America has a "zero" possibility of returning to the "Republic" it should be. The damage has been done, the same politicians have been in office for decades, they are not leaders, only leeches of taxpayer-money. The sad demise is these corrupt wicked and demonic politicians [democrat party and republican subordinates] have now spread their political disease to the younger adolescent adult voting populous over the past six decades.
--"Evil" is in control of the U.S. Government via democrat party ruling congress and oval office. "Good" is no longer a worthy adversary to battle
"Evil" [democrat party] in
1. Termination
2. Extermination
3. Assassination
4. Elimination
In order to avoid "Representative Purge" there is a selective action that can cleanse most of the totally corrupt government officials from congress and the oval office. The final selective action to salvage the U.S. Constitution is; SEPARATION OF STATES. Any future politician that dares to become president of America will have to honestly align their perception with reality. The reality is, the demonic democrat party will not submit to being ruled over by any other political party in America [2024, 2028, 2032, etc...]. The democrat party has one of the strongest voter base in America's political history [mindless drone caucasian liberals, enslaved negro pawn descendants and the inexhaustible supply of illegal alien voters]. The democrat party has a demented entitlement base that will ensure by any means necessary for the democrat party to indefinitely rule America; or ruin America. The latter [ruin] has become self existent in the epoch of post "Trump" times...In correlation, the awkward reality is Washington D.C. has become its own little country to itself. Washington D.C. has become embolden with full power to exempt its political occupants with "zero-term limit" of congressional membership. The last seven decades [since 1950] have invested incontestable power to the democrat party, who now have corrupted every department and agency in the U.S. government. But what is more worse than that, is the poisonous demonic democrat party along with republican subordinates now rule with an "iron fist." That "iron fist" ruling is known as "Taxation Without Representation."
Romans ch1 vs28 "And even as they did not like to retain GOD in their knowledge, GOD gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient."
Boys can be Girls and abortion "On-Demand" for Teenage Girls, coupled with States legalizing hard drugs as recreational, and the homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community legislating laws and policies to rule over Taxpaying American Citizens. Today's liberal demonic government willfully without respect manipulate and abuse the U.S. Constitution by cloaking their venue of taking away Taxpaying American Citizen's freedom. The demonic liberal-democrat ruling government exhibits an inexhaustible power of enslaving the U.S. population for the benefit of corporate conglomerates and filthy rich domestic and global "gillonaire" liberals.
Today in America, all God Fearing Christians and any Taxpaying American Citizens can be forced and separated from their Constitutional liberties and rights. Christians especially should never forget their constitutional rights are being denuded by the 2008-2024 democrat party administrations. The perfect example of such denuding was on exhibit when Christians were forced to close "Church doors" on Easter, Christmas and Wednesday Night Bible Study [pandemic hoax/mandate]. Therefore, don't think it won't happen again; especially as the 2008-2024 democrat party continue daily broadcasts of illusion of a "democracy" while emphatically presenting a voided recognition of the United States of America as a "Republic."
And that's the problem, today's inhabitants on American soil don't realize the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy.
America's Political Psychiatrist-Dr BearClayborn-Editor in Chief-ACB Newspaper Intl