



Excerpts from:

AMERICA'S Poisoned Colors https://bit.ly/49UTUZV  
ACB Video    bit.ly/1c7yyGG

The United States of America under the DEEP STATE 2008-2024 biden/obama administration have established "THE WORLD'S PUBLIC TOILET."  

Every pile of foreign peasant anal excrement, foreign criminal anal excrement and islamic terrorist anal excrement is being flushed into the United States of America.  

The Republic of the United States of America was not designed to absorb or assimilate such a grand injection of foreign waste [peasant cultures].  The deliberate mis-management of America's affairs and national security by the DEEP STATE 2008-2024 biden/obama administration have created an onslaught of anti-American foreign peasant cultures to invade the United States of America.

The obvious "CAUSE AND AFFECT" of America's collapsing society clearly lines up with the debilitating cultures now on stage in America.   These debilitating cultures have permanently caused irremediable social and civic damage.  The list of debilitating cultures composes of inconsumable entities of the Hollywood celebrity culture, Pop culture, Muslim culture, Digital culture, BLM culture, Illegal Alien culture, Climate Change culture and of course the Homo-Lesbian-Transistor-Lgbt-Community.  All which were and are designed to fail the greatness of America's culture established by post WW1 and WW2 populous.  Varying people of many foreign cultures,  nationalities and anti-Christian religions have forced fed their presence to the forefront of America's social agenda.   As such there no longer is a real American culture to remain.

With open borders flushing foreigners into America, the intent has been by democrat party socialist/communist design to re-create a new demographic voter roll call.   Amazingly TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS have allowed illegal aliens, illegal asylum seekers and all other foreign illegals to "do their own thing," denuding the true American Culture and replacing it with their own foreign sub-culture.  These foreign nationals have no intent to assimilate into legal citizenship of America, nor correlate in social association with Americans by keeping their own foreign language as primary communication.  

What really hurts and has become more insulting is legal foreign immigrants of the past [pre 1960] have now yielded to the practice of racial prejudice [prioritizing their own race].  Their prejudice is on open display and they brazenly communicate in your face their country's language.  They have total disregard and total for America's national language of English in public dialogue.   Liberals applaud illegal aliens voiding out having to speak English or adjusting to America's original culture.  Illegal foreign nationals only live by their foreign national standard of living.  

Will there ever be a real American culture reestablished again since foreigners have completely taken over the public format of American socialization? In all honesty America has reached a point where “multiculturalism” has breached our national security through open borders sponsored by the DEEP STATE 2008-2024 socialist/communist democrat party.    

Will gullible young "original descendants" of America [birth prior to 1986] come to a point of comprehending they're being used as socialist and communist props to divide America's society?  It would be hard pressed for such a turning point due to liberalism and its religion of "political correctness" being cemented in the cerebral cortex of the young generation of Americans today.  The new religion of "political correctness" has denuded America's intelligence and common sense.

All of the above are pictures of the American terrain have been compromised through DEEP STATE 2008-2024 open borders.  In return America has failed to produce the great "melting pot" we were taught about in our 1960's "social study classes."

Maybe the "real American" culture will resurface when politicians [particularly democrat party leaders] repent and admit they're nothing but pious pretenders with the nature of a predatory beast.  Having the nature of a predatory beast fleecing the TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZEN of every dime they can get, and guaranteeing their financial security of living off a permanent government pension afterwards. 

There are so many young people who are oblivious to the definition of "American Culture" and they need to be enlightened of its truth. This can only be done by realigning America to its cultural base which is the "American culture" and not the Mexican culture, Italian culture, Japanese culture, Australian culture, German culture or African culture.  If ever the possibility of realigning our American culture to a set of unity, there has to be discharge of politicians supporting the new global world order.   

Multiculturalism was once the social goal of America, but over decades the end results of the melting pot have been devastating. The devastation has come about because everyone that enters this country today have no plans of uniting into the established "Real American Culture."   Prior social engineer designers of America really believed that America would become the great melting pot of all people.  Maybe for a brief moment of time America's social structure was actually coming into formation of unity coupled with the original National Republic spirit.  But then all hell broke lose with Christians and Conservatives allowing the implanting of liberalism, socialism and communism, killing the true American spirit. 

Instead of America evolving as the world's great "melting pot" it has become the world's dumping ground and garbage dumpster for  hazardous culture waste.  Allowing the creation of sub cultures to run rampant in America continues to reinforce political negligence, class warfare and racial divide. Every democrat voter in America thought the 2008 election results would surely unite all cultures and economic classes in America by electing a half breed caucasian president. On the contrary democrat voters ignorantly with total intent ignored the fact they were actually voting for a caucasian with genetic inclusion of African descent. 

The election of America's historical black president [actual hoax; the muslim was caucasian]  was a ubiquitous notion that "we're united now."   The liberal fools thinking in such manner were too stupid to realize that America was already united without the need for race identification.  2008 was designed by liberals and the democrat party to force guilty caucasians to vote for an individual's skin color.  Of course every black pawn was automatically pre-tabulated as a 100% voter count; although only 95% to 97% actually voted for the liberal muslim caucasian.  

The end result of the 2008 demise literally created a plurality of race divisions in this country.  The 2008 race election embolden sub cultures to supersede our American culture. The end result of the matter is America is now composed of people who are sub-groups of peasant culture trash from around the globe.  For the past four decades [1986] America has been inundated and embedded with migratory locust [illegal foreign nationals] gnawing, licking and devouring away TAXPAYING AMERICAN CITIZENS' MONEY!   

It is definitely evident the current democrat party dictatorship controlled America will be invaded by a major world power; or the economy collapse.  Upon such historical event be assured of the oncoming social demise.   Every foreign peasant along with every illegal alien, illegal asylum seeker and every muslim national with a green card will run back to their own country; well,,,, scratch the muslims off the list.   The remaining "legal foreign nationals" will instantly become internal spies to assist the foreign take over, receiving instructions from the current colluding DEEP STATE biden/obama communist administration......  GUARANTEED!

Dr BearClayborn - Political Psychiatrist - ACB NEWSPAPER INTERNATIONAL


REPUBLIC or DEMOCRACY; What is America?

What is the difference between a REPUBLIC and  DEMOCRACY?
America needs to know!
In this modern American society the liability of truth is no longer a premise for judging social development or social justice.  Why not, you may ask?   Well, there are conditions that motivate culture priority to accept the standards of social development towards a republic or democracy entity.  What this means is the dominating culture dictates the social protocol.   But, the United States of America is somewhat special in coagulating cultures without setting up a dominate culture.  In so, America was not founded on hopes of social or culture superiority development.  If studied properly you will uncover how the U.S. Constitution has already designed the proper coagulated living concept for citizens.  The United States of America was founded on the principles of GOD [the True and Living God of the Holy Bible].  So you see, it’s like this; the more distance America places itself from the principles of GOD the liability of truth is no longer a premise or threat for judging the United States of America. 

In return, as the United States of America distance itself from GOD’s principles [enactment of 2008-2016 administration] the manifesting results illuminate a society activated by high level immorality, loss of national identity and a judicial system bent on constitutional anarchy.  Therefore the ability for America’s current generation to comprehend itself as either a republic or a democracy is lost, along with its constitutional laws.

Once you’ve understood the foundational principals that America was established upon, then and only then can you understand the difference between a REPUBLIC and a DEMOCRACY!    

The United States of America is a mixture of the two systems of government (Republic under Common Law, and democracy under statutory law).  Please understand this basic principle; Citizens will enjoy their God-given natural rights in a Republic.  On the other side of the coin, in a democracy the Citizens enjoy only government granted privileges (also known as civil rights).

Whenever a generation of youth can’t identify with its country’s foundation or history, that country is put on notice to be forgotten in due time and history.  As such older Americans have forgotten their pledge of allegiance to America, and their children will never know what a pledge of allegiance is:

“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

In the Pledge of Allegiance we all pledge allegiance to our Republic, not to a democracy.  “Republic" is the proper description of our government, not "democracy."  There must be a social and public awareness regarding that distinction.
A republic and a democracy are identical in every aspect except one.  In a republic the sovereignty is in each individual person.   In a democracy the sovereignty is in the group.


Republic:  That form of government in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated. [NOTE:  The word "people" may be either plural or singular.  In a republic the group only has advisory powers; the sovereign individual is free to reject the majority group-think.  USA/exception:  if 100% of a jury convicts, then the individual loses sovereignty and is subject to group-think as in a democracy.]

Democracy:   That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. [NOTE:  In a pure democracy, 51% beats 49%. In other words, the minority has no rights.  The minority only has those privileges granted by the dictatorship of the majority.]

The distinction between our Republic and a democracy is not an idle one.  It has great legal significance.  The Constitution guarantees to every state a Republican form of government (Art. 4, Sec. 4).   No state may join the United States unless it is a Republic.  Our Republic is one dedicated to "liberty and justice for all."  Minority individual rights are the priority. The people have natural rights instead of civil rights.  The people are protected by the Bill of Rights from the majority.  One vote in a jury can stop all of the majority from depriving any one of the people of his rights; this would not be so if the United States were a democracy.   

In a pure democracy, 51 beats 49[%].   In a democracy there is no such thing as a significant minority: there are no minority rights except civil rights (privileges) granted by a condescending majority.  Only five of the U.S. Constitution's first ten amendments apply to Citizens of the United States.  Simply stated, a democracy is a dictatorship of the majority.  Socrates was executed by a democracy:  though he harmed no one, the majority found him intolerable.


Government:  The government is but an agency of the state, distinguished as it must be in accurate thought from its scheme and machinery of government. ....In a colloquial sense, the United States or its representatives, considered as the prosecutor in a criminal action; as in the phrase, "the government objects to the witness."   [Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, p. 625]

Government:  Republican government.  One in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whome those powers are specially delegated.  In re Duncan, 139 U.S. 449, 11 S.Ct. 573, 35 L.Ed. 219; Minor v. Happersett, 88 U.S. (21 Wall.) 162, 22 L.Ed. 627.  [Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, p. 626]

Democracy:   That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and is exercised by the whole body of free citizens directly or indirectly through a system of representation, as distinguished from a monarchy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, pp. 388-389.
Note: Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, can be found in any law library and most law offices.


DEMOCRACY form of government:  An environmental organization proposes a bill for the ballot that every individual should reduce his water household usage by 25%. To assure that this goal is met, the government, or private sector, will monitor every individual's household water consumption rate.  If an individual does not meet the goal, his first offense is $500 fine.  Second offense is $750 fine and 30 days community service.  Third offense is $1,500 fine and 30 days imprisonment.  Fourth offense is $1,750 fine and 90 days imprisonment.  Fifth offense is a felony (1-year imprisonment) and $2,000 fine.

The people argue this environmental issue back and forth.  They argue the pros and cons of the issue.  This great debate is held at town hall meetings.  Strong opinions are on both sides of the matter.  One side preaches, "It is for the common good!" The other side rebuttals, "This is control and not freedom, and loss of choice!" Election day occurs; the people go to the ballot box to settle the problem.  The majority won by a vote of 51% whereas the minority lost with a vote of 49%.  The minority is ignored.  The majority celebrates while the minority jeers in disappointment.  Since the majority won, the bill goes in effect.  As a result of the majority winning, every individual must reduce his household water usage by 25%. For the reason that the majority has mandatory powers in a democracy.  Those who wish to go against the collective (whole body politic) will be punished accordingly. The minority has neither voice nor rights to refuse to accept the dictatorial majority. Everything is mandatory in a democracy.

REPUBLIC form of government:  An environmental organization proposes a bill for the ballot that every individual should reduce his water household usage by 25%. To assure that this goal is met, the government, or private sector, will monitor every individual's household water consumption rate.  If an individual does not meet the goal, his first offense is $500 fine.  Second offense is $750 fine and 30 days community service.  Third offense is $1,500 fine and 30 days imprisonment.  Fourth offense is $1,750 fine and 90 days imprisonment.  Fifth offense is a felony (1-year imprisonment) and $2,000 fine.

The people argue this environmental issue back and forth.  They argue the pros and cons of the issue.  This great debate is held at town hall meetings.  Strong opinions are on both sides of the matter.  One side preaches, "It is for the common good!" The other side rebuttals, "This is control and not freedom, and loss of choice!" Election day occurs; the people go to the ballot box to settle the problem.  The majority won by a vote of 51% whereas the minority lost with a vote of 49%. The minority may have lost, but not all is gone.  The majority celebrates while the minority jeers in disappointment.  Since the majority won, the bill goes in effect.  As a result of the majority winning, it is advisory that every individual reduce his household water usage by 25%.  For the reason that the majority has advisory powers in a republic; bear in mind that each individual is equally sovereign in a republic, he is free to reject the majority.  He may choose to follow the majority and subject himself to the rule, or he may choose not to follow the majority and not subject himself to the rule.  The minority has a voice and rights to refuse to accept the majority. Everything is advisory in a republic. This brings liberty and peace to the realm.


Notice that in a Democracy, the sovereignty is in the whole body of the free citizens. The sovereignty is not divided to smaller units such as individual citizens.  To solve a problem, only the whole body politic is authorized to act.  Also, being citizens, individuals have duties and obligations to the government.  The government's only obligations to the citizens are those legislatively pre-defined for it by the whole body politic.

In a Republic, the sovereignty resides in the people themselves, whether one or many.  In a Republic, one may act on his own or through his representatives as he chooses to solve a problem.  Further, the people have no obligation to the government; instead, the government being hired by the people is obliged to its owner, the people.

The people own the government agencies.  The government agencies own the citizens.  In the United States we have a three-tiered cast system consisting of people ---> government agencies ---> and citizens.

The people did "ordain and establish this Constitution," not for themselves, but "for the United States of America."  In delegating powers to the government agencies the people gave up none of their own.  (See Preamble of U.S. Constitution)  This adoption of this concept is why the U.S. has been called the "Great Experiment in self government."  The People govern themselves, while their agents (government agencies) perform tasks listed in the Preamble for the benefit of the People.  The experiment is to answer the question, "Can self-governing people coexist and prevail over government agencies that have no authority over the People?"

The citizens of the United States are totally subject to the laws of the United States (See 14th Amendment of U.S. Constitution).   NOTE: U.S. citizenship did not exist until July 28, 1868.

Actually, the United States is a mixture of the two systems of government (Republican under Common Law, and democratic under statutory law).  The People enjoy their God-given natural rights in the Republic.  In a democracy, the Citizens enjoy only government granted privileges (also known as civil rights).

There was a great political division between two major philosophers, Hobbes and Locke.  Hobbes was on the side of government.  He believed that sovereignty was vested in the state.  Locke was on the side of the People.  He believed that the fountain of sovereignty was the People of the state.  Statists prefer Hobbes.  Populists choose Locke.  Today in the United States of America over half of the states have taken the choice of representation from the people and given to partisan politicians.   But the Government Code sides with Locke; stating "The people do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them." The preamble of the U.S. Constitution affirm the choice of Locke by the People.

The question for the United States of America today is; will the United States of America remain a Republic and continue to value individual freedom, or become a collection of culture groups ruled by a dictator posing as a promoter of freedom via government rule?

Thomas Jefferson said that liberty and ignorance cannot coexist.  Will there be a continuation of the “Pledge of Allegiance” to support the 1776 established Republic [United States of America]?  Will there be a renewing of public knowledge to understand and comprehend the difference between a Republic and a democracy?


“If a NATION [AMERICA] expects to be IGNORANT and FREE in a STATE of civilization; then that NATION must EXPECT what NEVER WAS and NEVER WILL BE”    Thomas Jefferson, 1816.

These notes are courtesy of LAW NOTES