
RACE Meat Diet For White Liberals

History proves the effort by WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST to eradicate Confederate American History and families of KKK will only lead to real rivers of bloodshed never seen by the new age WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY populous and their absent minded black activist pawns.

There is a THIRD LAW OF PHYSICS that can never be changed; “FOR EVERY ACTION THERE’S AN EQUAL OR MORE OPPOSITE REACTION.” WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST had better take heed to this proven historical wisdom and warning.

President Trump may have been incorrect saying there was fault on both sides of the Charlottesville’s protest and anti-protest equation.  White supremacy is a fading fad in America. Today America must confront its real problem; "WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY."Regardless of the life philosophy of the KKK, they legally and rightly carried out their constitutional rights to LEGALLY protest. The WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST say the KKK shouldn't belong on the planet or in the United States of America. If the KKK must be ousted or eradicated from the American populous then so should illegal mexicans who flash their arrogant unlawful daily presence in our face. Not only should illegal mexicans be dismissed from America immediately but their distant genetic muslim “cousins” who dare not to denounce their family members that conduct terrorist acts in America and world wide. 

If put in proper perspective the KKK has only done the same thing they’ve always done in the past, obtain legal permit to protest.  They have always had the legal right to march or have legal protest assemblies. What has been added to the equation of social unrest and obligatory social reversal of selective civil rights is how the “WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY populous” has conquered the American society.

The problem in Charlottesville Virginia and Durham North Carolina is not the KKK, for we know all about the KKK life philosophy and surely white liberal networks and press are well beyond being endowed with knowledge of this American populous for decades. The problem in Charlottesville Virginia and Durham North Carolina is the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY populous are working under white hooded sheets of social media and while being protected by MSNBC CNN PBS NPR CBS NBC ABC tatt....   They speak loud call outs of false freedom and unlimited liberty propaganda via their POLITICAL CORRECT RELIGION.  Under careful observance we find the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY populous have the same characteristics and demeanor of their kinfolks [KKK].  They have a much more innate evil spirit of hate while waving the banner of having the legal right to protest in a violent manner.  Contrarily their close kinfolks the KKK have learned to restrain from violent behavior.  Isn't it interesting that WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY groups go completely against what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached and taught America [non-violence]. while their cousins the KKK adhere to what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. taught.....

Contrary to WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY "POLITICAL CORRECT RELIGION," it seems as though the KKK has learned a little bit of common sense from their estrange tutor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to apply the non-violent tactic approach in voicing their opinion. Unfortunately the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY groups across America have said “To Hell With Non-Violence.”  By default you would think the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY protesting groups would have a significant intelligent advancement approach to deliver their anger and dismay at any person or for sure any Conservative.   Why isn't there a looming question hovering over the heads of the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY activist about their hunger and desire to physically confront and do harm to those that oppose them? Only mainstream national liberal networks NBC CNN ABC CBS PBS NPR MSNBC can offer an answer, since liberal mainstream networks issue marching orders to their beloved  WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY movement against America.

There is no need to regurgitate the same old synopsis of the “1960’s Martin Luther King Jr. civil rights movement.”  America definitely don't need young WHITE LIBERAL PUNKS and brain washed black activists to advise America on civil rights and justice for all.  At some time and point there will rise up real Americans to body slam these irritating and agitating WHITE LIBERAL FOOLS to the floor.  Maybe then will these superficial know-it-all fools come to grips that we don’t live in a perfect society and we never will be able to if they're in it with us.  Any rational human across the globe know the world isn't perfect. 

Take note of how White Liberal Supremacist have totally abused utopian-driven-black-pawn-voters.  Black-Pawn-Voters submit to their WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST leaders with total failure to comprehend white liberal's mission is to rewrite American History and void out the history Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. established for a color blind society.  Black pawn voters are totally ludicrous in believing that WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST leaders are capable of creating a real utopia in America void of economic pressure.  Black pawn voters believe that WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST leaders can deliver civil rights and social justice to every so-called black person or minority.   Freedom, Freedom and freedom to do whatever a person wants to do, regardless if it infringes upon another person's Constitutional Rights.   “Just stupid, simply stupid for any level minded human to believe problems can be solved by wishing them away while "high on drugs."  

A perfect society can never exist upon this earth because; "Where ever THERE ARE PEOPLE there you will find problems;” history has proven this for thousands of years. In addition to this TRUTH; “Where ever you find MORE PEOPLE you will certainly find MORE PROBLEMS,” history has proven this for thousands of years also.

Main stream liberal networks and local liberal controlled news stations leaped upon Charlottesville and Durham events with suffocating propaganda declaring it  as the best piece of “FRESH MEAT MEDIA” they've had in a long time; 

Race Meat-Race Meat-Race Lets Eat!. It’s possible I’m the dumbest person in America but it’s also possible that you could be the dumbest person in America also. BUT our basic comprehension of U.S. Constitutional laws dictates the KKK having the right to peaceful protest and lawful assembly regardless of their life philosophy without being disturbed. Do WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST lesbians and homosexuals males have the same rights as the KKK, well yes, that’s been proven very well since 2008 in America.

WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY has had the right to flaunt their immoral anti-pro-creation life philosophy via public acts and protests through campaign after campaign illegal protests. They ensure the public is well aware of their life philosophy, "males prodding their penis into another male’s anal cavity and females using their tongues to lick on another female’s vagina or anal cavity."  Such suppose to be private human activity is now openly approved through daily liberal media network television programming and actual public city parades [San Francisco]. Did you not know such WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY life philosophy is now being normalized in public school learning K-12th grade?

America would have never thought or envisioned a KKK flag flown on the White House lawn, surely this is a truth. But for truth and consequences we have been forced to not only see the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY homosexual flag flown at the white house, but we've been forced to see the White House vividly draped and camouflaged with the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY homosexual flag on the entire White House building at night for everyone in the world to see.  We can't leave out WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY little black cousins [by social marriage] “Black Lives Matter” group having their flag to be flown at the White House too.  

For black socialist pawns to act out their stupidity with their WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY buddies the question is, why didn't their fearless leader of 2008-2016 fly the “Black Lives Matter” flag on the White House lawn or have it camouflaged over the White House at night?  

On their laundry list of eradication from America is the Christian Faith. 

Interestingly the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY movement has not developed the tenacity to attack muslims who will literally blow up any 
WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY high school or university [aka any public elementary school, high school or university]. This proves the cheap cowardice and true intent of WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST activist to redundantly attack a problem that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has already handled, exposed and solved. 

There is a cap on how far the KKK life philosophy can go forward in America, and this has been proven over the past decades. Unfortunately there is currently no cap on WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY life philosophy of males prodding males in the anal cavity and females licking on females vagina in public schools and universities.

Situation comprehension clearly lays out that If the KKK had been given the opportunity to carry out their legal protest assembly [Charlottesville Virginia and Durham North Carolina] without being confronted by angry, hateful, mean-spirited WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST and  their tag-along black civil rights buddies and black pawn voters there would have been no continuing news of violence for white liberal network media to feed upon. But instead as usual the coordinated effort of WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY groups joined by misguided black post-civil rights pawns proves the point of deliberate agitation on the part of WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST to attack the legal KKK assembly.

Four features of America’s malignant social mental health were clearly on display in Charlottesville Virginia and Durham North Carolina.

First are WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY groups combined with mentally-stained-civil-rights blacks demanding their rights to combat freedom-of-speech issued to the KKK, and block the rights of legally assembled KKK participants.

Second, the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY   protesters clearly wanted a physical confrontation dual with the legal assembly of the KKK, as exhibited by the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY group desire to be as close proximity to the KKK.

Third, the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY protesters psychological honing was to forward an irate mental disposition to eradicate a part of American History by destroying the “Old Joe” statue.

Fourth, how can the United States of America allow WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY sects dismantle American History before our eyes and replace it with retarded made up history which try’s to depict a false feel-good import of unreal American reality.

The legal KKK assembly protest was an inadvertent action to wake up America to the underlining of WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY “POLITICAL CORRECT RELIGION" gone mad.”   As WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST craft ways to try and erase actual American History [the Confederate America] we inadvertently uncover their viciousness. In all honesty the KKK's assembly was simply trying to protect their part of American culture, history and their American life philosophy which was paid in full by their ancestors blood spilled into the ground of this nation.  If cerebral depleted white liberals and absent minded post-black-civil rights activist are allowed to dismantle the truth of American History, then America is in direct danger of being eradicated from actual History.  As such if allowed to happen, then the history of the United States of America will be converted to WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY HISTORY OF AMERICA.


The KKK culture and life philosophy can never be removed from America, they are a part of our history and always will be a part of our history.  The problem that exist today is the current generation of WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY. If white liberals and their black activist pawns were smart they would leave the KKK alone and let them live according to their life philosophy. But today it seems as though white liberals and black activist pawns decry the existence of women, children and men of KKK life philosophy and mandate they be eliminated from the American populous. Such is the ULTIMATE IGNORANCE of human expression that is grafted into the heart of WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY participants

The WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACY life philosophy has advanced beyond the KKK life philosophy of separation of cultures. The world will always have an order of separate cultures because there is no such capability to create a master utopian [We Are The World As One].   Although the WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST would falsely promote such garbage, and many fools buy into it; but as “Rodney King” would say, "we can all still get alone regardless of our differences."   The WHITE LIBERAL SUPREMACIST thinks contrary and demand everyone cater to their mad-life philosophy.  

Dr BearClayborn -Political Psychiatrist http://bit.ly/1St7jNl ACB Newspaper International

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