

The Continent of AFRICA made a "Major Historical Mistake!"
Allowing NEGROES, COLORED PEOPLE, NIGGERS & BLACKS to be considered a part of the African Family Tree, when they're honestly and actually not REAL AFRICANS. 

Namibia President -  HAGE GEINGOB
Namibia's President  Hage Geingob recently encouraged the young people of Namibia to take on an integral role in the rejuvenation of Namibia.  President Hage Geingob laid claim to young Namibians:  "Through hard work and effort combined with confidence, our young Namibian Men and Women have become aspiring and yet responsible young people.  They are creating a greater future of leaders for Namibia.  We want our young people to wholeheartedly accept their role as a Namibian Patriot, and yet have global vision in working to develop our economy.  I want young Namibians to stand strong in keeping Namibia's  sovereignty and continue developing Namibia's industrial might, in order to secure a productive Namibia that can produce for itself and also the world." 

On the flip side of the world in America, you have young and old negroes, colored people, niggers and blacks that have no legitimate place in the world, except in the white liberal world.  Unlike young aspiring Namibians who have foresight to see their nation growing strong and mighty and taking their rightful place in the world economy; negroes/niggers/blacks [they're not real Africans] in America are constantly begging for reparations from their white liberal leaders.   Such is basically appalling after four hundred years from being slaves, but yet having the same continuance of cerebral management identical with the slave mentality of 400 years ago.

These notes may be offensive, racist, demographically callous, anti-nigger, anti-black and outright annoying.  BUT frankly my dear reader, what else is new?  It's past due time for "BLM niggers" to learn what they really are; "white liberal's nigger." 

A very tall task of performance will be needed to disclose the varying intellectual dimensions that will unfold this informative discussion.  So, turn off your white liberal propaganda phone and turn on your mind of limited assessment.  This may be the opportunity for you to learn something to help America's modern negroes understand how they have become every white liberal's favorite crayon color, "black."

First and foremost, there are no pure blooded Africans in America today, unless they recently migrated from Africa!  But the question remains; why do white liberals continue to insist using their favorite crayon color "black" to identify a race of people?

The once inspired American culture was on schedule to becoming an incubated society void of using the crayon color black to describe negroes [black in Spanish].  Unfortunately when 2008 arrived all hell broke lose with white liberals reestablishing the use of their favorite crayon color black.  In so identifying humans as black became their sacred cow of color.  

This was all due to 96% of the 38.9 million negro [Spanish color] population voting for a half negro/half caucasian socialist-communist muslim.  In doing so each and every negro that voted in favor of the negro/caucasian was literally throwing a brown paper bag filled with dog poop in the face of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..   The simple assessment drawn from the brainwashed noirs [French color black] and ignorant white liberals 2008 voting created a set back in social development in the United States of America; they voted for the color of the person in 2008 instead of voting for the character and moral trait of the person.  The historical color voting [selected skin color] in 2008 literally voided out all the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. setting up a color blind nation.  America was about to graduate from using white liberal's favorite crayon color black to identify schwarzes [German color black] and replace it with using "AMERICAN" as the proper identification of a race in America. 

Clearly, color coding is the best systematic way to keep a race of people suppressed and mentally inferior to white liberals.  You must intelligently cipher that "blacks" are the only race in the country to be identified as a color. This is interesting, but notice that liberal whites or "whites" will only identify with the “white color” in announcing their "superior racial composition."   Notice how this will only occur whenever it's convenient for them to be recognized as a prominent "Caucasian" genetic descendant [Scottish, Canadian, Italian, German, Swedish, Russian].

YES, of course they are, but so are every group of human habitants in America..... 
Many people in America are coming to the conclusion that blacks are racist, truth be told they actually are, but such relevant disposition manifested itself as each decade produce less Christians of black.  There's not half as many blacks who are Christians today than there were just fifty years ago; this has made a difference in social growth in the black community.  

Such truth is the main contributing factor of young blacks not having any foundational values of life other than "hip hop thug lifestyle," by which white liberal hollywood has transmitted to them through cable tv, internet and video games.  Every time a black thug or black criminal is confronted by law enforcement, the first call out by the negro thug is racism. The pathetic theme today in America is, blacks can use their "black social card" and cry out "racism" upon anyone who opposes their socialist mentality and criminal/thug values which has completely destroyed the black community. 

In actuality today, blacks are the racist culprits, along with white liberals and their white family history of klan cousins.  Altogether, blacks and white liberals are spawning race hate and forcing "color coding" upon all other Americans who don't identify as a color; all to which runs totally contrary to the teaching of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ...

Here's something to teach your children and grandchildren; Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was not a democrat; he was a Christian, Conservative and Republican.

DISCLAIMER:  If there are any blacks that don't understand these notes or find these notes appalling; please check with your white liberal master or check with your white liberal democrat party black jackasses: al sharpton, jessie jackson, maxine waters, sheila jackson lee, barbara lee or any "congressional black caucus member" for color coding enlightenment. 

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