Republished from 2012 ACB Newspaper archives
Inaugural message to Idi Amin Hussein Obama from Democrat Party Voters and Black Plantation Voters:
Beat me with gestures of hope and promises that only fairy tales can produce and I’ll become as gullible and simple minded as you desire. Continue to beat and lash me with fallacies of great guarantees for life, and I will submit my soul for your control. Feed me with piles of vengeance and venomous revenge towards those who aspire more than I, and I will fight against them for you. Many say that you are not our Lord, but we will defend the dispensation of time for your messianic presence and crown you “Idi Amin Hussein Obama,” The Last King of America!
One hundred and fifty years ago America crossed over the gulf of uncertainty on January 1, 1863 under the leadership of President Abraham Lincoln.
President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free slaves [particularly African slaves] and end the subpar citizenry status they held. On the contrary one hundred and fifty years later on January 21, 2013 America inaugurates a dictatorial organizer “Idi Amin Hussein Obama” who commands African descendants to cross back over the gulf of uncertainty into the awaiting certainty of poverty status under the enslavement tent of government welfare.
Reversing Emancipation Proclamation
So far under the dictatorship of “Idi Amin Hussein Obama” unemployment for African-so-called- Americas has risen to 16.7% and African-so-called-American youth unemployment has risen to over 46.5%. Not to be overlooked with repetitiveness but 45.8 million Americans are on food stamp assistance [15% of population]. Even more astonishing is 10.3 million African-so-called-Americana are on food stamp assistance. That equates to 28% of the 37 million African-so-called-Americans are on government assistance. Has Idi Amin Hussein Obama reversed the Emancipation Proclamation of President Lincoln?
How could America fall prey to a despotic community thug aka "Idi Amin Hussein Obama? How is it possible or capable for America to prolong its prosperity when diametrical forces invade the U.S. government? Why has the Republican Party allowed elite liberal globalist to implant and sponsor their very own King to rape and rule over American taxpaying citizens? "King" Idi Amin Hussen Obam has been openly embolden by the democrat party to unleash unrestrained vengeance towards Conservative Americans; all because he's half black, negro, colored and caucasian. This "King obama" is allowed to multitask undermining America's rule of law [U.S. Constitution] while hypnotizing the most dumbest populous in U.S. History to sit and watch with gullible ignorance the implementation of unconstitutional executive orders by a "King."
When glancing through history there is one such nation other than the United States of America that foolishly and ignorantly chose to blindly follow an arrogant deceptive and despotic ruler; the nation of Uganda. Identical to the United States in gullibility the nation of Uganda elected, or for better, was forced to serve under the dictatorship of President Idi Amin Dada for eight years. Well, isn’t that interesting that America must serve the same amount of depressive time under Idi Amin Hussein Obama. But will America continue to be an ignorant populous and bend over the couch and let Idi Amin Hussein Obama perform an anal pounding on them while he seeks a second and third term in office? [update] Well that question has been answered [2020 dark president biden/obama].
Parallel Psychiatric Leadership
The question for today is what parallel characteristic do Idi Amin Dada of Uganda and Idi Amin Hussein Obama have in common? A quick glance at identical psychiatric patterns of decision making by the two rulers should provide an answer:
a. Did not Idi Amin Dada order slaughtering of innocent people?
b. Did not Idi Amin Hussein Obama also approve the slaughtering of children through abortion?
a. Did not Idi Amin Dada order prosperous business owners to give up their wealth by mandating and enforcing the wealthy or business owners [Asians] turn over their business to government?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama ordered the same barbaric mandates in his public policies demanding wealthy business owners turn over their profit to the government?
a. Did not Idi Amin Dada replace Uganda currency with his picture-image currency?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama condoned the words “In God We Trust” be TAKEN OFF American currency? Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama also condoned his picture on the American flag?
a. Did not Idi Amin Dada realign his faith with his Muslim religion?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama aligned himself with his Muslim teachings and favored confiding with his Muslim Brotherhood instead of consulting with Billy Graham? Also, has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama publicly taken offense to Christian Signs-Banners [communication] and Christian images in his public presence?
a. Did not Idi Amin Dada show his unfriendly and despise for Israel?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama blatantly disrespected and continue to ignore Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama disrespected Israel and given support to Israel’s enemies through military armament and finance?
These are not just similar psychological waves between Idi Amin Dada and Idi Amin Hussein Obama, but they are mirror images of psychopath truths.
Recognizing a Fallen Capitalistic Nation

There are two diametrically opposed concepts of “life” and “living” existing in the United States of America today. More than half of America is dedicated to socialism and liberalism. The remaining lesser half of America continues to base its concept of life and living embedded in conservative values and capitalism. The two opposed lifestyles can never be equal in power to govern America or any society on the face of this earth. Therefore by the power invested in the current White House leadership of Idi Amin Hussein Obama a nonnegotiable mandate of socialism has been officially designated for America. In other words socialism and liberalism rule America today.
Dysfunctional Colored Nation
With all the hysterical anticipation surrounding America’s historical “Colored 2008 Presidential Election,” no one considered examining America’s actual social condition [mental condition]. What has evolved from the parameters of America's dysfunctional liberal ruled society is the pregnancy and birth of a mythological messiah [Idi Amin Hussein Obama]. So many people had been grumbling for a modern day “American Messiah” to unfold before their eyes. Finally they got their psychotic fantasy to come true, “Idi Amin Hussein Obama.”
During 2008, America’s culture and society permanently changed from a quasi conservative concept of lifestyle to living a mandated utopia liberal ideology lifestyle. The unfortunate historical 2008 event that took place in America was a picture perfect frame designed by old communist and socialist folklore [take over America]. By sculptured political design old communist elites [senior democrat party leaders] in America reframed the U.S. into a frail psychologically damaged society via using a black face [Ida Amin Hussein Obama] to front their anti-America agenda; and it worked. The addition of Idi Amin Hussein Obama was a twist in the political landscape. Liberal elites of the democrat party dictated and demanded that America must inaugurate a “colored president” [not a 'President"] to justify democracy in America. Without thinking about the consequences of electing a “colored president” instead of a “President,” America became pregnant through her fornication with communism, socialism and the new Political Correct Religion.
The results of America’s fornication created a federal government embracing the ultimate liberal lifestyle of homosexuality, pedophile activity and transgender exchange as normal human structure. All these new humankind obstructions are now enforced upon all Americans. The results so far and getting worse are the prompting acts of social injudiciousness within society at a rapid pace. The rapid social decline [lawlessness and depraved human values] in America kick started as soon as liberals and democrat party black plantation voters cast their ballots on November 4th 2008. The democrat party and its debased liberal/black pawn voters experienced a spiritual axiom to see their mythological messiah [obama] rise on stage of CNN MSNBC ABC CBS PBS NPR NBC FOX to rule over them.
Inaugurating Revenge
The characteristics and daily political diet of America’s Idi Amin Hussein Obama is composed of regurgitated liberal hate towards Conservatives and Christians. Venomous liberal hate mingled with an evil dispensation of having to recognize Conservatives and Christians unleashes daily strikes of poisonous venom bites upon Christians and Conservatives on liberal social media and national networks. 2008 was the well anticipated "coming out party" for liberalism and the destruction of capitalism. After 60 years of laying the foundation of liberalism in public school education, university education and all levels of government [city, county, state, federal] finally paid off in 2008 for all socialist and communist parties in America.
The foundation of liberal-social engineering was established through a warped ideology of political correctness. With liberal-social engineering going unchecked for over sixty years the path of catastrophic social problems have easily become gross manifestations in America. It is so easy today for the democrat party elite liberals and their global elite sponsored liberal national networks to broadcast pinpointed incommodious labels and blatant propaganda against Conservatives and Christians. It is a fact and not fiction that liberals have established a firm foundation and lock on America's society and economy. Hitherto their [liberal] foundation has oozed out a liberal-communist-socialist leader and anointed him “Idi Amin Hussein Obama - The Last King of America.”
Since 2008 we have seen with our very own eyes the identical and perfect symptoms which plagued the nation of Uganda and the Guyana Jonestown Colony massacre. The constant symptoms of unfaltering loyalty and unwavering allegiance of Americans worshipping “Idi Amin Hussein Obama” would make Jonestown's "Rev Jim Jones" envious and jealous of "The Last King of America."
One hundred and fifty years after President Lincoln’s forward of the Emancipation Proclamation we have a reversal of the Emancipation Proclamation. Americans are going back into slavery under direct government rule of Idi Amin Hussein Obama - The Last King of America!" 2020 election allowed an unprecedented third term president to defy the U.S. Constitution; "Dark president biden/obama.
Parallel Psychiatric Leadership
The question for today is what parallel characteristic do Idi Amin Dada of Uganda and Idi Amin Hussein Obama have in common? A quick glance at identical psychiatric patterns of decision making by the two rulers should provide an answer:
a. Did not Idi Amin Dada order slaughtering of innocent people?
b. Did not Idi Amin Hussein Obama also approve the slaughtering of children through abortion?
a. Did not Idi Amin Dada order prosperous business owners to give up their wealth by mandating and enforcing the wealthy or business owners [Asians] turn over their business to government?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama ordered the same barbaric mandates in his public policies demanding wealthy business owners turn over their profit to the government?
a. Did not Idi Amin Dada replace Uganda currency with his picture-image currency?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama condoned the words “In God We Trust” be TAKEN OFF American currency? Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama also condoned his picture on the American flag?
a. Did not Idi Amin Dada realign his faith with his Muslim religion?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama aligned himself with his Muslim teachings and favored confiding with his Muslim Brotherhood instead of consulting with Billy Graham? Also, has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama publicly taken offense to Christian Signs-Banners [communication] and Christian images in his public presence?
a. Did not Idi Amin Dada show his unfriendly and despise for Israel?
b. Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama blatantly disrespected and continue to ignore Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? Has not Idi Amin Hussein Obama disrespected Israel and given support to Israel’s enemies through military armament and finance?
These are not just similar psychological waves between Idi Amin Dada and Idi Amin Hussein Obama, but they are mirror images of psychopath truths.
Recognizing a Fallen Capitalistic Nation

American Socialist Theme
“Ask not what you can do for your country, but ask your country when will your free monthly-stimulus check be mailed out"
There are two diametrically opposed concepts of “life” and “living” existing in the United States of America today. More than half of America is dedicated to socialism and liberalism. The remaining lesser half of America continues to base its concept of life and living embedded in conservative values and capitalism. The two opposed lifestyles can never be equal in power to govern America or any society on the face of this earth. Therefore by the power invested in the current White House leadership of Idi Amin Hussein Obama a nonnegotiable mandate of socialism has been officially designated for America. In other words socialism and liberalism rule America today.
Dysfunctional Colored Nation
With all the hysterical anticipation surrounding America’s historical “Colored 2008 Presidential Election,” no one considered examining America’s actual social condition [mental condition]. What has evolved from the parameters of America's dysfunctional liberal ruled society is the pregnancy and birth of a mythological messiah [Idi Amin Hussein Obama]. So many people had been grumbling for a modern day “American Messiah” to unfold before their eyes. Finally they got their psychotic fantasy to come true, “Idi Amin Hussein Obama.”
During 2008, America’s culture and society permanently changed from a quasi conservative concept of lifestyle to living a mandated utopia liberal ideology lifestyle. The unfortunate historical 2008 event that took place in America was a picture perfect frame designed by old communist and socialist folklore [take over America]. By sculptured political design old communist elites [senior democrat party leaders] in America reframed the U.S. into a frail psychologically damaged society via using a black face [Ida Amin Hussein Obama] to front their anti-America agenda; and it worked. The addition of Idi Amin Hussein Obama was a twist in the political landscape. Liberal elites of the democrat party dictated and demanded that America must inaugurate a “colored president” [not a 'President"] to justify democracy in America. Without thinking about the consequences of electing a “colored president” instead of a “President,” America became pregnant through her fornication with communism, socialism and the new Political Correct Religion.
The results of America’s fornication created a federal government embracing the ultimate liberal lifestyle of homosexuality, pedophile activity and transgender exchange as normal human structure. All these new humankind obstructions are now enforced upon all Americans. The results so far and getting worse are the prompting acts of social injudiciousness within society at a rapid pace. The rapid social decline [lawlessness and depraved human values] in America kick started as soon as liberals and democrat party black plantation voters cast their ballots on November 4th 2008. The democrat party and its debased liberal/black pawn voters experienced a spiritual axiom to see their mythological messiah [obama] rise on stage of CNN MSNBC ABC CBS PBS NPR NBC FOX to rule over them.
The best sorcerers in America could not have conjured up a man child ruler to screw up America better than Idi Amin Hussein Obama. No one in a million years would have guessed the spirit of Uganda's 1973 dictator Idi Amin Dada would evolve into Idi Amin Hussein Obama in 2008, but it did. The long awaited communist folklore [take over America] finally birthed upon the shores of America as a liberal parasite [obama] was granted power to rule over America. America's old nemesis and communist-hero “Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev” turned from side to side in his grave trying to dig out so that he could rise and join the celebration of obama's inauguration.
Inaugurating Revenge
The characteristics and daily political diet of America’s Idi Amin Hussein Obama is composed of regurgitated liberal hate towards Conservatives and Christians. Venomous liberal hate mingled with an evil dispensation of having to recognize Conservatives and Christians unleashes daily strikes of poisonous venom bites upon Christians and Conservatives on liberal social media and national networks. 2008 was the well anticipated "coming out party" for liberalism and the destruction of capitalism. After 60 years of laying the foundation of liberalism in public school education, university education and all levels of government [city, county, state, federal] finally paid off in 2008 for all socialist and communist parties in America.
The foundation of liberal-social engineering was established through a warped ideology of political correctness. With liberal-social engineering going unchecked for over sixty years the path of catastrophic social problems have easily become gross manifestations in America. It is so easy today for the democrat party elite liberals and their global elite sponsored liberal national networks to broadcast pinpointed incommodious labels and blatant propaganda against Conservatives and Christians. It is a fact and not fiction that liberals have established a firm foundation and lock on America's society and economy. Hitherto their [liberal] foundation has oozed out a liberal-communist-socialist leader and anointed him “Idi Amin Hussein Obama - The Last King of America.”
Since 2008 we have seen with our very own eyes the identical and perfect symptoms which plagued the nation of Uganda and the Guyana Jonestown Colony massacre. The constant symptoms of unfaltering loyalty and unwavering allegiance of Americans worshipping “Idi Amin Hussein Obama” would make Jonestown's "Rev Jim Jones" envious and jealous of "The Last King of America."
One hundred and fifty years after President Lincoln’s forward of the Emancipation Proclamation we have a reversal of the Emancipation Proclamation. Americans are going back into slavery under direct government rule of Idi Amin Hussein Obama - The Last King of America!" 2020 election allowed an unprecedented third term president to defy the U.S. Constitution; "Dark president biden/obama.
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