Have you ever heard of "Anchor Babies?" Over the last forty years you should have heard about them. Well, today we have the ultimate in illegal Mexicans and illegal South Americans having babies in America, they're identified as "JACKPOT BABIES!" All across America [particularly southern states] we're experiencing something never seen before rising upon America. A great massing on the southern American horizon has begun its overflow of cascading mass unity known as “JACKPOT BABIES" [aka Anchor Babies].
When illegal Mexicans or any illegal foreign national try to settle in Canada by having babies to become Canadian Nationals they call them 'JACKPOT BABIES." To the credit of Canada they don't allow "JackPot Babies" aka "Anchor Babies" to remain in Canada, they must return to their country. On the other hand, thousands of illegal South American youths are crossing America's southern border to add to the already existing "Mexican Anchor Baby" saturation upon American soil. Illegal Mexican females, and now young illegal South American females, no longer need a slot machine to hit the jackpot, they only need a quick ride into California, Texas or Arizona hospitals to pull the liberal slot machine handle and become instant jackpot winners. Illegal Mexican males and other foreign national males are also sweepstakes winners in America's "Post Obama Open Border JackPot Casino." During the 2008-2016 administration executive orders of treasonous directives allowed thousands of detained illegal Mexicans and illegal foreign nationals to be released from ICE custody. In continuation the democrat party today and all of its presidential candidates, congressional members, democrat state governors and democrat city mayors have fully committed to sponsoring all “JackPot Babies” in America, better known as Sanctuary states and cities. The only thing "JackPot Mothers" have to do is arrive at an illegal Mexican Casino located in any sanctuary city and the American tax payer will pay for the trip and the "JackPot Baby."
Liberals and democrat party voters will be placed in American History as the most ignorant populous that ever lived on this Continent of the United States. Too many lose minded educated liberals are being outsmarted by uneducated illegal Mexicans and illegal South Americans who have mastered manipulating the highest college degree liberal to submit to them. Liberals and their Democrat co-sponsors are willing to give up American law and land to a foreign invasion. Liberals are leading the charge for kissing every illegal Mexican’s anal cavity and every illegal South American's "other" private body part, in the name of liberal religion called "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS." Liberals and Democrats have completely disregarded America's sovereignty in order to establish a retarded notion of having a free utopian society which actually equates to a socialist or communist society.
The flood of messages tweeted back to South America and Mexico generally say “the dumb democrat party open border" is wide open, come on in!" The process of halting new waves of illegal Mexicans/foreign nationals from entering America’s southern border was totally denuded by the 2008-2016 administration. The proof is officially noted in the number of illegal South American youths processed into America by border patrol during that time period.
Prevention is worth more than Solving:
Old American wisdom says; “an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure.” Don’t expect any liberal or any young American today to comprehend such wisdom. It is impossible for young voting liberals to comprehend the wisdom and action of various southern state border governors who are trying to enforce federal immigration laws. The ignorance of democrat party voters of 2008-2012 have provided an irremediable salvaging to protect the U.S. southern border from international Terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartel Members, Illegal Mexicans, Illegal South Americans and illegal Asylum seekers. It must be understood that not only Arizona’s southern border has been compromised, but all southern state borders have been totally compromised. It has been officially documented and will be declared in American and World History that during 2008-2016 administration America reached its weakest level of national security.
Every southern border governor should be putting forth an effort to derail the constant flow of "international law breakers" ability to enter into America. If only a few more governors across the country would do the same by enforcing immigration laws America could halt the invasion of illegal foreigners. But such a task unfortunately is not going to take place with the current ensemble of old Democrats Party elites and their adulterated liberals in office. Southern border governors are basically standing alone in their effort to keep America from falling. How America will regain its strong stance on national security and national survival will remain a mystery, or until the inevitable occurs [conquered by foreign nations].
Taking Real American Citizens for Granted!

American Law and Order
Toying with the future of America was not the smartest thing for 2008-2016 democrat voters to do. They elected a communist/socialist community organizer. America approved a dictator to blatantly under mind the Constitution of the United States of America. This overt treachery flies in the face of our concept of law and order.
Illegal Alien Masses Consolidated!

Not to be overlooked is Mexico’s president during the time of 2008-2016 applauding America’s power hungry ingrates [Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Maxine Waters, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden for their wimpy abusive overtures to mock America's immigration policies. Mexico’s president as well as South American presidents are fully aware of America's liberal weakness. Illegal aliens play on sloppy liberal emotions and timid character to appease South American peasants and Mexican peasants. Illegal aliens push liberals into playing "Mother Goose" to provide "JACKPOT BABIES" and all illegal alien federal law breakers with food and shelter across the United States of America.
Introducing New Conservative National Policies
There are a few good Americans willing to share their proposals towards national interest to curtail the illegal alien flood into America. You may have already heard of a few of these proposals to curtail the invasion of illegal South Americans and illegal Mexicans:
a. Build a real “Great Wall of America” [20ft ht x15ft w] made of bricks and concrete along the southern border of California through the southern border of Texas.
b. Revoke all nationalization of illegal alien baby births and de-nationalize them from the third year after Ronald Reagan's amnesty to the current detainment of illegal aliens.
c. Reimburse all medical cost incurred by every hospital and medical clinic from illegal alien usage by billing the Mexican government or "appropriate government" to recover medical expenses produced by their citizens. Repayment can be made with oil produced from Mexican oil wells or other nation's resources..
d. Reimburse all educational cost incurred by each and every municipal, county, state and national education institute for providing education to illegal aliens. Repayment can be made with oil produced from Mexican oil wells and other nation's resources.
e. Introduce University Agriculture programs that are designed to replace the illegal alien labor with rotating agriculture majors to work the seasonal planting and harvesting of the various farming industries. This would be a unique system for the farming industry to implement and avoid hiring illegal aliens and being penalized for such. This would be unique for our American agriculture students to learn first hand operation of our food supply system. The new agriculture program will be designed to entice the intelligence of our young intellectuals to participate with a purpose of producing a much needed end result of resource [food for the nation]. The participating farms will be subsidized with the appropriate funds to implement the operation of inducting the college students and high school students who desire to major in agriculture. Working students will be paid generously by the government to participate in this agriculture program.
f. Part one; reintroduce the manufacturing and textile industries into the American GNP equation. This can be done by allowing companies and small businesses to be able to build and construct their operations without unions invading such private entities. Also curtailing or eliminating the EPA hovering over private companies, causing unnecessary cost and operational expense.
g. Part two; reintroducing manufacturing and textile industries to America by eliminating the EPA and the Department of Energy. These two bureaucratic monsters are the major cause of industries shutting down in this country and moving their operations to other countries. A two fold setback caused by the EPA and Department of Energy is that other countries are benefiting from our country’s lack of capitalizing on the various industries. The result has been that China provides this country with everything this country use to produce for itself. America can not continue to base its economy on service industries and service companies. The reason being is there is nothing to service anymore; because we’re not producing anything to service anymore.
America Must Cut Its losses!
The time has come for America to cut its losses "within" [strip automatic nationalization of foreign pregnancy as citizenship]. Also cut its losses externally "outside" the nation [realign American allies]. The 2008, 2012 and 2020 elections are historical points of catastrophic ignorance disclosed by America. But if by chance America has a slithering opportunity to dramatically reset the nation back on course to prominence it will have to discard the old and new fanatical liberal democrats. What are America's chances of performing such a great task?
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