Time has come today for America to make a 21st century decision. Will America maintain an orderly 50 state union based on a capitalistic strategy or not? Will America continue to increase feuds between states and eventually establish a “Declaration of States” to “Secede?”
Maybe a lesson from the Former Soviet Union [U.S.S.R.] will help America decide. Has time come today for the United States of America to change its caller ID to “Continent of Diverse of Nations?” Russia is not a stranger to changing its caller ID; they had to learn the quick-but hard way of change. But today Russia along with many other communist and socialist nations would like to know if the United States of America has decided to abolish its constitution and deliver its total sovereignty into the hands of its biden/obama 2020 dark liberal administration?
The response so far from the Democrat Party is “yes!”
The response from the Republican Party is “yes if we don’t win 2024!”
The response from Taxpaying American Conservatives, Christians and Independents is "HELL NO!"
There are several national conditions that prompt the forecast for the United States of America to be on the verge of dismantling [seceding] its fifty states and reconstructing into fifty independent satellites. Regardless if you’re against the idea of America dividing or not, the reality of national conditions existing today will eventually force it to do so. There will be and must be a new 1776 Union of States, void of the democrat party and its foundation of "blue states."
Historical points of America
How was it possible for America’s journey to begin with the
“Continental Congress” adoption of the
“Declaration of Independence” in 1776, and now the nation has ended up with pathological globalist misfits managing America's affairs [2008, 2012,2020]? What has led America into its current mode of national dysfunction [or funk]? When taking a serious look into the history of American government the end results of 2008
denuded the original establishment of government set forth in 1776.
When glancing between 1776 and 2008 we find the
“Peace of Paris” establishing the independence of the
United States in 1783. Also between 1776 and 2008 we find the
“Declaration of War against Great Britain” in 1812. But as the United States began to cascade into building its government the
“South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification” was passed in 1832 to determine the proper division of
sovereignty between state and federal government.
It is also very important not to overlook the government case of
“Baron vs Baltimore” in 1833 which clarified the
“Bill of Rights” having restraints only on the national government but not states and cities. Further along America’s journey the United States declares
“War on Mexico” in 1846. But as soon as the 1846 confrontation subsided there arose the greatest point in American history, the
“Attack on Fort Sumter.” The
“Attack on Fort Sumter” was the beginning of the
“American Civil War” in 1861. Fortunately in 1863 President Lincoln signed the
“Emancipation Proclamation.” But the same pre-existent conditions of the
“Emancipation Proclamation” somehow erupted in """2008""" [race based society]. Evidence of this was disclosed and proven by
95% of Emancipation Proclamation beneficiaries [coloreds, blacks, schwarzs, negrys] who credulously held to their belief that the color of a person held the highest value to vote a person for President of the United States of America.
After all the blood stains America has endured to remain a nation of freedom we end up with demolishing our system of government with political correct elections in 2008, 2012, 2020. But special note must be applied to electing a person based on skin color [2008]. Such election of a person based on skin color [2008] escorted in the religion of political correctness into America's government, court rooms and society. It is very important that social experts and laymen of the land understand that when the highest court of the land engages in judicial activism framed from a new liberal religion [Political Correctness] the nation loses its ability to be governed by the constitution.
It is evident at this point that some states have agreed with the shift of power in the three branches of government to induce legislative and judicial activism based on political correctness, or rather global new world order management. Other states find it appalling and deadly for the Supreme Court or any court to overrule the Constitution of the United States of America. It is no secret that members of the United States Supreme Court have become subordinate to political correctness [democrat liberal justices]. The proper role of the United States Supreme Court is to become subordinate to the Constitution of the United States of America.
Disregarding the Constitution
There have been many trials and tribulations for America to endure in order to remain a free nation. It is obvious that such rich American history has now become irrelevant to everyone who for voted according to skin color in 2008, 2012 elections. The 2008 election produced voters who believe that the Constitution is irrelevant. Although the Constitution is irrelevant to them they insist on having the right to use the Constitution to advance their anti-American political correct promotion.
Most groups and individuals that insist on changing the Constitution derive from liberal states like California. California legislation has evolved to the point that it structures its state society in opposition to federal laws and the Constitution. There are other states like New York that have reached the point of converting into an independent global new world order state. Like any historical Marxist nation, the state and city of New York has fashioned itself with great power over its citizens through forced liberal mandates dictating how they should eat, drink and sleep.
On the other hand there are states fighting to uphold federal immigration laws. But in doing so they run contrary to California and New York laws which permit liberal sanctuaries for illegal aliens/refugees and other illegal foreign nationals. It is well known through-out the land that California vehemently hates states like Florida, Arizona, Texas, West Virginia, Oklahoma, etc... because these states upholds federal immigration laws. California and other sanctuary states have now legislated state laws allowing foreign nationals [federal law breakers-illegal aliens] to vote in their elections as if they were law abiding Taxpaying American Citizens.
These new illegal citizens in California and all blue states have now become known as “Super-Citizens,” because they are above federal laws. As California and other sanctuary states implement their open boarders and state lines to illegal aliens and other foreign nationals they have become derelict in their state responsibility to uphold the U.S. Constitution; creating a breech of national security.
Breach of National Security
What has worried most states to the point of seceding from liberal states is the attitude of liberal states to deliberately abandon defending our borders from foreign aggression. The United States of America is a nation that has remained autonomous for the most part of its 246 years. What baffles the rest of the world is how America has successfully resisted all foreign powers of aggression, well, at least until September 11, 2001. With that solo event taking place on American soil, the impermeable “City of Troy” [
New York City] has disclosed leaks within America’s internal walls.
National security is no longer a passive “after five” political topic at Washington D.C. dinner clubs; but it's a hot topic around family dinner tables across the nation. Families in Conservative States are sitting down at the kitchen table every evening wondering if their state has any protection against another 9/11 event or another election placing liberal democrat politicians in power. America has a full blown security problem and Americans want direct action to alleviate such blatant lack of national security.
National conditions leading States to Secede
There are so many national conditions that are prompting many states to consider seceding from liberal states like California:
a. EPA mandates
b. forced heath care laws
c. defame Christianity
d. exalting Muslim terrorist
e. forbidding coastal oil drilling
f. enforcing anti-2A gun control laws
g. glorifying same sex marriage
h. hoax covid mandates
j. forcing all citizens to drive electric vehicles
It' very hard to believe today that New York and California were once the economic engine of America; both have now fallen into an abyss of being managed by global new world order leadership and management. Both states have stooped to the lowest subordinate positions of bellowing for federal funds to support their utopian political correct life styles. New York was world known as the financial capital of the world, but that has changed. California was once the world’s eighth largest economy, but that is wishful thinking today. California has always been a state with an insatiable taxation forced upon its citizens. The state is fundamentally stupid in terms of properly managing taxpayer's while engaging in fallacy driven utopian projects; trying to build a “Utopian Bullet Train” that rails into a lonely desert.
Besides America’s problem with New York and California, there are critical assessments for America as a whole to review:
1. America is not financially stable.
2. America can not sustain economic growth with "global new world order" interference.
3. America has failed to use its natural resources to become a producer in the world.
Other serious assessments that describe America’s critical condition are:
1. Theologically; dismissing God from its society.
2. Psychologically; deteriorated mental behavior; prioritizing homosexual community demands.
3. Philosophically; becoming dependent upon speculative venues [utopian thinking/global warming/green living, etc...].
Yes, America has become submissive to the "Religion of Political Correctness." On stage in America are mentally retarded people or psychologically damaged individuals who have ascended into high level government positions of authority. They are funded into political positions by filthy rich global elites mandating a "new world order."
Lost Trust between the States
How can Conservative states ever again trust states like California, Massachusetts, Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire and New York who openly defy the Constitution of the United States? How can states who vehemently oppose each other in response to same sex marriage laws and immigration laws ever trust each other again?
You hear "daily-jackass-politicians" making cliché statements that “America has the resolve to pull together in a time of need.” Well, today that’s a lie! In all consideration that’s a blatant lie for Americans to believe. Maybe the old “Red, White and Blue America” [constitutional remnants of 1776] could pull together a new 1776 Union of States, but such can not include the democrat party and their liberal globalist driven blue-states.
Liberal state leaders and conservative state leaders know for a fact that they will never again be a united partner under "Old Glory" the American flag. With that premise of reality, the decision to coordinate the agenda for an orderly secession between states will have to initiate at some time and point in the very near future. Of course the 2024 elections may detain the imminent reconstruction of states for a brief time. Regardless, you can bet your last dollar on liberals and the democrat party not subsiding in their wicked and demonic attacks on those opposing their malignant behavior. They will continue their vicious attacks on Christians, Conservative and Independents.
The majority of all democrat and republican politicians abhor the thought of a new 1776 Union of States. The liberal reason for this posture is because they recognize their historical non-term limit hold on the Taxpaying American Citizen will be lost. No longer will they be able garner TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION. Their capability to continue to stockpile their warmongering bank accounts will dissolve.
The tension level of hate and despised sentiment between state lines today far exceed the level of tension and hate that existed during the “Civil War of 1861.” The philosophy between liberals and conservatives exhibits a great divide. The fabric of American unity between states has been torn and can not be sown back together again. The philosophies of governing states today in America are too far apart [segregated] and devolving to the level of continual mistrust among confronting states. The only outcome to diffuse the level of tension between conservative states-red states and liberal states-blue states is not a rocket science. SEPARATION OF STATES is the only true and real answer.
America actually has a chance to settle down and reconstruct in an orderly fashion of separation. The worst alternative for America is to stay the path it’s pursuing; abiding in constant clashes of citizen/state philosophies. Politicians have always played the cowardly role of not intervening to help quiet the loud mouths of civil unrest. So don’t expect politicians of today to be of any assistance in guiding America back into unity. Politicians are not worth the toilet paper you flushed today.
Foolish and Ignorant American Media
The main national network media groups [alphabet networks] are continuing to add flames to the fires of mistrust among state philosophies. The internet search engine giants have gained the ability to control the flow of informational hate flames and feed their partisan sects. Both national network media groups [alphabet networks] and major internet search engine giants have sided with the "Religion of Political Correctness" in conjunction with their political overseers the democrat party and global elites funding a "new world order."
The venomous hate that liberals have for Christians and Conservatives is beyond belief. The threshold of liberal hate speech has exceeded all levels of normal tolerance. There are no possible options that remain to subdue liberal media establishments that daily promote and incite Americans to literally, mentally and physically fight against one another.

From Russia with Love!
FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE: "It's Your Turn Now America"
Russia has already experience what America is about to go through [separation of states]. Remember your history, Russia use to be the U.S.S.R. but not anymore; they're The Federation of Russia today. Russia has learned from its mistakes. For instance, Russia learned its lesson in Afghanistan a long time ago and today you couldn’t pay the Federation of Russia to reengage in Afghanistan again. Unfortunately the warmongering "no-term limit" American democrat and republican politicians will never learn from Russia's mistake. American political leeches have learned how to make money on international confrontations through proxy wars, thereby continuing to use the U.S. to fund their global bonanza [warmongering].
Today, American warmongering politicians have reaped from Afghanistan and Ukraine affairs. But how long will it be before the American Taxpaying Citizens halt the waste of their taxpaying money? In all honesty is will take the separation of states as the Soviet Union had to endure. Corruption has compounded a hundred times over in the U.S. Government. No further options for America are available but to cancel the current fifty states and carve out a new 1776 Union of Constitutional States.
Russia [Former Soviet Union] has already experienced dissolving and reorganizing under the “Commonwealth of Independent States” from its former central power. Russia had to learn how to manage dissolving its central state power, and yes, there was a heavy price they paid.
Will America ever learn to halt its feuding among states? NO!
Will America learn how to extinguish states that dishonor the U.S. Constitution? NO!
Will America ever grow up from being a baby country [247 years]? NO!
The Federation of Russia is fully aware that the U.S. is currently controlled by global elites promoting a "new world order." In the mean time Russia is sending its love to American Conservative States inclining to separate from liberal globalist funded democrat party blue states.
It has become fundamentally known that the laws of the United States of America today no longer reflect the values and morals established by the founding fathers who setup the 1776 U.S. Government. All legislation since 2008 completely reflects demonic values of government management [2016 admin excluded]. The democrat party of the U.S. have demolished all normal and natural reference to a civilization. Case in point: males are now considered females; boys are now considered girls in America. This also includes U.S. government leadership being under rule of mentally abnormal decision makers.
Unnatural humans govern the United States of America, and they are financed by the most filthiest rich global elites on the planet. Nations around the globe once knew America as a Christian nation, but is clearly not applicable today. America is no more a Christian Nation than Russia is a Christian Nation. The hand writing is on the wall for the U.S. to straighten up and disconnect from the demonic driven globalist new world order agenda.
Management of U.S. has been denuded by an anti-Christ democrat party leadership. The democrat party has been choking and suffocating the U.S. Constitution without slacking since 2008. Taxpaying American Citizens only have a short time remaining to denounce the anti-Constitutional governance of "TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION" carried out by democrat party leaders on the federal level, state, county and city level of administrations.
Russia had its day of separation of states, and they figured out how to salvage their foundation.
"IT'S AMERICA'S TURN NOW" to salvage the U.S. Constitution; if possible under new management of a new unification of 1776 Constitutional Union of States void of California and every blue state.
Common sense denotes that the democrat party, democrat party subordinates known as rinos and theri republican cousins would automatically be ineligible from entry into the new 1776 Constitutional Union of States.