
Official U.S. Socialist Government In Progress

Let’s keep reality in focus for today and the future of America.  Real Christians and Conservatives have no future in the “democrat socialist party" of America.”  The democrat party along with their liberal affiliates and super socialist sponsors admit daily through liberal media networks their pure vile hate and discourteous disposition towards Conservatives and Republicans.  
Conservative and Christian children don’t have a chance in “hell” [under joe biden presidency] to live their "God Given Life" in love and peace.  Conservative and Christian voters who don't vote the democrat part line will suffer tremendously great under the Joe Biden-socialist democrat party society rule.


Here's a thought that you and everyone should have in your forward cerebral cortex; stop playing hide and seek with the future of this country.  It’s time for real Americans to give Joe Biden and his socialist/communist conglomerate of financers, hollywood celebrities, Antifa, BLM, millionaire black athletes, democrat black plantation voters and George Soros a country to call their own.  

Yes, liberals can and should be allowed to live a wonderful future without Christians or Conservatives in their mist.  It only takes a simple agreement to set up foundation principals to accept and implement an orderly plan of separation of states.  There's no further need for liberal anarchist to riot in the streets or democrat politicians and liberal network anchors to spit out cheap vulgarities against Christians, Conservatives and Republicans.

An orderly secession plan will allow the original Constitution of the United States to be properly protected while being assigned to states honoring Conservatives, Christians and Conservative Independents.  An orderly secession plan will allow the democrat party to create a new constitution of their own to favor their anti-God, liberal lifestyles and liberal mental philosophy [political correct religion.  It would be simply wonderful for liberals to have their own country to rule void of Christians and Conservatives.  Think about it, a fresh new “liberal country” of socialist satellites and socialist states composed of only democrat governors, democrat city mayors, Antifa, BLM, rich homosexuals, rich hollywood celebrities, rich anarchist-athlete-type-lebron-millionaires and billionaire foreign communist/socialist financers.   Elite liberals and democrat voters need only to support the orderly gathering of new "liberal union of states."  This separation plan is not far fetched, which means having Conservatives, Christians, Independents and Conservative Republicans [without RHINOS] keeping the foundation of our forefathers "Constitution" intact and upheld.   


The planning of separation of states should have initiated during the 2008-2016 years.  Never the less, President Trump did great during his time in service for real American working people and trying to glue the nation back together.   But, as usual and unfortunate half of America forfeited its liberty, freedom and constitutional rights to worthless 47 year politician named Biden.  It's vividly clear that the old politician Biden is an instrument of wicked and dark powers [democrat party], prowling with conspicuous filth and issuing out regurgitated lies.  Biden's media support  [CNN MSNBC CBS ABC PBS NPR NYT NBC YAHOO MSN TWITTER FACEBOOK] provides daily propaganda mingled with hypocrisy to frighten and abuse gullible adolescent adults voters.


The reality of today is Joe Biden and the democrat party would have literally blown up the country  rather than to concede President Trump for another four years.  You may think an ultimate philosophy of destroying America is ludicrous but not according to liberal philosophy.  The democrat party and its elite liberal financiers have evolved into an attitude of “All or Nothing.”  Joe Biden, George Soros, homosexuals, hollywood elites and anarchy entities that are  strategically embedded in America have promised to themselves the ability to “Rule or Ruin.”  If the democrat party can’t rule America they will ruin it.  This has been so vividly elaborated with the 2020 riots prior to November 3rd.  All the riots, along with tactical mail-in-ballot voting schemes clearly illustrates the democrat party has absolutely no integrity or desire for fairness in politics, and for sure in governing the country.   

Here’s the problem in America and here's the solution for America; it’s called separate and reinstate!  A shockingly growing problem for the democrat party in America is more minorities of the working class who are democrat voters voted for President Trump.  Another shocking problem for the democrat party in America is more Christians, Latinos and Jewish families voted for President Trump.  However due to the democrat party early-ballot-scheme the actual vote tally for the 2020 election was completely skewed with designed corruptness and paid off voter registration officials.

This brings us to the point of orderly separation of states, and reinstatement or reassignment of states into their selected group of management style of government.  The obvious grouping of state are corralled into liberal state of unions or conservative state of unions.  It's a no fault arrangement because no one with an ounce of common sense want to kill children and babies via real civil war.  To save the country as the founding fathers’ designed it, Conservatives and Christians must defy being forced to convert to immoral liberal lifestyles and standards.   

 “Here We Go Again and Again”

Electing Biden for president brings forth a foul regurgitation of 2008-2016.  On display in America is a  “force of hand” by supporters of liberalism and socialism casting tyrannical rule upon all Americans.  Defiant Conservatives during the 2008-2016  "socialist government test run" refused to support immoral liberal values of homosexuality and abortion.  Such defiance has been thwarted today and will not be allowed to manifest again under the immoral driven Biden presidency.   It has taken Biden forty seven years of sucking the life out of American taxpayers to become a millionaire and chief occupant in the oval office.   

There is one justification of Biden and the democrat party stealing the 2020 election.  The grounds of justification simply cleared the path for elite communist/socialists democrat party members, liberal anarchy entities and democrat plantation voters to take control of  this country or have their own separate country.  Today Conservatives, Christians and Conservative Republicans must announce a serious plan to contrast the democrat tyranny and immoral liberal philosophy standards.  

You can't fool "mother nature," in that oil and water don't mix.  The same application goes for homosexuals and Conservatives, they won't mix.  Therefore, regardless who wins the 2024 2028 2032 2034 presidency, a humongous inexhaustible supply of anti-American groups have voided any possible of fair elections. There are far too many domestic democrat party terrorist sponsored by millionaire hollywood celebrities, millionaire anarchist lebron-pro-athlete-bands and democrat party anarchist drones that will not allow freedom and liberty for all to exist on American soil.  

America has reached its point of diminishing returns.  It's like trying to make oil and water mix together.  America has reached its point of diminishing returns for trying to make liberals and conservatives mix together.  Unfortunately if you carefully examine the political foundation of politics today, democrat politicians and republican politicians could care less about the welfare of  the "United States of America."  They prove this with their constant authorization to increase the national debt.  The only thing democrat politicians and republican politicians care about is their ability to never reach a point of diminishing returns to suck every dime of  taxpayers money into their personal offshore bank accounts.  

Remember and never forget; President Donald Trump made his fortunes as a business man before becoming president; only career politicians become millionaires without working.



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There is only one way to unite America and live a normal life, but it can only happen by way of  Rural America standing up and walking away from liberal control.  The shake up will consist of rural counties in America reclaiming their voting representation.  Liberals will always control and rule urban cities of toxic liberalism, but not Rural America.  Therefore across the country rural communities today are taking action to reclaim their America [Constitution America].  For the past six decades it has become impossible for conservatives and rural America to be respected in blue states.  Voters in rural counties have seen their votes negated due to the domination of corrupt liberal leaders gainful control of liberal cities and the crushing populous they represent which completely overshadows rural populations.   

The 2020 election and the devastating corruption of voter fraud has destroyed all hope for America to believe ruling liberal democrat leaders can be fair in representing rural counties of conservative voters.  Therefore rural counties across the nation have initiated plans to abort from urban controlled representation.  The "GREATER IDAHO PLAN" is a prime example of rural counties reclaiming their representation in American government.  

The "GREATER IDAHO PLAN" includes counties of Southern and Eastern Oregon along with Northern most California counties to become part of the state of Idaho.  It make clear sense for Americans in rural counties to discharge the failed  representation of liberal politicians that are only inclined to large urban liberal cities.  

The "GREATER IDAHO PLAN" has awaken a host of other rural counties in other states across the nation to move their county lines to annex with another state that holds rural conservative values.  Many liberal politicians and some republican politicians balk at rural counties attaching themselves to another state, but it's all legal and there is legal precedence as a foundation.    

During 2013 in the state of Colorado five of eleven Colorado counties voted in favor of seceding.  Unfortunately only five of the eleven proposals were approved by voters.  Creating a new state is a difficult task due to political obstacles, but well within citizens' rights to do so.  Therefore a separate and totally viable agenda was forwarded in March 2020 by Colorado counties to move their county lines to attach to another state instead of separating to create a totally new state of counties.   

Colorado Counties can become part of another state and requirements would be far less cumbersome than of seceding as a new state.  Just like Oregon Counties "GREATER IDAHO PLAN" counties of  Colorado can implement their "GREATER UTAH" and "GREATER KANSAS PLAN" upon voter approval.  The current and more viable agenda for counties of Colorado is different from their first proposal of secession because it is simply a shift in borders that does not affect the balance of power in the US Senate.  It does not create a new state or increase the number of states. 

Borders between states have been relocated or redefined many times in US history. If a deal were made that two state legislatures pass, a border change would almost certainly become a reality.  According to a peer-reviewed law journal,  “Prior to 1921, thirty six -between states were put into effect with the consent of Congress; virtually all of these settled boundaries between contiguous states.”  See link: http://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?&article=1544&context=penn_law_review

The most recent example was land transferred from Minnesota to North Dakota in 1961. www.revisor.mn.gov/laws/1961/0/Session+Law/Chapter/236/pdf

Conservative Colorado Counties opportunities involves several proposals with options for Colorado counties to move its borders to align with conservative counties adjoining their county line. In accordance the eastern edge of Colorado would become a part of Oklahoma.  Eastern and central Colorado (including Douglas County and Colorado Springs) could become a part of Nebraska or Kansas.  

Another option would be for certain counties of the eastern edge of Colorado to join Nebraska, or Kansas.  Conservatives Counties in Colorado can participate in moving forward to preserve their conservative way of life through several plans; GREATER UTAH PLAN, GREATER KANSAS PLAN, GREATER OKLAHOMA PLAN and the GREATER NEBRASKA PLAN.  

Today there are rural counties in Virginia seeking to discharge from D.C. representation of liberals and move their county lines to join with WEST VIRGINIA.  Rural counties in the state of Illinois have separation plans from the heavy populous urban rule of Chicago.
In the state of New York rural counties have initiated their plan to disconnect their county lines from the political grip of liberal New York City.  

Rural counties all across America are literally being "taxed without representation."  The democrat party has enjoyed taxing rural areas the same as taxing big liberal cities.  Democrat liberal leaders [governors, mayors] have been taxing rural counties without providing them constitutional representation for decades and their plan is to continue such abuse of rural county voters, but that's about to change because 2016 and 2020 were the turning points for America.  The question for American citizens is will the majority of America turn from liberalism and its arrogant hate towards Christians, Conservatives, Capitalism and President Trump.  The cause and affect of wimpy-sold-out-Republicans have literally allowed conservatism to be eradicated from social consciousness and social recognition. 

Let's review how the current condition of America came about by way of the Democrat Party and its liberal elite financiers: 

REVIEW 2008 -2020
The Conservative message was lost in the 2012 presidential elections due to venomous distractions by the Democrat Party.  Gov Romney was more of a typical "republican chump" with money and couldn't campaign with a strike force of power against sinister muslim Manchurian incumbent Hussein Obama.  Romney was trying to be respectful and nice to an obvious wicked socialist/communist liberal who's desire was to become America's first dictator aka king.  Being nice doesn't win elections anymore in this country and Romney found out the hard way. 
Barack Hussein Dunham Obama proved his theory of wicked political tactics in application throughout his campaign by race baiting his constituents in order for his campaign to thrive.  The oval office muslim completed his mission of defending his oval office stay with enough political correct sheets and quilts to cover his malignant existence.   Excluding civil war cannons and bullets shredding the landscape of human life, the decline of race relations today has sunken below par of historical time in America, all because Romney wouldn't fight for America, Capitalism, Conservatism or Christianity.

There was a truth that needed to be told during the 2012 elections concerning the polarizing beliefs and comprehension of basic life philosophy.  Political correctness diluted the boundaries of moral absolutes and basic foundations of truth in the United States of America.  The parameters of living in America have drastically changed in this country through mighty shifts of demography coupled with a major shift from foundational morals and values to the new age uninhibited exercise of freedom and rights.  It is a firm truth that critical assessment has tabulated liberal constituents have reached 63% [includes illegal Mexicans and other illegal foreign nationals] of the population as of 2016.  With such an explosion of demography the moral shift will no longer be based in conservative values or Christian beliefs.  

The days of having a constitutional and Christian foundation way of life in America officially ended on November 6, 2012.  In addition to President Trump being removed from office the chances of America putting some of the pieces of the Constitutional American society back together again are slim and none.  Therefore an upstart by rural counties around the country to join together in unity to discharge themselves from liberal government control has been initiated.  The 2020 elections slammed the door on any hope of escaping an inevitable bloody second civil war unless rural counties in America demand proper representation.  A bloody civil war is seriously inevitable unless rural counties in America make a stand against democrat party tyrannical ruling.  

There is a constant petty mocking by liberals towards conservative individuals or conservative states deciding to secede from the union of liberalism.  Whether liberals like it or not this legitimate decision making should be weighted.  The ignorance of liberals "mocking" states for bringing fourth state legislation to secede is based on liberal interpretation that conservatives couldn't handle a "black president" [2008], and to tell the truth they're correct.  Conservatives don't want a "crayon colored-handkerchief head-fake-muslim-negro" to be at the helm of leadership.  Conservatives want leadership to be based on the content of an individual's character as Dr. Martin Luther Jr. prescribed.

The luminous ignorance of liberal values are far from the reality of Real Americans wanting to live their life without being forced to bow down to homosexuals.  The majority of Americans want to live by their own life philosophy and beliefs, and not by orders of liberal agenda or homosexual promotion and mandate.  Such lifestyles slammed and forced into Real American's face is the most dangerous taunt towards any normal cerebral balanced human.

The conservative philosophy of life and the "Constitution of the United States of America" has been debased by liberals without remission of their sin or offering of sensitivity towards Christians.  Liberals want Americans to be sensitive to "liberal immoral values" and lifestyles, but yet liberals defy becoming sensitive to conservative or Christian values.  The polarized social and political situation in the United States of America has reached its threshold of tolerance.  Any message of tolerance was completely obliterated from the social fabric of America through sponsorship of vindictive socialist/communist psychosomatic liberals directing the platform of the Democrat Party during the 2012, 2016, 2020 elections and the upcoming 2024, 2028, 2032, 2036, 2040 elections.

Today  Conservatives and Christians are pleading for no further part of appeasing liberal's daily hate and vindictive measures.  In return Christians and Conservatives have decided to offer a peaceful uncompromised separation of conservative states and their life philosophy from liberal controlled states immoral and abnormal lifestyles.  In order to justify conservatives and conservative states forwarding their notice to secede from the intolerable liberal union is based on documented world history evidence noting and explaining how human division or communities separate from each other via voluntary compliance or civil war.  

The pinnacle of tolerance has reached the point of no return in the life of Real Americans and permeates daily living in America through violated and abused democracy formulated by liberals.  Liberalism has destroyed the fabric of democracy which allows various life philosophies in America to cohabitate within their respective boundaries.  Liberalism demands its "religion" of political correctness be mandated as the base of life philosophy in America.

Forward Analysis
"We all want the same things in life. We want freedom; we want the chance for prosperity; we want as few people suffering as possible; we want healthy children; we want to have crime-free streets. The argument is how to achieve them…

Liberals believe in government action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. It is the duty of the government to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve problems.

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems".


You'll find below the analysis which examines the literal concept of liberal life philosophy compared against the literal concept of conservatism and Christianity.

NOTE: The terms “left” and “right” define opposite ends of the political spectrum. In the United States, liberals are referred to as the left or left-wing and conservatives are referred to as the right or right-wing. On the U.S. political map, blue represents the Democratic Party (which generally upholds liberal principles) and red represents the Republican party (which generally upholds conservative principles).

THE ISSUES: (In alphabetical order)

Liberal Comprehension
A woman has the right to decide what happens with her body. A fetus is not a human life, so it does not have separate individual rights. The government should provide taxpayer funded abortions for women who cannot afford them. The decision to have an abortion is a personal choice of a woman regarding her own body and the government must protect this right. Women have the right to affordable, safe and legal abortions, including partial birth abortion.

Conservative Belief
Human life begins at conception. Abortion is the murder of a human being. An unborn baby, as a living human being, has separate rights from those of the mother. Oppose taxpayer-funded abortion. Taxpayer dollars should not be used for the government to provide abortions. Support legislation to prohibit partial birth abortions, called the "Partial Birth Abortion* Ban"(*Partial Birth Abortion: the killing of an unborn baby of at least 20 weeks by pulling it out of the birth canal with forceps, but leaving the head inside. An incision is made in the back of the baby's neck and the brain tissue is suctioned out. The head is then removed from the uterus.)

Affirmative Action  
Liberal Comprehension
Due to prevalent racism in the past, minorities were deprived of the same education and employment opportunities as whites. The government must work to make up for that. America is still a racist society, therefore a federal affirmative action law is necessary. Due to unequal opportunity, minorities still lag behind whites in all statistical measurements of success.

Conservative Belief
Individuals should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on their ability. It is unfair to use race as a factor in the selection process. Reverse-discrimination is not a solution for racism. Some individuals in society are racist, but American society as a whole is not. Preferential treatment of certain races through affirmative action is wrong.

Death Penalty 
Liberal Comprehension
The death penalty should be abolished. It is inhumane and is ‘cruel and unusual' punishment. Imprisonment is the appropriate punishment for murder. Every execution risks killing an innocent person.

Conservative Belief
The death penalty is a punishment that fits the crime of murder; it is neither ‘cruel' nor ‘unusual.' Executing a murderer is the appropriate punishment for taking an innocent life.

Liberal Comprehension
A market system in which government regulates the economy is best. Government must protect citizens from the greed of big business. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public interest. Government regulation in all areas of the economy is needed to level the playing field.

Conservative Belief
The free market system, competitive capitalism, and private enterprise create the greatest opportunity and the highest standard of living for all. Free markets produce more economic growth, more jobs and higher standards of living than those systems burdened by excessive government regulation.

Education - vouchers & charter schools  
Liberal Comprehension
Public schools are the best way to educate students. Vouchers take money away from public schools. Government should focus additional funds on existing public schools, raising teacher salaries and reducing class size.

Conservative Belief
School vouchers create competition and therefore encourage schools to improve performance. Vouchers will give all parents the right to choose good schools for their children, not just those who can afford private schools.

Embryonic Stem Cell Research   
Liberal Comprehension
Support the use of embryonic stem cells for research. It is necessary (and ethical) for the government to fund embryonic stem cell research, which will assist scientists in finding treatments and cures for diseases. An embryo is not a human. The tiny blastocyst (embryos used in embryonic stem cell research) has no human features. Experimenting on embryos/embryonic stem cells is not murder. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to cure chronic and degenerative diseases which current medicine has been unable to effectively treat. Embryonic stem cells have been shown to be effective in treating heart damage in mice.

Conservative Belief
Support the use of adult and umbilical cord stem cells only for research. It is morally and ethically wrong for the government to fund embryonic stem cell research. Human life begins at conception. The extraction of stem cells from an embryo requires its destruction. In other words, it requires that a human life be killed. Adult stem cells have already been used to treat spinal cord injuries, Leukemia, and even Parkinson's disease. Adult stem cells are derived from umbilical cords, placentas, amniotic fluid, various tissues and organ systems like skin and the liver, and even fat obtained from liposuction. Embryonic stem cells have not been successfully used to help cure disease.

Liberal Comprehension
Oil is a depleting resource. Other sources of energy must be explored. The government must produce a national plan for all energy resources and subsidize (partially pay for) alternative energy research and production. Support increased exploration of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power. Support government control of gas and electric industries.

Conservative Belief
Oil, gas and coal are all good sources of energy and are abundant in the U.S. Oil drilling should be increased both on land and at sea. Increased domestic production creates lower prices and less dependence on other countries for oil. Support increased production of nuclear energy. Wind and solar sources will never provide plentiful, affordable sources of power. Support private ownership of gas and electric industries.

Euthanasia & Physician-assisted suicide   
Liberal Comprehension
Euthanasia should be legalized. A person has a right to die with dignity, by his own choice. A terminally ill person should have the right to choose to end pain and suffering. It is wrong for the government to take away the means for a terminally ill person to hasten his death. It is wrong to force a person to go through so much pain and suffering. Legalizing euthanasia would not lead to doctor-assisted suicides of non-critical patients. Permitting euthanasia would reduce health care costs, which would then make funds available for those who could truly benefit from medical care.

Conservative Belief
Neither euthanasia nor physician-assisted suicide should be legalized. It is immoral and unethical to deliberately end the life of a terminally ill person (euthanasia), or enable another person to end their own life (assisted suicide). The goal should be compassionate care and easing the suffering of terminally ill people. Legalizing euthanasia could lead to doctor-assisted suicides of non-critical patients. If euthanasia were legalized, insurance companies could pressure doctors to withhold life-saving treatment for dying patients. Many religions prohibit suicide and euthanasia. These practices devalue human life.

Global Warming/Climate Change
Liberal Comprehension
Global warming is caused by an increased production of carbon dioxide through the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). The U.S. is a major contributor to global warming because it produces 25% of the world’s carbon dioxide. Proposed laws to reduce carbon emissions in the U.S. are urgently needed and should be enacted immediately to save the planet. Many reputable scientists support this theory.

Conservative Belief
Change in global temperature is natural over long periods of time. Science has not shown that humans can affect permanent change to the earth’s temperature. Proposed laws to reduce carbon emissions will do nothing to help the environment and will cause significant price increases for all. Many reputable scientists support this theory.

Gun Control
Liberal Comprehension
The Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to keep and bear arms, but only allows for the state to keep a militia (National Guard). Individuals do not need guns for protection; it is the role of local and federal government to protect the people through law enforcement agencies and the military. Additional gun control laws are necessary to stop gun violence and limit the ability of criminals to obtain guns. More guns mean more violence.

Conservative Belief
The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to keep and bear arms. Individuals have the right to defend themselves. There are too many gun control laws – additional laws will not lower gun crime rates. What is needed is enforcement of current laws. Gun control laws do not prevent criminals from obtaining guns. More guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens mean less crime.

Full text of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Liberal Comprehension
Support free or low-cost government controlled health care. There are millions of Americans who can’t afford health care and are deprived of this basic right. Every American has a right to affordable health care. The government should provide equal health care benefits for all, regardless of their ability to pay.

Conservative Belief
Support competitive, free market health care system. All Americans have access to health care. The debate is about who should pay for it. Free and low-cost government-run programs (socialized medicine) result in higher costs and everyone receiving the same poor-quality health care. Health care should remain privatized. The problem of uninsured individuals should be addressed and solved within the free market healthcare system – the government should not control healthcare.

Homeland Security
Liberal Comprehension
Airport security – Passenger profiling is wrong, period. Selection of passengers for extra security screening should be random. Using other criteria (such as ethnicity) is discriminatory and offensive to Arabs and Muslims, who are generally innocent and law-abiding. Terrorists don’t fit a profile.

“…Arabs, Muslims and South Asians are no more likely than whites to be terrorists.” (American Civil Liberties Union ACLU)

Asked on 60 Minutes if a 70-year-old white woman from Vero Beach should receive the same level of scrutiny as a Muslim from Jersey City, President Obama’s Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said, “Basically, I would hope so.”

Conservative Belief
Airport security – Choosing passengers randomly for extra security searches is not effective. Rather, profiling and intelligence data should be used to single out passengers for extra screening. Those who do not meet the criteria for suspicion should not be subjected to intense screening. The terrorists currently posing a threat to the U.S. are primarily Islamic/Muslim men between the ages of 18 and 38. Our resources should be focused on this group. Profiling is good logical police work.

“If people are offended (by profiling), that’s unfortunate, but I don’t think we can afford to take the risk that terrorism brings to us. They’ve wasted masses of resources on far too many people doing things that really don’t have a big payoff in terms of security.” – Northwestern University Aviation Expert, A.Gellman.

Liberal Comprehension
Support legal immigration. Support amnesty for those who enter the U.S. illegally (undocumented immigrants). Also believe that undocumented immigrants have a right to:

-- all educational and health benefits that citizens receive (financial aid, welfare, social security and medicaid), regardless of legal status.

-- the same rights as American citizens. It is unfair to arrest millions of undocumented immigrants.

Conservative Belief
Support legal immigration only. Oppose amnesty for those who enter the U.S. illegally (illegal immigrants). Those who break the law by entering the U.S. illegally do not have the same rights as those who obey the law and enter legally. The borders should be secured before addressing the problem of the illegal immigrants currently in the country. The Federal Government should secure the borders and enforce current immigration law.

Private Property
Liberal Comprehension
Government has the right to use eminent domain (seizure of private property by the government--with compensation to the owner) to accomplish a public end.

Conservative Belief
Respect ownership and private property rights. Eminent domain (seizure of private property by the government--with compensation to the owner) in most cases is wrong. Eminent domain should not be used for private development.

Religion and Government
Liberal Comprehension
Support the separation of church and state. The Bill of Rights implies a separation of church and state. Religious expression has no place in government. The two should be completely separate. Government should not support religious expression in any way. All reference to God in public and government spaces should be removed (eg., the Ten Commandments should not be displayed in Federal buildings). Religious expression has no place in government.

Conservative Belief
The phrase “separation of church and state” is not in the Constitution. The First Amendment to the Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” This prevents the government from establishing a national church/denomination. However, it does not prohibit God from being acknowledged in schools and government buildings. Symbols of Christian heritage should not be removed from public and government spaces (eg., the Ten Commandments should continue to be displayed in Federal buildings). Government should not interfere with religion and religious freedom.

Same-sex Marriage
Liberal Comprehension
Marriage is the union of people who love each other. It should be legal for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals, to ensure equal rights for all. Support same-sex marriage. Opposed to the creation of a constitutional amendment establishing marriage as the union of one man and one woman. All individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, have the right to marry. Prohibiting same-sex citizens from marrying denies them their civil rights. [Opinions vary on whether this issue is equal to civil rights for African Americans.]

Conservative Belief
Marriage is the union of one man and one woman. Oppose same-sex marriage.

Support Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), passed in 1996, which affirms the right of states not to recognize same-sex marriages licensed in other states.

Requiring citizens to sanction same-sex relationships violates moral and religious beliefs of millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims and others, who believe marriage is the union of one man and one woman.

Social Security
Liberal Comprehension
The Social Security system should be protected at all costs. Reduction in future benefits is not a reasonable option. [Opinions vary on the extent of the current system's financial stability.]

Social Security provides a safety net for the nation's poor and needy. Changing the system would cause a reduction in benefits and many people would suffer as a result.

Conservative Belief
The Social Security system is in serious financial trouble. Major changes to the current system are urgently needed. In its current state, the Social Security system is not financially sustainable. It will collapse if nothing is done to address the problems. Many will suffer as a result. Social Security must be made more efficient through privatization and/or allowing individuals to manage their own savings.

Liberal Comprehension
Higher taxes (primarily for the wealthy) and a larger government are necessary to address inequity/injustice in society (government should help the poor and needy using tax dollars from the rich). Support a large government to provide for the needs of the people and create equality. Taxes enable the government to create jobs and provide welfare programs for those in need. Government programs are a caring way to provide for the poor and needy in society.

Conservative Belief
Lower taxes and a smaller government with limited power will improve the standard of living for all. Support lower taxes and a smaller government. Lower taxes create more incentive for people to work, save, invest, and engage in entrepreneurial endeavors. Money is best spent by those who earn it, not the government. Government programs encourage people to become dependent and lazy, rather than encouraging work and independence.

United Nations (UN)
Liberal Comprehension
The UN promotes peace and human rights. The United States has a moral and a legal obligation to support the United Nations (UN). The U.S. should not act as a sovereign nation, but as one member of a world community. The U.S. should submit its national interests to the greater good of the global community (as defined by the UN). The U.S. should defer to the UN in military/peacekeeping matters. The United Nations Charter gives the United Nations Security Council the power and responsibility to take collective action to maintain international peace and security. U.S. troops should submit to UN command.

Conservative Belief
The UN has repeatedly failed in its essential mission to promote world peace and human rights. The wars, genocide and human rights abuses taking place in many Human Rights Council member states (and the UN's failure to stop them) prove this point. History shows that the United States, not the UN, is the global force for spreading freedom, prosperity, tolerance and peace. The U.S. should never subvert its national interests to those of the UN. The U.S. should never place troops under UN control. U.S. military should always wear the U.S. military uniform, not that of UN peacekeepers. [Opinions vary on whether the U.S. should withdraw from the UN.]

War on Terror/Terrorism
Liberal Comprehension
Global warming, not terrorism, poses the greatest threat to the U.S., according to Democrats in Congress. Terrorism is a result of arrogant U.S. foreign policy. Good diplomacy is the best way to deal with terrorism. Relying on military force to defeat terrorism creates hatred that leads to more terrorism. Captured terrorists should be handled by law enforcement and tried in civilian courts.

Conservative Belief
Terrorism poses one of the greatest threats to the U.S. The world toward which the militant Islamists strive cannot peacefully co-exist with the Western world. In the last decade, militant Islamists have repeatedly attacked Americans and American interests here and abroad. Terrorists must be stopped and destroyed. The use of intelligence-gathering and military force are the best ways to defeat terrorism around the world. Captured terrorists should be treated as enemy combatants and tried in military courts.

Liberal Comprehension
Support welfare, including long-term welfare. Welfare is a safety net which provides for the needs of the poor. Welfare is necessary to bring fairness to American economic life. It is a device for protecting the poor.

Conservative Belief
Oppose long-term welfare. Opportunities should be provided to make it possible for those in need to become self-reliant. It is far more compassionate and effective to encourage people to become self-reliant, rather than allowing them to remain dependent on the government for provisions.

The descriptive analysis of philosophical distinctions was prepared by: Copyright 2005, (revised 2010) StudentNewsDaily.com




“IF ONLY”   by Dr BearClayborn Political Psychiatrist U.S.A.

If only young blacks of today would recognize themselves as human instead of a color black.

If only young FDGA's [far distant genetics of Africa] could cut the apron string from old black democrat race hustlers.

If only young FDGA's could appreciate the work, blood, sweat and tears of those [U.S. Military] who fought for them to have the privilege to live in a prosperous nation.

If only young FDGA's would stop trying to live in the past civil rights epoch they could very well be on schedule with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the rest of America who don't use the color of their skin as a preference or a weapon…. IF ONLY!
Dr BearClayborn Political Psychiatrist 1974  http://bit.ly/2HDtkGk 


Notes from America to blacks! 

Blacks are OUTMODED:
The Congressional Black Caucus has turned its back on blacks and the reason is because the CBC has been demoted by the Democratic Party.  The new 2020 liberal democrat party have several new minority pets on their democrat party plantation.  Today you'll find voting for the democrat party are illegal Mexicans, illegal South Americans, numerous other illegal foreign nationals and new to the plantation are illegal asylum seekers. “The Foreign National Latino Group” has become the democrat party's new voting block. 

Blacks are so 'yesterday' for the liberal agenda, except for extra votes.  There's a new agenda going forward by the democrat party that is outmoding black voters, and that agenda surrounds the democrat party legislating for felony criminals outside of prison and inside of prison to be eligible to vote.  Although the democrat party continues to allow blacks to vote, they are restricted to only vote (D) for all democrat politicians on the ballot while at the voting stations; but then must go home and try to learn Spanish to find out what they voted for. 

Notes from America to blacks!

            Identifying as a black color warrants no preference, neither victimization is any longer working for race baiting black activists.  Perhaps they should come up with another strategy.  Try this; it is not rocket science but it works in America's capitalistic society.  Stay in school and get a good education, stay away from drugs, stay out of trouble with the police and don't get pregnant outside of marriage. Self discipline, personal responsibility and good old fashioned hard work will go a long way toward achieving your goals.  In doing so it will also go a long way toward changing people's perceptions of blacks and maybe they'll start recognizing you as human instead of a black color. 

Notes from America to blacks!

Interesting how "Black Lives Matter" [America's race baiting fools] can easily gin up a mob over slanderous propaganda lies towards President Trump and also the FDGAs [Far Distant Genetics of Africa] supporting him.  But these same "Black Lives Matter" [America's race baiting fools] are always and completely silent over the endless pathologies that plague many black families in the U.S..  We're talking about the endless epidemic of black-on-black criminality in urban areas that has taken place over decades.  A simple message to the "Black Lives Matter" [Amerca's foolish reprobates];  black lives don't matter, as long as you continue to stand behind Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, Maxine Waters, Barack Oama and the Black Congressional Caucus while blacks in Chicago, Detroit, Oakland, Los Angeles and Baltimore are group killing each other everyday.

Notes from America to blacks!

The true nature of black politicians:
A black man herded five Women into the back of a women's clothing store in Chicago. He ruthlessly murdered all the white females.  This occurred only a few miles from where "then" Senator Barrack Obama and his wife Michele lived. Obama never contacted the families even though two of the women were union members whose dues supported his senate campaign and later his presidential campaign. Obama only was concerned with getting his buddy Rahm Emanuel into power.  But notice, it's a true fact that blacks elect the worst politicians and continue to submit to suffering with criminal and drug cartel activity in their communties.  Take a simple review of the ubiquitous corrupt pious pretenders blacks elect, then they reelect and then reelect them again by large margins.  It's sad but true, if a Conservative Caucasian politician were capable of ensuing a reduction in black on black crime in a major city, it is a guarantee that the black community would vote for a black convicted felon instead.  Such has been proven and documented [D.C. Mayor Marion Barry was elected four times regardless of his criminal/drug activity].

Notes from America to blacks!

Lebron James has accomplished more than Dr. Ben Carson???
It's hard to believe that blacks literally think that LeBron James has done more for America than World Renowned Neurosurgeon  Dr. Ben Carson.  How did blacks reach such a conclusion?  What has encouraged blacks to reach such a malignant conclusion?  The common truth is blacks have been literally brainwashed with "LeBron James sports" and "BeyoncĂ© entertainment" as major relevance to their life.

Over the decades Dr. Ben Carson has saved lives of children not only here in America but around the world.  Dr. Ben Carson's contributions to humanity are beyond discussing comparatives with basketball player LeBron James.  Lebron James may be a millionaire and contribute to some communities here and there, but Dr. Ben Carson hasn't been a millionaire and yet he has provided extended life to thousands of children in the highest caliber of seriously needed life threating medical care.  But lets give James credit;  Lebron James ranked 45th in his class of 50 at Akron High School and he believes he should be heard more than Dr. Ben Carson.  

One category for sure that LeBron James is far ahead of Dr. Ben Carson in and that's race baiting and dividing the country.  James has also became a self proclaimed specialist to belittle President Trump.  President Trump has signed more legislation to help every Black Historical College than the last four presidents put together.  But,  LeBron James continue to slander the president "a racist" while being informed of President Trump's effort to help Black Historical Colleges.  Lebron James will listen to Hillary Clinton and Al Sharpton, but he won't listen to Candace Owens, Diamond and Silk or Kanye West for an objectional point of view.   Something else that's interesting; Col Allen West, Candace Owens, Diamond and Silk, Kanye West and President Trump don't talk about race.  Instead LeBron James, NAACP, Black Congressional Caucus, Black Lives Matter, white liberals, white democrats, black activist and MSNBC- CBS- ABC- NBC- PBS- NPR- MSN- CNN- and again LeBron James will talk it profusely. 


Liberal Slaves for America

For those that are strong minded in doing what's right according to God's instruction and yet are silent and humble to the virulent anarchy in progress in America; shame on you!

In past time in America the term "Silence is Golden" would have been considered an honorary title.   Unfortunately in today's turbulent anti-American climate of BLM Marxist and ANTIFA Communist  it is far too easy to find Americans who now portray "Silence is Yellow!"  In other words the old slogan of "Silence is Golden" has turned into "Silence is Yellow."  What this means is, those once patriotic Americans have transformed into "silence cowards in America."  

Senior adults who were born after WWII have since become "silent yellow cowards."  They have not the ability to stand up to the current generation of black liberal mobs and white liberal trash mobs.  These young ignorant spoiled liberal fools actually believe they can invoke their insolent "cancel culture" activity of rioting and destroying small businesses and personal properties at will; and it seems as though they can, with approval of democrat party leaders.. 

We once lived in a practical society called "America," but unfortunately today there are far too many  who virulently try to force impractical ways upon America.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. placed the "final corner stone" in building our American society through the practical approach of real love and non violence.  Today in America groups of impractical  humans known as predatory political parasites have tried to shake and chisel away the very foundation of our prosperous Republic.  In past American history these impractical fools of liberalism and anarchy would have been dealt with swiftly, harshly and lethally.  

The disruptive groups of liberal activist who are called by the  names of Antifa, BLM, CHOP, NFL-BLM, NBA-BLM, Hollywood-Against-Trump, Atheist-Against -Trump, Unfunny-Late-Night-Show-Comedians,  ACLU, MoveOn, Act-Blue, BAMN, Color of Change and others are completely detrimental to our functioning society.  These same groups are coordinating their stupid imperspicuous mocking of people who don't support their liberal unchained debased immoral values.  Once again these animalistic innate liberal fools of BLM, Hollywood activist, Black Professional Athletes, Antifa along with the national liberal news networks [CNN MSNBC ABC CBS PBS NPR NBC NYT, etc...] dare to call and describe anarchy as a freedom and civil rights. 

The most stupid and inconceivable narrative forwarded by the democrat party is the pathetic attempt to compare or equate the current BLM-ANTIFA riot protests to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. civil rights nonviolent/peaceful marches.  Every attempt by BLM and ANTIFA to riot and protest clearly obstruct or destroys the original definition and intent of "freedom of speech." All in all these liberal communist supported groups [BLM ANTIFA] blaringly and expeditiously blast and excavate Dr. Martin Luther King's "corner stone of American unity" through violence, bitter hostility, treason, hate, property destruction, physical harm and acts of killing Americans. 

By way of today's "modern slave chains" [Twitter Facebook Yahoo Google] our once practical American society has now been taken over by abstract minded liberals [closet psychotic politicians]. Basically in a true assessment the majority of young adolescent adults in America are completely under the control of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, PBS, NBC, MSN, CBS, NPR and Late Night Liberal Comedy Shows.  These network programs and late night liberal comedy hours offer only a montage and peregrinated fusillade of anti-Trump-propaganda.  The propaganda actually works as daily conditioning or brainwashing young voting adults have transformed them into fully developed liberal slaves of the democrat party.  The liberal media networks staunchly promote constant confusion and crafted lies to the American public.  The national liberal network news and their humongous liberal media outlets blatantly disclose their one sided partisan opinionated political dogma on behalf of the democrat party and communist/socialist sponsors.