

America; Common Sense Challenged!

Anyone with an ounce of common sense should know that this earth was created long before you and I were ever thought of, and this earth will be in existence long after we all die. Science is science and myth is myth, but when you couple the two together you develop a religion known as "Global Warming."

Two Super Powers Colliding!
Global warming propaganda has added a whole new threat to the world's fragile peace. Global warming propaganda allied with extreme Islamic terrorist activity creates a volatile world climate. The reason being is that the Islamic terrorist want to control the world and dictate our life; but guess what, so does the global warming promoters and environmental authorities likewise. 

Common Sense Denied!
It is almost impossible to combat or explain with common sense to gullible clones of global warming that there is no global warming! Those of us with normal cerebral reflexes should be aware of those who've latched onto the global warming religion. Global warming is of the mind and imagination of humans who have been brainwashed to absorb a lie rather than the truth.

Little god's Of The Earth!
You must understand that humans and particularly humans of American habitat want to believe in some supernatural power that they can see. Global warming elitist management led by Al Gore have produced a fictional supernatural power within the minds of America's socially engineered youth and liberal elders. These young and old liberals believe they have the power to change or control this earth's climate by their suggestive intellect. In a fantasy world yes they can, but in the real world no they can't! As humans, the only thing we can do is control our sanitary measures and make sure that we don't irresponsibly pass on a disease or bacteria infection to one another. But to control the creation that we did not create is a mental disorder.

Psychotic Liberals Dictate How The Planet Turns in Space!
We do not have power over volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, meteorites, comets, asteroids or sun spots. All of these astronomical elements of power were created by God Almighty which is not a fantasy, but there are those who would differ. Unfortunately those that do differ are the ones that believe they are god's of this earth and demand you submit to their environmental directives without question. Such as we have today in America, power thirsty environmentalist supported by very wealthy LSD liberals [democrat party elites] who are putting forth a fantasized agenda of controlling the earth's climate.

Don't Forget; Liberals Love Money Too!
There are two objectives that must be met by the global warming elitist and environmental power of authority; those objectives are to push forward an insane ideology that populous gullible minds will accept, and secondly but primarily establish and control a new commerce [liberal's get rich green scheme]. They are willing to destroy our current industrial and manufacturing commerce and replace it with so called "green industries." There is no such thing as "green" anything, because all the global warming hype is just a hoax. The only thing green is what God has made, and that's more green than we'll ever need.

The 2008-2016 Manchurian Candidate Was Not A Hoax!
The American voting populous must watch and beware of the perpetual unfolding of liberals and the democrat party ruthlessly placing decade after decade of climate change destroying the earth.  Their political marketing is designed to install fear of the global warming hoax in order for them to capitalize on a manufactured economic disaster, based purely on a scamming climate fear fallacy. 

It is illiterate for any nation or country to base their economy on an imaginary hoax of fear. To add insult to injury the American 2008-2016 Manchurian Candidate and Vice President Joe Biden were paid handsomely to enforce and oversee the so-called new green commerce agenda, which is literally based on fear.  2008-2016 Manchurian Candidate and Vice President Biden dismissed any adherence to common sense concerns of real Americans.  Reason being is because their liberal elite financiers [George Soros, Filthy Rich Liberal Hollywood Activist, Democrat Party Elites] forbade them to do so. 

The results of the 2008-2016 Manchurian Candidate and Vice President Joe Biden having incontestable power to force a continuing false narrative of global warming "science hoax" continues to baffle America today.  The climate change hoax has been implanted into every voting adolescent adult's mind.  Technology enhanced communication [smart phone, iphone, ipads, note pads, laptops, etc...] has taken command of the young populous.  This has been done by not allowing them the ability to reason and reconcile information independently.  Simply put, young adolescent adults in America don't have the ability to research and gauge actual historical truths.  You can blame liberal public schools in America for their regressed [brainwashed] comprehension towards cyphering.  To wit, they are force so easily into believing glorified fake video graphics of made up global warming forecasts that display hypnotizing color enhancements to control their mind. 

The young generation of voters have failed to research and investigate for themselves the alerts that have been given down through decades to beware of old regurgitated global warming propaganda.  Contrarily the results are unfortunate today, technology has bolstered the liberal "climate change hoax" to be easily incubated and engraved into the cerebral cortex of today's impressionable voting adolescent adults, and gullible teenagers in Americans.   That's the dilemma today in America, the daily delivery of ongoing "fake news" and ongoing "climate hoax."  

Every decade liberals create a "SCIENCE HOAX" designed to be funded by taxpayers, in order that liberals can get rich quick, at the expense of hard working American taxpayers.

Dr Bear Clayborn
Political Psychiatrist


Democrat Party Graduates America into Socialism


From 2008 to 2020 the Democrat Party has incubated socialism/communism management operations into the U.S. government.  President Biden was the last Manchurian Candidate needed to complete the socialist/communist agenda.  The first Manchurian Candidate to incubate socialism/communism management into U.S. government operations was Muslim Hussein Obama.  Unfortunately Americans have been too dumb and gullible to notice their constitutional rights evaporating from their society. 

Here's a short synopsis of how Americans are lacking in knowledge the difference between capitalism and communism.  As noted previously the democrat party has deliberately abandoned the constitutional foundation of the nation, in order to plant their ruling control of socialism/communism.

The original United States Republic [1776] is based on four principles:

#1 there is a Real God

#2 individuals have rights from God

#3 there is self government to protect those rights

#4 the U.S. Constitution is built on those rights

The foundation of Democratic Communism is based upon the theories and writings of Karl Marx, Josef Stalin [Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili] and Lenin [Vladimir llyich Ulyanov] which has the following postulate:

#1 there is no God

#2 men have no rights [only commune issue rights]

#3 the State is all [controls everything]

#4 there is no truth

Now tell me, which set of life philosophy or societal governing describes the ruling democrat party in America?  Remember, the democrat party removed all reference to “God” from their 2012, 2016 and 2020 platform of principal core beliefs.  In summation, America today is as far from God than Russia is as far from God.


Under the U.S. Constitution the government works as a Republic [not a Democracy] operating in a “Capitalistic” society “Free Market” system.  Since 2008 the United States of America has been forced to transition from a capitalistic society to a quasi socialist/communist manner of management.  The transition is all due to a “single political party power rule” [democrat party] which forced its ruling socialist agenda and political authority upon gullible young adolescent adult voters and illegal foreign voters. 


From 2008 to 2024 the democrat party will be responsible for dismantling America from a republic-capitalistic society to an official socialist/communist management operation ruling over the people.  Inevitably the transformation of America from capitalism to socialist/communist management will crash the U.S. economy.  As the 2020 administration implements welfare entitlements to over 50% of the population under its socialist/communist management the monetary system will collapse.   Simply put, overwhelming economics will suffocate under an astronomical national debt that can never be reduced by way of any socialist or communist management.   


DEMOCRAT PARTY "One Drop Black Blood Rule"

The Democrat Party of 2021 are proud sponsors of CLOAKED RACISM. 
They've mastered this art of deception over the past  decades, or rather the past two centuries.  BUT let's be fair in bringing this conclusive answer into the public eye.  Consider this,  always produce legitimate research information when formulating a final and damning result.  Hereto we find indisputable historical facts every American should know, especially democrat voters.

In this brief historical disclosure you'll notice I've correctly changed and reclassified the identification of "blacks" to FDA's or GOA's.  In all truthful actuality "black" is nothing but a crayon color.  It's past time for the dominating white liberal [caucasian liberal] to stop insulting Americans [If they are Americans] by calling them blacks, negroes, colored people and labeling them African Americans.  

93% of "so-called blacks" in America don't have a trace of "family history" linking them to the continent of Africa.  Ask any so-called "black" if they know their uncle or cousin in Africa and you'll get an honest answer of NO!  As a matter of fact you'll offend any black with that question.  Now don't be confused because there are actually real Africans who have moved to America within the past fifty years who can directly identify with straight blood line relatives living in Africa today.   

For a simple majority of "blacks" today in America they are simply far distant descendants of Africa, really really really far distant.   This is because their blood line has been totally diffused by other blood lines that are not of African ancestry.  Therefore they are correctly identified as FDA's {FAR DESCENDANTS OF AFRICA, or SDA's Simple DESCENDANTS OF AFRICA}.  Accordingly the most definitive description of those who are not American caucasians finely fit the human origin of "PRIME MERIDIAN EAST." But so does all original groups of people who settled in early America unless they are descendants of American Indian; "PRIME MERIDIAN WEST" habitants. 

We can not dismiss the other under majority of so-called-blacks in America whose blood line does not originate from Africa but of another priority blood line [Russian, Mexican, Italian, Japanese, French, German, etc.....].  The under majority of "so-called-blacks" don't dare identify themselves or attach themselves to the priority race based on skin tone.  

Remember, America is still a young stupid country that continues to base race on skin tone color.  Such is what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought and died for, in order for America not to depend on identifying a person's skin color.   In accordance we carry out Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s building block for America by correctly identify people by ancestry not color.   America has a combined ancestry of many people.  These ancestries evolved from other than Africa, but these ancestries have intertwined with each others easily identifiable blood line.  Commonly the chemistry portion [dna] from Africa has assimilated with other chemistry portions [dna] German, Vietnamese, French, etc...  Therefore any are properly aligned and identified GFA {GENETICS FAR OF AFRICA, or SGA's SIMPLE  GENETICS OF AFRICA} do not fit the mold of being called "black."

FDA's and GFA's are simply to be known as AFRIGENs {modern century approach to identification}.  The sad part of this genetic disclosure is that African descendants or African genetics have been brainwashed or propagandize into believing erroneously of themselves as a "color black."  These "color black" people unfortunately have a  comprehension and false biological assessment of an old pre-civil war identification of Prime Meridian East descendants that "one drop of black blood makes them black."  Such ignorance deters them form grasping their true genetic mixture of various cultures.  

YOU'RE BLACK BECAUSE WE TELL YOU'RE BLACK: according to liberals and the democrat party in America.

Let's take a serious analysis of how Democrats and the Democrat Party sewed racism into the American culture with the "One Drop Rule" [one drop of black blood] which is clearly racist.


Americans could not properly assess Barack Dunham mixed genealogy.  Whites and blacks were perplexed about how Barack Dunham should he be referred to; should he be “black” or “mixed race”? 

The reason many call him “black” can be traced back to the “one-drop” rule. This refers to a series of racist laws passed across America in the early twentieth century, which dictated that any person with as little as “one drop” of “black blood” were to be classified as legally “black”, thereby restricting their rights and entitlements within society. As a result, all people of biracial ancestry had their European ancestry DISCOUNTED involuntarily... 

The fiction that Africans possessed a separate blood group to whites was used to explain differences in physical appearance, behavior and culture. The rule was first passed into law in Tennessee in 1910, and was then rapidly adopted across other states.

Although the restrictions were finally abolished by the late 1960s, their original classifications remain very much in use today, despite their roots in racism.  While it has been relatively straightforward to reverse the law, it has not been so easy to reverse culture mentality— and so, people of mixed or biracial heritage are still considered by liberals, democrats and the Democrat Party as “black”.... Vanessa Williams, Tiger Woods, etc...

Back to more facts

Fact: The Republican Party was founded primarily to oppose slavery, and Republicans eventually abolished slavery. The Democratic Party fought them and tried to maintain and expand slavery. The 13th Amendment, abolishing slavery, passed in 1865 with 100% Republican support but only 23% Democrat support in congress.

Why is this indisputable fact so rarely mentioned? PBS documentaries about slavery and the Civil War barely mention it, for example. One can certainly argue that the parties have changed in 150 years (more about that below), but that does not change the historical fact that it was the Democrats who supported slavery and the Republicans who opposed it. And that indisputable fact should not be airbrushed out for fear that it will tarnish the modern Democratic Party.

Had the positions of the parties been the opposite, and the Democrats had fought the Republicans to end slavery, the historical party roles would no doubt be repeated incessantly in these documentaries.  Trust me on this one. 

Fact: During the Civil War era, the "Radical Republicans" were given that name because they wanted to not only end slavery but also to endow the freed slaves with full citizenship, equality, and rights.

These cold hard true facts are very hard for America blacks or I should say American FDA's [indirect FAR DESCENDANTS OF AFRICA to swallow bit.ly/1wXkuK2 .  Why is this so hard for FDA's to comprehend?  Simple; they've been clearly brainwashed by the Democrat Party since the early times of culture racism in America.  That's the cold hard fact, even for today in 2017 it's so true to form. 

Fact: Lincoln's Vice President, Andrew Johnson, was a strongly pro-Union (but also pro-slavery) Democrat who had been chosen by Lincoln as a compromise running mate to attract Democrats. After Lincoln was assassinated, Johnson thwarted Republican efforts in Congress to recognize the civil rights of the freed slaves, and Southern Democrats continued to thwart any such efforts for close to a century.

Fact: The 14th Amendment, giving full citizenship to freed slaves, passed in 1868 with 94% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress. The 15th Amendment, giving freed slaves the right to vote, passed in 1870 with 100% Republican support and 0% Democrat support in congress.

Regardless of what has happened since then, shouldn't we be grateful to the Republicans for these Amendments to the Constitution? And shouldn't we remember which party stood for freedom and which party fiercely opposed it?

Fact: The Ku Klux Klan was originally and primarily an arm of the Southern Democratic Party. Its mission was to terrorize freed slaves and "ni**er-loving" (their words) Republicans who sympathized with them.

Why is this fact conveniently omitted in so many popular histories and depictions of the KKK, including PBS documentaries? Had the KKK been founded by Republicans, that fact would no doubt be repeated constantly on those shows.

Fact: In the 1950s, President Eisenhower, a Republican, integrated the US military and promoted civil rights for minorities. Eisenhower pushed through the Civil Rights Act of 1957. One of Eisenhower's primary political opponents on civil rights prior to 1957 was none other than Lyndon Johnson, then the Democratic Senate Majority Leader. LBJ had voted the straight segregationist line until he changed his position and supported the 1957 Act.

Fact: The historic Civil Rights Act of 1964 was supported by a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress. In the House, 80 percent of the Republicans and 63 percent of the Democrats voted in favor. In the Senate, 82 percent of the Republicans and 69 percent of the Democrats voted for it.

Fact: Contrary to popular misconception, the parties never "switched" on racism. The Democrats just switched from overt racism to a subversive strategy of getting blacks as dependent as possible on government to secure their votes. At the same time, they began a cynical smear campaign to label anyone who opposes their devious strategy as greedy racists.

Following the epic civil rights struggles of the 1960s, the South began a major demographic shift from Democratic to Republican dominance. Many believe that this shift was motivated by racism. While it is certainly true that many Southern racists abandoned the Democratic Party over its new support for racial equality and integration, the notion that they would flock to the Republican Party -- which was a century ahead of the Democrats on those issues -- makes no sense whatsoever.

Yet virtually every liberal, when pressed on the matter, will inevitably claim that the parties "switched," and most racist Democrats became Republicans! In their minds, this historical ju jitsu maneuver apparently transfers all the past sins of the Democrats (slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, etc.) onto the Republicans and all the past virtues of the Republicans (e.g., ending slavery) onto the Democrats! That's quite a feat!

It is true that Barry Goldwater's opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 probably attracted some racist Democrats to the Republican Party. However, Goldwater was not a racist -- at least not an overt racist like so many Southern Democrats of the time, such as George Wallace and Bull Connor. He publicly professed racial equality, and his opposition to the 1964 Act was based on principled grounds of states rights. In any case, his libertarian views were out of step with the mainstream, and he lost the 1964 Presidential election to LBJ in a landslide.

But Goldwater's opposition to the 1964 Civil Rights Act provided liberals an opening to tar the Republican Party as racist, and they have tenaciously repeated that label so often over the years that it is now the conventional wisdom among liberals.  But it is really nothing more than an unsubstantiated myth -- a convenient political lie.  If the Republican Party was any more racist than the Democratic Party even in 1964, why did a higher percentage of Republicans than Democrats in both houses of Congress vote for the 1964 Civil Rights Act? The idea that Goldwater's vote on the 1964 Civil Rights Act trumps a century of history of the Republican Party is ridiculous, to say the least.

Every political party has its racists, but the notion that Republicans are more racist than Democrats or any other party is based on nothing more than a constant drumbeat of unsubstantiated innuendo and assertions by Leftists, constantly echoed by the liberal media. It is a classic example of a Big Lie that becomes "true" simply by virtue of being repeated so many times.

A more likely explanation for the long-term shift from Democratic to Republican dominance in the South was the perception, fair or not, that the Democratic Party had rejected traditional Christian religious values and embraced radical secularism. That includes its hard line support for abortion, its rejection of prayer in public schools, its promotion of the gay agenda, and many other issues.

In the 1960s the Democratic Party changed its strategy for dealing with African Americans [FDA's].  Thanks to earlier Republican initiatives on civil rights, blatant racial oppression was no longer a viable political option. Whereas before that time Southern Democrats had overtly and proudly segregated and terrorized blacks [FDA's], the national Democratic Party decided instead to be more subtle and get them as dependent on government as possible. As LBJ so elegantly put it (in a famous moment of candor that was recorded for posterity), "I'll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years." At the same time, the Democrats started a persistent campaign of lies and innuendo, falsely equating any opposition to their welfare state with racism.

From a purely cynical political perspective, the Democratic strategy of black
dependence  [FDA'shas been extremely effective. LBJ knew exactly what he was doing. African Americans [FDA's] routinely vote well over 90 percent Democratic for fear that Republicans will cut their government benefits and welfare programs. And what is the result? Before LBJ's Great Society welfare programs, the black [FDA's] illegitimacy rate was as low as 23 percent, but now it has more than tripled to 72 percent.

Most major American city governments have been run by liberal Democrats for decades, and most of those cities have large black [FDA'ssections that are essentially dysfunctional anarchist Cities like Detroit are overrun by gangs and drug dealers, with burned out homes on every block in some areas. The land values are so low due to crime, blight, and lack of economic opportunity that condemned homes are not even worth rebuilding. Who wants to build a home in an urban war zone? Yet they keep electing liberal Democrats -- and blaming "racist" Republicans for their problems!

Washington DC is another city that has been dominated by liberal Democrats for decades. It spends more per capital on students than almost any other city in the world, yet it has some of the worst academic achievement anywhere and is a drug-infested hellhole. Barack Hussein Dunham Obama would never had sent his precious daughters to a DC public schools, but the hypocrisy comes clear in that he assured America that DC public schools were good enough for everyone, but not his children. In fact,
Barack Hussein Dunham Obama was instrumental in killing a popular and effective school voucher program in DC, effectively killing hopes for many poor black [FDA'sfamilies trapped in those dysfunctional public schools. Barrack Hussein Dunham Obama allegiance to the teachers unions apparently trumps his concern for poor black [FDA's] families.

A strong argument could also be made that Democratic support for perpetual affirmative action is racist.  It is, after all, the antithesis of Martin Luther King's dream of a color-blind society. Not only is it "reverse racism," but it is based on the premise that African Americans [FDA'sare incapable of competing in the free market on a level playing field. In other words, it is based on the notion of white supremacy, albeit "benevolent" white supremacy rather than the openly hostile white supremacy of the pre-1960s Democratic Party.

The next time someone claims that Republicans are racist and Democrats are not, don't fall for it, just look at them like they're crazy.

Recommended Reading

POISONED COLORS  http://amzn.to/XPxIKv  
by  Dr BearClayborn - Political Psychiatrist
Video bit.ly/1c7yyGG

Back to Basics for the Republican Party by Michael Zak

Wrong on Race: The Democratic Party's Buried Past by Bruce Bartlett
