
ARE VACINNATED PEOPLE Carriers of Coronavirus?


COMMON SENSE SHOULD APPLY TO THESE QUESTIONS; unfortunately liberals don't have common sense.

QUESTION;  Are people who have been vaccinated for coronavirus capable of passing the virus to others?

THE ANSWER: Yes, of course people who are vaccinated will pass on the virus because “THEY ARE CARRYING THE VIRUS!” 

Here’s the reason why they can and will pass the virus to others:

COVID SHOTS, FLU SHOTS, VARIANT SHOTS, OMICRON SHOTS, SWINE FLU SHOTS or INFLUENZA SHOTS are made from the CORONAVIRUS itself [influenza].  Please read and cipher the historical medical background information on influenza /aka coronavirus below:

The FIRST LEVEL of reality towards comprehending COVID-19 or coronavirus is to study its history. In doing so you’ll find that Influenza has been around since the existence of human life. Everyone has a strand of coronavirus within them. Coronavirus has circled the earth in cycles for thousands of years and now has become a permanent attachment of the cell structure, being stapled to the human biological structure of today.

The SECOND LEVEL of reality towards comprehending COVID-19 is to realize individuals who take annual flu shots are the main carriers of the influenza virus. The reality is based on actual flu shots being taken. These flu shots are composed literally of the influenza virus, better known as “coronavirus.” Intake of flu shots guarantees the virus to be implanted in the human body through flu vaccine inoculation. According to “flu experts,” influenza (flu) vaccine works by triggering your immune system to produce antibodies that help the body prevent the flu. MOST of the U.S. influenza vaccine supply is made using an egg-based production process. In this method of making influenza vaccines, manufacturers use fertilized eggs TO GROW flu viruses.

The THIRD LEVEL of reality towards comprehending COVID-19 is the collaboration of leading scientist and physicians mandating Americans to take annual Flu Shots. These leading scientists and physicians are overly intellectually endowed in that they can’t see the legal promotion of spreading influenza. It is for certainty that everyone who takes a flu shot or covid shot become literal culprits of spreading influenza. Simply put, they are the base and foundation of coronavirus regardless if they’re sick or not. But they will become sick at some time and point from implanted coronavirus or an external contraction.  

If anyone wishes to refute the information being providing please research first before advancing your premise.  Please do not copy or paste “daily internet hot topics on coronavirus” because you would be passing on propaganda material by the same entities that created this so-called pandemic; which actually is a political hoax for medical tyranny.  Yes, coronavirus [influenza/pneumonia] is real; it has been for thousands of years.    Dr BearClayborn –Political Psychiatrist- Editor in Chief-            ACB Newspaper Intl  

RECAP of American Medical Tyranny

I don't want to call anyone a "medical tyranny dummy," but I told everyone that covid-19 was a complete political hoax at the beginning of 2020. Medical history [influenza/coronavirus] had already laid out the performing medical factors of becoming a mandated vaccinated individual; your body becoming a permanent host to coronavirus. Medical history [influenza/coronavirus] has also laid out performing medical factors and consequences of individuals avoiding mandated vaccines; allowing the natural immune system to work as it should.

In other words, there has never been a mandated requirement or enforcement for humans in world history to receive an influenza [coronavirus] vaccine. Thereby such has always been an individual medical preference and not government enforcement. Some people take their yearly flu-shot, while others over the centuries simply ignored taking a flu-shot. Individuals rejecting vaccine shots over the centuries have been living a normal medical life, because their natural immune system works in accordance to combat invading viruses.
Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-ACB Newspaper Intl

Attn: Please note that any future pandemic will originate from those in the global tyranny-control group, producing such medical diabolical population control.  Global tyrants of today are no longer interested in just making money, they are seriously demonically possessed with vile intent to control the population of every country on this earth; via medical emergency [pandemic]... 

Decades ago [fifty years] "children Saturday morning cartoons" would often portray wicked "mad scientists" that wanted to rule the world.  Well, today those cartoon-mad-scientists are no longer a figment of the imagination, they are actually real and living throughout various governments on this earth.   Top tier American medical scientists, biological chemist experts and pharmaceutical corporate CEO's are in cooperation with the  World Health Organization and CDC.  Such entities are controlled by a solidified global tyrant group known as the "New World Order."   

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