
Democrat Party Graduates America into Socialism


From 2008 to 2020 the Democrat Party has incubated socialism/communism management operations into the U.S. government.  President Biden was the last Manchurian Candidate needed to complete the socialist/communist agenda.  The first Manchurian Candidate to incubate socialism/communism management into U.S. government operations was Muslim Hussein Obama.  Unfortunately Americans have been too dumb and gullible to notice their constitutional rights evaporating from their society. 

Here's a short synopsis of how Americans are lacking in knowledge the difference between capitalism and communism.  As noted previously the democrat party has deliberately abandoned the constitutional foundation of the nation, in order to plant their ruling control of socialism/communism.

The original United States Republic [1776] is based on four principles:

#1 there is a Real God

#2 individuals have rights from God

#3 there is self government to protect those rights

#4 the U.S. Constitution is built on those rights

The foundation of Democratic Communism is based upon the theories and writings of Karl Marx, Josef Stalin [Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili] and Lenin [Vladimir llyich Ulyanov] which has the following postulate:

#1 there is no God

#2 men have no rights [only commune issue rights]

#3 the State is all [controls everything]

#4 there is no truth

Now tell me, which set of life philosophy or societal governing describes the ruling democrat party in America?  Remember, the democrat party removed all reference to “God” from their 2012, 2016 and 2020 platform of principal core beliefs.  In summation, America today is as far from God than Russia is as far from God.


Under the U.S. Constitution the government works as a Republic [not a Democracy] operating in a “Capitalistic” society “Free Market” system.  Since 2008 the United States of America has been forced to transition from a capitalistic society to a quasi socialist/communist manner of management.  The transition is all due to a “single political party power rule” [democrat party] which forced its ruling socialist agenda and political authority upon gullible young adolescent adult voters and illegal foreign voters. 


From 2008 to 2024 the democrat party will be responsible for dismantling America from a republic-capitalistic society to an official socialist/communist management operation ruling over the people.  Inevitably the transformation of America from capitalism to socialist/communist management will crash the U.S. economy.  As the 2020 administration implements welfare entitlements to over 50% of the population under its socialist/communist management the monetary system will collapse.   Simply put, overwhelming economics will suffocate under an astronomical national debt that can never be reduced by way of any socialist or communist management.   

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