With a seventh grade education Mr. James Brown accomplished his goals of:
Owning Restaurants
Radio Stations
Record Labels
Private Jet Planes
And Other Profitable Businesses.
From 1933 to 2006 Mr. James Brown didn’t scream or protest
about racism or systemic racism in
Today in
SPECIAL NOTE: Prime Meridian East Descendants are people who live east of the Prime Meridian. There are many different Prime Meridian East Descendants who live in America. In these notes we are focusing on GOA's [Genetics of Africa] or more particularly AGOA's [American Genetics of Africa].
SPECIAL NOTE: Those who are offended by the term "negroes" should stop reading this informative illumination. The word "negro" or the American black slang "niggers" is completely appropriate to be used in these notes because the word "negro" is the color black in Spanish. In all sincerity, blacks in America are degrading themselves by identifying as a "color" instead of "human." Therefore systemic racism evolves from blacks or negroes or niggers, due to their approval and promotion of being degraded as a race of color and not a race of humanity. Negroes in America can't and shouldn't be offended by anyone who use the word "negro" or even their slang term "nigger;" because they [blacks] approve this type of language daily. For a couple of centuries blacks have identified themselves in open public as niggers or negros. Therefore the world mimics the same identification by calling negros the color "black." Why would any race of humans want to be identified as a color is beyond intelligence and below human dignity.
How do people around the world identify "niggers or blacks?" Blacks are called the following in different languages around the world:
People of Japan call them “kuroi.”
People of Portugal call them “preto.”
People of Latvia call them “melna.”
People of Spain call them “negro.”
People of France call them “noir.” black night!
People of Germany call them “schwarz.”
People of Catalan call them “negre.” .
People of Bosnia call them “crn.”
People of Hungary call them “fekete.”
People of Iceland call them “svartur.”
People of Romanian call them “negru.”
People of Sweden call them “svart.”
Maybe negroes in America will now consider the global family as major contributors to the so-called "Systemic Racism" problem, because the world calls them a negro!
Today in America you can simply say America has basically a generation of "sorry spoiled niggers" [blacks] crying out about how systemic racism has limited their economic progress. They claim it is hindering their ability to advance in the greatest capitalistic society on earth, yet they glamor for socialist entitlements.
But stop the press, and stop the illiterate ubiquitous cry out on the internet about America's racism!
There are over 200 different races in
As democrat Vice President Johnson said in reference to "favor" giving "negroes" welfare payments:
Evidently Democrat Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson was telling the truth about ensuring negroes reaping welfare entitlements. In so doing you now have the democrat party automatically securing negroes and nigger's votes for "200" years. You would say such is unbelievable to have decades old political strategy of racism by the democrat party firmly intact. Proof of negroes or blacks continually voting straight line for democrat politicians are permanently recorded in the 2008-2024 elections
Where’s the systemic racism?
Check this out:
George Floyd [thug, drug addict, criminal] was not Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.;
John Lewis [congressional pimp overseeing the black community] was not Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.;
Elijah Cummings [congressional pimp overseeing the black community] was not Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.;
Barrack Obama [half baked caucasian negro president pimp overseeing the black community] is not Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. either.
But consider this thought for a moment. If you are a new legal naturalized
immigrant citizen of
George Floyd was simply a hardened dope head criminal whose time was up. John Lewis, Elijah Cummings and Barrack Obama were simply PPP’s aka “Political Puppet Pimps.” All four were brought into prominence in order to manipulate the negro-nigger-black community to satisfy their white liberal financial donors [George Soros, James and Marilyn Simons, S. Donald Sussman, Tom Steyer, Michael Bloomberg]. In doing so, each of them [Cummings, Obama, Lewis, and Floyd family] compounded their personal bank accounts with millions of under the table funds.
Since the passing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. neither of
the liberal news network "staring cast" of sensationalized elite negro icons [Floyd, Lewis, Cummings, Obama] has produced any greater good for
White liberal elite network news producers perceive Floyd,
Lewis, Cummings, Obama as highly acclaimed "super black men." Yet these white liberal national network media broadcasts downplay these race pimps fusillade of anti-American propaganda. It’s not rocket science to see the
marriage of Floyd, Lewis, Cummings, Obama with the white liberal news networks CNN
MSNBC ABC FOX CBS NBC PBS NPR MSN Yahoo Google Facebook Twitter. Such is a match made in
Hell! As a match made in “Hell” they now broadcast all day and everyday that
What is systemic racism?
It is all the policies that are designed to prevent one demographic from excelling over another demographic....
In plain view and comprehension it is not possible to have systemic racism in today's America. In the United States of America it is not possible to find one statute or U.S. Code or even a business corporation that has policies that meet the criteria of "systemic racism."
On the other hand, ignorant young negros forward the term of “systemic-racism” as their way of modernizing racism in their own minds. In actuality these young and old negros have corralled their modern
slang "systemic racism" to cover and back up their own hate, prejudice and racist mentality. The term “systemic-racism” is basically a
psychological block manifested in the cerebral cortex of a narrow minded black person who
refuses to accept the challenge of living in a capitalistic society. Blacks using the term “systemic-racism” towards
Caucasians are literally magnifying the application of “copout”
upon themselves. 2008-2024 negro activists in
What has come to light on these "2008-2024 negroes" is they have been nurtured in hate sponsored by liberalism. White liberal social programming of blacks have caused a serious mental deficiency development in blacks. Their mental deficiency pans within the cerebral cortex to avoid reasoning for accepting responsibility as a productive citizen. Their mental deficiency creates a rationale to depend on free entitlements from the government... "2008-2024 negroes" avoidance of being productive citizens is simply known as a “copout.” Social studies detail how a “copout” is commonly used by individuals or groups, in that they have alternate motives to evade functioning within a practical society in order to fester in an "abstract society" void of reality and truth.
Young unwise blacks have been coached over the years [2008-2024] by old-ignorant and unwise negroes “left-over” from the negro activity of the civil rights era. The unwise tutoring by old negro congress members [110th congress through 118th congress] have created a normalcy for young 2008-2024 negroes to edify hate through their pious racist demeanor. The pious racist demeanor passed down by old black-negroes of the 1950’s to today's young negroes only encourages them to practice utilizing old regurgitated racism of America’s pre-civil war society and pre-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "color blind society."
The true picture of young negroes [BLM] forwarding hate and
outmoded racism has erupted from old negroes of the civil rights era prodding
and prompting young blacks to keep racism alive as their free meal ticket and guaranteed entitlements. Amazingly these same old negroes of the past civil
rights era are now members of the Congressional Black Caucus of the U.S.
Government. The same old negroes of the
past civil rights era are the proponents of feeding “hateful racial revenge” upon America. The hateful race baiting agenda of old civil rights negroes have now been cloaked into a made-up modern terminology called “systemic
racism.” The made-up terminology "systemic racism" give young blacks a sense of being incapable of being a part of America's social standing. But, the same old
negro civil rights activists of past era have made "millions of dollars" by continuing
the perpetual promotion of outmoded racism in
Today, young negroes working in national liberal network news occupations get their marching orders from their elite liberal white masters. These young negroes must follow the partisan political propaganda script given to them to report, and can not deviate. It’s the same old democrat partisan political playbook that old black-negroes of the civil rights era had to adhere to. BLM negroes of today are just a wild combination of militant radicals and sold out NAACP negroes [Maxine Waters, Congressional Black Caucus, etc...]
Members of the “NAACP” today are simply just leftover negro pawns of the 1960’s who continually receive their marching orders from white liberal elites of the democrat party. All together the NAACP, young negro activists [BLM] and white liberal elites of the democrat party have totally rejected and deliberately destroyed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. foundation for a color blind society. They’re doing it with daily regurgitated propaganda of old outmoded racism, which is now cloaked and named “systemic racism.”
Keeping the daily rage of abstract racism fed to a gullible young negro populous of unlearned proportions is a formidable democrat party partisan tool. These gullible young negroes clearly lack knowledge of Social Studies, American History and World History. Without actual knowledge of true history covering all facets of how American History came into existence make these young black negroes easy prey for spreading racial hate or abstract “systemic racism.”
Old negroes
of the outmoded civil rights era and their elite white liberal promoters of the
democrat party have seriously destroyed the future of
Blacks who continue to cater to the NAACP, BLM-negroes and negroes of the Congressional Black Caucus are masterfully being brainwashed by liberal propaganda. The propaganda consist of placing blame and fault on Caucasian Americans for "systemic racism" against negroes not being capable to
succeed in
Over four hundred years have pasted since that of slavery in
Clearly every 2008-2024 negro activist in
Let's make one thing very clear, not everyone you see that resembles a Prime Meridian East Descendant [GOA genetic of Africa] is racially motivated. Unfortunately it's only less than half of Prime Meridian East Descendants [GOA genetic of Africa] that "don't think" in terms of racial identity or race politics. On the contrary there's a reason why the majority of GOA [genetic of Africa] do cater systemic racism. Reason being is due to 2008 pounded mental highlights of "black" as the new social gage. As such "outmoded race hustlers" seized the opportunity to regurgitate racism to profit from [Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Congressional Black Congress, etc...].
There is a measurable percentage of "liberal trained negroes" in America catering to "systemic racism." Consider the culprits who submit to "systemic racism;" BLM, NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus and negroes working for liberal network news as on-air news journalist. All of these pious jackasses [democrat party controlled] are the "vicious racist" who cater and feed such social demeaning trash of "systemic racism." Be assured that old negroes of the NAACP, young negroes of BLM, rich negroes of the CBC-congressional black caucus, rich negro NBA players, rich negro NFL players, rich Liberal negro Hollywood Actors and all rich Liberal negro Entertainers are the main players who support advancing the mentally warped ideology of "systemic racism."
Amazingly these same negros of wealthy status have the ultimate audacity to scream "systemic racism" today [post 2008]. BUT before 2008 their mouths were completely closed towards making such conspicuously filthy hypocritical economic and social class assessment [systemic racism]. Of course the overall reason is they were receiving an inexhaustible amount of income from the greatest Capitalistic Society on earth [money in the bank].
Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist-Editor in Chief-ACB Newspaper International
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