


When you look back six decades ago [1960] you’ll remember there were no Muslim senators in our congress and there were no confused transgender people in congress either, well not to our knowledge.  Six decades ago there were no abortions on demand and homosexuality taught to elementary age children in public schools.  Six decades ago there were no twitter and facebook and violent video games for children to entertain themselves with.  Six decades ago a little boy knew the difference between a boy and a girl.  Six decades ago a little girl always dreamed of being married and having children.  Six decades ago politicians respected Christians.  Six decades ago most Democrat voters were Christians.  Six decades ago Christians were really Christians.  Six decades ago television networks CBS NBC ABC broadcast Thanksgiving programs daily during the week of Thanksgiving.  Six decades ago television networks CBS NBC ABC advertised weeks in advance about their Christmas television programs for families to watch.  Well, all of the above benefited the American Citizen, and six decades ago being an American was very special, until six decades later [2020].


Every American born on CONUS [The Continent of the United States] and every legal immigrant who had to endure the long immigration process to become an American citizen prior to 1970 have been robbed of being an American who holds fast to traditional American values.  The traditional American values consisted of being a Christian, being able to celebrate Thanksgiving openly with your heart elating how thankful you’re an American.  Being able to broadcast out to neighbors and strangers “Merry Christmas, God Bless You and Happy New Year” was second nature to cheer out daily during the Christmas Season [not holiday season].  Today all of those American traditions have been stolen from the American populous.  America has been robbed while trying to appease individuals who hate Christians, hate Jesus Christ, hate Christmas, hate people who believe in real marriage between a man and woman, hate people who have ancestors of the Confederate Union, hate people who believe in conservative values and hate people who believe in God’s Ten Commandments.  


Who stole America's Thanksgiving and Christmas?  Look no further than the last twelve months and the answer is in your face.  The answer is, The-Covid19-Democrat Party, democrat governors, democrat mayors, democrat council members and anti-Christian liberals who live in your neighborhood.  All of the above along with big name hollywood celebrities have demanded overriding your constitutional rights by mandating you don’t go to work, don’t go to school, don’t go to church, don’t go the grocery store, don't go to the bathroom, don’t visit family and don’t forget to wear a mask that cast you as a most-wanted-criminal. 

The Democrat Party [aka biden] and its supporters have stolen your Thanksgiving and Christmas while daring you to oppose their theft.  The American free market economy, the U.S. Constitution and the Republic have been taken from American Citizens.  The best way to describe America being raped of its traditions, morals and values can be illustrated by this: 


Consider yourself going out on a late night date with someone you trust [America goes out with the Democrat Party].  As the sun rise in the morning while the two of you lay in bed [America and Democrat Party] you suddenly realized you got screwed all night without even getting a kiss.   In summary America has gotten screwed by the democrat party without receiving promised benefits, all while having its prize possessions stolen, America’s Thanksgiving and America’s Christmas.  

You don’t have to guess who’ll dare steal your NEW YEAR? 

JUST A THOUGHT, Juuuuuuuuuuuuuust a Thought!