DEMOCRACY is a term purely used by democrat party and elite liberals. Using the term "democracy" allows the liberal concocted democrat party and its republican subordinates to fabricate lies and fear to America?
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Without Term Limits, U.S. Politicians believe using an official term "democracy" allows them the right to be reelected without an opposing candidate. The term democracy is interpreted different to many people. The most popular theory of democracy evolves around everyone getting a "free welfare credit card" for life.
Another theory of democracy evolves around the pursuit of prosperity void of working for a living. Some think democracy is the pursuit of prosperity void of living in an environment with Christians and Conservatives. A communist or socialist in America believes democracy is a layer of happiness wrapped around guaranteed government provisions. All in all democracy to liberals in America is simply a validation for their utopian lifestyle and liberal immortality. WE DO NOT LIVE IN A democracy; an illegal alien might think so for various and obvious democrat sponsored free entitlements.
Unfortunately I have some bad news for liberals who use the term democracy as their platform stage of immortality. Liberals today are only mortals abusing freedom and trespassing on others freedom. Our REPUBLIC is meant to be very special for TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS. It was designed for individual and group participation in freedom, but not partisan rule or partitioned freedom. Before America can advance any further as a civilized society the liberal population must understand they are mortals and not immortals. They must understand they have mortal weaknesses, they are not invincible mentally, physically, and surely not spiritually. With the current liberal administration in power [2008-2024 2028 2032, etc...] the Republic of the United States of America has been on schedule to be obliterated by globalist sponsored democrat party liberal social engineering. Liberalism truly devaluates America's society today and tomorrow. With devaluing the worth of TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS, big league government politics have turned America's society into a treacherous swamp operation, with foul efforts of ruling over the citizenry.
Another theory of democracy evolves around the pursuit of prosperity void of working for a living. Some think democracy is the pursuit of prosperity void of living in an environment with Christians and Conservatives. A communist or socialist in America believes democracy is a layer of happiness wrapped around guaranteed government provisions. All in all democracy to liberals in America is simply a validation for their utopian lifestyle and liberal immortality. WE DO NOT LIVE IN A democracy; an illegal alien might think so for various and obvious democrat sponsored free entitlements.
Unfortunately I have some bad news for liberals who use the term democracy as their platform stage of immortality. Liberals today are only mortals abusing freedom and trespassing on others freedom. Our REPUBLIC is meant to be very special for TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS. It was designed for individual and group participation in freedom, but not partisan rule or partitioned freedom. Before America can advance any further as a civilized society the liberal population must understand they are mortals and not immortals. They must understand they have mortal weaknesses, they are not invincible mentally, physically, and surely not spiritually. With the current liberal administration in power [2008-2024 2028 2032, etc...] the Republic of the United States of America has been on schedule to be obliterated by globalist sponsored democrat party liberal social engineering. Liberalism truly devaluates America's society today and tomorrow. With devaluing the worth of TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS, big league government politics have turned America's society into a treacherous swamp operation, with foul efforts of ruling over the citizenry.
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In light of America’s present dysfunction and distress brought on by the historical 2008, 2012 and 2020 administrations which consist of treasonous globalist paid U.S. congress members, America will have to endure years of national mismanagement setbacks for a long time. The liberal fashion of destructive social engineering and dismantling the U.S. Constitution will hopefully pass away. BUT, only SEPARATION OF STATES [new Constitutional Union of States] would be more likely to eradicate liberals, socialism and the DC swamp UniParty [democrat and republican party union]....
America's ability to restructure itself and align properly to the intent of the founding fathers genius blue print of a Constitutional Republic is no longer identifiable. You have to comprehend the demographics of the country have drastically changed; current collection of illegal aliens and docile adolescent adult voters don't have the ability interpret they're living in a Republic. The majority of individuals walking down any street in any town or city don't have the faintest idea of what capitalism is; and please don't ask them if we live in a Republic. America has incubated a populous of glaring ignorance; resulting in a democrat party deliberate mis-management of TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS' money to create a "free for all" economy laced with illegal foreign nationals depleting all economic resources.
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Undercovering Globalist Liberals Training "Blacks" To Be Modern Slaves.
Liberal Hollywood movie productions like “Undercover Brother” perpetually indict and forward the never ending premise that the “conservative white man” [conservative voter] continues to oppress so-called "blacks" from obtaining wealth and prosperity. If history is properly taken into correct content and context, it was the year 1862AD when 3.5 million "blacks" were in bondage throughout the South. Today over 40 million so-called "blacks" [13.1% of population] are fully fledged citizens along with "Jackpot Babies” [Anchor Babies-illegal foreign nationals]. Not one of the 40 million so-called "blacks" in America are slaves or indentured servants [0%], but white liberals and ignorant negro activists continue to force slavery into America's 2024, 2028, 2030,etc... social narrative.
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Here’s a lesson for globalist liberals and negro activists. During the pre-civil war time frame the industrial expansion in America was predominately in northern states which produced $1.27 billion of the $2.0 billion worth of manufactured goods in the entire nation. It is understood that so-called "negros" were not predominantly known role players in the pre-industrial revolution. Though contrarily so-called "blacks" were actually partakers in fueling American industries with their cheap labor. It is well known that the Southern economy where the majority of negros or blacks lived was a culture of strict tradition, and a traditional pace of life that contrasted with Northern states. The contrasting North was an ever expanding system of transportation and communication industries. But not to be overlooked, the South was agrarian, consisting of plantation lands with farms of sugar, tobacco and cotton. Never to be overlooked is the genius of Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin in 1793ad, which made it possible for textile mills to manufacture cloth from cotton in the “Cotton King South” and the North as well. The South also had another genius by the name of George Washington Carver. No one could have ever imagined that a sickly little slave boy born during the civil war would turn out to save the entire farming industry in the South, yet did George Washington Carver.
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Here’s a lesson for globalist liberals and negro activists. During the pre-civil war time frame the industrial expansion in America was predominately in northern states which produced $1.27 billion of the $2.0 billion worth of manufactured goods in the entire nation. It is understood that so-called "negros" were not predominantly known role players in the pre-industrial revolution. Though contrarily so-called "blacks" were actually partakers in fueling American industries with their cheap labor. It is well known that the Southern economy where the majority of negros or blacks lived was a culture of strict tradition, and a traditional pace of life that contrasted with Northern states. The contrasting North was an ever expanding system of transportation and communication industries. But not to be overlooked, the South was agrarian, consisting of plantation lands with farms of sugar, tobacco and cotton. Never to be overlooked is the genius of Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin in 1793ad, which made it possible for textile mills to manufacture cloth from cotton in the “Cotton King South” and the North as well. The South also had another genius by the name of George Washington Carver. No one could have ever imagined that a sickly little slave boy born during the civil war would turn out to save the entire farming industry in the South, yet did George Washington Carver.
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Blacks still fighting an imaginary Civil War
Unfortunately today Hollywood movie productions like “Undercover Brother” saturates the mind of gullible blacks with the concept that blacks are continually oppressed today. It’s as if the civil war has never ended for blacks and white liberal trainers. General common sense presents to us daily that modern oppression of blacks in America does not exist. Common sense also instructs us that modern oppression of blacks is a fabricated political social engineering propaganda lie employed by liberal Hollywood and white handkerchief head negro activists [Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson, Barbara Lee, etc…].
Unfortunately today Hollywood movie productions like “Undercover Brother” saturates the mind of gullible blacks with the concept that blacks are continually oppressed today. It’s as if the civil war has never ended for blacks and white liberal trainers. General common sense presents to us daily that modern oppression of blacks in America does not exist. Common sense also instructs us that modern oppression of blacks is a fabricated political social engineering propaganda lie employed by liberal Hollywood and white handkerchief head negro activists [Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Jessie Jackson, Barbara Lee, etc…].
These same liberal instigators are the very ones who help sponsor the political-race-bait campaign for the Deep State biden/obama administration via socialist indoctrination. By their daily provocation you would think no black has ever owned their own Property, Business or progressed as a Corporate Director, CEO, Millionaire or Billionaire. According to today’s negro activist leaders and the congressional negro caucus in D.C. action must be taken now to promote blacks into having an opportunity to be a property owner, business owner or union worker. If you listen to globalist liberal Hollywood elites and their “pet negro activists” you would never think that a person of the caliber of “Dr. Ben Carson [World Renowned Neurosurgeon-John Hopkins University]” has ever or could ever exist in America.
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Utopians Rule Democracy
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The Republic of the United States of America does not exist in the minds of globalist liberal elites, they can only relate to the term democracy. Regardless what their definition of democracy is, “Hollywood Utopians” have mastered their effort in creating their own version of what they insist American should be patterned by controlled by; socialism/communism. Hollywood productions were once considered a simple form of entertainment media, that’s not true anymore. Now Hollywood has become an extension of globalist financed liberal democrat party government operations; aka deep state biden/obama administration.
Obviously there are "parallels" of America's current society and Hollywood movie productions. Take for instance the movie “Mad City” which portrays America’s mass media as the heart of the nation. The movie “Mad City” forwards the depiction of democracy based on how the liberal national media reign with total autonomy to regulate what information the nation should be fed for intelligence and current events. Today, Hollywood and the deep state biden/obama administration continue to ignore the devastated economy that has destroyed the prosperity of the TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN.
America is living under a strangling stock market that will inevitably burst again like it did in 1929 and 2008, due to the democrat party inflicting socialistic management on a capitalistic society. Globalist liberal elite fools supporting the deep state biden/obama administration think they have developed a democracy that can function under socialism/communism. Only liberal utopian fools harness such ignorant political government philosophy, and it's more than evident everyday now. To wit, the globalist UniParty [democrat party/republican party warmongers] along with hollywood, big tech, big corporate CEOs, all national liberal networks and deep state biden/obama administration have now placed Globalist "Socialism" on the front and back cover of America’s history book.
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Understanding Hollywood's Part In Turning America Into a Cheap Socialist Whore
Great consideration should be taken into account for the influence of so many Hollywood movie productions upon America's younger generation and adolescent adults. Take for instance the old movie “Minority Report;” this modern account of white liberal intelligence forwards the notion of how present and future national law-enforcement can be set up to moderate societal thinking. Special Police Agents are to be assigned as “Thought-Police-Managers” to randomly select whoever has potential to obstruct the established utopian society. We get a current day glimpse of such status quo society coming into place with new enforced “gun control” laws and lingering COVID-19 mandates.
Great consideration should be taken into account for the influence of so many Hollywood movie productions upon America's younger generation and adolescent adults. Take for instance the old movie “Minority Report;” this modern account of white liberal intelligence forwards the notion of how present and future national law-enforcement can be set up to moderate societal thinking. Special Police Agents are to be assigned as “Thought-Police-Managers” to randomly select whoever has potential to obstruct the established utopian society. We get a current day glimpse of such status quo society coming into place with new enforced “gun control” laws and lingering COVID-19 mandates.
Implementation of regulating citizen thought patterns and daily life activities will deteriorate any nation contemplating democracy as their guide; oh, by the way we live in a REPUBLIC and not a democracy. The early warning of a collapsing society is now taking place all across America today. The democrat party and its liberal elites in government management positions of authority truly believe they can override Americans' Constitutional Rights and Freedom. Today in the United States of America you're experiencing the most dangerous degrading infringement ever upon the TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN.
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Hollywood becomes the capitol of the U.S. Government
Hollywood media production has perfected the transitional venue of turning social engineering fallacy into an instantaneous mode of American culture. With the supporting cast of Yahoo, Google, post-Twitter-now X, Facebook and other social networks supplanting daily liberal propaganda, Hollywood has an easy alignment of dictating and programming a society into an obedient frame of mental adherence. The combination of liberal Hollywood movie production, liberal network media MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, PBS, NPR, MSN and CNN have made it easy to command a docile generation of socially engineered citizens into believing any manufactured lie. These anti-American entities don't dare to focus on God fearing truth. This makes sense, because liberals don’t believe in the True and Living God [Jesus Christ our Savior].
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In previous generations eternal hope was installed within the spirit of real Americans, in which sprouted keys of happiness and prosperity. Contrary to globalist liberals in America today, for the most part early-Americans [19th Century] were not simpletons and gullibly engulfed into political manipulation as big-tech-American-pawns are today. But early-Americans were insightfully restless to pursue the perfection of a Constitutional Republic while searching for the best advantage in life. 70% of inhabitants in today’s’ U.S. populous don’t have the slightest idea the United States Constitution represents law, order and governance for our Capitalistic Society; the Republic of the United States of America.
Hollywood media production has perfected the transitional venue of turning social engineering fallacy into an instantaneous mode of American culture. With the supporting cast of Yahoo, Google, post-Twitter-now X, Facebook and other social networks supplanting daily liberal propaganda, Hollywood has an easy alignment of dictating and programming a society into an obedient frame of mental adherence. The combination of liberal Hollywood movie production, liberal network media MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, PBS, NPR, MSN and CNN have made it easy to command a docile generation of socially engineered citizens into believing any manufactured lie. These anti-American entities don't dare to focus on God fearing truth. This makes sense, because liberals don’t believe in the True and Living God [Jesus Christ our Savior].
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In previous generations eternal hope was installed within the spirit of real Americans, in which sprouted keys of happiness and prosperity. Contrary to globalist liberals in America today, for the most part early-Americans [19th Century] were not simpletons and gullibly engulfed into political manipulation as big-tech-American-pawns are today. But early-Americans were insightfully restless to pursue the perfection of a Constitutional Republic while searching for the best advantage in life. 70% of inhabitants in today’s’ U.S. populous don’t have the slightest idea the United States Constitution represents law, order and governance for our Capitalistic Society; the Republic of the United States of America.
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