CNN ABC PBS NBC CBS MSN NPR begin issuing false data in relationship to historical influenza.  These major liberal networks are in full swing to denude the origination of today’s coronavirus, which stems from China as it has in the past.  Something is wrong with the giant American network news conglomerates not presenting proper details of the chronology of this current so called pandemic.  It’s amazing that the liberal network news giants are blaming President Trump for the coronavirus instead of blaming China who is the originator of the current COVID-19 and previous originator of the SARS coronavirus and also the previous originator of the H1N1 Swine Flu [they’re all extensions of influenza].  

Well here’s the “Real Deal, Thrill” [thrill stands for those who anticipate action and results].  The coronavirus is a real virus but it’s not new to America, in fact it has been around for decades upon decades.  But, the disgusting problem is today politicians are using the virus to inflict public hysteria in order to foster political hysteria in order to sway and place partisan fear in the voting booth.  The question bounces back to Christian leaders; how can the 'suppose-to-be smart Christian leaders" fall prey to this political hoax of “the end of the world virus?” 

Let’s get some comparative assessments on viruses that have hit America but didn’t close Church doors.

CDC NOTE: Medical Session c.  Other far more deadly extensions:

COVID-19 is an extension of influenza with a very raw unverified estimate R0 at 1.4 and 2.5. … the total count can’t be assessed until the 2020 flu season is over.

1918 SPANISH FLU Influenza pandemic case-fatality ratio of 5%, according to The Lancet, which notes: “It had an enormous impact due to widespread transmission.

2003 SARS -Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome; first identified in China, also caused by a coronavirus – had a case-fatality ratio of 10%

2009 H1N1 influenza virus; known as SWINE FLU, had a R0 of between 1.2 to 1.6, according to the W.H.O. [world health organization] which made controlling its spread easier than viruses with higher transmissibility. The Measles has a much higher R0 at 12 to 18 people, which enters into catastrophic proportions of guaranteed populous loss with malignant irremediable recovery.

FYI: R0 relates how many people each infected person will pass the illness on to others.

To every leading pastor in America that has a church building for assembly, please note that each and everyone of you have stuck your middle finger in GOD'S FACE by not abiding in his commandment of "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another, and so much the more , as ye see the day approaching."

American pastors, bishops, priests and any other are clearly exhibiting the fear of “secular law” instead of fearing GOD'S LAW. You would think that these rich and not so rich pastors in America would be smart enough to override martial law or quasi-martial laws that are contrary to GOD'S LAW and could come up with a simple medical safety assembly procedure of medical screening members entering the fellowship buildings and existing fellowship buildings.  It’s simply sanitary measures and medical common sense!

If Christians don’t see the denuding of Christianity and if other non-christian citizens don’t see their constitutional rights of freedom and liberty denuded with the onslaught of new found authority to issue mandates of martial law or quasi-martial law then there is no need for having a United States of America.  The issue is more serious than most can comprehend,  because martial law or quasi-martial law voids the U.S. Constitution.  It’s very sad that so many Christians and non-christians promote it being necessary to close church doors because of the coronavirus.  They even place a rationale of not wanting to impose on others’ personal space [social distance] as a mark of compassion.  Well to answer that morbid and warp thought transfer, how are we as freedom enjoying people with liberty to socialize in the future?  Now we’re getting into the nuts and bolts of inability to recover back to a society that was built on unity and close association.  

After this political pandemic hoax there will be a greater distrust between Americans and a continued political divide in the country.  Politicians [especially democrat politicians] are playing this coronavirus hoax pandemic to the edge of America's cliff.  This will be the breaking point for America and it will be an entry point for communism and socialism to incubate and proliferate.  And this will become well known in American History as the time that America became stupid and forgot the Constitution.  Of course this stupidity stems from cheap pious American politicians and treasonous liberal network news glorifying the America's new martial laws or quasi-martial laws being implemented in the United States of America Martial law only sets the precedence to denude American’s freedom, liberty and civil rights.  Christians on the other hand should be pondering how Satan gained such a solid grip on America to influence martial law.  Answer is; Christians didn’t stand up and demand Christian leaders to combat against secular powers which have literally closed the doors of every American Church.  Any Church is worthless if it can’t offer open door salvation to those who are crying out to Jesus Christ but the church doors are closed. 

Christians Serving Man Authority and Woman Authority]

It is blatantly vivid that mayors and governors in America are currently abusing their constitutional authority to govern our Republic [The United States of America] by flagrantly urinating on rights of American citizens.  This new power and authority attained by government leaders are clearly an ascension protocol to denude, regress and brutally abuse their public office by showcasing their brazen piousness and incontestable power.   For an American citizen to require permission of a government official to simply desire walking  outdoor or wear whatever clothing they desire [not wear a face mask] or simply attend fellowship in a Christian Church is definitely an affront to the United States Constitution.   Of course having the freedom, liberty and rights to go freely about your daily personal or business agenda isn’t only for Christians but also for Americans who are not Christians.  THIS NEW INEXHAUSTIBLE SUPPLY OF IMPLEMENTIING MARTIAL LAW OR QUASI-MARSHAL-LAW BY GOVERNMENT LEADERS OF CITY, COUNTY, STATE AND FEDERAL IS TOTALLY WRONG REGARLESS OF CORONAVIRUS CONDITIONS.  

There have been far more serious deadly viruses in America that didn’t demand martial laws imposed on Americans as noted above. A communist or socialist country can demand people to bend over so the government can force “whatever” they want into their anal cavity and dare them to say “ouch!”  But such government intrusion can’t be allowed under the U.S. Constitution.  The president, state governors, city mayors or any municipal political official don’t have constitutional powers to issue martial law or quasi-martial-law upon Americans. Government officials can’t issue legal ramifications [place into custody] against an American exercising their constitutional right and freedom of being and going about.  Christians and Conservatives should be knowledgeable of such Constitutional truths; or maybe they’re not.  It seems to be the latter.  You would also think it ubiquitous of Christians to adhere to the Holy Bible for direction and guidance instead of seeking secular attempts to politically correct society.

There are simple health protocols that leading pastors in America should have displayed as an example of how a church can implement health safety for congregational assembly.  They should have simply initiated sanitary screening for Church members entering the building and sanitary screening before leaving the church.  UNFORTUNATELY 99% of so-called-church leaders or Christian churches in America compromised and violated GOD's COMMANDENT: Hebrews ch10 vs25.  It is impossible to fellowship with one another on the internet or by watching television, you must be assembled in person together. THAT'S GOD'S WORD...PERIOD!

Yes we understand that there are laws of the land in which Real Christians are commanded to obey if it doesn't conflict or go against GOD's LAW. Clearly pastors and preachers across America are more indebt to [government funding] mayors, governors and even the president than they are with GOD's WORD during this historical time of martial law or quasi-martial law in America.  Without a doubt such implemented martial laws or quasi-martial laws are definitely and totally against the Constitution of the United States of America.  Plus a second note of interest is those Christians following these new found martial laws or quasi-martial laws are deliberately compromising GOD’S WORD.  All of this may sound redundant, but it's because it's serious. 

You would think pastors and preacher of congregations across America would be smart enough to show America their commitment to GOD and their concern about hazardous health conditions in America by implementing simple [the echo] health screening of all members entering and exiting the church building.  Once again it is clear that America’s leading cowards during this 2020 coronavirus event have been the leading preachers and pastors in America.   

Well lets just say these leading pastors in America should have thought of screening church members in order to satisfy government officials’ social consciousness and steered away from compromising GOD’S WORD Hebrews ch10 vs25.  The question remains, what will these “secular fearing church leaders” do when liberal rulers and government leaders in America close the Church doors for 2020 Christmas?  Will they hold 'virtual reality church" on the internet, or make reservations to fly to China and hold church service there?  Either way American pastors are not adhering to holding fellowship and assembly of GOD’S CHILDREN according to GOD'S WORD.  

GOD never intended HIS CHILDREN to compromise assembling themselves as a group of people in person, edifying one another, conversing Biblical dialogue with each other, supporting each other in troubling times, having one on one and group praying.  

The internet and television is not GOD’S TOOL for CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP.  GOD'S format is direct person to person and heart to heart in order to set the foundation of CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP regardless of secular laws.  Maybe America’s leading pastors are lacking spiritual discernment 1st Corinthians ch2 vs14-16.  Maybe America’s leading pastors are blinded by their prosperity [multi-millionaires]  and can't see the reality that fellowship on the internet or by watching television is not an assembly of being together in person.  Unfortunately for America’s leading pastors who’ve closed the church doors it is wrong, it is clearly wrong what they’ve done.  “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together;” such is real fellowship; and THAT'S GOD'S WORD...PERIOD!  Hebrews ch10 vs25


Quick Lesson for Christians

Never use one piece of scripture to illustrate or justify GOD’S WORD; harmonize scriptures for proper use of content and context of scripture. 

Examples of fellowship and assembly that you can’t obtain on the internet or television:

Hebrews ch10 vs25

Acts ch20 vs7

Acts ch19 vs8

Mark ch6 vs2

Luke ch4 vs13-16

Acts ch13 vs1-5

Acts ch18 vs24-28

Acts ch10 vs33-48

Mark ch4 vs1-2

Acts ch3 vs1-8

Mark ch2 vs1-5

John ch2 vs12-16


American Genetics Under a Social Microscope

AMERICAN GENETICS [under a social microscope]

The United States of America has been under the spell of liberal race baiting for far too long.   America has grown cold to calling out African descendants a color ["black"].   But white liberals in America continue to brag to the world about their ability to build a multicultural society, yet they still can’t get past color coding African descendants that resides in America.   Why have white liberals in America not been able to shake off their primitive concept of identifying African humans as a color ["black"]?

Everything in obama's society [2008-2016] has been about race and the color of certain people's skin.    The notes you're about to review will expose or lift out the inane and perfidious racial social engineering designed and implemented by the elite white liberal establishment of America's Democrat Party.   Race, race, race,race and race is all you hear in the white liberal media networks prime time editions.   It is sad to know that America was once the most prosperous nation on earth until 2014 when China was officially recognized by the world as the top economy on earth.   This prestigious title [top world economy] in which the United States of America has held for decades has now been relinquished under the barack hussein obama administration.   Instead of America having a leader that's dedicated to national productivity and national prosperity for America, the 2008 affirmative action elected community organizer chose to distract the nation by instigating attention to race, race, race, race and more unwarranted local race related obscurities into the national theater.   This is so sad for America.

If you don't remember anything from these notes at least remember this; for many years the word "race" was freely and uncritically used by anthropologists in good faith.   The word race has been open to include the perimeters of psychological and social qualities, but inadvertently have been confused with nationality.    Now here's the treacherous underlining truth of why white liberals continue to use race implementations into our daily society of media outlets.   White liberals and the Democrat Party in America craftily make alliances of propagandizing through subtle informative ideas of inherent superiority or inferiority by using the word race in their daily dialogue; this is to give white liberals a psychological advantage over the common masses.   This can easily be detected in any white liberal's dialogue on social ethics, education recognition or race identification inquiries.   America is a Republic and not a Democracy; read my notes on  THE DIFFERENCE between a REPUBLIC and a DEMOCRACY

Therefore we must now make clearly known to an American society that's been socially engineered under liberalism that the proper use of the word race means a certain combination of heritable physical traits, without any implication of social status or psychological attributes.   Unfortunately white liberals have twisted the term and word race into a diabolical connotation to benefit liberalism in America [blacks have fallen for this year after year].

As white liberals in America brag about their superior education and superior intelligence over the global community they’re yet strapped with racist mental implants inherited from their parents of pre and post civil war Democrats [Democrat Party].   As we all know, the history of the Democrat Party in America belongs to the most racist group of humans in American history [Democrat Party and KKK are historically synonymous].   Such a racist mentality of white liberals have been solely embedded from post civil war and also the 1950's civil rights era.   The success today of the modern liberal movement is credited through partisan alignment of the Democrat Party.   America's new dynamic duo of white liberals and their modern day "house negros" have propagated despise and hate for AfriGen Conservatives, EuroGen Conservatives and Biblical Christians.

Media Controlled Racism
As white liberals control all major media outlets and network platforms they have the power to control the masses [low income population, illegal alien population, public school population] through their monopoly hold on national network media.   During the past fifty years white liberals have mastered the art of broadcasting race baiting, political correct lies and false propaganda via government media support [PBS, NPR, MSNBC, etc….].   Fortunately in our case study today we're able to see clearly through America's white liberal media monitoring and controlling America's progress [liberal progressive agenda].  Unfortunately white liberal networks have not only defaulted in helping America to overcome racial barriers, but have enforced racial barriers.   They have not used their power of communication to abolish color coding in America.   What we have today in America is white liberal media profusions of color coding, being feed to the masses by designed social racial engineering.    If white liberals of today who control the government and the national media networks really wanted to halt the lamenting of racism and color coding in America they could have easily done so.   Instead white liberals routinely produce perpetual social race engineering of blacks [special note; blacks are not AfriGen descendants, see my commentary on AFRIGEN NATION] bit.ly/1wXkuK2 .   White liberals keep racial overtones intact to control the mind of blacks along with third world illegal aliens that are systematically replacing blacks..

Subservient Citizens
Controlling loyal subjects is nothing new to civilizations around the world.   The Democrat Party in America has mastered this element of social race engineering through welfare entitlement programs.  These welfare entitlement programs are designed to keep their loyal welfare subjects addicted to government handouts.   Such social engineering keep low wage and high wage Democrat voters subservient to programmed lies and propaganda produced by the Democrat Party.    In actuality everyone [liberals, conservatives, republicans, democrats, independents] is being forced to accept racially driven overtones instigated by the Democrat Party [engineered by liberals]. 

Over the past fifty years liberals and the Democrat Party have had a plethora of opportunities to change the racial tone of America’s culture and yet haven’t.   TODAY we at ACB NEWSPAPER are about to end this liberal retarded race color coding with the introduction of properly identifying America's various ethnic groups [emphases heavily on African descendants] by their genetic composite.   Just think of having no more “black,” white, red, yellow or brown colors to identify Americans anymore. If America is to prove to the world that it has grown up in the last 244 years we must discard forced color coding sponsored by white liberals and the Democrat Party.

In order for the United States of America to discharge its liberal racist attitude engrained from the pre and post civil war era of Democrat Party forefathers, liberals must be properly retrained in anthropology.  Therefore as editor of ACB NEWSPAPER I will no longer grant race coloring in our editorials or commentaries. Instead we will use the proper ethnic classification format to acknowledge the various descendants of the world who live in America.

For instance; Africans living in America from pre civil war time have been mixed with many other races from all over the world.   Any African descendant born in post-civil war America in all likelihood cannot claim to be pure African by no means.   Only Africans who’ve recently migrated from the continent of Africa can be biologically/genetically assessed as full blooded Africans [94% of the time].   Therefore African descendants born post civil war can only have parents of partial African blood due to their mixing of other groups that have settled in America along with America's native Indians.    It is of a certainty that the majority of Africans born in America since the Civil War can only be identified as AfriGens.   This means they are of African genes and European genes, or African and Indian genes, or Italian and African genes, or German and African genes, etc……

A lesson can be taught to liberals and liberal national media networks [NBC CBS PBS CNN ABC MSNBC NPR along with FOX, NEWSMAX] in conforming to a higher level of recognizing who Americans are.   No more calling people "black people, white people, brown people," etc…..    Unlike barack hussein obama who wanted to change America the wrong way, we now have the ability to change America back to the right path of social harmony.

Example 101  Daily News Reporting:  If news reporting is identifying a bank robber it would be respectful and proper to adhere to that person’s genetic composition instead of placing emphases on skin color [which normally only pertains to blacks, but there are abnormal exceptions from time to time].   Example 101 would be, under the old liberal racial color coding of people, a bank robber would be identified as a white female; but today we convert to America's new "reconstructed citizen identification" format constructed and implemented by ACB NEWSPAPER.   This entails using simple genetic identification to assess a bank robber properly, by identifying the bank robber as a EuroGen female.  Another Example 101 Daily News Reporting: Under the old liberal racist color coding of people we have  a situation of a loving charity donor being identified as a "black" millionaire by white liberal media.   But, under America’s new "reconstructed citizen identification" format constructed and implemented by ACB NEWSPAPER the charitable donor person would be identified as an AfriGen millionaire.

It has taken 244 years for America to grow up and develop its own genetic pool of human contributors to the world.   Therefore it’s time to show the world that America has advanced far beyond the white liberal’s imaginary utopia which uses racist color coding of citizens.   America's NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION will be to help every American understand their American genetic make up.   ACB NEWSPAPER has reconstructed the genetic forecast for Americans to use in the United States of America.   The only way to break the race color barriers currently being reinforced by white liberals we must dismantle it piece by piece.   In doing we give people proper respect for who they are.   Hopefully we can teach white liberals to stop calling African descendants blacks.   ACB NEWSPAPER is proud to present America with a much needed social tool to deflate the racism balloon of social destruction floated by race-baiters [Sharpton, Jackson, elite white liberals, etc.....    The way to defeat racism in America is stop white liberal national networks from forcing America to dwell and think about everyday.  But the sure way of defeating racism and race baiting dogs is to change America's way of thinking about race.   This can and will be accomplished by changing America's citizenry profile.    Here is a sample listing of American Genetic profiles reconstructed:

White Liberal Race Code                   American Genetic Profile
Non Hispanic Whites [Caucasians]                        EuroGen
Non Hispanic Blacks [Africans]                             AfriGen
Non White Yellow [Asians]                                    AsiaGen
Non White Yellow [Chinese]                                 ChinaGen
White German or mix                                             GermaGen
Non White Nigerian or mix                                    NiGen
White Italian or mix                                                 ItaliGen
Non White Iranian                                                    IraGen
Non White Filipino                                                  FiliGen
White Australian or mix                                          AustraGen
Non White Korean                                                   KoreGen
Non White Polynesian                                             PolyGen
Non White Mongolian                                             MongoGen
Non White Brazilian                                                 BrazilGen
White French or mix                                                FrenGen
White Russian or mix                                               RussGen
White Canadian or mix                                             CanaGen
White British or mix                                                 BritiGen
Non White Saudi Arabian or mix                             SaudiGen
Non White Spanish or mix                                        SpaniGen
Non White Puerto Rican or mix                               PuertoGen
White English or mix                                                 EnglaGen
Non White Chile or mix                                            ChileGen
Non White Hatian or mix                                           HatiGen