

America has a "zero" possibility of returning to the "Republic" it should be. The damage has been done, the same politicians have been in office for decades, they are not leaders, only leeches of taxpayer-money.  The sad demise is these corrupt wicked and demonic politicians [democrat party and republican subordinates] have now spread their political disease to the younger adolescent adult voting populous over the past six decades.


--"Evil" is in control of the U.S. Government via democrat party ruling congress and oval office. "Good" is no longer a worthy adversary to battle "Evil" [democrat party] in America's government. This is sad, very sad and truthful. Only a new kind of "evil" can battle against the evil [liberal demonic democrat party] that is cemented into the U.S. government; the new evil being "Representative Purge:"

1. Termination

2. Extermination

3. Assassination 

4. Elimination  

In order to avoid "Representative Purge" there is a selective action that can cleanse most of the totally corrupt government officials from congress and the oval office.  The final selective action to salvage the U.S. Constitution is; SEPARATION OF STATES.  Any future politician that dares to become president of America will have to honestly align their perception with reality.  The reality is, the demonic democrat party will not submit to being ruled over by any other political party in America [2024, 2028, 2032, etc...].  The democrat party has one of the strongest voter base in America's political history [mindless drone  caucasian liberals, enslaved negro pawn descendants and the inexhaustible supply of illegal alien voters].  The democrat party has a demented entitlement base that will ensure by any means necessary for the democrat party to indefinitely rule America; or ruin America.  The latter [ruin] has become self existent in the epoch of post "Trump" times...

In correlation, the awkward reality is Washington D.C. has become its own little country to itself.  Washington D.C. has become embolden with full power to exempt its political occupants with "zero-term limit" of congressional membership.  The last seven decades [since 1950] have invested incontestable power to the democrat party, who now have corrupted every department and agency in the U.S. government.  But what is more worse than that, is the poisonous demonic democrat party along with republican subordinates now rule with an "iron fist."  That "iron fist" ruling is known as "Taxation Without Representation."    

America turned its back on GOD.  On a National  stage America proclaimed its disloyalty to GOD.  America's disloyalty became "official" on national television during the democrat party 2012 national convention.  Openly without reservation the democrat party removed GOD from their platform.  In return, GOD has turned HIS BACK to America and turned America over to its reprobate mind of insatiable antagonism towards truth and righteousness.

Romans ch1 vs28  "And even as they did not like to retain GOD in their  knowledge, GOD gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient."  


Boys can be Girls and  abortion "On-Demand" for Teenage Girls, coupled with States legalizing hard drugs as recreational, and the homo-lesbian-transistor-lgbt-community legislating laws and policies to rule over Taxpaying American Citizens.  Today's liberal demonic government willfully without respect manipulate and abuse the U.S. Constitution by cloaking their venue of taking away Taxpaying American Citizen's freedom.  The demonic liberal-democrat ruling government exhibits an inexhaustible power of enslaving the U.S. population for the benefit of corporate conglomerates and filthy rich domestic and global "gillonaire" liberals.  

Today in America, all God Fearing Christians and any Taxpaying American Citizens can be forced and separated from their Constitutional liberties and rights.  Christians especially should never forget their constitutional rights are being denuded by the 2008-2024 democrat party administrations.  The perfect example of such denuding was on exhibit when Christians were forced to close "Church doors" on Easter, Christmas and Wednesday Night Bible Study [pandemic hoax/mandate].  Therefore, don't think it won't happen again; especially as the 2008-2024 democrat party continue daily broadcasts of illusion of a "democracy" while emphatically presenting a voided recognition of the United States of America as a "Republic."  

And that's the problem, today's inhabitants on American soil don't realize the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic and not a democracy. 

  America's Political Psychiatrist-Dr BearClayborn-Editor in Chief-ACB Newspaper Intl 



The Continent of AFRICA made a "Major Historical Mistake!"
Allowing NEGROES, COLORED PEOPLE, NIGGERS & BLACKS to be considered a part of the African Family Tree, when they're honestly and actually not REAL AFRICANS. 

Namibia President -  HAGE GEINGOB
Namibia's President  Hage Geingob recently encouraged the young people of Namibia to take on an integral role in the rejuvenation of Namibia.  President Hage Geingob laid claim to young Namibians:  "Through hard work and effort combined with confidence, our young Namibian Men and Women have become aspiring and yet responsible young people.  They are creating a greater future of leaders for Namibia.  We want our young people to wholeheartedly accept their role as a Namibian Patriot, and yet have global vision in working to develop our economy.  I want young Namibians to stand strong in keeping Namibia's  sovereignty and continue developing Namibia's industrial might, in order to secure a productive Namibia that can produce for itself and also the world." 

On the flip side of the world in America, you have young and old negroes, colored people, niggers and blacks that have no legitimate place in the world, except in the white liberal world.  Unlike young aspiring Namibians who have foresight to see their nation growing strong and mighty and taking their rightful place in the world economy; negroes/niggers/blacks [they're not real Africans] in America are constantly begging for reparations from their white liberal leaders.   Such is basically appalling after four hundred years from being slaves, but yet having the same continuance of cerebral management identical with the slave mentality of 400 years ago.

These notes may be offensive, racist, demographically callous, anti-nigger, anti-black and outright annoying.  BUT frankly my dear reader, what else is new?  It's past due time for "BLM niggers" to learn what they really are; "white liberal's nigger." 

A very tall task of performance will be needed to disclose the varying intellectual dimensions that will unfold this informative discussion.  So, turn off your white liberal propaganda phone and turn on your mind of limited assessment.  This may be the opportunity for you to learn something to help America's modern negroes understand how they have become every white liberal's favorite crayon color, "black."

First and foremost, there are no pure blooded Africans in America today, unless they recently migrated from Africa!  But the question remains; why do white liberals continue to insist using their favorite crayon color "black" to identify a race of people?

The once inspired American culture was on schedule to becoming an incubated society void of using the crayon color black to describe negroes [black in Spanish].  Unfortunately when 2008 arrived all hell broke lose with white liberals reestablishing the use of their favorite crayon color black.  In so identifying humans as black became their sacred cow of color.  

This was all due to 96% of the 38.9 million negro [Spanish color] population voting for a half negro/half caucasian socialist-communist muslim.  In doing so each and every negro that voted in favor of the negro/caucasian was literally throwing a brown paper bag filled with dog poop in the face of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..   The simple assessment drawn from the brainwashed noirs [French color black] and ignorant white liberals 2008 voting created a set back in social development in the United States of America; they voted for the color of the person in 2008 instead of voting for the character and moral trait of the person.  The historical color voting [selected skin color] in 2008 literally voided out all the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. setting up a color blind nation.  America was about to graduate from using white liberal's favorite crayon color black to identify schwarzes [German color black] and replace it with using "AMERICAN" as the proper identification of a race in America. 

Clearly, color coding is the best systematic way to keep a race of people suppressed and mentally inferior to white liberals.  You must intelligently cipher that "blacks" are the only race in the country to be identified as a color. This is interesting, but notice that liberal whites or "whites" will only identify with the “white color” in announcing their "superior racial composition."   Notice how this will only occur whenever it's convenient for them to be recognized as a prominent "Caucasian" genetic descendant [Scottish, Canadian, Italian, German, Swedish, Russian].

YES, of course they are, but so are every group of human habitants in America..... 
Many people in America are coming to the conclusion that blacks are racist, truth be told they actually are, but such relevant disposition manifested itself as each decade produce less Christians of black.  There's not half as many blacks who are Christians today than there were just fifty years ago; this has made a difference in social growth in the black community.  

Such truth is the main contributing factor of young blacks not having any foundational values of life other than "hip hop thug lifestyle," by which white liberal hollywood has transmitted to them through cable tv, internet and video games.  Every time a black thug or black criminal is confronted by law enforcement, the first call out by the negro thug is racism. The pathetic theme today in America is, blacks can use their "black social card" and cry out "racism" upon anyone who opposes their socialist mentality and criminal/thug values which has completely destroyed the black community. 

In actuality today, blacks are the racist culprits, along with white liberals and their white family history of klan cousins.  Altogether, blacks and white liberals are spawning race hate and forcing "color coding" upon all other Americans who don't identify as a color; all to which runs totally contrary to the teaching of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ...

Here's something to teach your children and grandchildren; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was not a democrat; he was a Christian, Conservative and Republican.

DISCLAIMER:  If there are any blacks that don't understand these notes or find these notes appalling; please check with your white liberal master or check with your white liberal democrat party black jackasses: al sharpton, jessie jackson, maxine waters, sheila jackson lee, barbara lee or any "congressional black caucus member" for color coding enlightenment. 



FYI:  Young Working Americans...... 

Whatever your investment venue is, PLEASE DO NOT GAMBLE ON -OR USE CRYPTO CURRENCY.  You've been given a fair warning!

As America's capitalistic society changes into socialism and eventually communism, the perils of investment looms over the head of a young working class investor.  Today's American government is force feeding young investors to buy into the "climate change world."  Well, anytime any government place strong input into where you should spend your money, be assured you're going to lose your hard earned money, very quickly.  

After 2008 all bets have been taken off the table for securing simple sound investments.  There was a time investors selected the industrial and manufacturing markets for investment opportunities, not so today.  Oh sure, there are a few of the usual investment stocks available.  Unfortunately corporate ownership or management changes quite often in today's unstable stock market; and such will affect your shareholder stock. 

As of January 2022 Amazon has a market cap of $1.691 Trillion . This makes Amazon the world's 5th most valuable company by market cap.  But, as a young hard working citizen who've just entered the job market and desire to start investing, can you afford to buy twenty five issued Amazon stocks [1 share/ $3,270.00] x 25 = $81,750.00 bucks]?  Of course you can't, unless you were born in a rich celebrity or pro athlete family, or a filthy rich democrat party family like Nancy Pelosi. 

Therefore as a young hard working individual who is trying to get traction investing and avoiding as much government induced IRA promotions, you may want to create your own investment portfolio. It will take a lot of effort to manage your hands- on investment, but you'll save money doing so. There are so many ways to profit from your collection of assets. Your assets could be any combination of investments, like stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds. Your investment portfolio is literally just a concept than a hands-on physical source, unless you invest in physical gold or physical property.


Every century down through the ages there have always been two things on this earth that haven't failed for securing retirement wealth:

1. purchase land [acres]     2. purchase gold [precious metals]...

Regardless if you live in a "socialist/communist" country [America is currently lining up for socialism and communism], or "capitalistic" country [America is rapidly departing from capitalism]; land and gold have never failed as an investment.

Land and Gold may fluctuate in depreciation slightly at times [price swing] but land and gold have never collapsed in value since the earth was made [unless you invested in Sodom and Gomorrah]. Gold and Land have appreciated through thousands of years and will continue to do so, as long as there are humans on this earth. 

Need Proof???  Research and compare the price of land in NY, Arizona, Texas, California, Ohio, etc... fifty or thirty years ago, to today's market price. Compare the price of gold, thirty years ago to today's market price.  When you compare gold and land prices of fifty years ago to today's prices, don't be surprised. 

As for a "poor man's investment option" like mine, or even a rich person investment option, buying stock in precious metal corporations or companies "mining" for natural resources [gold/silver/copper/titanium/platinum/diamond/ruby/sapphire etc...] is a feasible option for low capital fund investment or low-out-of-pocket-expense.   


When buying land [acreage] you must "assess the location." Remember, the closer to water [ocean, large lakes, rivers] the price is normally higher in cost.  Regardless of the price it is without a doubt you'll make a profit from holding the land.  

When buying gold [precious metals] you have options of owning physical-in-your-hand investment or purchase through a storage brokerage [secured holding facility vault]. 



WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T GET HOOKED INTO BUYING THE CRYPTOCURRENCY.  Don't even consider jumping into the CLIMATE CHANGE GAMUT, which involves government influence.   Take heed and a special pause to buy stock in "vehicles of the future" [ELECTRIC VEHICLES].  In doing so you'll gamble away a lot of your money before you can make a breakeven profit on your return within a year. 

Remember this true fact about investing in renewable energy stock [windmills, solar, batteries].  If there is no wind, there is no power created from windmills to make electricity.  Also if there is no sunlight available there is no power created from solar panels to make electricity.  Which brings us to EV stock [electric vehicle and lithium battery] purchase.  Electric vehicles only operate by electricity.   

Such renewable energy stocks [windmill, solar, lithium battery] are very vulnerable.  Remember this point;  it only took a simple Texas 2021 ice storm to shutdown all renewable energy sources completely.  In addition, remember the Virginia I95 winter storm 2022 that shutdown I95 for over twenty hours, and electric vehicle drivers had no electricity to operate their vehicles period [no heat, no movement].  Such are examples of investing in stocks that are highly volatile by simple activity of everyday local, state, national and global weather 

Buy renewable stocks if you want to, but good luck, due to that investment pendulum swinging the wrong way often and you'll have to monitor daily such investments.  On the other hand if you purchase land or precious metals you'll have more flexibility in gauging your profit as the pendulum remains in a constant movement building your retirement wealth.  

Just Thinking,,,,,,,,,,,,Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust Thinking!   

Enjoy your investment options; now go do your own research.



DEMOCRACY is a term purely used by democrat party and elite liberals.  Using the term "democracy" allows the liberal concocted democrat party and its republican subordinates to fabricate lies and fear to America?  

Turn the page:

Without Term Limits, U.S. Politicians believe using an official term "democracy" allows them the right to be reelected without an opposing candidate.  The term democracy is interpreted different to many people.  The most popular theory of democracy evolves around everyone getting a "free welfare credit card" for life.

Another theory of democracy evolves around the pursuit of prosperity void of working for a living.  Some think democracy is the pursuit of prosperity void of living in an environment with Christians and Conservatives.   A communist or socialist in America believes democracy is a layer of happiness  wrapped around guaranteed government provisions.  All in all democracy to liberals in America is simply a validation for their utopian lifestyle and liberal immortality.  WE DO NOT LIVE IN A democracy; an illegal alien might think so for various and obvious democrat sponsored free entitlements. 

Unfortunately I have some bad news for liberals who use the term democracy as their platform stage of immortality.  Liberals today are only mortals abusing freedom and trespassing on others freedom.  Our REPUBLIC is meant to be very special for TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS.  It was designed for individual and group participation in freedom, but not partisan rule or partitioned freedom.  Before America can advance any further as a civilized society the liberal population must understand they are mortals and not immortals.  They must understand they have mortal weaknesses, they are not invincible mentally, physically, and surely not spiritually.  With the current liberal administration in power [2008-2024 2028 2032, etc...] the Republic of the United States of America has been on schedule to be obliterated by globalist sponsored democrat party liberal social engineering.  Liberalism truly devaluates America's society today and tomorrow. With devaluing the worth of TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS, big league government politics have turned America's society into a  treacherous swamp operation, with foul efforts of ruling over the citizenry.

Turn the page: 

In light of America’s present dysfunction and distress brought on by the historical 2008, 2012 and  2020 administrations which consist of treasonous globalist paid U.S. congress members,  America will have to endure years of national mismanagement setbacks for a long time.  The liberal fashion of destructive social engineering and dismantling the U.S. Constitution will hopefully pass away.  BUT, only SEPARATION OF STATES [new Constitutional Union of States] would be more likely to eradicate liberals, socialism and the DC swamp UniParty [democrat and republican party union]....  

America's ability to restructure itself and align properly to the intent of the founding fathers genius blue print of a Constitutional Republic is no longer identifiable.  You have to comprehend the demographics of the country have drastically changed; current collection of illegal aliens and docile adolescent adult voters don't have the ability interpret they're living in a Republic.  The majority of individuals walking down any street in any town or city don't have the faintest idea of what capitalism is; and please don't ask them if we live in a Republic.  America has incubated a populous of glaring ignorance; resulting in a democrat party deliberate mis-management of TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS' money to create a "free for all" economy laced with illegal foreign nationals depleting all economic resources. 

Turn the page:

Undercovering Globalist Liberals Training "Blacks" To Be Modern Slaves. 

Liberal Hollywood movie productions like “Undercover Brother” perpetually indict and forward the never ending premise that the “conservative white man” [conservative voter] continues to oppress so-called "blacks" from obtaining wealth and prosperity.  If history is properly taken into correct content and context, it was the year 1862AD when 3.5 million "blacks" were in bondage throughout the South. Today over 40 million so-called "blacks" [13.1% of population] are fully fledged citizens along with "Jackpot Babies” [Anchor Babies-illegal foreign nationals].  Not one of the 40 million so-called "blacks" in America are slaves or indentured servants [0%], but white liberals and ignorant negro activists continue to force slavery into America's 2024, 2028, 2030,etc... social narrative.

Turn the page:

Here’s a lesson for globalist liberals and negro activists.  During the pre-civil war time frame the industrial expansion in America was predominately in northern states which produced $1.27 billion of the $2.0 billion worth of manufactured goods in the entire nation.  It is understood that so-called "negros" were not predominantly known role players in the pre-industrial revolution.  Though contrarily so-called "blacks" were actually partakers in fueling American industries with their cheap labor.  It is well known that the Southern economy where the majority of negros or blacks lived was a culture of strict tradition, and a traditional pace of life that contrasted with Northern states.  The contrasting North was an ever expanding system of transportation and communication industries.  But not to be overlooked, the South was agrarian, consisting of plantation lands with farms of sugar, tobacco and cotton.  Never to be overlooked is the genius of Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin in 1793ad, which made it possible for textile mills to manufacture cloth from cotton in the “Cotton King South” and the North as well.  The South also had another genius by the name of George Washington Carver.  No one could have ever imagined that a sickly little slave boy born during the civil war would turn out to save the entire farming industry in the South, yet did George Washington Carver.

Turn the page:

Blacks still fighting an imaginary Civil War

Unfortunately today Hollywood movie productions like “Undercover Brother” saturates the mind of gullible blacks with the concept that blacks are continually oppressed today.  It’s as if the civil war has never ended for blacks and white liberal trainers.  General common sense presents to us daily that modern oppression of  blacks in America does not exist.  Common sense also instructs us that modern oppression of  blacks is a fabricated political social engineering propaganda lie employed by liberal Hollywood and white handkerchief head negro activists [Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson, Barbara Lee, etc…].  

These same liberal instigators are the very ones who help sponsor the political-race-bait campaign for the Deep State biden/obama administration via socialist indoctrination.  By their daily provocation you would think no black has ever owned their own Property, Business or progressed as a Corporate Director, CEO, Millionaire or Billionaire.  According to today’s negro activist leaders and the congressional negro caucus in D.C. action must be taken now to promote blacks into having an opportunity to be a property owner, business owner or union worker.  If you listen to globalist liberal Hollywood elites and their “pet negro activists” you would never think that a person of the caliber of “Dr. Ben Carson [World Renowned Neurosurgeon-John Hopkins University]” has ever or could ever exist in America.

Turn the page:

Utopians Rule Democracy

The Republic of the United States of America does not exist in the minds of globalist liberal elites, they can only relate to the term democracy.  Regardless what their definition of democracy is, “Hollywood Utopians” have mastered their effort in creating their own version of what they insist American should be patterned by controlled by; socialism/communism.  Hollywood productions were once considered a simple form of entertainment media, that’s not true anymore.  Now Hollywood has become an extension of globalist financed liberal democrat party government operations; aka deep state biden/obama administration.   

Obviously there are "parallels" of America's current society and Hollywood movie productions.  Take for instance the movie “Mad City” which portrays America’s mass media as the heart of the nation.  The movie “Mad City” forwards the depiction of democracy based on how the liberal national media reign with total autonomy to regulate what information the nation should be fed for intelligence and current events.  Today, Hollywood and the deep state biden/obama administration continue to ignore the devastated economy that has destroyed the prosperity of the TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN.  

America is living under a strangling stock market that will inevitably burst again like it did in 1929 and 2008, due to the democrat party inflicting socialistic management on a capitalistic society.  Globalist liberal elite fools supporting the deep state biden/obama administration think they have developed a democracy that can function under socialism/communism.  Only liberal utopian fools harness such ignorant political government philosophy, and it's more than evident everyday now.   To wit, the globalist UniParty [democrat party/republican party warmongers] along with hollywood, big tech, big corporate CEOs, all national liberal networks and deep state biden/obama administration  have now placed Globalist "Socialism" on the front and back cover of America’s history book.

Turn the page: 

Understanding Hollywood's Part In Turning America Into a Cheap Socialist Whore

Great consideration should be taken into account for the influence of so many Hollywood movie productions upon America's younger generation and adolescent adults.  Take for instance the old movie “Minority Report;” this modern account of white liberal intelligence forwards the notion of how present and future national law-enforcement can be set up to moderate societal thinking.  Special Police Agents are to be assigned as “Thought-Police-Managers” to randomly select whoever has potential to obstruct the established utopian society.  We get a current day glimpse of such status quo society coming into place with new enforced “gun control” laws and lingering COVID-19 mandates. 

 Implementation of regulating citizen thought patterns and daily life activities will deteriorate any nation contemplating democracy as their guide; oh, by the way we live in a REPUBLIC and not a democracy.  The early warning of a collapsing society is now taking place all across America today.  The democrat party and its liberal elites in government management positions of authority truly believe they can override Americans' Constitutional Rights and Freedom.   Today in the United States of America you're experiencing the most dangerous degrading infringement ever upon the TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN.  

Turn the page:

Hollywood becomes the capitol of the U.S. Government 

Hollywood media production has perfected the transitional venue of turning social engineering fallacy into an instantaneous mode of American culture.  With the supporting cast of Yahoo, Google, post-Twitter-now X, Facebook and other social networks supplanting daily liberal propaganda, Hollywood has an easy alignment of dictating and programming a society into an obedient frame of mental adherence.  The combination of liberal Hollywood movie production, liberal network media MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, PBS, NPR, MSN and CNN have made it easy to command a docile generation of socially engineered citizens into believing any manufactured lie.  These anti-American entities don't dare to focus on God fearing truth.  This makes sense, because liberals don’t believe in the True and Living God [Jesus Christ our Savior].

Turn the page:

In previous generations eternal hope was installed within the spirit of real Americans, in which sprouted keys of happiness and prosperity.  Contrary to globalist liberals in America today, for the most part early-Americans [19th Century] were not simpletons and gullibly engulfed into political manipulation as big-tech-American-pawns are today.  But early-Americans were insightfully restless to pursue the perfection of a Constitutional Republic while searching for the best advantage in life.  70% of inhabitants in today’s’ U.S. populous don’t have the slightest idea the United States Constitution represents law, order and governance for our Capitalistic Society; the Republic of the United States of America. 


Color Coding America

For decades Liberals have been screaming racism on every corner of the city. Little did we know they are actually the culprits who will not let racism die in America. Have you ever noticed that all the major media networks never identify a Chinese man in the news as "a Yellow Man robbed a bank today," or a Mexican woman in the news as "a Brown Woman stole a car today," or a Russian woman as "a Pink Woman shot her husband today." You will never hear any color identity reference made to no other race but the African race in America.

Keeping the old stereotypes alive!

For some reason there is a perpetual lock on coloring an African descendant. Its as if though to belittle or diminish their worth or reduce them down to the color of a burnt out cinder. Maybe there isn't any intent to colorize anyone, but where is the effort to identify a person as an entity of content and character first? Instead there is the continuous mocking of their skin color.  

You must remember that all of main stream media is totally liberal [no exception]. It is not withheld that liberal main stream media set the protocol for identifying every individual reported in the news. With a preliminary injunction on the table for investigation let us broaden our scope of confirmation as to how the liberal media and even conservative talk shows can not or will not decease [stop] the color application for American Africans in the news.

In this "post" Christian society we have a serious problem, actually we have many problems. One main problem today is our belly button continues to pop open with the ever expanding problem of liberals playing with racism. In past history of American culture racism was limited basically between European Americans and African Americans. The laws of the land were paralleled with the sentiments of the majority rule by which of course African Americans were excluded. This was to be expected because a democratic society dictates that the majority rules however they want; as such is real life,,,, case closed.

Liberal Color Coding America!  Today we have a major problem with the good intent of majority rule because of the manipulation of ruling by liberals. Remember, this is a "post" Christian society, where as before a Christian society had meaning of moral values. There may have been a color preference plastered in prior generations of America but there has been added colors today compiling a change of heart. Unfortunately liberal European Americans didn't get the message of America changing from "color coding" people to identifying people by their character.

If only a few of today's liberal European Americans had an ounce of common sense they would cease emphasizing that racism is alive with vengeance in this country. If they had an ounce of common sense they could very well see that this country has outgrown the shadows of slave property ownership. Given a new insight for liberals in this country we could actually become a color blind society to human skin. Such a new concept of socialization would be the envy of the world if only the mad liberal media would just leave the dead racism dog alone.

More damage has been done by liberals drowning our culture in color identification than has been expected. Now today’s immigrants have caught on to the color identification spirit of racism and they have become proponents of racism themselves. Russians, Koreans, Australians, Canadians, Mexicans, Brazilians, Frenchmen, Germans, India immigrants, Iranian and Iraqi immigrants have all caught on to using color calling in America. Why have all these new American citizens caught on to using color identification of an African in America? When have you ever heard other cultures identifying other cultures in color terms?

Continuous Color Coding by Liberals!

Only in America is this application of color coding enforced. The reason for the enforcement of coloring Africans in America is because the liberal media has continued to announce through their bull horn effect the color coding of an African American in every aspect of social identification. Haven’t you noticed that every time a liberal or anyone else who tries to identify an African descendant will stumble in uttering their political correct awareness when they fragmentally say “African American” in their sentence structure? Now that the damage has been done by the liberals continuing to pound the racism drum all legal immigrants and illegal aliens now use with belittlement the color identification of black in their depicting an African descendant. And so the training of racism by liberals continues to expand to legal immigrants, illegal aliens and most importantly all elementary school children and preschool children.  


A “Special Note” to CNN CBS ABC PBS FOX NBC NPR, but especially to MSNBC.

Excerpt From Dr BearClayborn Political Psychiatrist -ACB Newspaper -Editor in Chief:


How many DOA’s [blacks] did you see lynched today, yesterday, last year or 30 years ago? If so, that would be real racism that need to be reported. If DOA [black] liberals along with the most ignorant group in congress [congressional black caucus] and white liberals would stop antagonizing the public with fake racism news there would be very little mention or thought to carry out thoughts of racial implementation. The liberal European Caucasian has benefited greatly from racial agendas forwarded through black democrat representatives. It takes generations to weed out people who want to continue to scream “racism” and strip the nation’s unity.

Here’s a true value of what is to come in America if America believes in itself and not race identification. It will take 8 years from now for America to understand that racism is only being sustained by people who want racism to continue and exist through social verbiage. It will take another 25 years from now to eradicate individuals like Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), Rep Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), Rep Barbara Lee (D- Ca), fake rev Al Shar;ton, fake rev Jesse Jackson and the entire Congressional Black Caucus ….  These are America’s historical black community pimps that have produce nothing substantial for descendants of Africa living in America. Hopefully It will only take 16 years from now for blacks to understand they are not a color black BUT humans like Chinese, Germans, Mexicans, Iranians, etc….. So what are blacks if they’re not blacks? Well let’s use common sense, they’re truly not full blooded or even half blooded Africans and the truth is real Africans detest Americans calling themselves Africans in any instance. American blacks are not a color black, even though that’s the only color they see, but they are GOA’’s or DOA’s. The identification of GOA is “Genetic of Africa.” The identification of DOA is “Descendant of Africa.” 

Other than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. How many blackkk state or congressional representatives over the past 60 years ever help blackkks in America comprehend and identify they’re not blackkkkk, but humans?

The wonderful liberal actor Morgan Freeman made a true statement a few years ago about killing or halting racism in America. Mr. Freeman made sense in solving racism in America with his statement of "IF PEOPLE WOULD STOP TALKING ABOUT IT AND THE MEDIA STOP PIMPING AND PROPAGANDIZING RACISM ON THEIR NETWORKS, RACISM WOULD EVENTUALLY DIMINISH TO A POINT THAT ONLY "A FOOL" WOULD BE RECOGNIZED FOR ENCOURAGING RACIAL REPORTING WHEN THE NEWS BEING REPORTED HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE.”

Dr BearClayborn – Political Psychiatrist http://bit.ly/1St7jNl ACB Newspaper International