America; Common Sense Challenged!
Anyone with an ounce of common sense should know that this earth was created long before you and I were ever thought of, and this earth will be in existence long after we all die. Science is science and myth is myth, but when you couple the two together you develop a religion known as "Global Warming."
Two Super Powers Colliding!
Global warming propaganda has added a whole new threat to the world's fragile peace. Global warming propaganda allied with extreme Islamic terrorist activity creates a volatile world climate. The reason being is that the Islamic terrorist want to control the world and dictate our life; but guess what, so does the global warming promoters and environmental authorities likewise.
Common Sense Denied!
It is almost impossible to combat or explain with common sense to gullible clones of global warming that there is no global warming! Those of us with normal cerebral reflexes should be aware of those who've latched onto the global warming religion. Global warming is of the mind and imagination of humans who have been brainwashed to absorb a lie rather than the truth.

Little god's Of The Earth!
You must understand that humans and particularly humans of American habitat want to believe in some supernatural power that they can see. Global warming elitist management led by Al Gore have produced a fictional supernatural power within the minds of America's socially engineered youth and liberal elders. These young and old liberals believe they have the power to change or control this earth's climate by their suggestive intellect. In a fantasy world yes they can, but in the real world no they can't! As humans, the only thing we can do is control our sanitary measures and make sure that we don't irresponsibly pass on a disease or bacteria infection to one another. But to control the creation that we did not create is a mental disorder.
Psychotic Liberals Dictate How The Planet Turns in Space!
We do not have power over volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, meteorites, comets, asteroids or sun spots. All of these astronomical elements of power were created by God Almighty which is not a fantasy, but there are those who would differ. Unfortunately those that do differ are the ones that believe they are god's of this earth and demand you submit to their environmental directives without question. Such as we have today in America, power thirsty environmentalist supported by very wealthy LSD liberals [democrat party elites] who are putting forth a fantasized agenda of controlling the earth's climate.
Don't Forget; Liberals Love Money Too!
There are two objectives that must be met by the global warming elitist and environmental power of authority; those objectives are to push forward an insane ideology that populous gullible minds will accept, and secondly but primarily establish and control a new commerce [liberal's get rich green scheme]. They are willing to destroy our current industrial and manufacturing commerce and replace it with so called "green industries." There is no such thing as "green" anything, because all the global warming hype is just a hoax. The only thing green is what God has made, and that's more green than we'll ever need.
The 2008-2016 Manchurian Candidate Was Not A Hoax!
The American voting populous must watch and beware of the perpetual unfolding of liberals and the democrat party ruthlessly placing decade after decade of climate change destroying the earth. Their political marketing is designed to install fear of the global warming hoax in order for them to capitalize on a manufactured economic disaster, based purely on a scamming climate fear fallacy.
You must understand that humans and particularly humans of American habitat want to believe in some supernatural power that they can see. Global warming elitist management led by Al Gore have produced a fictional supernatural power within the minds of America's socially engineered youth and liberal elders. These young and old liberals believe they have the power to change or control this earth's climate by their suggestive intellect. In a fantasy world yes they can, but in the real world no they can't! As humans, the only thing we can do is control our sanitary measures and make sure that we don't irresponsibly pass on a disease or bacteria infection to one another. But to control the creation that we did not create is a mental disorder.
Psychotic Liberals Dictate How The Planet Turns in Space!
We do not have power over volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, meteorites, comets, asteroids or sun spots. All of these astronomical elements of power were created by God Almighty which is not a fantasy, but there are those who would differ. Unfortunately those that do differ are the ones that believe they are god's of this earth and demand you submit to their environmental directives without question. Such as we have today in America, power thirsty environmentalist supported by very wealthy LSD liberals [democrat party elites] who are putting forth a fantasized agenda of controlling the earth's climate.
Don't Forget; Liberals Love Money Too!
There are two objectives that must be met by the global warming elitist and environmental power of authority; those objectives are to push forward an insane ideology that populous gullible minds will accept, and secondly but primarily establish and control a new commerce [liberal's get rich green scheme]. They are willing to destroy our current industrial and manufacturing commerce and replace it with so called "green industries." There is no such thing as "green" anything, because all the global warming hype is just a hoax. The only thing green is what God has made, and that's more green than we'll ever need.
The 2008-2016 Manchurian Candidate Was Not A Hoax!
The American voting populous must watch and beware of the perpetual unfolding of liberals and the democrat party ruthlessly placing decade after decade of climate change destroying the earth. Their political marketing is designed to install fear of the global warming hoax in order for them to capitalize on a manufactured economic disaster, based purely on a scamming climate fear fallacy.
It is illiterate for any nation or country to base their economy on an imaginary hoax of fear. To add insult to injury the American 2008-2016 Manchurian Candidate and Vice President Joe Biden were paid handsomely to enforce and oversee the so-called new green commerce agenda, which is literally based on fear. 2008-2016 Manchurian Candidate and Vice President Biden dismissed any adherence to common sense concerns of real Americans. Reason being is because their liberal elite financiers [George Soros, Filthy Rich Liberal Hollywood Activist, Democrat Party Elites] forbade them to do so.
The results of the 2008-2016 Manchurian Candidate and Vice President Joe Biden having incontestable power to force a continuing false narrative of global warming "science hoax" continues to baffle America today. The climate change hoax has been implanted into every voting adolescent adult's mind. Technology enhanced communication [smart phone, iphone, ipads, note pads, laptops, etc...] has taken command of the young populous. This has been done by not allowing them the ability to reason and reconcile information independently. Simply put, young adolescent adults in America don't have the ability to research and gauge actual historical truths. You can blame liberal public schools in America for their regressed [brainwashed] comprehension towards cyphering. To wit, they are force so easily into believing glorified fake video graphics of made up global warming forecasts that display hypnotizing color enhancements to control their mind.
The young generation of voters have failed to research and investigate for themselves the alerts that have been given down through decades to beware of old regurgitated global warming propaganda. Contrarily the results are unfortunate today, technology has bolstered the liberal "climate change hoax" to be easily incubated and engraved into the cerebral cortex of today's impressionable voting adolescent adults, and gullible teenagers in Americans. That's the dilemma today in America, the daily delivery of ongoing "fake news" and ongoing "climate hoax."
Every decade liberals create a "SCIENCE HOAX" designed to be funded by taxpayers, in order that liberals can get rich quick, at the expense of hard working American taxpayers.
Dr Bear Clayborn
Political Psychiatrist
Dr Bear Clayborn
Political Psychiatrist
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