


"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism." 
Quote by: Nikita Khrushchev /Premier of the Soviet Union

Such would have worked perfectly, except, Nikita didn't anticipate President Trump on January 20th 2025..... 

REVIEW 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 and 2025: 
Obamacare 2008 was a TAX; Obamacare is Socialism; Obamacare is Communism. Whether liberals or non-liberals comprehend this or not, hussein obama was a well planned communist activist placed into a Manchurian Candidate process which began in 2004 and climaxed in 2008

The globalist communist society which is composed of filthy rich liberal global elites and filthy rich democrat party elites  accomplished their objective by sponsoring hussein obama to win over a super gullible ignorant populous bent on race color coding and class-warfare identification.  Fast forward to biden/obama administration of 2020, as such has been uncloaked and displayed for the populous to liberally see the fraudulent computer/mail fraud balloting masterfully designed and applied to 2008, 2012, 2020 presidential elections.    

    Sixty years ago no one would have thought that the color of a president would determine how the United States of America is managed.  Unfortunately liberals and democrats built a pedestal to place hussein obama upon, making him untouchable to reprove his actions.  Such has driven America into direct alignment to enter "Hell."  The oscillating political parties [republican/democrat musical chair management system] finally ended when Democrat Elites financed their own Manchurian Candidate to rule over the most docile gullible stupid voters in American History [2008, 2012, 2020].  The democrat party designed the perfect untouchable political figure [half white, half black] to ensure their hold on political power in America for decades to come.   BUT 2016 threw a monkey wrench into the D.C. swamp political machine with the election of President Donald Trump.  This wasn't suppose to happen [Trump as President] but the democrat party and big tech took for granted Hillary Clinton was guaranteed to be president.  You could easily say liberals fell asleep with assurance of waking the morning after the election with smiles on their face.   

Liberals In Power - Forever!
Well, 2016 was a bomb for liberals, big tech rulers and their government democrat party pawns.  BUT there was a repeat of liberal democrats governing the ballot counts all across America in each and every state level registration in 2020.  They managed to fool the gullible young adolescent adult voter to believe amazing subterfuge and liberal propaganda, posturing them to vote straight card democrat.  As such the continuation of hussein obama socialist/communist agenda via voter fraud/stolen election and dumb docile adolescent adult voters allowed liberal stupidity to rule the country again.  

It’s amazing when you cipher how the democrat party and its liberal elite financers [george soros, etc...] acquired the power to indoctrinate socialism and communism to rule or run over America's capitalistic free market system [designed for a "Republic Government"].  It's more than evident today that our free market system has produced historically the most filthy rich U.S. congressional members in American history.  The fight for complete monetary power over America's bank account came true for democrats in 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2020. Ruling over the current populous became a no-brainer; all they had to do was feed fools stimulus checks and keep them on welfare in order to secure their votes.  The political cycle of playing musical chairs with republicans is no longer needed by the democrat party today or in the foreseeable future.   Well, unless a miracle in the D.C. environment erupts for Conservative or just plain common sense voting Taxpaying American Citizens [re-elect President Trump].  As so the miracle actually did occur on January 20th 2025; but lets not get ahead of the chronological episodes unveiled before President Trump was declared the United States of America true President; although he actually won 2020 but the vile demonic liberal democrat party used the electronic voting system against him to deny his 2020 Presidency...     

Christianity Completely Dissolved!
As Christianity dissolves in America the populous becomes more dependent on human wisdom rather than Godly Wisdom.  Young political illiterate millennials who've sucked up to free entitlement scraps now prefer to depend on big tech as its comfort and guide.  Young fools of America don't have a clue about the Christian foundation of America.  The  down fall from Christianity has led a Godless populous into submission of human depravity.  Of course satanic demonic wicked democrat party leaders have had a lot of directing a course to urinate on Christians and Christian values which once held up  America's great society.     

Democrat Party Slogan: "Rule or Ruin!"
The overall objective for the democrat party and its super filthy rich liberal big tech leaders is to completely outmode political party cycles.  The Republican party is no longer a viable political adversary for the democrat party, BUT,,, the republican party has now assimilated into the embolded  UNI-PARTY [democrat leaders/republican leaders] of the United States Congress.  

The rule of thumb that is now set in place by the democrat party is "Rule or Ruin, or, All or Nothing."  If the democrat party can't rule America then they will ruin it.   America witnessed for the first time in its history how democrat state governors played their most ambitious role as petty tyrants over their states during 2020.  Of course the objective has been in place since 2008 hussein obama was placed in the oval office [implant socialist rulers].  The objective for democrats to rule the country and control taxpayers’ money for their own party slush funds has been going on for decades].  Today in America the achievement of the democrat party to replace our capitalistic society via rule of quasi socialist/communist governors has been very successful as the chain of liberal command seems inherently unbreakable.    

Democrat party politicians perpetually lay down their lame subterfuge every election cycle claiming they want to solve the poverty and economic problems of the country.  On the contrary, democrat politicians only want to use the political process to solve their own poverty and economic situation [republicans are included].  Therefore America’s poverty and economic condition will always remain the same, which really isn't bad compared to other countries.  We live a disappearing capitalistic society and financial management of America is becoming delusional, thanks to the democrat party. 

Think about this, there was a time in past decades everyone was stupid enough to believe "only the Republican party was the party of the rich."  Today that cerebral dysfunction of reasoning remains etched into the cerebral function of the basic democrat party color coded voters [blacks] and others.  Reason being is because the democrat party masterfully brainwashed its constituents the past sixty years to believe so; yet both party elites are terribly filthy rich.   It's clear since 2008 the democrat party has excelled to a platform that now showcase the wealthiest politicians in the world.  The wealthiest corporate CEO's in America are democrats.  The wealthiest private citizens [celebrities, pro-athletes, political activist, etc...] in America are democrats.  The combination of these entities and individuals of democrat partisanship will forever retain more wealth and power to rule a gullible nation.   Simply put, America has withdrawn from upholding the nation's foundation of being a Capitalistic Free Market Republic based on the Constitution of the United States of America [1776]; now it's perched upon elite liberal democrat party class ruling.
Since 2008, votes of citizens really don’t matter anymore because elections are fixed electronically for winners.  The overall arching effect is America has fallen and no one is able to help the nation recover its once “glorious stance,” although President Trump honestly did try to do so in 2016, and now in 2025 he has another chance to pull America out of the D.C. swamp and sewage.   America has taken on the image of a drunken driver crashing into safety barriers deliberately set by the democrat party.  The ruling class democrat elites have destroyed America’s system of taxation by representation and converted it into taxation “without” representation.
There were a few Conservative groups that tried to warn Americans about the terminal political process coming forth.  The terminal political process is now controlled by diseased power hungry liberal politicians who entertain themselves by producing anti-Christian legislation sponsored by old liberal politicians [Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, etc...].  Unfortunately conservative efforts fell on deaf ears across the nation during 2008, 2012 and 2020.  One of the main reasons if not the main reason was  liberal national network news [CNN MSNBC ABC NPR PBS NBC CBS FOX] and big tech [facebook, twitter, google, apple, amazon, etc...] used their power to sabotage any broadcasts of political truth against the democrat party by media outlets that were not aligned with propaganda mandated by the democrat party.. .  

Socialism and Communism [filthy rich liberal global elites] is here to stay in America regardless of the effort of Conservatives, Independents, Christians or any outside source of the democrat party.  It is unfortunate that America now faces an accelerated fall from its "1776 rise" as a prosperous nation to the most "fast falling" psychologically damaged society the world has come now to witness.  Those of us who have studied "Paralleled Secular and Biblical History" know this is the same script of many nations in world history.  Birthing of new nation that excelled in great prosperity with promises to its populous of generating great freedom, yet they fall and crash.  The warnings of a great reversal of prosperity were clearly announced to America by Constitutional notes of the founding fathers alerting U.S. Citizens to beware and identify any rising tyrant or dictator grasping for power.  America's founding fathers descriptively identified depraved politicians we now know now as the democrat party; producing malignant political power puppets [obama, biden, harris, pelosi, schumer, liz warren, mcconnel, etc...].  

Adult adolescent voters of today derive from America's psychotic liberal pool of public school educators, dedicated to represent the obvious rise of communist/socialist encroachment.  These adolescent adult voting millennials have secured various positions in government since graduating from college to maintain and secure the democrat party's ability to boast of great socialism that will provide jobs and entitlements to all.  

Clearly evident the adolescent adult voters [gen z, gen k, gen y, etc...] lack basic knowledge of the United States Constitution which declares the United States of America is a Republic and not a democracy.  The United States of America is a Republic by design, created under the U.S. Constitution.  The democrat party's implementation of defining America as a democracy induces rule by majority.  "Democrat Party Democracy" astoundingly contradicts the original design of America as a "Republic" ruled by the citizens; there is a difference.  You must properly examine the similarities of biden/obama admin with that of communist tendencies favoring communist leadership of Saddam Hussein, Enver Pasha, Emperor Hirohito, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mao Tse Tung and Fidel Castro.  All of these socialist/communist traits are being unveiled everyday to America by the democrat party in hope that a gullible docile spoiled citizenry will relinquish the any acknowledgement that America is a Republic and not a democracy.  

There are four critical objectives tied to every socialist/communist leader; this includes 2008, 2012, 2020 biden/obama deep state management system.  Such objectives clarify them as tyrannical and dictatorial  rulership which has crafted the ability today to rule over a celebrity-entertainment-populous consisting of dumb millennials and old dope head 1960's liberal elites.  Simply put, it has been so easy for the democrat party to easily rule the current gen z populous and the old ignorant docile gullible dope head populous of the 1960's 70's 80's and 90's; as such are representatives of the nation's simpletons who don't know and deny to know American History.  Any dictator or tyrant would drool being handed over a populous of insolent simpletons to rule over.  To rule over an ingrate spoiled populous is a dream come true for any aspiring communist or socialist ruler.  

Four Step Exchange Plan:  Convert Capitalism To Communism

1st Exchange: Control the Media
2008 was the finalization of the democrat party having complete control over MSNBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, NBC, FOX, CNN and NPR.  All broadcasting or allowing communication over social media is totally controlled by democrat partisan big tech conglomerates on a daily basis to issue out propaganda as a normality or standard.  There is no real journalism reporting anymore, communication is ruled and dictated by the democrat party propaganda. 

2nd Exchange: Control the Treasury [money] 
2008 was the ultimate implementation to flood the economy with printing paper money to finance TARP money.  Interest rates were artificially held down purposely to cover a false economy.   During 2016 President Trump's Administration placed government debt in check, and hopefully President Trump's ability to do so in 2025 will resurface.  BUT,,, controlling the national debt ended when biden was elected in 2020.  2021 witnessed America falling back into the ditch of issuing out political pork funds, spearheaded by the democrat party disguised as coronavirus pandemic funding.  Sadly,  docile America fell for the biggest hoax of all as the democrat party and their cohorts [UNI-PARTY democrat/republicans] fueled the hoax coronavirus pandemic to bolster "democrat party slush funds."  2020 brought the democrat party back into power to forward its socialist/communist agenda upon America again via bankrupt America and force America into global fiscal management.    

3rd Exchange: Control the people
The term “Brainwashing” is considered a cliché by simpletons, but that's how simpletons have been so easy to control, through simple subterfuge and suffocating propaganda.  Brainwashing is a psychological technique in which liberals have become very proficient implementing.  This is quite evident when assessing the “Race Baiting” and “Class Warfare” agenda set forth by the democrat party. Propaganda is also a critical form of communication in which liberal media elites have become experts in implementing to subdue the American populous. The third and most effective form of controlling a docile society is through “Political Correctness.”   Political Correctness is a form of devaluated or reverse social standards embedded in psychiatric, psychological and religious composition.  As such, mandating conformity to liberal "Political Correct Religion."

Political Correctness become a master tool for the 2008, 2012 and 2020 democrat party administrations.  The democrat party liberal rule forced Taxpaying American Citizens to succumb to liberal "Political Correct Religion."  The "Political Correct Religion" is now firmly established as America’s new religion replacing Christianity.  The "Political Correct Religion" has been tactfully implemented over the past fifty years through social engineering.  Pure evidence of political correct engineering has been on display since 2020, as democrat party leaders enforced their power through hoaxed coronavirus mandates.  Mandates of "tyranny orders" forced unconstitutional social standards of living while overriding every taxpaying American's constitutional rights.

4th Exchange: Legislate and Remove Private Gun Ownership  
Never in American history has any president unconstitutionally sought to secure or ban citizens’ rights to bear arms.  Today such encroachment upon citizen constitutional right to bear arm is being forced through federal legislation and tyrant state government legislation.   2008, 2012 and 2020 democrat party deep state management confronts the U.S. Constitutional rights of Taxpaying American Citizens with a constant blitz blitz to dismantle the 2nd Amendment in order to discredit the original intent of power to the people.  History constantly alerts citizens of all nations how tyrannical and dictatorial tendencies will rise to restrict the individual citizen ability to bear arms.  
Such is the first sign that freedom and liberty is nearing an end in a country or nation. 

"We can't expect the American People to jump from Capitalism to Communism,
but we can assist their elected leaders in giving them small doses of Socialism,
until they awaken one day to find that they have Communism."
Quote by: Nikita Khrushchev /Premier of the Soviet Union

Control the media, control the money, control the people and control the guns is the signature of a communist country.  Always remember the difference between a “Free Man” and a “Slave;” a slave doesn't own a gun.   

-PRESIDENT TRUMP is the counter measure against everything the 2008, 2012 and 2020 vile anti-American democrat party deep state management system has erected.- 


United States Postal Service -DOUBLE RAPE


Taxpaying American Citizens must ready themselves for being "double rape" by U.S.P.S..  Yes, the reality of GUARANTEED scheduled  Postage Stamp PRICE INCREASE FOR THE FUTURE, and scheduled GUARANTEED GOVERNMENT BUDGET INCREASE for U.S.P.S. operation and management; DOUBLE RAPE $$...  How do they get away with such incalculable measures of bankrolling? 

One of the most easiest ways President Trump can set the precedence to cancel government waste and spending would be to reestablish the United States Postal Service.  Annually the U.S.P.S. proves to be a top tier government agency or so-called "private government agency" that blows away Taxpaying American Citizens' money with no respect to the taxpayer.  Without question everyone uses U.S.P.S. at some time in point in their communication, as such the U.S.P.S. is a guaranteed gold mine operation of the federal government.  Unfortunately that premise can not be further from the truth, although it should be truthful, but virtually impossible to be, due to contumacious postal management set on increased "paychecks" instead of lowering cost of postal products for Taxpaying American Citizens who are paying their salary. [amazing]  

Today's United States government can no longer hand out welfare checks to U.S.P.S. top management employees who are thoroughly abusing and wasting taxpayers money, while not bringing in a return of profit or lower cost of U.S.P.S. operations.  Since the 1980's 1990's and post 2000AD the U.S.P.S. have received the latest or newest plant operational machinery, facility equipment, transportation trucks and computerized automated 
Mail-Sorting Machines.   These added  annual invaluable integrates of the U.S.P.S. should easily be a part of making the U.S.P.S. a profit generating operation that could very well be contributing to a less costly postal stamp.  Sadly instead, today a first class stamp has a very near forecast of excelling beyond $1.00 [currently 73 cents/december 2024].  Think about it, a stamp, or rather a piece of paper that is less than an inch in diameter costing $1.00 buck or more before the year 2025 concludes.  

A simple question has been asked about the subvention of U.S.P.S. funding usage, whether such has been appropriately or inappropriately utilized?  How is it possible the price of a simple postage stamp cost $1.00/buck, while Taxpaying American Citizens pays billions to U.S.P.S. only to be charged daily an additional $1.00 or more for postal products?  Well, there are so many avenues to take that will lead you to an eye opening view of serious government waste of taxpayer money by U.S.P.S..  Unfortunately we don't have enough paper to write down all of the alignments of U.S.P.S. operational costs or sourced out contractual services cloaked in disguise for improved for U.S.P.S. operations. 

Here's a quick sample note: 

Lockheed Martin Wins $2.8 Million Contract from U.S. Postal Service to Build 20 Automatic Mail Tray Lidding Systems 

U.S. Postal Service awards $300M Automated Package Processing System to Lockheed Martin as a prime contractor. 

On Sept. 29, 1991, the United States Postal Service issued a $1.00 Olympics stamp (Scott 2539). to promote its sponsorship of the Winter and Summer Olympic Games.  Basically advertising for the Postal Service support of the Olympics. [total cost to Taxpaying American Citizens is unknown] 

September 14, 2020.... perfect example of how U.S.P.S. plays partisan politics by blaming President Trump for their lack of efficiency which causes more wasted taxpayer moneyNOTE: American Postal Workers Union filed a grievance against U.S.P.S. which coincided with new USPS cost-cutting measures—instituted by Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, whom President Donald Trump appointed postmaster general.  The American Postal Workers Union blame mail backlogs and delayed deliveries on President Trump's appointed Postmaster General Louis Dejoy.   The American Postal Workers Union grievance is coming just ahead of the 2020 general election in which the American Postal Workers Union blame the cost-cutting measures by Postmaster General Louis Dejoy will lead many Americans to vote by mail and could potentially affect the outcome of the election.... 

As such, the above example is about the most clear picture of taxpayer money being wasted because of lazy greedy unionized postal workers...

AND  NOW: Excerpt from ACB Newspaper International Editorial. 

Uncloaking the blatant and perfidious management of U.S.P.S. and how they have become an inefficient operation receiving inexhaustible amounts of Taxpaying American Citizens' money while with rape they make taxpayers pay for U.S.P.S. products that taxpayers have already paid for [U.S.P.S. total operational cost]. 


Considering the absorption value of a USPS "forever stamp" on the first day of sales, the "first" Forever Stamp went on sale in April 2007.  Every Taxpaying American Citizen should have been given an option to directly invest in it [forever stamp] as a shareholder, but such was not to be authorized by the USPS.  The intent of the "forever stamp" was to "fair out" the rising cost of first class stamps.  Yet today, after uncloaking the overall agenda of the USPS, they managed to cover up [cloak] destined “future shock" of scheduled price increase for first class mail.  


The underlining for USPS to increase postal costs on a first class mail stamp was also an extended act to increase price on other postal items, such as a post card, at will.  The simple creation of a "hoaxed fix cost" first class stamp [forever stamp] automatically allowed increase postal costs to shift to all postal products and formats; such as:

Military & Diplomatic Mail

First-Class Mail Flats (Large Envelopes)

First-Class Mail Letters


Prepaid Forever Priority Mail Flat Rate

Priority Mail Express

Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Envelope

USPS Ground Advantage

USPS Marketing Mail

In review, for the USPS to conjure up the "forever stamp" was an ingenious idea. 

As such an idea was to virtually create a "USPS GOLD MINT" without any competition to legally challenge their monopolization of selling to the public. 

Of course the internet's ability to offset the old "snail mail" communication format was considered as an effective way of voiding out costly USPS first class mail.  Unfortunately creators of internet media/communication services did not factor-in or equate the profitability performance of the "forever stamp."  Every internet media/communication service [email/website/text, etc…] can't increase the price of its communication service “at-will” like the USPS can.  It would be impossible for internet communication services to compete profitably with the forever stamp; all because the “forever stamp” can literally increase it product price without shame or concern of decline in customer sales. 

It's amazing that a product [forever stamp] can guarantee an increase in its price at any moment and remain highly sought after by the consumers.  Current USPS agenda is to automatically schedule a price increase for the “forever stamp,” with a scheduling of $1.00 [0.73cents/december 2025.  Look at the millions if not billions of "one dollar-forever stamps” passing through the USPS system on just one day.  Just think about it, the USPS is selling their very own "gold stamp" [forever stamp] in an equivalency of gold bars, gold coins and gold ingots, in the form of a gold stamp [forever stamp], but Taxpaying American Citizen can not be shareholders of this precious commodity.  Taxpaying American Citizens can only be assured of a "double rape," having to pay all of U.S.P.S. management and operational costs to produce the "gold stamp" and pay for the retail price of the "gold stamp. 



747-SUPERTANKER WATER FLEET or California Bullet Ghost Train



Dumb California taxpaying voters made the choice of spending $40 billion dollars [first estimated total cost in 2008] for a bullet train instead of selecting and voting to pay $40 billion to project a Fleet of 747 Supertankers Air-Tankers to fight guaranteed annual forest fires and vast terrain fires [2008-2024].  Not only did “dumb California taxpaying voters select $40 billion for a “bullet ghost train” to nowhere, they voted against spending $40 billion dollars for the much needed Desalination Water Plants along the California Pacific coastline.  The Desalination Water Plant projects are seriously needed and they are a guarantee for helping with guaranteed yearly water draughts throughout the state.  

Well, $40,000,000,000 bucks [$40 billion bucks] have converted into $135,000,000,000 dollars [$135 billion California taxpayer bucks] for a fantasy ghost bullet train that has yet to launch from San Francisco to Los Angeles.  The bullet train building-project started in 2008; it’s now 2024 and no train is in sight or close to any railroad tracks.

Therefore, how many 747-Supertanker Fleets designed for fighting forest fires could have been built and paid for since 2008?  The estimated cost in 2008 to convert a 747-Airliner into a 747-Supertanker was tagged at $30 million bucks [2008]. 

Knowing California has guaranteed annual forest fires with damage cost running close to $1,000,000,000,000 [$1 TRILLION DOLLARS] would serve as priority for California to purchase fleets of 747-Supertanker Aerial Firefighting Air-tankers.  The 747-Supertanker Aircraft is rated to carry up to 19,600 US gallons (74,000 L) of fire retardant or water. It is the largest aerial firefighting aircraft in the world. The Russian Ilyushin Il-76 Super Airtanker can only carry 11,000 US gallons (41,600 L).  

The average project cost TODAY to convert a 747-Airliner into a 747-Supertanker today [2024] is approximately $70 million per project.  How many 747-Supertankers can you get for $135 BILLION BUCKS???   

How many Desalination Water Plants along the California Pacific coastline could have been built since 2008 within the budget of $135 billion dollars? 

[$135,000,000,000]  One hundred and thirty five BILLION bucks on a ghost-bullet-train instead of building Desalination Plants on the California Pacific Coast to help offset guaranteed water draughts throughout the state should not be close choice.

Building a desalination plant requires major upfront capital investments, often totaling hundreds of millions.  Example:  

A 5 MGD plant would cost $12–18 million.

A 25 MGD plant estimate is $60–100 million.  

These high construction costs make seawater desalination one of the most expensive forms of freshwater production [humans need water and not a ghost-train]. However, once built, desalination can provide a drought-proof, climate resilient water supply over a plant’s 30–60 year lifetime.

NOW!  A question to dumb California taxpayers and their dumb governor Newsom:

HOW MANY  747-SUPERTANKER FLEETS and DESALINATION WATER PLANTS could have been built since 2008 with a combined budget of $135,000,000,000 [$135 BILLION DOLLARS]? 

MAJOR TIP FOR TODAY:  President Trump during his previous administration [2016] denied federal funding for California’s Bullet Ghost Train.  He stipulated that any federal funding should be directed at building Desalination Water Plants along the California coast line to help with droughts.  President Trump also suggested that California strategically place more Water Air Tankers around the state to fight forest fires.  

ON THE OTHER HAND,,,, the biden administration has given California over $3,000,000,000 [$3 BILLION DOLLARS] federal funds for its bullet train project.  



Republished from 2012 ACB Newspaper archives


Inaugural message to Idi Amin Hussein Obama from Democrat Party Voters and Black Plantation Voters:

Beat me with gestures of hope and promises that only fairy tales can produce and I’ll become as gullible and simple minded as you desire. Continue to beat and lash me with fallacies of great guarantees for life, and I will submit my soul for your control. Feed me with piles of vengeance and venomous revenge towards those who aspire more than I, and I will fight against them for you. Many say that you are not our Lord, but we will defend the dispensation of time for your messianic presence and crown you “Idi Amin Hussein Obama,” The Last King of America!

One hundred and fifty years ago America crossed over the gulf of uncertainty on January 1, 1863 under the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln.
President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free slaves [particularly African slaves] and end the subpar citizenry status they held. On the contrary one hundred and fifty years later on January 21, 2013 America inaugurates a dictatorial organizer “Idi Amin Hussein Obama” who commands African descendants to cross back over the gulf of uncertainty into the awaiting certainty of  poverty status under the enslavement tent of government welfare.

Reversing Emancipation Proclamation
So far under the dictatorship of “Idi Amin Hussein Obama” unemployment for African-so-called- Americas has risen to 16.7% and African-so-called-American youth unemployment has risen to over 46.5%. Not to be overlooked with repetitiveness but 45.8 million Americans are on food stamp assistance [15% of population]. Even more astonishing is 10.3 million African-so-called-Americana are on food stamp assistance. That equates to 28% of the 37 million African-so-called-Americans are on government assistance. Has Idi Amin Hussein Obama reversed the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln?

How could America fall prey to a despotic community thug aka "Idi Amin Hussein Obama? How is it possible or capable for America to prolong its prosperity when diametrical forces invade the U.S. government?  Why has the Republican Party allowed elite liberal globalist to implant and sponsor their very own King to rape and rule over American taxpaying citizens?  "King" Idi Amin Hussen Obam has been openly embolden by the democrat party to unleash unrestrained vengeance towards Conservative Americans; all because he's half black, negro, colored and caucasian.   This "King obama" is allowed to multitask undermining America's rule of law [U.S. Constitution] while hypnotizing the most dumbest populous in U.S. History to sit and watch with gullible ignorance the implementation of unconstitutional executive orders by a "King." 

When glancing through history there is one such nation other than the United States of America that foolishly and ignorantly chose to blindly follow an arrogant deceptive and despotic ruler; the nation of Uganda. Identical to the United States in gullibility the nation of Uganda elected, or for better, was forced to serve under the dictatorship of President Idi Amin Dada for eight years. Well, isn’t that interesting that America must serve the same amount of depressive time under Idi Amin Hussein Obama. But will America continue to be an ignorant populous and bend over the couch and let Idi Amin Hussein Obama perform an anal pounding on them while he seeks a second and third term in office?  [update] Well  that question has been answered [2020 dark president biden/obama].

Parallel Psychiatric Leadership
The question for today is what parallel characteristic do Idi Amin Dada of Uganda and Idi Amin Hussein Obama have in common?  A quick glance at identical psychiatric patterns of decision making by the two rulers should provide an answer:

a. Did not Idi Amin Dada order slaughtering of innocent people?
b. Did not Idi Amin Hussein Obama also approve the slaughtering of children through abortion?

a. Did not Idi Amin Dada order prosperous business owners to give up their wealth by mandating and enforcing the wealthy or business owners [Asians] turn over their business to government?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama ordered the same barbaric mandates in his public policies demanding wealthy business owners turn over their profit to the government?

a. Did not Idi Amin Dada replace Uganda currency with his picture-image currency?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama condoned the words “In God We Trust” be TAKEN OFF American currency?  Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama also condoned his picture on the American flag?

a. Did not Idi Amin Dada realign his faith with his Muslim religion?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama aligned himself with his Muslim teachings and favored confiding with his Muslim Brotherhood instead of consulting with Billy Graham? Also, has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama publicly taken offense to Christian Signs-Banners [communication] and Christian images in his public presence?

a. Did not Idi Amin Dada show his unfriendly and despise for Israel?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama blatantly disrespected and continue to ignore Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu?  Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama disrespected Israel and given support to Israel’s enemies through military armament and finance?

These are not just similar psychological waves between Idi Amin Dada and Idi Amin Hussein Obama, but they are mirror images of psychopath truths.

Recognizing a Fallen Capitalistic Nation

American Socialist Theme
“Ask not what you can do for your country, but ask your country when will your free monthly-stimulus check be mailed out" 

There are two diametrically opposed concepts of “life” and “living” existing in the United States of America today. More than half of America is dedicated to socialism and liberalism. The remaining lesser half of America continues to base its concept of life and living embedded in conservative values and capitalism. The two opposed lifestyles can never be equal in power to govern America or any society on the face of this earth. Therefore by the power invested in the current White House leadership of Idi Amin Hussein Obama a nonnegotiable mandate of socialism has been officially designated for America. In other words socialism and liberalism rule America today.

Dysfunctional Colored Nation
With all the hysterical anticipation surrounding America’s historical “Colored 2008 Presidential Election,” no one considered examining America’s actual social condition [mental condition].  What has evolved from the parameters of America's dysfunctional liberal ruled society is the pregnancy and birth of a mythological messiah [Idi Amin Hussein Obama]. So many people had been grumbling for a modern day “American Messiah” to unfold before their eyes. Finally they got their psychotic fantasy to come true, “Idi Amin Hussein Obama.”

During 2008, America’s culture and society permanently changed from a quasi conservative concept of lifestyle to living a mandated utopia liberal ideology lifestyle. The unfortunate historical 2008 event that took place in America was a picture perfect frame designed by old communist and socialist folklore [take over America].  By sculptured political design old communist elites [senior democrat party leaders] in America reframed the U.S. into a frail psychologically damaged society via using a black face [Ida Amin Hussein Obama] to front their anti-America agenda; and it worked. The addition of Idi Amin Hussein Obama was a twist in the political landscape.  Liberal elites of the democrat party  dictated and demanded that America must inaugurate a “colored president” [not a 'President"] to justify democracy in America. Without thinking about the consequences of electing a “colored president” instead of a “President,” America became pregnant through her fornication with communism, socialism and the new Political Correct Religion.  

The results of America’s fornication created a federal government embracing the ultimate liberal lifestyle of homosexuality, pedophile activity and transgender exchange as normal human structure.  All these new humankind obstructions are now enforced upon all Americans. The results so far and getting worse are the prompting acts of social injudiciousness within society at a rapid pace. The rapid social decline [lawlessness and depraved human values] in America kick started as soon as liberals and democrat party black plantation voters cast their ballots on November 4th 2008.  The democrat party and its debased liberal/black pawn voters experienced a spiritual axiom to see their mythological messiah [obama] rise on stage of CNN MSNBC ABC CBS PBS NPR NBC FOX to rule over them. 

The best sorcerers in America could not have conjured up a man child ruler to screw up America better than Idi Amin Hussein Obama.  No one in a million years would have guessed the spirit of Uganda's 1973 dictator Idi Amin Dada would evolve into Idi Amin Hussein Obama in 2008, but it did.  The long awaited communist folklore [take over America] finally birthed upon the shores of America as a liberal parasite [obama] was granted power to rule over America.  America's old nemesis and communist-hero “Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev” turned from side to side in his grave trying to dig out so that he could rise and join the celebration of  obama's inauguration.  

Inaugurating Revenge 
The characteristics and daily political diet of America’s Idi Amin Hussein Obama is composed of regurgitated liberal hate towards Conservatives and Christians.  Venomous liberal hate mingled with an  evil dispensation of having to recognize Conservatives and Christians unleashes daily strikes of poisonous venom bites upon Christians and Conservatives on liberal social media and national networks.  2008 was the well anticipated "coming out party" for liberalism and the destruction of capitalism.  After 60 years of laying the foundation of liberalism in public school education, university education and all levels of government [city, county, state, federal] finally paid off in 2008 for all socialist and communist parties in America.

The foundation of liberal-social engineering was established through a warped ideology of political correctness. With liberal-social engineering going unchecked for over sixty years the path of catastrophic social problems have easily become gross manifestations in America.  It is so easy today for the democrat party elite liberals and their global elite sponsored liberal national networks to broadcast pinpointed incommodious labels and blatant propaganda against Conservatives and Christians. It is a fact and not fiction that liberals have established a firm foundation and lock on America's society and economy.  Hitherto their [liberal] foundation has oozed out a liberal-communist-socialist leader and anointed him “Idi Amin Hussein Obama - The Last King of America.”

Since 2008 we have seen with our very own eyes the identical and perfect symptoms which plagued the nation of Uganda and the Guyana Jonestown Colony massacre.  The constant symptoms of unfaltering loyalty and unwavering allegiance of Americans worshipping “Idi Amin Hussein Obama” would make Jonestown's "Rev Jim Jones" envious and jealous of "The Last King of America."

One hundred and fifty years after President Lincoln’s forward of the Emancipation Proclamation we have a reversal of the Emancipation Proclamation.  Americans are going back into slavery under direct government rule of Idi Amin Hussein Obama - The Last King of America!"  2020 election allowed an unprecedented third term president to defy the U.S. Constitution; "Dark president biden/obama.