Inaugural Address by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. January 20, 2021 was the most silly display of an individual pretending to be the President of the United States of America; but that's nothing new to share. What is interesting to share is how the oval office was opened for biden to walk in after not having to campaign at all during the campaign season and win a presidential election. There is no republic nation or democrat nation on this earth that has ever processed a presidential candidate into the office of "president" by way of the winning candidate never having to campaign. But, as our dear uncle Don King would say; " Only in America can this happen!"
Facebook's Mark Zukerberg spent nearly a $billion in dark money to support nonprofits ahead of the 2020 election to guarantee voter fraud count was in place for the democrat party. George Soros spent at least a $billion to make sure top democrat lawyers had access to the "Dark Money Network Fund" to promote countless progressive lawsuits to ward off any attempt to disrupt the game plan of total national voter fraud.
America was set up as the most stupidest group of voting citizens the world have ever seen, in the 2020 election. The democrat party and its "Super Dark Money Financers," who actually flaunt their arrogant ostentatious manner of superiority in front of cameras of CNN MSNBC CBS PBS ABC NBC NPR, etc... were not about to allow the 2020 election slip from their grasp like the 2016 election.
The pre 2020 election was poised and design for distraction -after distraction -after distraction -after distraction, to disallow any public focus on the pertinent voter fraud brewing. The 2020 pre election riot protests across the nation guaranteed the results projected by the democrat party. Today many political observers have concluded that "national, state, county, city and local voter fraud" was conducted by fraudulent computer tally approved by every blue state voter registration administrator. But, this type of voter fraud consisting of fraudulent computer tally and illegal mail in voter ballots have been going on long before 2020.
2008 was the stepping stone for filthy rich globalist and the democrat party to place their plan of hijacking America through voter fraud without any serious suspicion from dumb republican politicians. 2016 was a hiccup for the democrat party due to their falling asleep at the controls of the national voting registration computers, and allowed President Trump to slip into the oval office. But as expected, the liberal controllers of national, state, county and city voter registration administrations were not about to allow 2016 be duplicated in 2020. You can be assured liberal controllers of voter registration on all levels of governance will also not allow a repeat of 2016 for the 2024 elections. GUARANTEED!
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